Human Skulls Changed After Agriculture



beef + eggs + no salt
Aug 25, 2023
A lot of poor jaw development etc. may be due to nutrition since childhood meaning that you don't necessarily have bad genes
If you have children and feed them properly during development (animal based foods) they may grow up to mog

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Unfortunately we dont have reliable information on this as you we need to lock up twins in laboratories and feed them the pre agriculture and post agriculture diets
look at that skull :love:

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it's not just the diet, bombarding children in fetal development with jewish microplastics and birth control hormones is going to do a lot to make them into narrow skulled soy cucks
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Can also be genetic it was harder to survive in hunter gather societys compared to agri cultural societys. And obviously way way harder then modern day
it's not just the diet, bombarding children in fetal development with jewish microplastics and birth control hormones is going to do a lot to make them into narrow skulled soy cucks
and mouth breathing
Can also be genetic it was harder to survive in hunter gather societys compared to agri cultural societys. And obviously way way harder then modern day
Good point it’s both
Another greycel with environment theory.

This forum has become too repetitive
  • JFL
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Another greycel with environment theory.

This forum has become too repetitive
Okay what's your argument bro?

Nutrition at childhood is crucial

Do you see recessed animals in nature?

Another "muh graycel" low IQ rotter
  • +1
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Okay what's your argument bro?

Nutrition at childhood is crucial

Do you see recessed animals in nature?

Another "muh graycel" low IQ rotter
Are you fucking stupid ? Agriculture degenerated our genes. If you take a kid born nowadays and feed him properly he s still not gonna have a paleolithic skull. You re so dumb it s unbelievable.
  • JFL
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Can also be genetic it was harder to survive in hunter gather societys compared to agri cultural societys. And obviously way way harder then modern day
Whats the evolutionary advantage of a big skull?
Are you fucking stupid ? Agriculture degenerated our genes. If you take a kid born nowadays and feed him properly he s still not gonna have a paleolithic skull. You re so dumb it s unbelievable.
confirmed low IQ, bc you dont understand that agriculture is only ~10000 years old and lasting evolutionary change takes time
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Okay what's your argument bro?

Nutrition at childhood is crucial

Do you see recessed animals in nature?

Another "muh graycel" low IQ rotter
The reason you dont see any recessed animal in nature, or see very little is because they dont have the modern healthcare system that lets them live. Thus they die before spreading recessed genes.

I know its hard for u, but the reason for your bad looks was not an avoidable mistake you did/ didn't.
Looksmaxxing will increase competition in 30 years moreso than it will today.

When i fucking make our kids eat chewy red meat as soon as they can and give them nasal peptides from 5-11 while mouth taping and training masseters and eyelid hypertrophy for hunter eyes
then igf and cjc, from 11 to 14 with aromasin if need be then hgh if he wants it

Imagine the blackpill babies
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The reason you dont see any recessed animal in nature, or see very little is because they dont have the modern healthcare system that lets them live. Thus they die before spreading recessed genes.

I know its hard for u, but the reason for your bad looks was not an avoidable mistake you did/ didn't.
nice bait
confirmed low IQ, bc you dont understand that agriculture is only ~10000 years old and lasting evolutionary change takes time
Confirmed brainless sheep that believes in evolution. And in any case by lasting evolutionary change they don't mean your jaw shrinking or brow bone receding.
  • JFL
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confirmed low IQ, bc you dont understand that agriculture is only ~10000 years old and lasting evolutionary change takes time
What do you have to say about that dumbfuck ?
Generation by generation they got worse.
@brb7 Your only way out now is to claim that Pottenger cat study is fake. If you don't do that you have to admit that you're wrong.
WHG we’re mogging eef
What do you have to say about that dumbfuck ?
Generation by generation they got worse.
First of all humans are not cats
Second the deficiency for these cats was so severe leading to complete infertility in the 9th generation, the equivalent is not the case for humans in the switch to agriculture

Sorry you cannot extrapolate anything from this
The only way to get the degree of environment is to lock twins up and feed them post and pre agriculture nutrition while they grow up and observe the difference
First of all humans are not cats
Yeah we're more resilient than them I suppose. But we're both carnivorous mammals. There is similar biological functioning.
Second the deficiency for these cats was so severe leading to complete infertility in the 9th generation, the equivalent is not the case for humans in the switch to agriculture
That just shows that humans are more resistant to such changes.
Sorry you cannot extrapolate anything from this
This is pure denial.
First of all humans are not cats
Second the deficiency for these cats was so severe leading to complete infertility in the 9th generation, the equivalent is not the case for humans in the switch to agriculture

Sorry you cannot extrapolate anything from this
Felines are ultra carnivores meaning they only eat raw meat naturally. Whereas canines and humans have similar digestive system and are a bit less carnivorous since we eat fruit seasonally which means we have more versatility in what we can derive nourishment from. That explains why cats got destroyed more violently.
Felines are ultra carnivores meaning they only eat raw meat naturally. Whereas canines and humans have similar digestive system and are a bit less carnivorous since we eat fruit seasonally which means we have more versatility in what we can derive nourishment from. That explains why cats got destroyed more violently.
So what's your position, do you think grains vs animal based nutrition from childhood on makes 0% difference in physical development of bones, skull and muscles bc its all genetic? and what are you basing this on? also lookup nutritional epigenetics
So what's your position, do you think grains vs animal based nutrition from childhood on makes 0% difference in physical development of bones, skull and muscles bc its all genetic?
When the hell did I say that ??? Obviously it matters. But for example nutrition as a fetus is more important obviously since that's when the foundation of your body is created.
confirmed low IQ, bc you dont understand that agriculture is only ~10000 years old and lasting evolutionary change takes time
This isn't entirely true. Evolution happens quicker then what many believe.

Take the mewing pill
diet where you don"t chew much and mouth breath = bad skull

diet where you chew much (mostly animal food) and nose breath = good skull

simple, those two rules, that is it only, only those two rules

maybe prenetall T muhh plastic etc.. but its just mainly those two rules, easy only that

no need to make it complitated

its only about how you many times you chew and if you don"t mouth breath, only that matters mostly

you guys are making it too much complicated
Last edited:
diet where you don"t chew much and mouth breath = bad skull

diet where you chew much (mostly animal food) and nose breath = good skull

simple, those two rules, that is it only, only those two rules

maybe prenetall T muhh plastic etc.. but its just mainly those two rules, easy only that

no need to make it complitated

its only about how you many times you chew and if you don"t mouth breath, only that matters mostly

you guys are making it too much complicated
Neanderthals had much more robust skulls to cro-magnons in many ways but like other great apes they had recessed chin areas which were subhuman.

There are some faint hints of truth to this but you pathetic subhumans spin reality into a weird masochistic cope of "If only I had the proper environment and chewed on wood bark all day I would've been Chad". No you wouldn't you little pipsqueak. It's mostly genetics.
Not true. Palates are visibly narrower than old skulls.
Are you fucking stupid ? Agriculture degenerated our genes. If you take a kid born nowadays and feed him properly he s still not gonna have a paleolithic skull. You re so dumb it s unbelievable.
Obviously genes survived in small amounts or else chads wouldn’t exist retard. Jordan Barrett
Obviously genes survived in small amounts or else chads wouldn’t exist retard. Jordan Barrett
When did I say that wasn't the case you imbecile ?
Barrett s ancestors were munching on grain less than other people's.



The Exposure Of Looksmaxxing.Org Ugliest Most Deformed Most Unattractive Race The Nafri MiniSkull Has microcephaly


Miniskull is a 20+ year old ugly Arab with microcephaly Never Had A Girlfriend



The reenactment of the girls bullying him in high school for being ugly and having an abnormally small skull





This guy literally developed body dysmorphia because his head looks too small on his body and he looks through on studies about the evolution of human skulls, and he enviously, desires and wishes that he had a normal size head so he wouldn’t look so deformed, I’ve literally never met an insecurity so funny but so tragic JFL.




This retarded ugly DYSGENIC hideous Arab has some sort of cranial deformity I genuinely don’t think he can have body dysmorphia because body dysmorphia is implying it’s a distortion that he’s actually normal

This deformed miscreation peasant inbred DYSGENIC SUBHUMAN, might genuinely have an abnormally small head due to some sort of genetic deformity



So I typed it in and it’s a real thing that is so tragic you @Miniskull you ugly microphaly Pea-Head ugly deformed RETARD, imagine not even being able to be born with a NORMAL SIZE HEAD RETARD, even those abos have bigger heads than you ugly monkey retard.

People with BDD may worry, for example, that they have severe acne or that their skin is terribly scarred, that they're going bald, that their head Is too small @Miniskull

Anyway I was manipulating this guy for two hours me and my girlfriend were laughing hysterically, he kept repeating his only insult was “keep talking about Slavic men, blah, blah, blah” I don’t compare myself to any other man, because unlike YOU, I’m confident and attractive.

Anyway Arabs, are ugly, dysgenic retards, who fuck their cousins, and beg Jewish international organisation to come to our countries and and you become insta incels, or you become caged incels, or future rapeugees

Anyway you’re ugly, your race, is ugly, your women are ugly inbred, letterboxes, ninjas

I’m beautiful, my race, is beautiful my women are beautiful


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