Humans are animals

Yes, being a murderer and a maniac / sadist is extremely attractive to women.







You. Have. No. Choice.
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What kind of a retard would ever have a girlfriend who was raped? If she is raped, she felt the thrill of her life, so one would never elevate her above fuckbuddy status. This is why I screen girls sto see if they have some hot trauma like this so I know not to count on her in LTR. Women love psycho men, maniacs, killers, will never compare to hotness of a violent rapist. EVER. Only way to top him is to be even more violent and rape her even harder. But if you are posing on online forums you will never be hard enough to do it.
  • +1
  • So Sad
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Yes, being a murderer and a maniac / sadist is extremely attractive to women.







You. Have. No. Choice.
Depends bdcause there could be counterfeit
Have you used their product(s)?

I will be buying from legit 3rd party - I'm just not sure about desma since I read some bad reviews about their SARMs.

It would be amazing if they are legit since SARMS have been banned in china so are steroids so until India arms up there could be shortage and inflation in prices.
Have you used their product(s)?

I will be buying from legit 3rd party - I'm just not sure about desma since I read some bad reviews about their SARMs.

It would be amazing if they are legit since SARMS have been banned in china so are steroids so until India arms up there could be shortage and inflation in prices.
No never tried sarms. But do your research and google reviews about the product before purchasing it.
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Just take a look at what women find attractive.

Let’s dive into some dark blackpills.

Anywhere from 10%-50% of women orgasm while being raped.

Researchers say that 27% of women do not orgasm from vaginal penetration.

What do these two specific stats tell us? That the more brutal, animalistic, selfish, and harsher you are during sex, the more she will enjoy it. Long gone are the days where she wants to walk into a room full of rose pedals in a bath tub and be serenaded.

The kink of consensual non consent sex is quite popular as well (basically rape play). Not to mention that women prefer large penises, even in the upper extremes.

The more animalistic and more risks you take (i.e committing crimes), the more attractive you will be to women. It is important to note that risk taking and high testosterone are VERY closely related.

Committing crimes such as murder, assault, battery, and other violence/risk taking crimes are seen very attractive to women. View attachment 221306
View attachment 221317View attachment 221318

Committing crimes is a manifestation of your testosterone. The more aggressive and dominant you are, the more likely you are to survive. Women are the physically weaker gender and because of this, they need to cling onto a man who can protect himself, which then translates to protecting her. “If he can kill someone, he can easily protect me and our children.”

Attraction is extremely animalistic and primal. The more animalistic you are, the more attractive you are. Life is about sex. And sex is about creating. And you want to pass on your genes to ensure that your creations lives on.

In today’s society, we have laws and rules to PUNISH aggressive and dominant behavior. Society and the media label it as “toxic masculinity”. This “toxic masculinity” has been around for thousands of years for a reason, or else we would not have still used it to this day in 2020. Behaviors are rewarded with sex, so everyone action around in January of 2020 has been just GOOD ENOUGH to have been rewarded with sex (which creates offspring).

We punish these aggressive crimes like murder, assault, etc because they are very detrimental to a functioning civilization. That is why there has been an increase in the media shitting on “toxic masculinity” and “muh plastics” in the water supplies. It is to femininize the modern man.

Women are MUCH less physically aggressive and dominant. They are very docile compared to men, on average. It is much easier make males like drones. A population of weak minded and fragile men is much easier to control than a population of low inhib high testosterone men.


Morals and ethics are a human invention. Only in a civil society like the one we have today, are morals and ethics “redeemable”. Would you have the same morals if you were put into a hunter and gather society 3,000 years ago? Absolutely not. Your number one priority would be to survive, at whatever means necessary. Today, we have a civilized society, where you cannot act on pure instincts and desires. These desires and instincts are in fact, shunned and taboo. Now, if you want to act on your desires and instincts, you must be cunning and sneaky about it.

That’s why psychopaths and sociopaths are at the top of every hierarchy. They manipulate and find ways to weasel their desires and mask them as certain actions and behaviors. Ways that the average person would not even recognize until it’s too late.

Morals and ethics are human inventions, meant to keep civilizations at bay and from not falling apart. Humans are animals. We think we are not, but we are. We put ourselves on high horses and pat each other on the back when we do a “good job” (We did it Reddit! :feelsuhh::soy:) But, if you dig deep enough, you will realize that all this is a facade. It is a trick to keep you tied down, to not have you grow and become strong. Plastics in the water, food, weak jawed men, Testosterone Replacement Theory being heavily restricted (it’s easier for a biological woman to get on Test. than it is for a low T man), male feminists, etc.

You are being tied down. You think that if you act nice and kind to everyone that it will come around one day. You have moral high ground. What does that do for you other than giving you dopamine and an ego boost when people congratulate you for being “the better man”. It accomplishes nothing but only fills a never ending void. Deep down, we all hate virtue signalers. Get anyone above 90iq into a room with you, get them comfortable, spark a blunt, and just talking to them. Break them apart and you will see that they do not care about 99% of the things that society tells them to like and support, they do not. People are scared of being judged and isolated. We are social animals and we fear that we will be isolated if they have differing opinions, especially women. High Testosterone men have opinions they believe in and will defend while low Testosterone men will crumble and fold like a card when questioned.

The blackpill is the truth. Everyone knows it, but we are scared to admit it. We are scared of the social stigma that comes with it. For now, the blackpill is taboo. If you talk about, you will get weird looks, uncomfortable faces. But maybe in the future, people will accept it as truth and come to realize that humans are really no different than animals. We just have egos and consciousness.

(mods, pls don’t move this to off-topic, this is a good post on muh dark triad maxxing and the like).

@Blackout.xl -stop being such a pushover. i know you have a dark side to you, embrace it.
@KEy21 -your comment unintentionally sparked this thread
@Reapwhatyousow here’s a high effort thread for you :feelshmm:

No wonder why good guys today have harder times finding females for relationship and love..Satan trully created this world.
Love your post man
  • +1
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reread this now that im wide awake

fcking brutal ngl

i might start strangling kittens again to dark triad maxx
  • +1
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FUCK. How you can live in this shithole. Foids like man that would kill them. Whaaat. I wish to hated, but if i will be hated i will be liked. But i dont want to be friendly to be really disliked. My mind is blown away. Its beyond over
What kind of a retard would ever have a girlfriend who was raped? If she is raped, she felt the thrill of her life, so one would never elevate her above fuckbuddy status. This is why I screen girls sto see if they have some hot trauma like this so I know not to count on her in LTR. Women love psycho men, maniacs, killers, will never compare to hotness of a violent rapist. EVER. Only way to top him is to be even more violent and rape her even harder. But if you are posing on online forums you will never be hard enough to do it.
Damn bro didn't know you were this retarded..
  • JFL
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What kind of a retard would ever have a girlfriend who was raped? If she is raped, she felt the thrill of her life, so one would never elevate her above fuckbuddy status. This is why I screen girls sto see if they have some hot trauma like this so I know not to count on her in LTR. Women love psycho men, maniacs, killers, will never compare to hotness of a violent rapist. EVER. Only way to top him is to be even more violent and rape her even harder. But if you are posing on online forums you will never be hard enough to do it.
good post
  • +1
Reactions: OCDMaxxing
Thread is legit AF. Gaslight, deceive, cheat and bully to win.
I kinda disagree with this view
Thanks, the blackpill is extremely liberating.
Real shit. But I think uts also dangerous, like last time I was on 4chan browsing the post by that guy who shoot up the mosque, he went from blackpill to batshit insane murderer real quick, and that my friend, scares me af. Like one of the thing going around in my head is that even if these forums are positive and bring alot of info, some people here wont be able to take it correctly and will end up doing despicable things
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Its funny how women would deny this so admantly. Their ultimate fantasy looks like this: They want to be raped in a gangbang by 6'8 gigachads with 10 inch cocks.
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Its funny how women would deny this so admantly. Their ultimate fantasy looks like this: They want to be raped in a gangbang by 6'8 gigachads with 10 inch cocks.
Because they will be shamed for it.

And they are shamed for it because society needs to thrive off of everyone working together. The blackpill is poison, even if it’s the truth. We need to bluepill society so we don’t get ER’s, mass shootings, men roping, etc.

Society needs to shelter the blackpill from people because it shows that life is truly unfair. We are animals. We have urges. We do horrible things like kill and rape, but isn’t it kinda funny how women secretly love that stuff? Society needs to shelter men from learning about the blackpill and to control women.

That’s where religion comes into hand. Religion, doesn’t matter which religion, shames sex before marriage, killing, stealing, raping, etc. All animalistic things that women love. Life is about reproduction. Even in 2020, things manifest themselves in “reproduction”. Like how we dress in Gucci to get status, 1,000 years ago it was dressing up in the best silk robes.

Driving the fanciest cars today was like riding in a chariot. These things manifest themselves because they are “the truth”. Status, money, looks, etc. All have one thing in common. They get you women and getting women means you can fuck and fucking means you have kids (remember, birth control is a new concept). We do everything for sex. I mean that’s how you are alive, is by sex lol. It is engrained in you to survive and have sex (kids).

So women deny this because they have been conditioned by society which is ultimately conditioned by the government which is ultimately conditioned by religion which is religion is ultimately conditioned by ethics and morals from the men who have thought about this... which dictates our life.

Men are supposed to lead women. And women are supposed to follow men. On average, women are more agreeable (which goes back to sex... being disagreeable hurts your chances of having a mate and causing ruckus, which is why “out going” and “confident” and “independent” are seen as masculine.) Men have more testosterone which dictates risk taking. Risk taking= more opportunities. More opportunities= more survival. Women are submissive around men they like. I’ve witnessed it first hand and to people around. All what I’m saying is extremely controversial, but it’s the truth. Everyone knows this, but some people like to virtue signal and play the beta nice guy game and reject this because they havent opened their eyes completely.
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  • So Sad
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Quick reminder that dtm doesnt work for nonchads
Very interessting post tbh. Thanks OP!
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there are girls who worship and masturbate to Elliot Rodger till this thay, to a frustrated ugly virgin murderer

legit post ngl (y)

Animals me XD
Because they will be shamed for it.

And they are shamed for it because society needs to thrive off of everyone working together. The blackpill is poison, even if it’s the truth. We need to bluepill society so we don’t get ER’s, mass shootings, men roping, etc.

Society needs to shelter the blackpill from people because it shows that life is truly unfair. We are animals. We have urges. We do horrible things like kill and rape, but isn’t it kinda funny how women secretly love that stuff? Society needs to shelter men from learning about the blackpill and to control women.

That’s where religion comes into hand. Religion, doesn’t matter which religion, shames sex before marriage, killing, stealing, raping, etc. All animalistic things that women love. Life is about reproduction. Even in 2020, things manifest themselves in “reproduction”. Like how we dress in Gucci to get status, 1,000 years ago it was dressing up in the best silk robes.

Driving the fanciest cars today was like riding in a chariot. These things manifest themselves because they are “the truth”. Status, money, looks, etc. All have one thing in common. They get you women and getting women means you can fuck and fucking means you have kids (remember, birth control is a new concept). We do everything for sex. I mean that’s how you are alive, is by sex lol. It is engrained in you to survive and have sex (kids).

So women deny this because they have been conditioned by society which is ultimately conditioned by the government which is ultimately conditioned by religion which is religion is ultimately conditioned by ethics and morals from the men who have thought about this... which dictates our life.

Men are supposed to lead women. And women are supposed to follow men. On average, women are more agreeable (which goes back to sex... being disagreeable hurts your chances of having a mate and causing ruckus, which is why “out going” and “confident” and “independent” are seen as masculine.) Men have more testosterone which dictates risk taking. Risk taking= more opportunities. More opportunities= more survival. Women are submissive around men they like. I’ve witnessed it first hand and to people around. All what I’m saying is extremely controversial, but it’s the truth. Everyone knows this, but some people like to virtue signal and play the beta nice guy game and reject this because they havent opened their eyes completely.
Life make no sence for averge man. Only rope have sence
  • Ugh..
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@Pietrosiek uses broken english but it's cute
Up from hell
I agree wholeheartedly.

society suppressed the animalistic masculine side in all of us that needs to be let out.

morals, ethics, being a good person ,standards, high class, low class, status, it’s all mundane bullshit created by society that doesn’t mean anything.

look at the majority of men in this day and age. Most have never been in a dangerous situation. Let alone a fight. I feel all men should mandatory be forced to lift weights and take mma. Not for aesthetics but in order to tap into that raw primal energy of your manhood majority of men have been disconnected from.

there obedient little lap dogs following the path set for them by society not taking a chance to think outside the box and to scared to do anything else. They’re whipped and trained by society’s programming from birth and look what’s happened. A generation of males who you can’t call men. They’re just cucked whipped robots.

In the past you did what you want when you want to who you want regardless of the consequences because that’s nature that’s the way it’s supposed to be survival of the fittest but society stopped that. Which is taking away a key part of what it means to be human. I can literally count the few Amoy t of people I’ve met In This day and age who have that genuine raw masculine presence that almost no man this day and age has.

I think also a lot of men say for instance as a example on here I noticed have the tendency to be to LOGICAL. they think every can be solved like a math puzzle when in fact the answers right there it’s not that complicateD. A lot of men are because of society and the conditioning they go under are cut off from they’re natural intuition is as a man. I noticed when I just followed my instincts or intuition when I’m with a woman on a date or something for instance it goes much smoother andeverything goes the way I want. Instead of over analyzing thinking what to say and ruining the mood or letting it be organic.

long story short cause I’m not tryna write a essay is, your a man it’s literally In your genetic code to know what to do in certain situations. Like I’m reading all these posts about guys confused about dealing with girls or dealing with a rival etc. The answer is already in you and you should listen to it.

call it a rant so I’m sorry if it’s not written in the best way but I’ve been thinking about this stuff for a while now needed to write it down. Men are not meant to live this way end of story.
Yes but if you act aggresive with a rival they may be trained in a combat sport etc. you can’t just kill anyone who says something cuz the you go to jail and Definitly ain’t ascending
up from hell
I will admit, I have this dark masculine energy lurking inside. My sh*t genetics don’t satisfy these things, so I do other things to satisfy this highly masculine world in my mind. Like drawing, working out, making music, having high intensity action scenes play out in my mind, I’m sure lots of us guys have these high testosterone thoughts in the back of our minds.

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