I almost fainted (injections)



Losing my mind
Feb 14, 2022
I was looking through the internet doing research on subcutaneous injections.
Reading up on all the information regarding injections.

Then I found a pub medical research article on injection to dorseeogluteal if administered incorrectly causing semi paralysis to full paralysis to the leg. I was gonna read to see if if it was temporarily.

Until my head felt a terrible sensation that I haver never known before. It felt like extreme dizziness mixed with coldness ensuing on me. Felt like I needed to be rushed to the hospital. I was thinking the entire time how delicate the body is like if you can get paralysis from injection. It's a miracle our lives don't end with the first physical injury we encounter in out humans lives.

Tldr; Injections are fucking scary man. Anyone who injects is a low inhibition god
Or a fucking maniac. Man risking losing your damn mobility to inject something. Shit is scary as fuck.

Is there this level of risk for injection in every part like I was thinking a stomach injection or upper arm injection to be relatively safe. But I feel like I'll pass out if I research this shit.

Any site for injection for retardecells or one's that don't want to be damaged forever by one wrong injection?
take oral if youre that much of a fucking pussy holy shit
least autistic user

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