I am at the brink of spiralling into a deep depression

Because i am a worthless human being, human excrement, waste of skin. I am at the bottom of the societal hierarchy

Not even about girls at this point, i have lived a life of void

I have done nothing been nowhere and lack all the basic knowledge and life experiences most of you lot have had before the age of 10

If i were to rope right now there wouldn't be any good moments for me to reflect upon while i take my last breath

Even to try and moneymaxx, minimum wage was too much of a luxury to grant me in a first world country. a subhuman like me only deserves 27 euro for a whole month worth of work

Imagine me trying to get a girlfriend when low tier normie girls are repulsed at the thought of being my FRIEND.

Can you imagine that? It's a new low. There have been people much uglier than me with extreme autism to boot treated lightyears better. Why me. Why do i keep lowering my standards in hope i find something or someone even remotely interested being in a 5km radius of me only to not even be deserving of a response on an app like Yubo. Have me talking to myself so i have to find your instagram so you can tell me upright that you want nothing to do with me and give me a big old block before i ever had the chance to even meet you.

Today is February 14th. Valentine's day, and i almost didn't notice until i had to witness how people my age are blissfully in love only 5km away from me on TikTok.

Meanwhile, I'm not even worth a virtue signal. Simply so repulsive that girls' minds tell them it's better to completely publically unleash their disgusted thoughts upon me.

I just want to cry. And sleep. And never wake up.
Wow. Such a long essay but I read every word. It's so relatable and brutal that it hurts
  • +1
Reactions: RODEBLUR
Any flaws i have can't be corrected by surgery
LL? Chin wing?
1. costs money i don't have
2. it's closed
3. what am i gonna gain out of meeting doped up guys twice my size that have a life of their own to attend to?

it is pointless and i am aware. but i wish i just had the balls to kill myself. i have tremendous amount of respect for the people who actually pulled through and did it once and for all.
Don't u have parents who care about u kid? And even if u don't - why kill urself when u could have some fun in ur life while ur still here
  • JFL
Reactions: .*my*.
LL? Chin wing?

Don't u have parents who care about u kid? And even if u don't - why kill urself when u could have some fun in ur life while ur still here
Leg lengthening is useless since i am still growing

Looked up chin wing and it actually makes your chin shorter, it just fixes projection. Since my projection is fine and your issue is my chin length (which i think is fine too fyi) it's useless as well

And i find this interesting, you switch between talking like i'm a kid and me being 20. Why so inconsistent

Anyways, it's all about that last thing you said, i can't have fun in my life while i'm here. There is nothing. And it has nothing to do with Covid. Any fun i can have is virtual but my pcs keep getting worse and worse quality my current one can't even play .mp4's
  • +1
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Leg lengthening is useless since i am still growing

Looked up chin wing and it actually makes your chin shorter, it just fixes projection. Since my projection is fine and your issue is my chin length (which i think is fine too fyi) it's useless as well

And i find this interesting, you switch between talking like i'm a kid and me being 20. Why so inconsistent

Anyways, it's all about that last thing you said, i can't have fun in my life while i'm here. There is nothing. And it has nothing to do with Covid. Any fun i can have is virtual but my pcs keep getting worse and worse quality my current one can't even play .mp4's
Nigga go download Tor, buy a po box and go mog some psychedelics/opioids/benzos/amphetamines/whatever the fuck u want off the dark web
There's ur fun
I call everyone kid, I call 40 year old ppl kids it's just a conversational jesture in the south
  • +1
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Nigga go download Tor, buy a po box and go mog some psychedelics/opioids/benzos/amphetamines/whatever the fuck u want off the dark web
There's ur fun
I call everyone kid, I call 40 year old ppl kids it's just a conversational jesture in the south
*gesture but okay, anyways i hate drugs with a passion so i am not gonna do that shit ever
  • So Sad
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You're beautiful.
  • +1
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I wish I was born white and have everything come easy to me. Instead, I was born a person of color. No hand-outs, the odds stacked against me since birth. Now I grow up after being told that the future will be alright and slowly watch this world fall into the hands of nazis. It's disgusting! You could reach out and lend a hand to help your fellow man, but instead you want to drag us down and watch us burn. We all want utopia, but there is no utopia for you that wouldn't have us in it and vice versa. The best we can do is learn to live together, free of hate. Why do you resist this?
you white boy will never know how hard the struggle of a g is
you white boy will never know how hard the struggle of a g is
Keep coping i've been raped by the system harder than your whole family
  • +1
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Because i am a worthless human being, human excrement, waste of skin. I am at the bottom of the societal hierarchy

Not even about girls at this point, i have lived a life of void

I have done nothing been nowhere and lack all the basic knowledge and life experiences most of you lot have had before the age of 10

If i were to rope right now there wouldn't be any good moments for me to reflect upon while i take my last breath

Even to try and moneymaxx, minimum wage was too much of a luxury to grant me in a first world country. a subhuman like me only deserves 27 euro for a whole month worth of work

Imagine me trying to get a girlfriend when low tier normie girls are repulsed at the thought of being my FRIEND.

Can you imagine that? It's a new low. There have been people much uglier than me with extreme autism to boot treated lightyears better. Why me. Why do i keep lowering my standards in hope i find something or someone even remotely interested being in a 5km radius of me only to not even be deserving of a response on an app like Yubo. Have me talking to myself so i have to find your instagram so you can tell me upright that you want nothing to do with me and give me a big old block before i ever had the chance to even meet you.

Today is February 14th. Valentine's day, and i almost didn't notice until i had to witness how people my age are blissfully in love only 5km away from me on TikTok.

Meanwhile, I'm not even worth a virtue signal. Simply so repulsive that girls' minds tell them it's better to completely publically unleash their disgusted thoughts upon me.

I just want to cry. And sleep. And never wake up.
R u at least white?
R u at least white?
Well @Mirin2234 had a fit about me not being ethnic according to him and saying i'm not white and don't look white and all despite the irony but most people in this thread have called me white so you can pick who you'd like to believe
Well @Mirin2234 had a fit about me not being ethnic according to him and saying i'm not white and don't look white and all despite the irony but most people in this thread have called me white so you can pick who you'd like to believe
It's a pretty simple question brother, what's your ethnicity, or if you prefer, what ethnicity do people assume u to be??
It's a pretty simple question brother, what's your ethnicity, or if you prefer, what ethnicity do people assume u to be??
Well most people assume i'm white if you scroll up but @Mirin2234 disagrees and says i look like a filthy ethnic so i'm really in a difficult position right now
You could make a post and tell your story so people understand why you're struggling.
But idk maybe it'll come of like you just want people to feel sorry for you... But I mean atleast you have a legitimate reason you're struggling.
I relate bro.
Hope it gets better for us soon
  • +1
Reactions: RODEBLUR
You could make a post and tell your story so people understand why you're struggling.
But idk maybe it'll come of like you just want people to feel sorry for you... But I mean atleast you have a legitimate reason you're struggling.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6963
Because i am a worthless human being, human excrement, waste of skin. I am at the bottom of the societal hierarchy

Not even about girls at this point, i have lived a life of void

I have done nothing been nowhere and lack all the basic knowledge and life experiences most of you lot have had before the age of 10

If i were to rope right now there wouldn't be any good moments for me to reflect upon while i take my last breath

Even to try and moneymaxx, minimum wage was too much of a luxury to grant me in a first world country. a subhuman like me only deserves 27 euro for a whole month worth of work

Imagine me trying to get a girlfriend when low tier normie girls are repulsed at the thought of being my FRIEND.

Can you imagine that? It's a new low. There have been people much uglier than me with extreme autism to boot treated lightyears better. Why me. Why do i keep lowering my standards in hope i find something or someone even remotely interested being in a 5km radius of me only to not even be deserving of a response on an app like Yubo. Have me talking to myself so i have to find your instagram so you can tell me upright that you want nothing to do with me and give me a big old block before i ever had the chance to even meet you.

Today is February 14th. Valentine's day, and i almost didn't notice until i had to witness how people my age are blissfully in love only 5km away from me on TikTok.

Meanwhile, I'm not even worth a virtue signal. Simply so repulsive that girls' minds tell them it's better to completely publically unleash their disgusted thoughts upon me.

I just want to cry. And sleep. And never wake up.
Thank you for sharing. I will fap to this later.
  • +1
Reactions: RODEBLUR
Looks attention whore here.
Don't worry everybody here had the same moment
Looks attention whore here.
Don't worry everybody here had the same moment
Don't need to attention whore i have more attention than anyone could ever want as is
Stay strong bro. You’d be surprised how many men go through mental health issues, and a lot of them dont tell anyone about it so you simply wouldn’t know

in the meantime, see a psychologist I’m sure they can help you, even if only a little but hopefully they can help set you on a better path
Stay strong bro. You’d be surprised how many men go through mental health issues, and a lot of them dont tell anyone about it so you simply wouldn’t know

in the meantime, see a psychologist I’m sure they can help you, even if only a little but hopefully they can help set you on a better path
that shit is cope, why would i talk to some faggot who's paid to listen i could talk to people as-is but idc
that shit is cope, why would i talk to some faggot who's paid to listen i could talk to people as-is but idc
good way to get things off your chest, and it never hurts
Don't have to it's an old thread nobody asked you to revive it

Is that you in your pic btw why are you pulling a seth everman type angle in that shit
30 years old virgin here.. Cheer up.. You aint bad looking.. i CAN imagine you with decent amount of women.
I know this thread is 2 months old but never give up bro. I was a wreck(and still am rn) but I've applied to a new course in uni and I just finished an interview that I aced and I'll hopefully get back to uni in a few months and get my life back on track. I'm sure you will too. Idk how old you are but I'm sure you're pretty young like most people on here so you still got alot of opportunities to make it in life.

Whenever I feel like utter shit, I remember that I'm still only 21 and I'd rather feel like fucking shit rn than feel like shit when I'm a 40 year old oldcel who's fucked up his life. It's not too late yet to change your life.

Just remember if you think it's over, then it's over. Gotta change your mindset. Once I get back to uni I'm going to ace my degree and get a good masters.
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This made me laugh hard af ngl

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