I am legitimately 1 PSL, and it hurts so much. (UGLIEST LOOKSMAX USER)

Deleted member 20735

Deleted member 20735

Jul 13, 2022
I have definitely seen my fair share of subfives on Looksmax, but never, ever a person under 2 PSL. I wouldn't even consider Curry Suicide to be under 2 PSL. That's where I come into the mix: I, I'dD8Riley, am the most subhuman, ugly, repulsive looking person on Looksmax, and an overall 1 PSL.

Not only am I facially unattractive, but I am legitimately deformed. I have hypotonia, a muscle tone disability that makes it to where I cannot gain muscle and much weight, making me weak. I weight 115 pounds. It fluctuates between 110 and 120, never higher than that. I am also 6'3, which makes me look like a skeleton.

Girls have noticed this. I was bullied for years by ONLY women because I am a subhuman deformed freak. I was so skinny when I was in public school that this one girl called me anorexic! It got so bad that I had to leave that school, I was bullied into submission by each and every single female that went there. Brutal.

I legitimately look like a freak of nature. I can tell people, specifically women, notice this in real life. I probably look like the male version of Eugenia Cooney when I go out in public. I don't even know if Looksmaxxing can help at this point, I don't even know if surgerymaxxing will help. I will always be the weight of a 12 year old girl.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vv1q6WPTnUlvpm4bu_ArrrN1va7oiKkl (to avoid my pics coming up on Google Search)

Above is a Google Drive folder containing pictures of myself from my year of softmaxxing. I have somehow managed to descend. The first picture in it was taken after my oneitis at the time followed me on Instagram (she led me on for a year as a prank to expose me even though I did nothing wrong). Latest is after a year of on and off mewing, excerising, and most importantly, coping.

Some of you subfives/fours, GTFIH and cope. Know you are not the ugliest user on this platform. It is me. Bow to your king, the official ugliest user on this site.

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Brutal , is there anything you can do for your muscle disorder?
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
I’m uglier and ugliest user by far
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  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Deleted member 6583, HerpDerpson and 6 others
Yup you’re actually ugly
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Deleted member 4362, Slob and 4 others
Dumbfuck you're not even close to being called ugly 😹🤙.
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Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Deleted member 19469, It'snotover and 3 others
You’re nog ugly. Stop dressing like a freak. Fix your ugly ass Edgar haircut. And stfu
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Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Deleted member 4362, Deleted member 19469 and 5 others
You're 3 PSL, you've been saved by being white and having blue eyes

Also please stop fishing for compliments ugly retard
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Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Deleted member 19620, Deleted member 14392 and 8 others
How you 6ft3 and getting made fun of my women 💀
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Deleted member 4362, Deleted member 19469 and 6 others
narrow palate are you fixing it bhai?
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Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3 and ChristianChad
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Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3 and Deleted member 17735
Remove that stupid mustache and gymmaxx u are white with blue eyes and thick eyebrows you can ezly become a 7.5/10
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Reactions: Deleted member 19469, BugeyeBigNoseCurry, exeight and 2 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 4362, Pubertymaxxer3, justinzayn and 1 other person
I mog you

2682320 Screen Shot 2022 01 06 at 64517 PM
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Reactions: chadtindermoney, Deleted member 1851, BugeyeBigNoseCurry and 2 others
How you 6ft3 and getting made fun of my women 💀
His midface is compressed af and in pics he looks short in pics, he's already LARPing about being sub 3 PSL so idk
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 19620, Slob, Pubertymaxxer3 and 2 others
I am 6’5 and get made fun of 12 year old white sluts every time i step out of my house
They always think im some kind of thug and giggle at me im way uglier than op and i look like a monkey.

One user even rated me 1 psl

I can DM pics by god im uglier than op.
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3, gymmaxedhorse and to be human
unironically mogs half the forum
Go eat a burger and stfu
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Reactions: Deleted member 19469, Slob, Deleted member 19551 and 3 others
You are normie if you get a haircut, shave caterpillar stache, and smile
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
you're 6'3. you can't lose
  • +1
Reactions: Slob and Pubertymaxxer3
I don't want to gaslight you if you genuinely feel you are 1PSL but you don't look that bad. How old are you and what country?

You could use palatal expansion because I assume you have narrow dental arches/palate because of your narrow lips among other things. Do you have sleep apnea or breathing problems?

You face also looks asymmetrical I think, probably because you have poor mascular support to your head, spine etc. leading to poor posture like forward head posture, and also uneven shoulders (one shoulder higher then the other) causing uneven facial development overtime. Definitely exercise your back muscles like rotator cuff muscles, rear delt, and generally all your pulling muscles on your back. Also do McKenzie chin tucks. I suspect your poor posture is probably on lower body aswell and you have anterior pelvic tilt aswell probably, key is to squeeze your ass and activating your abs which rotates your pelvis closer to your body to where it's alignment is neutral, and also aiming your upper chest towards the sky while still keeping your abs flexed. Overtime you will adapt, I had this problem but got better overtime. And it's a mascular issue not a skeletal one, even the uneven shoulders I had and I don't have Scoliosis or anything just mascular imbalances and general muscle weakness and poor posture from being a computer/tabletcel from when I was 8. Focus on correcting your forward head posture, forward shoulders, anterior pelvic tilt throughout the day and avoid it and over time your posture will be perfect and you'll feel much better aswell, also important socially and I mean this non-ironically. I know its hard because your on the taller side but it's definitely worth it.

Just incase you really do have some form of skeletal issue like Scoliosis get a CT scan of your spine to see if it's straight.

I suspect you have a recessed maxilla, maybe in the future Bimax could do you well.

Unfrauded side profiles in the Frankfurt plane would be very useful :)
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  • JFL
Reactions: mogxa, smvmaxxertilllate, incel194012940 and 3 others
Also look into Ray Peat ASAP
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
babyface..:feelswhy:.but u dont look that bad tbh. u need to "badboymaxx" or emomaxx tbh.
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Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3 and justinzayn
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Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3 and Moggie
Remove that stupid mustache and gymmaxx u are white with blue eyes and thick eyebrows you can ezly become a 7.5/10
cant gymmaxx due to disability

I want to shave lmao but I don't have a shaver nor do I know how to shave. I will buy one now
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
I don't want to gaslight you if you genuinely feel you are 1PSL but you don't look that bad. How old are you and what country?

You could use palatal expansion because I assume you have narrow dental arches/palate because of your narrow lips among other things. Do you have sleep apnea or breathing problems?

You face also looks asymmetrical I think, probably because you have poor mascular support to your head, spine etc. leading to poor posture like forward head posture, and also uneven shoulders (one shoulder higher then the other) causing uneven facial development overtime. Definitely exercise your back muscles like rotator cuff muscles, rear delt, and generally all your pulling muscles on your back. Also do McKenzie chin tucks. I suspect your poor posture is probably on lower body aswell and you have anterior pelvic tilt aswell probably, key is to squeeze your ass and activating your abs which rotates your pelvis closer to your body to where it's alignment is neutral, and also aiming your upper chest towards the sky while still keeping your abs flexed. Overtime you will adapt, I had this problem but got better overtime. And it's a mascular issue not a skeletal one, even the uneven shoulders I had and I don't have Scoliosis or anything just mascular imbalances and general muscle weakness and poor posture from being a computer/tabletcel from when I was 8. Focus on correcting your forward head posture, forward shoulders, anterior pelvic tilt throughout the day and avoid it and over time your posture will be perfect and you'll feel much better aswell, also important socially and I mean this non-ironically. I know its hard because your on the taller side but it's definitely worth it.

Just incase you really do have some form of skeletal issue like Scoliosis get a CT scan of your spine to see if it's straight.

I suspect you have a recessed maxilla, maybe in the future Bimax could do you well.

Unfrauded side profiles in the Frankfurt plane would be very useful :)
17 and US

my maxilla is recessed yes and I do plan on bimax. just need to keep wage slaving but I've got a fair amount saved already

I'll add that to my routine bro thanks. I've already been trying stretches but it's fairly new to me

And yeah I have breathing problems but I haven't told anyone. When I wake up it's very hard to breathe. During the day it's completely normal besides maybe a few times a month but that could be allergies
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad and Pubertymaxxer3
His midface is compressed af and in pics he looks short in pics, he's already LARPing about being sub 3 PSL so idk
promise it's not larp bro. I'm legit 6'3. I will take a standing pic soon (prolly tomorrow lmao if I can take photo in public) and you can see it. I wouldn't be 115 lbs if I wasn't 6'3 unfortunately
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
How you 6ft3 and getting made fun of my women 💀
I was 5'2 back then this was middle school

I live in an area where most men are over 6'0 and most of them hit that in middle school. At least 5'8. So I was very short then. I only started growing when I left
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
Another aneroxic non NT tallcel destined for the rope. :feelsrope: @Octillionaire
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  • JFL
Reactions: Slob, sergeant blackpill and Pubertymaxxer3
You are Tall and white you will be fine
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
They always think im some kind of thug and giggle at me im way uglier than op and i look like a monkey.

One user even rated me 1 psl

I can DM pics by god im uglier than op.
Pm me please
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
I was 5'2 back then this was middle school

I live in an area where most men are over 6'0 and most of them hit that in middle school. At least 5'8. So I was very short then. I only started growing when I left
Brutal. Late blooming explains why you have tiny af skull and a feminine face
  • +1
Reactions: Slob and Pubertymaxxer3
Need haircut and roids, atm u look shit
  • +1
Reactions: Pubertymaxxer3
You're ugly but nowhere close to the ugliest user here. You're just regular ugly.

You're also white, 6'3, blue eyed and got nice hair....

Blank stare really

There's people on here who would burn down orphanages to have half of what you have.

A genio and rhino would probably ascend you.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14693
You're ugly but nowhere close to the ugliest user here. You're just regular ugly.

You're also white, 6'3, blue eyed and got nice hair....

View attachment 1839699

There's people on here who would burn down orphanages to have half of what you have.

A genio and rhino would probably ascend you.
True but such a coincidence he literally looks exactly like that gif, I thought it was OP posting his younger pic at first
I want to see a mog battle between you, @Zer0/∞ and that ethiopian truecel that I forgot the username :ogre:
Sylvester stallone if he did hrt
Description of OP:
blue eyed
dirty blonde hair
square jaw and chin
high cheekbones
elite nose
full cushiony lips
long lashes
thick brows
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  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 6583
looks like a piece of shit
You are Tall and white you will be fine
Nigger look at his lips and nose, what use there is to being white when your features don’t look white? Give OP brown eyes and a buzzcut and he would look like just one more shitskin rat.
There's people on here who would burn down orphanages to have half of what you have.
Would be naive to do so, this dude is still sub5, it's meaningless. Like he's 2.5 PSL while there are 1-2 PSL guys, but at the end of the day, they're all zero.
I have definitely seen my fair share of subfives on Looksmax, but never, ever a person under 2 PSL. I wouldn't even consider Curry Suicide to be under 2 PSL. That's where I come into the mix: I, I'dD8Riley, am the most subhuman, ugly, repulsive looking person on Looksmax, and an overall 1 PSL.

Not only am I facially unattractive, but I am legitimately deformed. I have hypotonia, a muscle tone disability that makes it to where I cannot gain muscle and much weight, making me weak. I weight 115 pounds. It fluctuates between 110 and 120, never higher than that. I am also 6'3, which makes me look like a skeleton.

Girls have noticed this. I was bullied for years by ONLY women because I am a subhuman deformed freak. I was so skinny when I was in public school that this one girl called me anorexic! It got so bad that I had to leave that school, I was bullied into submission by each and every single female that went there. Brutal.

I legitimately look like a freak of nature. I can tell people, specifically women, notice this in real life. I probably look like the male version of Eugenia Cooney when I go out in public. I don't even know if Looksmaxxing can help at this point, I don't even know if surgerymaxxing will help. I will always be the weight of a 12 year old girl.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vv1q6WPTnUlvpm4bu_ArrrN1va7oiKkl (to avoid my pics coming up on Google Search)

Above is a Google Drive folder containing pictures of myself from my year of softmaxxing. I have somehow managed to descend. The first picture in it was taken after my oneitis at the time followed me on Instagram (she led me on for a year as a prank to expose me even though I did nothing wrong). Latest is after a year of on and off mewing, excerising, and most importantly, coping.

Some of you subfives/fours, GTFIH and cope. Know you are not the ugliest user on this platform. It is me. Bow to your king, the official ugliest user on this site.

The folder doesn’t work op
I'm sorry, I know how you feel and I feel your pain my friend :(
Unless you are medically deformed, at 6’3 and white just fucking hit the gym gain muscle and do the regular soft maxes talked about here and you’re perfectly fine

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