

Apr 28, 2023
Finally a good thing my bhais, also i was sick too

Let me give a life update

My bhais already know about my foidbhais bhai ive been seeing. Well on a halloween party we kissed:feelsautistic::feelsautistic: INB4: Some degenerate asks why we didnt fuck, shes HQNP and waiting till marriage. Were still not in a relationship tho i dont think any of us want a relationship


The worst part? She is 177.5 cm giraffecel and i am 175cm with no lifts. When we were kissing i frauded 187cm and now i have to find a way to fraud 12cm without shoes or slippers:lul:

Its ovER if youre a sub-190cm manlet in the giraffe slums of balkan

Btw i can prove shes actually a model and im not larping in PMs as long as youre not some autist who i think will dox me:lul:

Another life update is i will maybe be going to Sydney again to see my incel uncle and my hyperNT cousins that i hate:Comfy:

Thats the November update your favourite 187cm gookologist had for you, i will be more active now tho:feelsautistic:

@hopecel @Gengar @BoredPrince @shizuku11111 @Looks234 @Clown Show @ReadBooksEveryday @VladimirtheGreat @
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can u pm the pic?
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send face pic of you and the foid
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How TF did you fraud that much jfl
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Reactions: bloomercel, hopecel, Costcosuperstore and 3 others
Over getting your first kiss with a foid who was drunk, atleast she is pretty. Something happened after the party?
  • JFL
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Pošalji sliku djevojke u pm, zanima me bas
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How TF did you fraud that much jfl
Ive been a frauder for almost 2 years now

my original plan was to just fraud to 185cm but i need that 2cm.

Its not as easy as i make it sound like. At one point i had like 30 blisters on my toes, and this summer i lost a nail because i was in lifts during a 12h flight to Sanghai

The nail still didnt grow back:lul:
Screenshot 20241119 140125 Gallery
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Reactions: bloomercel, Elijah_leo, watah and 5 others
Over getting your first kiss with a foid who was drunk, atleast she is pretty. Something happened after the party?
She was drunk but it was a party + we hung out alone before that

And no as i said already
Pošalji sliku djevojke u pm, zanima me bas
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore and ineonx
When we were kissing i frauded 187cm
Insane caging wtf :lul: nigga tag me in the height reveal update

Fraud until you fuck and fuck immediately can't imagine the jfl reacts she'll have once she discovers your larp jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Elijah_leo, bloomercel, hopecel and 2 others
Ive been a frauder for almost 2 years now

my original plan was to just fraud to 185cm but i need that 2cm.

Its not as easy as i make it sound like. At one point i had like 30 blisters on my toes, and this summer i lost a nail because i was in lifts during a 12h flight to Sanghai

The nail still didnt grow back:lul:
Mirin' bro I'm a 177cmcel in bosnia, beyond over when I go to the clubs
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  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, hopecel, Costcosuperstore and 1 other person
Insane caging wtf :lul: nigga tag me in the height reveal update

Fraud until you fuck and fuck immediately can't imagine the jfl reacts she'll have once she discovers your larp jfl
Ill never reveal my height to anyone.

Only person that knows my height is my foidbhai and thats because we went on a trip to china together and shes my best friend so she helps me fraud..

Im never making a height reveal JFL
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  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, hopecel, Costcosuperstore and 2 others
Svaka ti čast, baš sam prije par dana govorio jednom svom frendu da će za 5 godina ovdje bit ili si 195+ ili se samo ropeaj, zoomeri su ogromni danas
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Reactions: hopecel, Costcosuperstore, BoredPrince and 2 others
Ill never reveal my height to anyone.

Only person that knows my height is my foidbhai and thats because we went on a trip to china together and shes my best friend so she helps me fraud..

Im never making a height reveal JFL
Based mirin fraudmaxxing dedication no way you can sustain a massive fraud like that in an ltr tho jfl maybe it'll work if you just fwb her
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PM pic, curious to see what she looks like :feelsohgod::feelshehe:
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Svaka ti čast, baš sam prije par dana govorio jednom svom frendu da će za 5 godina ovdje bit ili si 195+ ili se samo ropeaj, zoomeri su ogromni danas
Hvala brate, u dalmaciji dosl imas cure koje su po 190cm:lul::lul::lul:
Based mirin fraudmaxxing dedication no way you can sustain a massive fraud like that in an ltr tho jfl maybe it'll work if you just fwb her
Shes giga HQNP, also noone except for dysgenic emo whores have FWBs in religious slums of croatia

PM pic, curious to see what she look like :feelsohgod::feelshehe:
Pming now
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Reactions: bloomercel, hopecel, Costcosuperstore and 2 others
Will you reveal your frauding secret to this fellow manlet here?
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Reactions: bloomercel, Costcosuperstore and aspiringexcel
Hvala brate, u dalmaciji dosl imas cure koje su po 190cm:lul::lul::lul:

Shes giga HQNP, also noone except for dysgenic emo whores have FWBs in religious slums of croatia

Pming now
175 in Croatia brutal nigga move out
  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, hopecel, Costcosuperstore and 2 others
Hvala brate, u dalmaciji dosl imas cure koje su po 190cm:lul::lul::lul:

Shes giga HQNP, also noone except for dysgenic emo whores have FWBs in religious slums of croatia

Pming now
Ja sam ti 190cm i to je jedva dovoljno danas, mogu fraudat oko 192cm sa čizmama jfl

Sreća da su mi roditelji Dalmoši pa sam dobio te dinaridske gene za visinu lmfao
  • JFL
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Reactions: hopecel, Costcosuperstore and aspiringexcel
Will you reveal your frauding secret to this fellow manlet here?
I will make a guide soon.

Ill tag u

But ive been doing this for almost 2 years, be prepared to try on lifts in front of 20+ people in shoe stores and have them look at you like youre the most autistic person ever, be prepared to have 20+ blisters for the first 6+months and be prepared to lose a nail.
175 in Croatia brutal nigga move out
I want to move to slums of Shanghai or HK because im a gookologist but even in Shanghai theres fucking tallfags:lul: Ill plan my future geomaxxes after LL.
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  • JFL
Reactions: bloomercel, hopecel, Costcosuperstore and 2 others
I will make a guide soon.

Ill tag u

But ive been doing this for almost 2 years, be prepared to try on lifts in front of 20+ people in shoe stores and have them look at you like youre the most autistic person ever, be prepared to have 20+ blisters for the first 6+months and be prepared to lose a nail.

I want to move to slums of Shanghai or HK because im a gookologist but even in Shanghai theres fucking tallfags:lul: Ill plan my future geomaxxes after LL.
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and aspiringexcel
Ja sam ti 190cm i to je jedva dovoljno danas, mogu fraudat oko 192cm sa čizmama jfl

Sreća da su mi roditelji Dalmoši pa sam dobio te dinaridske gene za visinu lmfao
Jbt ovaj 190cm a na incel forumu:lul::lul::lul:@hopecel DOSTA MI JEFAKECEL LARPERA

Stvarni seres 190cm NIJE nisko, je da nije nista posebno kod nas al daj ne zajebavaj da si incel s tom visinom
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Reactions: hopecel, Costcosuperstore, BoredPrince and 1 other person
Jbt ovaj 190cm a na incel forumu:lul::lul::lul:@hopecel DOSTA MI JEFAKECEL LARPERA

Stvarni seres 190cm NIJE nisko, je da nije nista posebno kod nas al daj ne zajebavaj da si incel s tom visinom
Ne bih rekao da sam incel, ali nisam nikad imao curu jfl :lul: ja sam vjv samo teži mentalcel
  • JFL
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Reactions: hopecel and aspiringexcel
Ne bih rekao da sam incel, ali nisam nikad imao curu jfl :lul: ja sam vjv samo teži mentalcel
Al kako netko ko je 190cm nade ovako obskuran forum nije mi jasno

Jel mozes pmat facu? Ako si mtn+ bjezi od autizma na ovom forumu
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Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, Costcosuperstore, St.TikTokcel and 1 other person
Al kako netko ko je 190cm nade ovako obskuran forum nije mi jasno

Jel mozes pmat facu? Ako si mtn+ bjezi od autizma na ovom forumu
Brate ja lurkam ovaj forum već godinama, još od srednje škole (da ja sam oldcel od 21 godine :feelswhy:), tek mi se sad dalo napravit acc

Ne bih baš slao svoje lice, ako želiš možemo meetup jedan dan da me onda ocijeniš (neću te kidnapirat lmfao)
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Reactions: aspiringexcel
Im not a KHHV
Kissless hugless handholdless virgin

Im now just a virgin:lul:
you're still incel by definition
i know you want to fuck her and yet you can't because "she's saving herself for marriage".... :forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore and aspiringexcel
Brate ja lurkam ovaj forum već godinama, još od srednje škole (da ja sam oldcel od 21 godine :feelswhy:), tek mi se sad dalo napravit acc

Ne bih baš slao svoje lice, ako želiš možemo meetup jedan dan da me onda ocijeniš (neću te kidnapirat lmfao)
Jbt ti si iz zga da zaboravio sam, moze

Ja sam na Jarunu al se mozemo nac u centru bas ce mi drago bit ako se zapravo nademo konacno blackpilled balkancel
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Jbt ti si iz zga da zaboravio sam, moze

Ja sam na Jarunu al se mozemo nac u centru bas ce mi drago bit ako se zapravo nademo konacno blackpilled balkancel
Ja sam ti isto na Jarunu lol
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still a zesty ahh
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Naj ozbiljnije, išao tu u školu, krstio se u Sveta Mati Slobode looool

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Reactions: hopecel
faking mirin, send pic in pm im curious
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  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Ive been a frauder for almost 2 years now

my original plan was to just fraud to 185cm but i need that 2cm.

Its not as easy as i make it sound like. At one point i had like 30 blisters on my toes, and this summer i lost a nail because i was in lifts during a 12h flight to Sanghai

The nail still didnt grow back:lul:
Mirin please tag me in the guide
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I'm curious about her face, dm
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Some degenerate asks why we didnt fuck, shes HQNP and waiting till marriage. Were still not in a relationship tho i dont think any of us want a relationship
4482304 1730266336165
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So u're HHV ?
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you didn't hold hands, stop larping
I accidentally touched a girls hand in school, she had a disgusting wound on it from some kind of disease idk what. Does that count?
  • JFL
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Reactions: hopecel, Costcosuperstore, aspiringexcel and 1 other person
I accidentally touched a girls hand in school, she had a disgusting wound on it from some kind of disease idk what. Does that count?
no, touching isn't holding
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, aspiringexcel and BimaxLaser

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