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- Dec 3, 2021
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Everyone claims to have a friend who is short and gets laid, well that's me.

EDIT- I wish I was a wide as how I look with these stretched photos
Except, I also have very narrow shoulders, small ribcage, short arms and legs, which make me look even smaller and weaker. In my untrained state, I get framemogged by guys that are 5'6.
I am also not athletic, (but I do work out a little) , I have less than 1000 followers on instagram. I am not rich. I do not have a deep voice.
Regardless of these facts, I banged the hottest and most girls out of anyone in my class at highschool. I had banged 100 girls before my 21st birthday, 8 girls in my first 2 weeks of university, and slayed the most of anyone at my college. I know this because all of the top slayers were friends with me. Even though Ive been in a relationship for the past 3 years, young hotties will regularly offer me sex when I am at parties, in town etc. They act all seductive with me, show off they body and hold eye contact with me, They say things like, "I know you said you have a girlfriend, but I promise I'll keep it a secret" or "Dont talk to me like that, or you'll me fall in love with you"
The girls I have been with have all been hotties, 90% of them around 8-9 in looks. Many of them are runway models, fitness models, bikini models, (2 have been in Dan Bilzarian's insta photos) pageant girls, Sugar babies, strippers (which are some of the most down to earth and loyal) and a handful of them are now married to multi-millionaires.
I have always, and will always get attention, attraction, flirting, and sex from women without much effort.
HOW is this possible?
To put it in the terms used in this forum, I am stylemaxxed, (I grew up in a family that is very fashion consious, in a country that is not very fashionable)
I also have what I believe to be a seductive personality.
It is my belief that women are turned on by what they HEAR, much more than what they SEE
I also think a quick look around shows us that the looks threshold for men is very LOW. Once you pass that, the rest is your vibe and sub-communication, eye contact, emotional state, and conversational frame.
To get a girl to be OPEN to sleeping with you, you only need 1 THING to make her look, or catch her eye. This can be:- The typical stuff discussed here like a good face, tall height, athletic frame, muscular body, or status or fame
- It can also be easy stuff like a cool beard or interesting tattoos, great style, good taste in jewellery, a great haircut
- I can go on and on about other stuff if you guys want, but in short, there is 1 thing for anyone, regardless of your genetics.
I'm telling you, Ive seen so many tall, handsome chads get the eye roll and lose attraction when they act overly cocky, uncalibrated, abrasive etc.
I think a lot of people in this community like to fantasize that if they were good looking or tall, they could just roll around banging staceys all day without the risk of rejection or without having to work on their personality. This is fantasy. Chad might get laid 1/20 times by some insecure girl, looking to validate her own attractiveness if he does not have the social abilities to convert his good looks first impression into a more real attraction.I'm open to any disagreements or questions, I can also supply proof over DM.
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