I am the Ugliest Member On This Site and Posting My Pics


Deleted member 22705

Sep 30, 2022
People treat me terribly because of looks, women avoid looking at me and often frown if they accidentally make eye-contact. Guys give me arrogant smirks and looks of contempt especially if they are with a woman or they also avoid looking at me. Nobody at work interacts with me and they all try to avoid me. When I talk to them they often avoid making eye-contact. My reality is cold, brutal, lonely and empty, I have shown my pics to women on Whisper and been blocked or ghosted, after they asked for it and agreed to provide a rating. On Reddit even on a bluepilled sub women admitted I was ugly and one women commented EW to my pics.

I recognize without looks-maxxing my life will be horrid and empty. I will never have a single friend, have one person care about or empathize with me, or attract a single person. Nobody will even want to hang around me let alone date or sleep with me. One guy at work sarcastically called me handsome and often talks down to me in a patronizing tone, "saying things like good job", while also avoiding interacting with me. Everyone knows my face is the issue and intentionally ostracize me for it.

The worst part is very few of them are good looking most of them are just normie tier, some of them are even old, short and ethnic, yet they are all treated better than me by women. This indicates my face must be extremely ugly. Even older women, ugly women and landwhales treat me like shit and look at me with disgust and contempt. I am sick of living this way, I even had surgery with Dr. Taban but I am still ugly. Realistically there's no difference in how people treat me, even though I believe I look somewhat better.

I need answers, I know many people here will tell me it's over, bully me for my face, or mess around with my pics but I don't care because people IRL treat me far worse. It seems to me the only options left are looksmax or die trying. I hope one of the aesthetic experts here will take pity on my subhuman self and morph me to look human and provide advice for surgery . I recognize I am overweight but I see morbidly obese guys being treated normally and dating ugly women. Clearly I have other issues.

I haven't been able to post attachments on here for a while so I will be using an imgur link. The pictures at the top are more recent than the pictures at the bottom, detailing weight loss, only the second picture was taken with the rear camera and is probably the most realistic. All of them are me standing against a neutral background in neutral lighting.

  • So Sad
  • JFL
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Reactions: FailedNormieManlet, Rift, ElySioNs and 4 others
The problem is you're obnoxiously fat. Dnr ur sob story. If u really cared that much... if u really felt like being ugly was negatively influencing ur quality of life u would have put down the fork.

Instead you come here looking for sympathy. U moan and whinge like a little bitch when u haven't even tried.

It's beyond pathetic.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 23642, Deleted member 23748, FailedNormieManlet and 52 others
  • JFL
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Reactions: Adonis, BigBundaSlapper and Deleted member 18879
The problem is you're obnoxiously fat. Dnr ur sob story. If u really cared that much... if u really felt like being ugly was negatively influencing ur quality of life u would have put down the fork.

Instead you come here looking for sympathy. U moan and whinge like a little bitch when u haven't even tried.

It's beyond pathetic.
Dude I am losing weight everyday. I work a job where I am walking the equivalent of 6-8 miles and burning 500 calories minimum. Losing weight takes time. I notice other fat guys being treated normally. I even saw a fat Indian guy with an ugly indian girl and he smirked at me contemptously. I saw another couple with a fat Indian guy too and he was even shorter than me. I want to know why people treat me so poorly? In the second picture, my face is less bloated yet it doesn't improve my rating.
  • JFL
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not reading all that but def not ugliest user, just fat af. fix that shit
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Lol fat fucking retard, lose some weight, I am far uglier than you. You have no deformities nigga how can you be the ugliest? I’m the ugliest. The only surgery you need is rhino and if you want to be a mogger get rhino, filler, and lose a shit ton of lifts plus get a better haircut and skincare. You’re a lazy sack of shit Indian and I hope you die for being such a narcissistic bitch and trying to take my spot of ugliest forum member
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: treveo, casadebanho, Tasty17 and 14 others
Lol fat fucking retard, lose some weight, I am far uglier than you. You have no deformities nigga how can you be the ugliest? I’m the ugliest. The only surgery you need is rhino and if you want to be a mogger get rhino, filler, and lose a shit ton of lifts plus get a better haircut and skincare. You’re a lazy sack of shit Indian and I hope you die for being such a narcissistic bitch and trying to take my spot of ugliest forum member
Meant to say *and lose a shit ton of weight
Fucking idiot imagine having positive canthal tilt + symmetrical face and being this much of a fat lazy piece of shit, you deserve everything bad that comes to you, I hope you get even fatter and more mentally ill
  • JFL
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Reactions: casadebanho, Pharmaceutic, Tasty17 and 13 others
Mods don’t ban me btw this is constructive criticism, BTW show a side profile pic too we need to see that for accuracy
  • JFL
Reactions: howtoloooksmax?
get off the internet and get on a treadmill fat boy
  • +1
Reactions: catmeowed
Lol fat fucking retard, lose some weight, I am far uglier than you. You have no deformities nigga how can you be the ugliest? I’m the ugliest. The only surgery you need is rhino and if you want to be a mogger get rhino, filler, and lose a shit ton of lifts plus get a better haircut and skincare. You’re a lazy sack of shit Indian and I hope you die for being such a narcissistic bitch and trying to take my spot of ugliest forum member
Dude, have you looked at my eyes clearly? I have small palpebral fissure length and asymmetry. One of them is clearly bulging out of my socket while the other has the width of someone with fetal alcohol syndrome. Other than my nose, my eyebrows are narrow and poorly shaped. My lips are thin and narrow. I have had a woman on whisper tell me I have a resting bitch face and look like a killer. I had cleared my skin with accutane and gotten filler along with done laser for acne scarring, but the acn

I wouldn't say I am the ugliest guy in the world but most of this forum looks like male models, so I assumed I was the ugliest here. Realistically, I'd say I am between 10th-15th percentile in facial attractiveness for a 25 year old. However, people treat me the worst everywhere I go, I have never seen another guy treated as poorly as me. People literally avoid making eye-contact when talking to me and women literally walk away when I talk to them. There are rare cases when they can't instantly tell I am ugly, but despite talking to them normally they become disgusted midway to the conversation and avoid interacting with me ever again.
Meant to say the acne came back and scarring happened again.
Fucking idiot imagine having positive canthal tilt + symmetrical face and being this much of a fat lazy piece of shit, you deserve everything bad that comes to you, I hope you get even fatter and more mentally ill
Yeah he has a good eye area and isn’t deformed he also looks tall just another whiner
  • +1
Reactions: BigBundaSlapper, copefuel, rand anon and 1 other person
Dude, have you looked at my eyes clearly? I have small palpebral fissure length and asymmetry. One of them is clearly bulging out of my socket while the other has the width of someone with fetal alcohol syndrome. Other than my nose, my eyebrows are narrow and poorly shaped. My lips are thin and narrow. I have had a woman on whisper tell me I have a resting bitch face and look like a killer. I had cleared my skin with accutane and gotten filler along with done laser for acne scarring, but the acn

I wouldn't say I am the ugliest guy in the world but most of this forum looks like male models, so I assumed I was the ugliest here. Realistically, I'd say I am between 10th-15th percentile in facial attractiveness for a 25 year old. However, people treat me the worst everywhere I go, I have never seen another guy treated as poorly as me. People literally avoid making eye-contact when talking to me and women literally walk away when I talk to them. There are rare cases when they can't instantly tell I am ugly, but despite talking to them normally they become disgusted midway to the conversation and avoid interacting with me ever again.
Jfl imagine getting filler before even losing weight, and your eye area is not bad, that’s barely noticeable
Yeah he has a good eye area and isn’t deformed he also looks tall just another whiner
Why do people avoid making eye contact with IRL, if I have a good eye area?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22126, BugeyeBigNoseCurry and MakinMogReturns
Yeah he has a good eye area and isn’t deformed he also looks tall just another whiner
Fr this kids a faggot he deserves to rot, hasn’t even done any softmaxxes but decides to get filler jfl
  • +1
Reactions: rand anon and MakinMogReturns
Yeah he has a good eye area and isn’t deformed he also looks tall just another whiner
Also I am like 69-70 inches so barely average height and probably a little below average in my age group.
  • JFL
Reactions: BugeyeBigNoseCurry and MakinMogReturns
People treat me terribly because of looks, women avoid looking at me and often frown if they accidentally make eye-contact. Guys give me arrogant smirks and looks of contempt especially if they are with a woman or they also avoid looking at me. Nobody at work interacts with me and they all try to avoid me. When I talk to them they often avoid making eye-contact. My reality is cold, brutal, lonely and empty, I have shown my pics to women on Whisper and been blocked or ghosted, after they asked for it and agreed to provide a rating. On Reddit even on a bluepilled sub women admitted I was ugly and one women commented EW to my pics.

I recognize without looks-maxxing my life will be horrid and empty. I will never have a single friend, have one person care about or empathize with me, or attract a single person. Nobody will even want to hang around me let alone date or sleep with me. One guy at work sarcastically called me handsome and often talks down to me in a patronizing tone, "saying things like good job", while also avoiding interacting with me. Everyone knows my face is the issue and intentionally ostracize me for it.

The worst part is very few of them are good looking most of them are just normie tier, some of them are even old, short and ethnic, yet they are all treated better than me by women. This indicates my face must be extremely ugly. Even older women, ugly women and landwhales treat me like shit and look at me with disgust and contempt. I am sick of living this way, I even had surgery with Dr. Taban but I am still ugly. Realistically there's no difference in how people treat me, even though I believe I look somewhat better.

I need answers, I know many people here will tell me it's over, bully me for my face, or mess around with my pics but I don't care because people IRL treat me far worse. It seems to me the only options left are looksmax or die trying. I hope one of the aesthetic experts here will take pity on my subhuman self and morph me to look human and provide advice for surgery . I recognize I am overweight but I see morbidly obese guys being treated normally and dating ugly women. Clearly I have other issues.

I haven't been able to post attachments on here for a while so I will be using an imgur link. The pictures at the top are more recent than the pictures at the bottom, detailing weight loss, only the second picture was taken with the rear camera and is probably the most realistic. All of them are me standing against a neutral background in neutral lighting.


You legit have a decent base ur just overweight lose weight JFL some people like the blackops2cel are legitimately truecels and they can't do anything about it, you can
Once you are lean you won't look that bad and could ascend with surgery. You aren't nearly the ugliest on this forum.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 27772, rand anon and MakinMogReturns
Why are you still fat, ungroomed and have bad skin in 2022? It literally makes no sense.
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: 444 and gymmaxedhorse
How tall are you by the way?
You legit have a decent base ur just overweight lose weight JFL some people like the blackops2cel are legitimately truecels and they can't do anything about it, you can
When I lose weight my tear troughs look way hollower and my nasiolabial folds become very prominent, my lateral orbital rim is also very recessed. I have a pic from where I am less overweight after the surgery, but it might still have some filler effect. I will add it to the link really quick.
Once you are lean you won't look that bad and could ascend with surgery. You aren't nearly the ugliest on this forum.
What surgeries will I need?
When I lose weight my tear troughs look way hollower and my nasiolabial folds become very prominent, my lateral orbital rim is also very recessed. I have a pic from where I am less overweight after the surgery, but it might still have some filler effect. I will add it to the link really quick.
It's still better than being fat. It's probably not as bad as you described. If you had to you could get some fat injected or fillers injected in some areas pretty easy
It's still better than being fat. It's probably not as bad as you described. If you had to you could get some fat injected or fillers injected in some areas pretty easy
Ok just added the pic, it's the last pic at the end.
It's still better than being fat. It's probably not as bad as you described. If you had to you could get some fat injected or fillers injected in some areas pretty easy
It's still better than being fat. It's probably not as bad as you described. If you had to you could get some fat injected or fillers injected in some areas pretty easy
Accidentally added a period.
The problem is you're obnoxiously fat. Dnr ur sob story. If u really cared that much... if u really felt like being ugly was negatively influencing ur quality of life u would have put down the fork.

Instead you come here looking for sympathy. U moan and whinge like a little bitch when u haven't even tried.

It's beyond pathetic.
LMAO this, we should ban every person posting for rates if they're over 18% bodyfat. Being lean should be a prerequisite to getting rates.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: 444, Deleted member 21532, gymmaxedhorse and 6 others
LMAO this, we should ban every person posting for rates if they're over 18% bodyfat. Being lean should be a prerequisite to getting rates.
Can't you rate facial features, harmony, symmetry, skin and hair even when overweight. Also aren't fat loss patterns predictable, couldn't someone accurately morph what I would look like after losing weight?
I am ngl lie to you. Even if you lost weight, I still feel like you would be LTN at best. But you are probably being treated like crap cause your fat and unkempt.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21532, gymmaxedhorse, PrisonMike and 2 others
Yeah he has a good eye area and isn’t deformed he also looks tall just another whiner
I think his whining is kinda justified. But he needs to lose weight and stop being so unkempt.
  • +1
Reactions: MakinMogReturns
invisible in the west, can get some action in curry land
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Reactions: Adonis
I am ngl lie to you. Even if you lost weight, I still feel like you would be LTN at best. But you are probably being treated like crap cause your fat and unkempt.
What surgeries can bring me up to MTN?
What surgeries can bring me up to MTN?
You need to lose weight dude. I don't think your eyes actually small. They probably just look small because your face is bloated because of all this fat.

After losing weight, getting a proper haircut etc post your pics again to ask for advice.

But from what I can see know, all parts of your face will need some work. You need HT for a square hairline, eyebrow transplant. Nose is bad but I think that is because of thick skin. I am not sure how bad your lower third is under all that fat but like I said you need to LOSE WEIGHT so that we can even properly diagnose the problem.

MTN is doable. Honeslty, I think you would be a solid LTN with softmaxxing alone. Your pheno is bad but it is not dravidian tier and you are not very short or have death tier failos/ratios
  • +1
Reactions: Erik-Jón
lose weight, better hairstyle (the other pic you posted the hair is at least better but still isnt ideal), skincare, shave your neckbeard, your beard genes are weak so you might just need to go clean shaven, fashion too.
  • +1
Reactions: treveo and It'snotover
You need to lose weight dude. I don't think your eyes actually small. They probably just look small because your face is bloated because of all this fat.

After losing weight, getting a proper haircut etc post your pics again to ask for advice.

But from what I can see know, all parts of your face will need some work. You need HT for a square hairline, eyebrow transplant. Nose is bad but I think that is because of thick skin. I am not sure how bad your lower third is under all that fat but like I said you need to LOSE WEIGHT so that we can even properly diagnose the problem.

MTN is doable. Honeslty, I think you would be a solid LTN with softmaxxing alone. Your pheno is bad but it is not dravidian tier and you are not very short or have death tier failos/ratios

True when I was 40%+ bf and looks like this my eyes looked like little slits
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead, BugeyeBigNoseCurry and Moggie
lose weight, better hairstyle (the other pic you posted the hair is at least better but still isnt ideal), skincare, shave your neckbeard, your beard genes are weak so you might just need to go clean shaven, fashion too.
What kind of hairstyle should I aim for? Also, I can't shave my neckbeard fully because of keloid scars underneath which can only be flattened but not permanently eliminated. Also, shaving increases the risk of new keloid scarring which is why I rarely do it.
  • +1
Reactions: Moggie
True when I was 40%+ bf and looks like this my eyes looked like little slits

Don't think he even has a small PFL. His lateral and medial scleral triangles are quite large tbh. Unless his irises are really small. His face just large and bloated because of all the fat.
  • +1
Reactions: Erik-Jón
lose weight, better hairstyle (the other pic you posted the hair is at least better but still isnt ideal), skincare, shave your neckbeard, your beard genes are weak so you might just need to go clean shaven, fashion too.
How does fashion work?
  • +1
Reactions: Moggie
Don't think he even has a small PFL. His lateral and medial scleral triangles are quite large tbh. Unless his irises are really small. His face just large and bloated because of all the fat.

I have 32.5mm pfl and still happened to me

And it’s noticeable people have irl have said that they can see my eyes now or like my eyes aren’t slits
I have 32.5mm pfl and still happened to me

And it’s noticeable people have irl have said that they can see my eyes now or like my eyes aren’t slits
Yeah. Numbers like this are kinda meaningless on their own but can be kinda useful for understanding why your eyes look the way they do. I see so many niggas here considering lower lid retraction or implants for tighter lids when they just have small PFL.
  • +1
Reactions: yuyu and Erik-Jón
Lose weight and then post again
You need to lose weight dude. I don't think your eyes actually small. They probably just look small because your face is bloated because of all this fat.

After losing weight, getting a proper haircut etc post your pics again to ask for advice.

But from what I can see know, all parts of your face will need some work. You need HT for a square hairline, eyebrow transplant. Nose is bad but I think that is because of thick skin. I am not sure how bad your lower third is under all that fat but like I said you need to LOSE WEIGHT so that we can even properly diagnose the problem.

MTN is doable. Honeslty, I think you would be a solid LTN with softmaxxing alone. Your pheno is bad but it is not dravidian tier and you are not very short or have death tier failos/ratios
Does this pic make any difference, I am less overweight in this and filler-maxxed or is it still too fat?
Lol bro u have hunter eye. Just lose weight, mew and chew.
Does this pic make any difference, I am less overweight in this and filler-maxxed or is it still too fat?

dude, you cannot judge a person until they lose enough fat that you can see their face.
even if you had mogger bones and insane jawline we couldn't tell because there's fat that covers it.

implement a carnivore diet, start exercising every day, improve your hygiene, clean shave to not look musty. There's so much you can do everyday but I think it's just you being lazy
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