I can't stand muslims



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020
Basically to sum up the last events:

Palestinians killed an Israeli.
Israelis got pissed (as they should).
They attacked Palestinians with police and Army (as they should).
Palestinians played the victim like they were just peaceful people doing their prayer (and the left wing liberal media supported them).

Israelis deserve respect because they go all the way and they protect their own. Palestinians don't deserve any respect because they only do cowardly stuff like kill an unarmed Israeli and when Israelis attack them they run and hide. If you're going to kill an Israeli go all the way. Take over and kill all of them. You have the power to do so but you're cowards. If Palestinians took over then they would finally get respect from the world.

It's so easy to piss off a muslim it's not even funny. They are the easiest people to piss off. And for no logical reason.

Like go to an arab in Saudi Arabia and show him a drawing of Mohammed (PBUH). Guess what's going to happen to you within 10 seconds? Yep. But when he sees what's happening to kids in Palestine or Syria guess what he does? Nothing. Silence.

How is that logical? That's illogical stupid behavior. Muslims only care about protecting their feelings. They don't give a shit that they have no power and that they lost all control. Who cares? As long as no one draws pictures of the Prophet they're all good. Who cares that Palestinians are being butt raped by Israel for decades?
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5C06DCA5 7947 4AB0 A844 21EBF2A25A7B
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just say that ur a filthy jew
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  • JFL
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didnt read faggot

The only king i mean to bend my knee is stacys pussy
  • JFL
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didnt read faggot

The only king i mean to bend my knee is stacys pussy
read it bruh I need your opinion. Tell me how I'm wrong
ignored this jew
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  • JFL
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i dont know what to make of this conflict and i dont really care

im hoping that the pope calls another crusade and europe can take jerusalem with ak 47s
  • JFL
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muslims cannot accept that there days are over
atheism is one the rise over allahcels in the future
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  • JFL
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How do u hope this conflict concludes itself regardless of who wins?
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goyims are born to serve joos anyway.
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How can Palestinians fight back, they have homemade rockets jfl theres no way they can take over Israel
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How do u hope this conflict concludes itself regardless of who wins?
that one side dominates enough so that the other side won't even make a noise
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that one side dominates enough so that the other side won't even make a noise
Do u think that's most likely what's gonna happen? And if so, will be it be soon?
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How can Palestinians fight back, they have homemade rockets jfl theres no way they can take over Israel
Bruh Mohammad with his 300 people army won against 1000 people who were better armed in his first battle. It's possible.
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It's more complex than that Palestinians obviously can't win a war against Israel, so fighting wouldn't do shit except ending up with multiple causalities on their side, Israel is also trying to expand and take over the whole region while playing as victims.

So basically it's pretty much over for Palestine unless the international community stops Israel from expanding, or they secede and form their own country with internationally accepted borders.
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Reactions: Numb The Pain, Deleted member 10913, Effortless and 4 others
Basically to sum up the last events:

Palestinians killed an Israeli.
Israelis got pissed (as they should).
They attacked Palestinians with police and Army (as they should).
Palestinians played the victim like they were just peaceful people doing their prayer (and the left wing liberal media supported them).

Israelis deserve respect because they go all the way and they protect their own. Palestinians don't deserve any respect because they only do cowardly stuff like kill an unarmed Israeli and when Israelis attack them they run and hide. If you're going to kill an Israeli go all the way. Take over and kill all of them. You have the power to do so but you're cowards. If Palestinians took over then they would finally get respect from the world.

It's so easy to piss off a muslim it's not even funny. They are the easiest people to piss off. And for no logical reason.

Like go to an arab in Saudi Arabia and show him a drawing of Mohammed (PBUH). Guess what's going to happen to you within 10 seconds? Yep. But when he sees what's happening to kids in Palestine or Syria guess what he does? Nothing. Silence.

How is that logical? That's illogical stupid behavior. Muslims only care about protecting their feelings. They don't give a shit that they have no power and that they lost all control. Who cares? As long as no one draws pictures of the Prophet they're all good. Who cares that Palestinians are being butt raped by Israel for decades?
I can't stand kikes tbh...

Kikes getting gassed and cooked in ovens again by Sand moggers? 😢


GOOD :lul:


✋ H A I L V I C T O R Y
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Who cares about sandniggers
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They don't.
They do. When Jews came in 19xx there was less of them and Palestinians were the ones armed. But they still took over.
Israel is also trying to expand and take over the whole region while playing as victims.
Israel took over territories after wars and gave it back. because they build on their on country they play ''victims?'' take over the whole region? the fuck youre on about?
It's more complex than that Palestinians obviously can't win a war against Israel, so fighting wouldn't do shit except ending up with multiple causalities on their side, Israel is also trying to expand and take over the whole region while playing as victims.

So basically it's pretty much over for Palestine unless the international community stops Israel from expanding, or they secede and form their own country with internationally accepted borders.
Not true. They have the power and if they wanted to, they would take over just fine.
They do. When Jews came in 19xx there was less of them and Palestinians were the ones armed. But they still took over.
  • JFL
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Bruh Mohammad with his 300 people army won against 1000 people who were better armed in his first battle. It's possible.
Bro that was a long time ago when even the better weapons weren’t that much more advanced than normal ones and it was still fairly easy to penetrate the defense.

Now Palestine has to go up against IDS which brutally mog them in numbers and gunpower. Also the iron dome intercepts practically every rocket so Palestine can barely touch Israel. Not to mention, the Mossad agents are doing shady shit and they’re arguably the most advanced and suspicious special forces in the world

Tbh why do you support Israel when Palestine got fucked over by them and the western counties so many times

the only argument for supporting Israel is that the Muslim countries are shitholes that can't unite together and the Israelis would have no where to go if Israel was lost to Palestine
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Bro that was a long time ago when even the better weapons weren’t that much more advanced than normal ones and it was still fairly easy to penetrate the defense.

Now Palestine has to go up against IDS which brutally mog them in numbers and gunpower. Also the iron dome intercepts practically every rocket so Palestine can barely touch Israel. Not to mention, the Mossad agents are doing shady shit and they’re arguably the most advanced and suspicious special forces in the world

Tbh why do you support Israel when Palestine got fucked over by them and the western counties so many times

the only argument for supporting Israel is that the Muslim countries are shitholes that can't unite together and the Israelis would have no where to go if Israel was lost to Palestine
I never said that I support Israel. Israel are pieces of shit for doing what they did, but they deserve respect because they go all the way and they get what they think is theirs, while Palestinians are cowards who allowed all of this to happen.
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Israel is also trying to expand and take over the whole region while playing as victims.
Also read about the times israel offered the arabs almost third of the country (67) and they refused. expand my ass.
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Also read about the times israel offered the arabs almost third of the country (67) and they refused. expand my ass.
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Israel took over territories after wars and gave it back. because they build on their on country they play ''victims?'' take over the whole region? the fuck youre on about?
Lets say the roles were reversed in this conflict, where Palestine had Israel's power and numbers. Do you think the Palestinians would have showed mercy to the Jews, like Israel is kind of doing with Palestine rn, or do you think they would of massacred all of them to claim the land.

I honestly think the latter, knowing the Muslims history of conquest
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As to the past yes, not right now.
Right but that proves my point. The weaker side won (weaker in numbers are weapons, not unity and mindset). The same can happen again.
Lets say the roles were reversed in this conflict, where Palestine had Israel's power and numbers. Do you think the Palestinians would have showed mercy to the Jews, like Israel is kind of doing with Palestine rn, or do you think they would of massacred all of them to claim the land.

I honestly think the latter, knowing the Muslims history of conquest
I believe in this quote:

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎”
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Right but that proves my point. The weaker side won (weaker in numbers are weapons, not unity and mindset). The same can happen again.
They would just nuke the whole middle east.
I believe in this quote:

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎”
Violence existed where there were no arabs too. That's a dumb quote.
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  • JFL
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Violence existed where there were no arabs too. That's a dumb quote.
You fail to understand that israel wouldn't try to conquer the countries around her if they would leave them alone.
  • Hmm...
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You fail to understand that israel wouldn't try to conquer the countries around her if they would leave them alone.
Why did they create constant conflict with Mohmmad then? Why did everyone hate them and kick them out throughout history?
  • JFL
Reactions: Enfant terrible
Why did they create constant conflict with Mohmmad then? Why did everyone hate them and kick them out throughout history?
It's a one side thing? and the jews needed a country that's not a question.
use your head. all the jews vs arabs wars were initiated by the arabs, not the israeli.

I believe in this quote:

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel'‎”
Israel (imo, logically) wouldn't wake up one day and try to conquer the whole middle east for no reason.
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Why did they create constant conflict with Mohmmad then? Why did everyone hate them and kick them out throughout history?
xenophobia bascially
also religion
  • JFL
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It's a one side thing? and the jews needed a country that's not a question.
use your head. all the jews vs arabs wars were initiated by the arabs, not the israeli.

Israel (imo, logically) wouldn't wake up one day and try to conquer the whole middle east for no reason.
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It's a one side thing? and the jews needed a country that's not a question.
use your head. all the jews vs arabs wars were initiated by the arabs, not the israeli.

Israel (imo, logically) wouldn't wake up one day and try to conquer the whole middle east for no reason.
The Banu Qurayza initially told the Muslims that they were allied to them during the Battle of the Trench, however, later they sided with the Pagan Arabs of Quraysh and their allies.[8][9] According to traditional sources,[10] Jewish leaders organized efforts against Muhammad and the Muslims. Three Jewish leaders from the tribe of Banu al-Nadir, three Jewish leaders from the tribe of Wa'il, and various other Jewish groups and leaders united and pressured Banu Qurayza to betray their agreement to Muhammad. Afzalur Rahman states that during the Battle of the Trench, when the Muslims were surrounded by a large hostile force, the Banu Qurayza joined the enemies of the Muslims and threatened the Muslims from within the town itself.[11] Waqidi claims that Muhammad had a treaty with the tribe which was torn apart. Norman Stillman and Watt believe such a treaty was "doubtful" to have existed, though Watt believes the Qurayza had agreed not to assist Muhammad's enemies against him.[12][13] According to Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri, Peters, Stillman, Guillaume, Inamdar and Ibn Kathir, on the day of the Meccans' withdrawal Muhammad led his forces against Banu Qurayza. According to Muslim tradition he had been ordered to do so by God.[1][2][14][15][16][17]
The Banu Qurayza initially told the Muslims that they were allied to them during the Battle of the Trench, however, later they sided with the Pagan Arabs of Quraysh and their allies.[8][9] According to traditional sources,[10] Jewish leaders organized efforts against Muhammad and the Muslims. Three Jewish leaders from the tribe of Banu al-Nadir, three Jewish leaders from the tribe of Wa'il, and various other Jewish groups and leaders united and pressured Banu Qurayza to betray their agreement to Muhammad. Afzalur Rahman states that during the Battle of the Trench, when the Muslims were surrounded by a large hostile force, the Banu Qurayza joined the enemies of the Muslims and threatened the Muslims from within the town itself.[11] Waqidi claims that Muhammad had a treaty with the tribe which was torn apart. Norman Stillman and Watt believe such a treaty was "doubtful" to have existed, though Watt believes the Qurayza had agreed not to assist Muhammad's enemies against him.[12][13] According to Safiur Rahman Mubarakpuri, Peters, Stillman, Guillaume, Inamdar and Ibn Kathir, on the day of the Meccans' withdrawal Muhammad led his forces against Banu Qurayza. According to Muslim tradition he had been ordered to do so by God.[1][2][14][15][16][17]
Not going to read that, but both sides hate each other religion beliefs and it's no secret.
  • JFL
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Not going to read that, but both sides hate each other religion beliefs and it's no secret.
Bruh it's a minute read. Just to give you perspective
Israel took over territories after wars and gave it back. because they build on their on country they play ''victims?'' take over the whole region? the fuck youre on about?
I mean it's pretty obvious they've been expanding past their borders for several decades mostly by setting up settler communities in what is supposed to be Palestinian territory, I know they gave back the Sinai region but that was to Egypt and was meant to reduce tension.

If Israel and Palestine both want peace they have to set up two separate independent countries with practical borders.
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Bruh it's a minute read. Just to give you perspective
Just boring, i can find bad stories about both sides. I don't think that the jews are angels btw, to make it clear. every race done some fucked up stuff because that's nature. but the israel conflict is more clear to me.
Not true. They have the power and if they wanted to, they would take over just fine.
No they don't Israel has more finances and support from USA, they also have a better more organized army and superior technology do you remember the six day war jfl, and they were fighting multiple countries then
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