I can't stand vegans, kill vegans



Feb 7, 2024
Haha fucking retards

And when these vegan eating meat for the first time in this amount of years etc etc videos they act like they're eating meat for the first time

"Oh my god.. oh my, give me the bucket i need to spit it out"

Like holy shit did our ancestors eat grass dirt carrots and broccoli and went to hunt vegetables?

Like nigga I ain't against eating vegetables, I eat vegetables myself, I eat salad (because I like the taste) but I eat meat too and I fucking love meat and its my favorite food

I enjoy a steak like its so fucking good, chicken is so good too (cow meat and chicken are the only meats I eat, i dont bother with other, chicken and cow meat only)

By vegans i mean vegeterians too vegan/vegeterians not just vegans only

Yall some retarded mfs lmaoo

Dying at the age of 30

Not getting enough nutrients etc etc

Just fucking kys if ur a vegan once you went vegan no going back just kys at that point dont go back into meat eating you failed your ancestors you retard

None of our ancestors refused to eat meat they fucking ate kilograms of meat and they were bulky and fat and ate shit ton of meat fucking grabbing a big ass piece of steak they cooked in wild fire and fucking biting that shit and their teeth were strong like fucking big ass meat and taking a big ass bite from that shit
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True, but you're still a SLAVE because you eat vegetables.
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Cope, Vegans mog hard
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tomatoes, onions, pepper etc?? just salad
he has no sense for culinary art.

He's some peasent who eats some random bird on the street lmao
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tomatoes, onions, pepper etc?? just salad
Tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables. And eating onions and peppers and all that kind of shit is even worse than eating leaves because they're even more toxic. That's where their remarkable features come from.
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Tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables. And eating onions and peppers and all that kind of shit is even worse than eating leaves because they're even more toxic. That's where their remarkable features come from.
nah ion care steak and onion go well together

couldnt care less about toxins

niggas be talking about toxins but then wear xenoestrogens in their clothes, microplastics, breathe shit air, living in the us
Fuck vegans! Give me le epic steakerino!!!
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Ion care nigga. I eat everything, any meat, birds, cats, Asians, your moms ass. Everything.

No dick tho cuz that’s gay brooooo
Anyways I’m gonna go watch step sis porn so stfu
Humans are anatomically closest to frugivories

II.) HISTORY: Humans originally had a symbiotic relationship with the fruit trees as qe consumed the fruits aka sexual organs then spread their seeds over the lands.

In the bible God gave us every tree on earth to eat the fruit to thrive. After being cast from the garden he allowed us to have grains, nuts, seeds legumes to survive. After the flood God allowed us to consume animals except for the blood (raw) because the blood contains the life.

As humans began to consume more cooked foods, more meats, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, processed foods, etc our brains shrunk, IQ's decreased lifespans decreased dramatically, diseases increased and overall we became a shell of our former selves. The Sumerian Tablets that contained the lists of the Kings and their reigning periods along with the Egyptian historical records all match the biblical records that humans lived for hundreds of years (close to a thousand) and the lifespans decreased over time until around 3,400 years ago you had most humans living around 70-100 years.

Not eating in season, eating our natural diets according to our anatomy, adding in abominations like processed foods and Frankenstein GMO foods over the last 100 years has rapidly diminished our IQ's, T levels, creativity, healthy, lifespans, etc to a point where we're 1/10th of the humans we used to be around 4,500 years ago.

So if you actually review the Anatomy of each group you'll see why we're naturally created to consume mainly fruits in their raw form in season qhile living in a tropical area. Fruits only take us 20-40 minutes to digest. They don't require any processing other than removing the pealing for the most part. They have no negative health effects only health benefits that help alkalize the body, fight and prevent disease and increase longevity.

III.) Studies:

The long term studies on the Inuit's and the Masai tribes (from their skeletons 100's of years ago up until the 70s (people that still consume their ancient diet and practices) all demonstrate that these people who consumed nearly 100% carnivore diets had extremely high rates of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis/heart disease and lifespans of around 45-50 years old on average. Again, this includes the people of more recent times so the excuse of their short lives being because of their hard lifestyles is an invalid excuse. Their heart disease/osteoporosis is the main cause of premature death.

The Studies on the Okinawans (before they started consuming Americanized foods) were the longest living group and healthiest group of people on the planet (outside of the smaller group known as the 7th day Adventists sub group vegans). They had more centurions per capita than any other group and Better health biomarkers than any other group. Their diet consisted of 98% plant based foods and their staple was Japanese sweet potatoes at 50%-75% of their diet. They did consume small amounts of wild caught fish and pig during celebrations.

Studies of animals that are natural herbivories/frugivories when given a meat based diet they all ended up developing heart disease and osteoporosis and died prematurely.

Carnivore diets in the short term can work wonders on people due to intestinal disorders (mainly leaky gut/small bacteria overgrowth). This can come from consuming too many foods high in pesticides, too many processed foods, exposure to high levels of radiation, excessive amounts of grains, seeds, nuts legumes, etc as these things can tear up your gut lining and cause leaky gut. Eating contaminated or rotten foods can lead to SIBO. The carnivore diet in the short term does have the ability to cure these issues for a variety of reasons that I can cover is somebody is interested.

V.) Last Argument Against Our Natural Diet:
People then say the government is pushing the vegan agenda to enslave us. I hate the organized criminal organization aka cooperation of America Inc as much as anyone but their goal isn't to get us off meats, but all whole foods, natural foods, organic foods. They qant us to eat lab grown meats, Frankenstein GMOs and vegan meats, pesticides, etc. Killing off our animals makes it easier for them to have a monopoly on the food supply. They'll make it illegal to grow your own foods and as of right now they're forcing people to register their gardens already as the first step. The end game goal is for them to own all the food so they know they're feeding us pure poison.

VI.) Personally Testing all Diets:
A.) Omnivore SAD diet for 20 years (high frequency of getting sick, poor sleep, horrific teeth and acne)
B.) Vegan Diet 15 years including high levels of Grains nuts seeds and legumes).
For the first 5 years I did amazing I never got sick, cured my long term acne, great sleep, no body order but I started getting pressured by family in friends to eat more protein so I added in a ton of grains nuts seeds and legumes. My gas, bloating and gut pain got worse every year. Finally after nearly 10 years of not eating out I went out to eat and basically I got SIBO that ended up giving me severe leaky gut/ulcerative colitis and autoimmune issues that dropped me down to 99 lbs at 6'1" basically required an ER trip at one point. and nearly lost my life.
C.) Cooked Carnivore Diet 2.5 years: I couldn't tolerate Eggs or dairy. I was able to consume grass fed grass finished non aged no vaxx, no hormone no vax organ meats and fat. This cured my SIBO and ulcerative colitis. This is because the meat digests in the upper tract as the small intestines are not needed for meats. The problem was right as I cured the SIBO/Colitis I needed up with kidney stones and lost my gallbladder as a combination of the protein and the greasy fat destroying my gallbladder. I noticed I had really bad histamine issues and the only meats that I could tolerate with no issues at would be wild caught salmon. I got up to 160 lbs but dropped back down to 125 lbs until I changed my diet again. I had the galbladder and kidney stones removed in the ER.

D.) Raw Frugivore Diet (75%) 2.5 years: So I'll eat coconuts, avocados, and durians for fats, most my carb sources or fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapples. I do consume some Japanese sweet potatoes for cooked food and some sea veggies and hemp seeds(no anti-nutrients or toxins) for a slight increase in protein levels. I try to grow my foods (building a large green house and using geothermal for electricity to heat it up) for my tropical fruits) and eat seasonal foods. I eat outside and no longer even have to drink much water at all as I get most the water from my food.

One doesn't require 1 g of protein per lb of body mass, not even close. It's closer to 0.3 grams of protein per lb of lean (fat free) body mass. That's 38 grams of protein for a 150 lb man with a 15% body fat percentage

Human breast milk has 1 gram of protein per 100 grams of milk or 30 grams of protein per 2,000 calories. So basically 38 grams of protein per 2500 calories or a daily meal for an average dude. This ratio of 1% protein is sufficient for human babies that are rapidly growing (bones, muscles, tissues, ligaments) when you would assume when require the highest ratio of protein for a lifetime yet 1% or 1gram per 100 grams is sufficient.

From this I've completely healed up the leaky gut, autoimmune issues, histamine issues, restored my weight to 165 lbs. No illnesses, no symptoms, no pain, just perfect digestion every time. Best sleep of my life, rock hard erections in mornings, and finally working out for the first time in many years.

VI.) Conclusion: This doesn't mean everybody requires a vegan diet or frugivore diet. This is because everybody's microbiome is in a different state. There is no one perfect diet for 2 people. You'll have to tailor your diet to your gut microbiome. The best thing you can do is a take a GI Map and gut zonulin test and test for SIBO and C Difficile. Based on these tests you can create your foundational diet with a select few whole foods as an elimination diet for a few months. Then slowly over time add in one food every week or 2. Track your symptoms after meals, meals, water, feeling, sleep, energy, etc. The goal is to get to as close as possible to our natural diet (whole foods, raw foods, fruits). If you do eat occasional wild caught fish, honey, or along those lines I'd say that's the healthiest form of animal products one can consume. The title of Raw or Vegan is irrelevant just eat for health and longevity. I'd say keeping these animal products to below 3% like the Okinawans is fine.
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Reactions: optimisticzoomer
stfu vegans are based
animals = retarded humans
Nature is not intelligent, we could so better
I'm natty and vegan never felt better brah
Biggest soy degens. They should legit be forbidden to have kids, imagine spawing in a vegan leftist shithole. Never began.
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Vegans are sheep’s who are controlled all agricultural societies are that’s why Europe had feudalism nomadic societies never bow down like pussies and hate being controlled
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Reactions: optimisticzoomer
OP is a retard who can't handle some people have a different from them.

It's funny I keep hearing meat eaters complain about vegans being toxic when it's these meat fanatics that are always talking about this shit and acting like someone raped a baby.

What's the big crime? Apparently not eating a certain thing. What a fucking joke
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Reactions: optimisticzoomer and Rea
OP is a retard who can't handle some people have a different from them.

It's funny I keep hearing meat eaters complain about vegans being toxic when it's these meat fanatics that are always talking about this shit and acting like someone raped a baby.

What's the big crime? Apparently not eating a certain thing. What a fucking joke
mirin the pfp
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Haha fucking retards

And when these vegan eating meat for the first time in this amount of years etc etc videos they act like they're eating meat for the first time

"Oh my god.. oh my, give me the bucket i need to spit it out"

Like holy shit did our ancestors eat grass dirt carrots and broccoli and went to hunt vegetables?

Like nigga I ain't against eating vegetables, I eat vegetables myself, I eat salad (because I like the taste) but I eat meat too and I fucking love meat and its my favorite food

I enjoy a steak like its so fucking good, chicken is so good too (cow meat and chicken are the only meats I eat, i dont bother with other, chicken and cow meat only)

By vegans i mean vegeterians too vegan/vegeterians not just vegans only

Yall some retarded mfs lmaoo

Dying at the age of 30

Not getting enough nutrients etc etc

Just fucking kys if ur a vegan once you went vegan no going back just kys at that point dont go back into meat eating you failed your ancestors you retard

None of our ancestors refused to eat meat they fucking ate kilograms of meat and they were bulky and fat and ate shit ton of meat fucking grabbing a big ass piece of steak they cooked in wild fire and fucking biting that shit and their teeth were strong like fucking big ass meat and taking a big ass bite from that shit
Based. I just read this after eating beef with bacon
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: asdvek and optimisticzoomer
Haha fucking retards

And when these vegan eating meat for the first time in this amount of years etc etc videos they act like they're eating meat for the first time

"Oh my god.. oh my, give me the bucket i need to spit it out"

Like holy shit did our ancestors eat grass dirt carrots and broccoli and went to hunt vegetables?

Like nigga I ain't against eating vegetables, I eat vegetables myself, I eat salad (because I like the taste) but I eat meat too and I fucking love meat and its my favorite food

I enjoy a steak like its so fucking good, chicken is so good too (cow meat and chicken are the only meats I eat, i dont bother with other, chicken and cow meat only)

By vegans i mean vegeterians too vegan/vegeterians not just vegans only

Yall some retarded mfs lmaoo

Dying at the age of 30

Not getting enough nutrients etc etc

Just fucking kys if ur a vegan once you went vegan no going back just kys at that point dont go back into meat eating you failed your ancestors you retard

None of our ancestors refused to eat meat they fucking ate kilograms of meat and they were bulky and fat and ate shit ton of meat fucking grabbing a big ass piece of steak they cooked in wild fire and fucking biting that shit and their teeth were strong like fucking big ass meat and taking a big ass bite from that shit
2357706 1618780299959
true, i need to try the vegan diet at least a month to see what it's like
do it. see what it's like. Go with vegetarian diet first. Vegan can be hard
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Aristocratic Chads would have the biggest feast with the best cooks nigga, only peasents don't care about the taste of their food.
yeah most normies are like peasents, they just eat some goyslop on the go and don't even care about the taste as long their belly is full
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Bro! Dont u know that it highers cholesterol! Meat is bad dumbass!
and like eggs give heart attacks!!!
Eat only vegetabes. Its good for weightloss!!1!1

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