I did "im an incel AMA" on kiwifarms

that forum is weird af and filled with retards
I just read some more replies holy fuck jfl hard @ these "eccentric" people , a.k.a some genetically inferior fucks wasting time on some literally useless forum
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I mean their responses to me are jfc
Screenshot 20210301 092750 Samsung Internet

this guy kept it real.
Also, they sound like some bitter and rejected social outcasts, pretty much like incels
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jfl, on page 2 now, wtf is

Zippocat's Revenge problem​

people like him are unironically incel themself, but cant cope
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Maybe you guys are incels because you lack the basic intelligence to respond to two posters in a single reply instead of doubleposting like retards.
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May grind APC’s gears
True & Honest Fan

It’s... It’s you! The Hero of Kvatch! This is truly an honor!
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Jfl you are based af to make a thread there
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  • JFL
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ok i just made an account, time to destroy the egos of these truecels in denial
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  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5189, HowAmIAlive123, vaninskybird and 1 other person
damn they are so fucking cringe

check out this tranny larping as a woman,

and this edgy fag, im shaving my head if he isnt the stereotypical neckbeard :lul:
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  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 1973
[IMG alt="Varg Did Nothing Wrong"]https://no-cookie.kiwifarms.net/data/avatars/l/12/12598.jpg?1580068823[/IMG]

Varg Did Nothing Wrong

I am said:
you're a literal retard. Women didn't have youtube and shit to see model faces and didn't have access to 'chad dick'. Women can fraud themselves to look good with makeup but men can't its only plastic surg for us or sofmaxxing. You're a fucking idiot. Science disproves your bluepilled theories about confidence keep coping faggot
What would I cope with, I have never had problems talking to women, getting nudes and fucking.

Good luck with the surgery
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lets spam heil hitler on there?
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cucked if they dont allow my comment, i wanted to give a highly detailed comment but i got tired and wanted to end it

Before I write my comment, im not a native speaker, so dont be triggered if I make grammatical error, or mistype words. Im trying to show you guys the whole picture, and if you disagree with me, critize the thoughts, and not the way I type.
inb4 autistic low iq looser, since u guys are just coping incels in denial. Literally.

inceldom describes the state you are in, if you want to have sex, but cant. Its not something you identify yourself with, or something that you can just choose. Its hard to say wether or not youre an actual incel, if you dont try. If your looksmaxxed (means, taking showers, taking care of your self, not being fat) and still have troubles meating women, even if you approach many of them, i think it would be fair to assume that the state ur in right now, is inceldom.

The common core of the incel "ideology" is the law of attraction.
Some things to understand:
Sexual Market Value = demand and request, you can deny the "SMV" but its a real thing, which is pretty evident unless youve been brainwashed by big media, that all (FOR SOME REASON) spreads marxistic ideas, that promotes naive worldviews.
The "SMV" is based on what you have to value women. on one term you have Looks, that is based objectivaly (not subjective) on the western beauty values. For a men, a wide jaw and defined, vertically narrow eyes, a full head of hair, a good pheno type or coloring, a height above 6ft+ (depends on the region). Money and status are there aswell, but in my opinion less significant, but also dependent on the person, since well, a women want to have their children the best genetic value. outliers exist.

Hypergamy = female nature, the act that women only go for the top men, and wont settle anything less, than what she thinks she deserves.

Blackpill = Genetic determenism, accepting that most of the things that are desired by women, such as a good height, wide jaws are not naturally fixable, only through surgery.

The environment we're in right now = Social media, and online dating are replacing real human contact. Everything is moving online.

Lookism = People prefer staring at good looking stuff. Want proof? Why is the request for iPhones much higher then androids, if iOS is less able then Androids?

Times have changed, and the environment got way worse for men in the regard of dating. Women nowadays have many many options, through social media and online dating. That is affecting loads of young men, since meeting peers that are onpar of their objective attractiveness, is getting worse and worse by the minute. The request of fucking a non-fat women nowadays is sky high, since the standarts of women have dramastically increased, of the inflamination of their ego, with makeup, online simps, frauded pictures where they actually think that they look like that in person, in real life, and media brainwashing them into viewing them more attractive then they actually are.
If you are a average looking women, that is not fat and under 25, going on tinder, will literally give you thousands of matches. Dont believe me? Go on YouTube and please search it up, if i post tinder experiments here, people wont believe me since >your an ugly plain character incel
If she has thousands of matches on tinder, why should she ever go into dates with you? An (probably) average looking men.
Why should she go into dates with a normie, if she could fuck a 6"5 robust white germanic high class athletic chad? She has the options to do so.
Women would rather fuck a good looking guy, then going into a LTR (even if they want to) with Mr. Average

And thats a big problem. Nowadays women are just whoring around, and getting their pair bonding abilities fucked away by the time they are 30, when they will turn into ugly fat useless feminist where they will want to spread the ideology (in that case marxicism, or feminism) that has failed them, because women lack the ability to think rational.

"HaViNg SeX iS SoMeThInG YoU ShOuLd EaRn", its know that having a peer during ur developmental ages in the puberty is necesseraly in order to develop into a healthy neurotypical male. Not having sex is literally hurting, and a right. Deluding women into only wanting the top 5% men is hurting everyone who lives in the west. The women AND men, but you guys are so brainwashed by the elites that you wont understand it, and attack me for my looks instead of the ideas that im proposing.

being blackpilled and being an incel are not necesseraly the same. You can be blackpilled and not being an incel. Looksmax.me is a site that is blackpilled, but not inceldom connected.
And people are waking up slowly, because these places attract people that dont want to lie to themself.

Also, reminder, if you havent had sex with a women, eventhough you want to = incel.
And this site is filled with them, that are just coping.
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  • JFL
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"HaViNg SeX iS SoMeThInG YoU ShOuLd EaRn", its know that having a peer during ur developmental ages in the puberty is necesseraly in order to develop into a healthy neurotypical male. Not having sex is literally hurting, and a right. Deluding women into only wanting the top 5% men is hurting everyone who lives in the west. The women AND men, but you guys are so brainwashed by the elites that you wont understand it, and attack me for my looks instead of the ideas that im proposing.
disagree with this retarted part but everythign else is ok ig
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They're coming for you @HowAmIAlive123


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@FastBananaCEO nigger just left after his thread on kiwifarms went to page 7
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Reactions: Deleted member 5746 and vaninskybird
no wonders that they only let moderators approve of posts before they are actually being posted.
scroll up and look the high iq post i made, they wont verify it jfl
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and vaninskybird

le funny
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5746, IncelsBraincels, Deleted member 10602 and 1 other person
Just mutilate your bodies bro
20210301 074329
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@FastBananaCEO god damnit come back I have hijacked your god damn ama save me
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Reactions: Deleted member 1973
It was nice to read the comments until it was invaded by the user .me, I think I will have to create an account to put these subhumans in their place
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and vaninskybird
Why do they keep saying "fag" i thought kiwifarms was a leftist site ? But it's funny how sophisticated looksmax and neets are in comparison to kiwifarms, they all seem to hate each other and themselves on there without any sense of comradary, but i guess that's what happens when women and trannys are allowed to join
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Arcturus, buckchadley31 and 1 other person
Why do they keep saying "fag" i thought kiwifarms was a leftist site ? But it's funny how sophisticated looksmax and neets are in comparison to kiwifarms, they all seem to hate each other and themselves on there without any sense of comradary, but i guess that's what happens when women and trannys are allowed to join
Lmao they are talking about you now jfc
  • Woah
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you can tell if some of these posters posted their subhuman ass faces here, they'd get told to rope immediately
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Also wtf is that forum about anyway?
  • +1
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Lmao it gets juicy with how pissy they get ngl
i've stopped reading the thread, tbh its fucking cringe how they try to be funny and sound smart, like they are trying to impress you

look at the difference
Screenshot 2021 03 01 at 15940 AM

average .me debate

you see what im trying to say
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Arcturus, Sviken and 1 other person
i've stopped reading the thread, tbh its fucking cringe how they try to be funny and sound smart, like they are trying to impress you

look at the difference
View attachment 1015828

average .me debate
View attachment 1015829

you see what im trying to say
They have given up now that I have put up some actual effort into my responses that is how low IQ they genuinly are lmaoooo

I mean me debates are just better I love em
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and vaninskybird

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