I don't understand why normies become so hostile when someone calls himself "failure"



Taking a break from the autism
May 29, 2019
Most people are failures. The average man works a shitty job he hates, has a miserably low salary, has a disappointing dating life, has neither the IQ nor the talent to make it. This is why the average normie loves to indulge in copes such as going out every weekend to get drunk because only alcohol (and in some rarer cases drugs, too) can alleviate their suffering.
Only the genetic elite wins at the game of life, we are just spectators of their movie like life.
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failing and winning in the "game of life" is all just subjective bullshit. People just don't like people who feel sorry for themselves. It ruins the mood.
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failing and winning in the "game of life" is all just subjective bullshit. People just don't like people who feel sorry for themselves. It ruins the mood.
I don't think it's that subjective. Try working a blue collar job in some factory 8 hours day, that's true suffering and that's when you know you have completely failed at life.
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I don't think it's that subjective. Try working a blue collar job in some factory 8 hours day, that's true suffering and that's when you know you have completely failed at life.

There's always going to be people who are worse off and better off than you. No need to put a label on yourself as a "failure".
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failing and winning in the "game of life" is all just subjective bullshit. People just don't like people who feel sorry for themselves. It ruins the mood.
At least we have greycels with a bit of social common sense. I swear it's a fucking miracle half the people on this site have any friends at all.
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At least we have greycels with a bit of social common sense. I swear it's a fucking miracle half the people on this site have any friends at all.
The title in the thread was obviously a rhetorical question. Jfl if you think I go around telling people that I'm a failure.
I've noticed that normies savour every small victory, eg they manage to get a low-tier becky to settle with them and all of a sudden they are "the luckiest man alive" and use their wedding as an opportunity to brag.

They'd like to think that they married the Stacy that all the men are swooning over and won the game of life, it's hard for them to accept that the low-tier Becky was life's consolation prize.
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The title in the thread was obviously a rhetorical question. Jfl if you think I go around telling people that I'm a failure.
dn rd the post but the title makes it look like you're talking from experience. I agree with your post tho, but I'd say what accounts as a failure is subjective. I'd be content to have a normie life.
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Most people are failures. The average man works a shitty job he hates, has a miserably low salary, has a disappointing dating life, has neither the IQ nor the talent to make it. This is why the average normie loves to indulge in copes such as going out every weekend to get drunk because only alcohol (and in some rarer cases drugs, too) can alleviate their suffering.
Only the genetic elite wins at the game of life, we are just spectators of their movie like life.
I'd be content to have a normie life.
As a blackpiller you should learn to be content with "normie life" if you have looksmaxed to your full potential. Life is all about your face and once you have made the best of your face life will put you in the "correct lane" where you belong.
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hostiles me ngl
dn rd the post but the title makes it look like you're talking from experience. I agree with your post tho, but I'd say what accounts as a failure is subjective. I'd be content to have a normie life.
It's subjective to some degree. I would rather have a normie life than have for example some kind of illness that hinders me from doing normal stuff like eat, walk, shit, etc But honestly, if you compare the normie life to a rich Chad there's no doubt the latter has not even a fraction of the unhappiness the normie feels in his day to day life
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Imagine marrying a fat girl
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It's subjective to some degree. I would rather have a normie life than have for example some kind of illness that hinders me from doing normal stuff like eat, walk, shit, etc But honestly, if you compare the normie life to a rich Chad there's no doubt the latter has not even a fraction of the unhappiness the normie feels in his day to day life
In a capitalistic society you will always strive for more. Even tho the rich Chad subjectively has a way better life I'm 100% sure that he will get used to that life at some point. Getting stacies and living upper class life just becomes the norm and he stops getting as much happiness from it. Seems like cope, they'll have an objectively better life than us, but I doubt their daily experience is what we would feel like if we there them for like a week.
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Only the genetic elite wins at the game of life, we are just spectators of their movie like life.

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I don't think it's that subjective. Try working a blue collar job in some factory 8 hours day, that's true suffering and that's when you know you have completely failed at life.
I know a spanish Chad who works at a factory with minimum wage and he still gets hundreds of likes on Instagram, gets invited to parties, is never single and seems to have an overall good life. You are putting too much emphasis on materialistic things like wealth when it’s all about having a good face and decent height.
I know a spanish Chad who works at a factory with minimum wage and he still gets hundreds of likes on Instagram, gets invited to parties, is never single and seems to have an overall good life. You are putting too much emphasis on materialistic things like wealth when it’s all about having a good face and decent height.
I mean good looks can even compensate for a shitty job, no doubt about that
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I've noticed that normies savour every small victory, eg they manage to get a low-tier becky to settle with them and all of a sudden they are "the luckiest man alive" and use their wedding as an opportunity to brag.

They'd like to think that they married the Stacy that all the men are swooning over and won the game of life, it's hard for them to accept that the low-tier Becky was life's consolation prize.

Well people tend to forget that normies can be blackpilled to some extent.

Consciously or subconsciously, they know their league... And they'll just accept it and be happy to have someone by their side.
That's the main difference between normies and fakecels with incredibly high standards : normies just let it go.

Ffs once I asked a normie friend why he kept dating a below average girl while his ex was above average.
He told me "Look at me... You really think I'll get picky when it comes about looks ? This one is way funnier and less obnoxious than my ex. And we have a great deal in common. 3 years later he's still with her and way happier than he ever was with his ex. (he left his ex fyi)

Let's not switch roles ; instead of "normies savouring each small victory", it's more likely that most incels are incapable of savouring anything besides fuckin their middle school oneitis.
Well people tend to forget that normies can be blackpilled to some extent.

Let's not switch roles ; instead of "normies savouring each small victory", it's more likely that most incels are incapable of savouring anything besides fuckin their middle school oneitis.
I've nnever understood the whole oneitis thing, maybe it's because i'm coping with MGTOW and hate women.

Some user made a high iq observation the other day, he said that the reason blackpillers are not happy with their lot in life is because we are narcissistic to the point where we believe that we were always meant to be special (ie Chad) and can't have it any other way.

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