I found the next 10B mc memecoin, NFA

UPDATE 21/05

Chart looks too good, broke out of resistance.
Imo might retest the resistance again and then full send to next mc for the roadmap (2.5M)
(TA still not that important and reliable)

View attachment 2933796

X2 done from call (700k)
STILL a very good entry point. Anything under 10M perfect entry.

The narrative and rumours just got more bullish. They confirmed Tsuki is RWA and is connected to the snapdragon software in the sol smartphone + has ai utilitys that will come out accordingly to the mc roadmap.
Wallstreetbets aka roaringkitty is in our tg group everyday giving us hints to major connections and motivating us to make this the next doge/shiba.

Raids are done within minutes with big numbers.

Rumours have come out that elon might be behind the project too. Sounds all too good to be true but wallstreetbets (KG) himself confirmed the project is way bigger than you expect in tsuki TG. Crypto rover is also getting really involved with the project.

Imo this is a stronggg hold.
Dog season (doge, shib, bonk) is over and cat season has begun. Words spoken by multiple big influential ppl on X everyday.

TSUKI and bobacat ($PSPS) are my highest convictions for this bullrun.

PSPS also broke out of the wedge and is now gaining traction from elon musk too.
Psps also is RWA since it has a non-profit organisation that supports animal shelters. Many big influencers are shilling this project day in and out.

Still, DYOR and NFA

@jordy4382 @4ever @mirrormogger @yeeyeeslayer hope you bought a bag👀
i only bought a little, you reckon i should get more? how much did you buy?
i only bought a little, you reckon i should get more? how much did you buy?
I own like 6.5 mil tokens. I mean it depends on how much % you’ve put in according to your portfolio. I wouldn’t full degen 👀 but a nice 5-10% of whole portfolio would sit comfortably.
  • +1
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i only bought a little, you reckon i should get more? how much did you buy?
I recommend getting involved by being active in the tg to check it out yourself be4 apeing big amounts. Still imo anything under 10m mc is a steal
  • +1
Reactions: mirrormogger
I recommend getting involved by being active in the tg to check it out yourself be4 apeing big amounts. Still imo anything under 10m mc is a steal
any more updates or signs of keith gill in the team? its good evidence but theres also a chance ur overlooking some time stamp coincidences/symbolisms in his posts. nice potential tho good thread
Last edited:
Hit 2.5m mc overnight. Phase 2 roadmap will start.
any more updates or signs of keith gill in the team? its good evidence but theres also a chance ur overlooking some time stamp coincidences/symbolisms in his posts. nice potential tho good thread
There was actually something really interesting. So roaringkitty posted tons of videos last week right.
Our twitter account posted the uno reverse card, 6 hours later wallstreetbets anounced that we have to watch roaringkittys videos in reverse order.

The videos put together in reverse are 1hr of material in which the story makes way more sense. Throughout the vids he turns into a cat and you can see a lot of signs like a moon in a lot of characters (tsuki means moon). The dialogue also makes more sense (he talks to us, everytime we found a new coincidence the vid would treat that coincidence) for example. Some guy in our tg found something with the eye of tsuki and said to every1 that you can see KG in there. 2 hrs later roaringkitty posted a vid where the dialogue was saying ‘the eyes aren’t real’. There are many more tbh if you sezrch for them

There is a tweet somewhere with the vids in reverse, I’ll see if I can find it again and I’ll post it here.
UPDATE 21/05

Chart looks too good, broke out of resistance.
Imo might retest the resistance again and then full send to next mc for the roadmap (2.5M)
(TA still not that important and reliable)

View attachment 2933796

X2 done from call (700k)
STILL a very good entry point. Anything under 10M perfect entry.

The narrative and rumours just got more bullish. They confirmed Tsuki is RWA and is connected to the snapdragon software in the sol smartphone + has ai utilitys that will come out accordingly to the mc roadmap.
Wallstreetbets aka roaringkitty is in our tg group everyday giving us hints to major connections and motivating us to make this the next doge/shiba.

Raids are done within minutes with big numbers.

Rumours have come out that elon might be behind the project too. Sounds all too good to be true but wallstreetbets (KG) himself confirmed the project is way bigger than you expect in tsuki TG. Crypto rover is also getting really involved with the project.

Imo this is a stronggg hold.
Dog season (doge, shib, bonk) is over and cat season has begun. Words spoken by multiple big influential ppl on X everyday.

TSUKI and bobacat ($PSPS) are my highest convictions for this bullrun.

PSPS also broke out of the wedge and is now gaining traction from elon musk too.
Psps also is RWA since it has a non-profit organisation that supports animal shelters. Many big influencers are shilling this project day in and out.

Still, DYOR and NFA

@jordy4382 @4ever @mirrormogger @yeeyeeslayer hope you bought a bag👀
I didn’t put much into it but i am checking the tg channel everynow and then for big changes to see if it’s worth putting mote into
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
I didn’t put much into it but i am checking the tg channel everynow and then for big changes to see if it’s worth putting mote into
UPDATE 21/05

Sitting comfortably at 2M
won't take long anymore for this to explode completely.


the full moon that's coming irl will give tsuki a big anouncement
still early af
  • +1
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this actually looks promising ngl
@PsychoDsk Good shit.

how much $ is your portfolio ?
@PsychoDsk Good shit.

how much $ is your portfolio ?
I’d rather not disclose that but I was in boden and wif at 50k mc👀
let me introduce $TSUKI
It's a black cat, the name tsuki has meaning behind it. In japan it means 'moon' and the black cat is a sign of wealth in various country's across the world.
This is my highest conviction memecoin for this bullrun.
It's still at a very low mc which means even a small amount could give you significant gains over the course of months.

It's been on the market since a week ago, It's the first RWA memecoin to ever exist in the memecoin space.
There's proof that none other than roaringkitty (Keith Gill or wallstreetbets on X) is the developer.

Let me start it off with some stats. Rn it's consolidating between mc's of 600k and 1M.
24h volume is ranging between 300k and 800k since launch.

View attachment 2930236

chart is as follows (still not really important in early stages) :

View attachment 2930221

!!!!!!!!!!!! The chart has been manipulated by the dev and the team behind the project to make sure it wouldn't moon right away and the holder distribution gets near a perfect score. as you all know an rwa project shouldn't moon right away since it has real utility in the market. This is the kinda project that will moon slowly accordingly to new updates and utility's anounced. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This memecoin has a lot of potential and here's why.

The dev is someone very powerful, it's fully believed to be Keith Gill or someone else VERY VERY influentual in the crypto space.
All the billion $ mc memecoins are dogs so far. Many ppl know that dogs are a fading trend and that cats are on the rise.
There still hasn't been a cat to hit billions in mc's so far and this is imo the biggest competitor.

Below I'll show some photos and screenshots in which you'll see a lot of connections between powerful ppl and the team behind $TSUKI :

To start it off, The official tsuki account posted a pic of Keith Gill MINUTES be4 he posted for the first time in 3 years on his roaringkitty account on X. Don't believe me --> check the dates. This in itself is already a BIG 'coincidence'

Both roaringkitty and Tsuki post videos with the same symbol (the red circle with the line) almost all the time.
The logo is linked to the solana smartphone.
The logo represents a specific kinda software, I believe it's called snappdragon.
the 'anonymous' dev in the tsuki tg is called 'dvid665'.
the software behind snappdragon is called device id 665.

View attachment 2930240


In every video that roaringkitty posts on X, there is a connection between TSUKI and himself.
for example :
This is just one of many examples, if you wanna go down the rabbithole fully, I'd recommend joining the $tsuki tg and checking pinned messages and chat in there.

View attachment 2930248View attachment 2930245

What happened yesterday is also very key. TSUKI had a big anouncement on their X account. No one knew what is was gonna be, everyone expected it to be the reveal of the developer. It wasn't, it was the reveal of RWA. Many ppl were scared and sold bcs the anouncement didn't live up to their standards while new holders who know what RWA is started flooding in. Again, a very smart play from the team.

NEXT, A LOT of BIG crypto influencers tweeted abt tsuki and the rumours going around. you can see the tweets below.

crypto rover (765k followers on x) He NEVER posts abt memecoins, only abt bitcoin until now.

Wall street bets aka doxxed acc from Keith Gill. (674k followers on X).
He is in our tg and is promoting the project day in and out. another connection between Keith gill being the dev and mastermind behind TSUKI.

And it is his real tg account, he posts constantly abt tsuki in hints and riddles on his X account.

View attachment 2930260View attachment 2930263

SOOOOO MANY CONNECTIONS, it's mathematically impossible for it to not be on purpose.
Raids are done within 5 minutes with huge numbers.
Community is the best I've seen so far.

Team amazingly experienced, bullish rumours. Bullish narrative (cat, ticker, anonymous dev)

DEV has many connections to influentual people as you've seen in the pics.
join tg and check it out


links to tsuki :

Chad and self made crypto savant mirin
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I am trying to buy more solana to put into the account but damn binance won’t let me do so
  • Love it
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I am trying to buy more solana to put into the account but damn binance won’t let me do so
It’s mooning as we speak bro
Phase 3 roadmap has been reached, now it’ll go FASSTTTTTTTT
I reckon by night time it’ll stand at 5M

Hit 3.5 mil, insane
this will overtake shiba easily.
shiba's been trying to operate RWA for ages but haven't succeeded and tsuki did it already in a week.
This is massive
There are so many eyes on this project and the stuff with wsb and KG will be revealed very soon.

This is 10 billion coded EASILY

grab a fucking bag or stay fucking broke
Hit 3.5 mil, insane
this will overtake shiba easily.
shiba's been trying to operate RWA for ages but haven't succeeded and tsuki did it already in a week.
This is massive
There are so many eyes on this project and the stuff with wsb and KG will be revealed very soon.

This is 10 billion coded EASILY

grab a fucking bag or stay fucking broke
i go all in saar?
Do normies know about this?
seems like a jeet pull but I’ll keep an eye on it
i go all in saar?
own choice

Do normies know about this?
yea they're booming on twitter

seems like a jeet pull but I’ll keep an eye on it
really isn't, all top holders are constantly in chat pushing this themselves and offer to give funds to dev if he needs it etc.
I've been in wif and boden super early and this one stands out so much more.
Genuinely the highest conviction I ever had.
I wouldn't be surprised if it flips doge and shiba tbh

but still, you never know in crypto
  • +1
Reactions: i hear voices and Deleted member 53670
UPDATE 22/05

Seems that it won't stop blasting for months on end.
chart and narrative looks way better than early shiba and doge days.

I was in boden, wif and USA under 100k mc and none of them compared to this even in the slightest bit.

I am at a x35 rn and I won't start DCA'ing until 500M mc is reached.

currently 3.7M mc, tonight it'll hit 5M which triggers a new phase on the roadmap.

rumored it's elon musk that might give us a so (not confirmed) but it will be HUGE, trust me on that


chart looks insane

supply squeeze coming at 6M mc which means supply gets bought up and demand skyrockets --> chart goes up x1000 in a matter of days.
get prepared to see your ports go absolutely MAD.

Only a matter of time be4 it surpasses every coin ever made on solana network.

by sunday 100M, by July 1 billion. by december 2024 50 billion. it'll keep going up flipping doge and shiba imo

this is the chart as of rn


hope you listened

@i hear voices
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: fl0w, i hear voices, jordy4382 and 2 others
UPDATE 22/05

Seems that it won't stop blasting for months on end.
chart and narrative looks way better than early shiba and doge days.

I was in boden, wif and USA under 100k mc and none of them compared to this even in the slightest bit.

I am at a x35 rn and I won't start DCA'ing until 500M mc is reached.

currently 3.7M mc, tonight it'll hit 5M which triggers a new phase on the roadmap.

rumored it's elon musk that might give us a so (not confirmed) but it will be HUGE, trust me on that

View attachment 2937181

chart looks insane

supply squeeze coming at 6M mc which means supply gets bought up and demand skyrockets --> chart goes up x1000 in a matter of days.
get prepared to see your ports go absolutely MAD.

Only a matter of time be4 it surpasses every coin ever made on solana network.

by sunday 100M, by July 1 billion. by december 2024 50 billion. it'll keep going up flipping doge and shiba imo

this is the chart as of rn

View attachment 2937187

hope you listened

@i hear voices
no way lmfao
im going to put 1% of my wallet into it. but i just cant find it on phantom wallet on solana chain what am i doing wromg
I gave up on memecoins back in 2021 after I lost a lot of money on them. Congrats on the gains tho bro.
Am I too autistic too understand or does this shit genuinely not make any sense?

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
  • JFL
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im going to put 1% of my wallet into it. but i just cant find it on phantom wallet on solana chain what am i doing wromg
gotta search on the phantom browser for jupiter, then paste this ca : 463SK47VkB7uE7XenTHKiVcMtxRsfNE2X4Q9wByaURVA
and tsuki should come up
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 64504
I gave up on memecoins back in 2021 after I lost a lot of money on them. Congrats on the gains tho bro.
yea lost a shit ton of money too, but 1 good coin can set you straight for life tho
nowadays it's just fucked with so many rugs going around
  • +1
Reactions: ascension
Am I too autistic too understand or does this shit genuinely not make any sense?

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
yea bru I make money cuz of pushing 2 buttons that represent a cat, my ww2 veteran granddad would be proud :feelswhy::ogre:
  • JFL
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just bought 37k tokens.. wish i saw your post sunday, mb
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 64504
that's a lot of tokens broski, at 1bil that's 37k :ogre:
do you really think it will moon like that? in my country 37k is a lot ngl, could change my life a bit... my entire wallet is worth like 8k rn down from 12k 2 months ago :((
what do you think i could do to make it 100k (very life changing for me)? if u could help 😳
do you really think it will moon like that? in my country 37k is a lot ngl, could change my life a bit... my entire wallet is worth like 8k rn down from 12k 2 months ago :((
what do you think i could do to make it 100k (very life changing for me)? if u could help 😳
best tactic is to just hold. tsuki will moon pretty quick imo but you can't get your emotions get the best of you and sell at a random time.
you gotta divide risk too with an 8k wallet. for example 1000 there, 1000 there and not all in on one coin.

rn I have eyes on $opple, $PSPS and $TSUKI, they all seem to do really great so I just ride them as long as I can and look for signs when the market starts slowing down to sell
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 64504
UPDATE 22/05

Seems that it won't stop blasting for months on end.
chart and narrative looks way better than early shiba and doge days.

I was in boden, wif and USA under 100k mc and none of them compared to this even in the slightest bit.

I am at a x35 rn and I won't start DCA'ing until 500M mc is reached.

currently 3.7M mc, tonight it'll hit 5M which triggers a new phase on the roadmap.

rumored it's elon musk that might give us a so (not confirmed) but it will be HUGE, trust me on that

View attachment 2937181

chart looks insane

supply squeeze coming at 6M mc which means supply gets bought up and demand skyrockets --> chart goes up x1000 in a matter of days.
get prepared to see your ports go absolutely MAD.

Only a matter of time be4 it surpasses every coin ever made on solana network.

by sunday 100M, by July 1 billion. by december 2024 50 billion. it'll keep going up flipping doge and shiba imo

this is the chart as of rn

View attachment 2937187

hope you listened

@i hear voices
I’m about to invest all my money into alt coin it’s do or die
  • +1
Reactions: PsychoDsk
Hit 5M, phase 4 is initiating. This gonna go crazy.
I’m expecting a little retracement since it went ballistic just today.
So if you’re not in, wait for an entry and fill your bags boys
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 64504 and i hear voices
Hit 5M, phase 4 is initiating. This gonna go crazy.
I’m expecting a little retracement since it went ballistic just today.
So if you’re not in, wait for an entry and fill your bags boys
holy fuck man this is crazy
  • +1
Reactions: fl0w
Memecoins are not meant to be held for long. Just capitalize on them and exit quickly, especially if they are promoted by a psy op figure like Wallstreet Bets, who wrecked everyone with that GameStop so called noble cause.
  • +1
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Memecoins are not meant to be held for long. Just capitalize on them and exit quickly, especially if they are promoted by a psy op figure like Wallstreet Bets, who wrecked everyone with that GameStop so called noble cause.
Not exactly true, ppl who held long on doge, shiba, bonk, pepe, boden, … made more profit than ppl who exited quickly.

I agree most memecoins are just bullshit and some should be just for quick profits but there are tons of projects that aren’t really memecoins in the first place, like tsuki for example. They have real world value and utility.

You just have to know the good projects from the bad.
  • +1
Reactions: fl0w
hey is it still worth buying did it blow up yet
best tactic is to just hold. tsuki will moon pretty quick imo but you can't get your emotions get the best of you and sell at a random time.
you gotta divide risk too with an 8k wallet. for example 1000 there, 1000 there and not all in on one coin.

rn I have eyes on $opple, $PSPS and $TSUKI, they all seem to do really great so I just ride them as long as I can and look for signs when the market starts slowing down to sell
hey bro, im positioned in $GIGA (gigachad), since 13m market cap, i think it will moon to 1B in the next year. take a look at the project and tell me what you think. ive never seen a graph as insane as that. extreme buyer pressure 24/7
and pls @ me when u find something like this in the future again
UPDATE 23/05

hit 8.5M

Here are some cool new things happening

X10 from call at 700k here

X100 from my entry

I’m telling you
Billions are in sight

EFA56251 EA4D 4ED3 9E1F E07FC85098ED
ED0D605F 1793 4668 BD52 3BC788FB9C13
C966DD86 1144 41E7 9218 5C3D0B64EC41
Idk if u’ve noticed or not but it’s the same guys selling and buying over and over for the same amounts after the coin takes a dip

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