I get picked over legit chads

Need to cyborg max like Rudol von Stroheim.

Is this proof redpill > black pill?

Black pill = number of matches
Red pill = sexual chemistry and retention
Girls fall in love from sex it's a chemical thing. If normie, fraud pics + fraud personality with game = sex or gf if you want.

Maintaining gf is another story, need to live redpill 24/7 cant just fraud it. Make it apart of you, dont just become a simp.

Black pill helps frauding + incel looks if below normie. It also helps normies get more attractive women to entertain the idea of being with them (irl or swipe right).
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good thread.

i have seen shit like this in the past. the best looking buddy i had in highschool had girls fawning and screaming over him whenever we pass by other classrooms. but the girls he went for were some of our classmates(people who know what hes like) and all of them rejected him. he also got his heartbroken by a typical good looking bitch weeks within dating.

hes a typical simp and is very agreeable.
Idk she showed me her chats on tinder, actually seemed like I am the first guy.

First but not last.
There are other reasons why she "picked" you first.

1- low self-esteem. Sounds stupid right? Women have a ton of validation from others, but maybe she has just been used by another (or many others) chad, so now she is choicing a not-chad to be her the one in control.

2- daddy issues, she is afraid of being left, so everyone is kinda of for her as long he is giving validation. I had a couple of examples.

3- bullied in school from other girls, or chads lol

If she doesn't like you that much, there is nothing that you can do. No "showing what you think" can save you
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Op is becoming a fag
"girl said I was the first..."
Asif women are not notorious liars about their sexual/romantic history.
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Lmao redpill is getting more true with each day passing by.
I got my mind together with my ex now, used very small doses of aromasin the last few weeks, maybe my E really was too high and thats why I got clingy and emotional. She suddenly is like she was before I had my "show her feelings" phase, now that she knows Im dating other girls too. From one moment to another, I stopped discussing about her problems and I said her I didnt give a fuck and its up to her. I have contact with her again but I wont make this mistake again and I wont stop seeing other girls. She can see me as long as she is cool with it.

First but not last.
There are other reasons why she "picked" you first.

1- low self-esteem. Sounds stupid right? Women have a ton of validation from others, but maybe she has just been used by another (or many others) chad, so now she is choicing a not-chad to be her the one in control.

2- daddy issues, she is afraid of being left, so everyone is kinda of for her as long he is giving validation. I had a couple of examples.

3- bullied in school from other girls, or chads lol

If she doesn't like you that much, there is nothing that you can do. No "showing what you think" can save you

As to Nr 1 and 2, these are highly unlikely, because other guys give her a lot more validation on tinder than I do. I also dont give a shit when I text back, she texts back very fast too. I dont give her much validation or compliments, I use my usual routine like always, giving them nicknames like babyface etc
3. Is unlikeky too because she is still chatting with chads and as I said, I would have been option Nr2 in her opinion if the gigachad she showed me hadnt stopped texting her.
Driving schools suck cock. I didn't know how to drive at first, even though it came naturally and I progressed really fast. I drove with my dad, learned the theory and just kept doing it for a good while. If there's still no progress after driving 500 times, then you should probably not be behind the wheel..
You would not be able to drive in the first place. It does not matter how much "motivation" you get. You are either capable of something or not. Nobody has to try hard in order to drive. It just happens naturally.
In the end, it is all about genetics and how your brain works. Like maths for example. Some people really cannot get behind of it, despite the fact they are tring hard, they still get bad grades. Meanwhile, someone else does not need to learn and still get good grades.
This is the harsh reality we are all expsoed to.
If you cannot drive, life is completely meaningless.
if you cant drive it is indeed over for your T levels.i hope i will not struggle to drive tbh or its over, im kinda scared ngl.these car slayers make me wanna rope i should be driving already,even my mother thinks im a cuck for not driving yet at 18+ yo.drivingpill is brutal

Stop lying u fag most guys on tinder are ugly af

i tried psl5.5 guys on tinder and every girl called them fake cuz they were too goodlooking
Driving schools suck cock.

That is true though, specially driving teachers. They treated me in a condescending way.

I didn't know how to drive at first, even though it came naturally and I progressed really fast. I drove with my dad, learned the theory and just kept doing it for a good while. If there's still no progress after driving 500 times, then you should probably not be behind the wheel..

And this is what I meant with "you cannot learn how to drive. It just comes naturally and that is it". Literally everybody who is capable of driving is saying this.

And 500 driving lessons are nto really affordable. You easily would have to pay 25.000 - 30.000 Euro for this. You can actually say if you are capable of driving right at the start.

if you cant drive it is indeed over for your T levels.i hope i will not struggle to drive tbh or its over, im kinda scared ngl.these car slayers make me wanna rope i should be driving already,even my mother thinks im a cuck for not driving yet at 18+ yo.drivingpill is brutal

Absolutely brutal. At least your mother care to some degree. My parents would not even pay for a driver licence. I had to waste my own money for this and I failed horribly. This actually destroyed me completely. 13 lessons/driving simulation and still no progress whatsoever. I was so bad, that the driving teacher was forced to send me to driving simulation where I had to absolve 10 lessons and I still could not get behind of it. After that, I never went back because of how humiliating that experience was. I also do not know what to say to the driving teacher. It is actually over for me. Being unable to drive is one of the worst things at life. Everybody goes to their car while you have to watch them. You cannot even do simple things such as doing groceries. Every teenage female can drive without any efforts whasteover. While everyone else is owning a car, you have to walk by foot... In this life and era, driving is everything. People talk about it all the time and the media and advertisement is full of cars. If you are unable to drive, your life is over.
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That is true though, specially driving teachers. They treated me in a condescending way.

And this is what I meant with "you cannot learn how to drive. It just comes naturally and that is it". Literally everybody who is capable of driving is saying this.

And 500 driving lessons are nto really affordable. You easily would have to pay 25.000 - 30.000 Euro for this. You can actually say if you are capable of driving right at the start.

Absolutely brutal. At least your mother care to some degree. My parents would not even pay for a driver licence. I had to waste my own money for this and I failed horribly. This actually destroyed me completely. 13 lessons/driving simulation and still no progress whatsoever. I was so bad, that the driving teacher was forced to send me to driving simulation where I had to absolve 10 lessons and I still could not get behind of it. After that, I never went back because of how humiliating that experience was. I also do not know what to say to the driving teacher. It is actually over for me. Being unable to drive is one of the worst things at life. Everybody goes to their car while you have to watch them. You cannot even do simple things such as doing groceries. Every teenage female can drive without any efforts whasteover. While everyone else is owning a car, you have to walk by foot... In this life and era, driving is everything. People talk about it all the time and the media and advertisement is full of cars. If you are unable to drive, your life is over.
so fucking based and brutal,i never even attempted to drive but im insanely curious at this point.what exactly is hard about it?can you describe what were your difficulties?was it listening and doing what you are told at the same time?a faggot in the forum not long ago talked about how his gf left him because of the drivingpill but i cant remember who it was regardless his story was insanely brutal.thankfully my dad is a mogger while driving so i hope i got that from him
so fucking based and brutal,i never even attempted to drive but im insanely curious at this point.what exactly is hard about it?can you describe what were your difficulties?was it listening and doing what you are told at the same time?

"Let me elaborate what my problems are:
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to the road
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to other vehicles
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to traffic signs
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to nearby pedestrians
- I am also struggling to keep track of my general surroundings
- I am also struggling to keep an eye on pedestrians
- I am struggling to keep track on my speed and everything what is inside the car
- I am struggling to understand the road itself and where it leads to and where I have to turn or not
- I am struggling to indicate my directions
- I also cannot drive properly
- I am also leaning to much of the ride side of the road
- I am also trying to think what to do while simultaneously I cannot even grasp a proper train of thought
- I am also extremely nervous while driving and if I am being honest here, I am actually afraid of it. I sometimes even have to tear up because of it. It is basically that bad

I would still have all those problems if i would go for automatic."

And yes, I am also struggling to follow simple instructions at the same time. The driving teacher got even somewhat mad at me despite the fact i was trying. I literally reacted like an obedient cuck in order to satisfy him, but I failed obviously. In the end, I struggle to udnerstand the whole concept of driving itself.

For example:

"Some people are just bad at maths and despite the fact they are trying, they do not get better. Now, just apply this on something like driving."

a faggot in the forum not long ago talked about how his gf left him because of the drivingpill but i cant remember who it was regardless his story was insanely brutal.

It might be @Vermilioncore if I remember correctly. But he is actually not a faggot though. He is legit and he is also suffering because of it.

Just imagine having a girlfriend... She is capable of driving while you are not. It is absolutely emasculating. It is like you are a little boy and she is your mother... Some people find nothing odd about it but they have been brainwashed into thinking like this.

I know, I repeat this phrase over and over again but it is true: First females took the horses and now the cars.

Even Fox news confirms it: "More females have a driver licence than men." - Yet people think it is not a problem at all. Now, if we take into consideration that the car industry is under attack where only men are working, it is save to assume, that more and more men will not drive at all. On top of that, there is a growing number in men who are not capable of driving at all.

thankfully my dad is a mogger while driving so i hope i got that from him

Funny is, my father is also a mogger when it comes to driving, yet I exist...
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"Let me elaborate what my problems are:
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to the road
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to other vehicles
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to traffic signs
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to nearby pedestrians
- I am also struggling to keep track of my general surroundings
- I am also struggling to keep an eye on pedestrians
- I am struggling to keep track on my speed and everything what is inside the car
- I am struggling to understand the road itself and where it leads to and where I have to turn or not
- I am struggling to indicate my directions
- I also cannot drive properly
- I am also leaning to much of the ride side of the road
- I am also trying to think what to do while simultaneously I cannot even grasp a proper train of thought
- I am also extremely nervous while driving and if I am being honest here, I am actually afraid of it. I sometimes even have to tear up because of it. It is basically that bad

I would still have all those problems if i would go for automatic."

And yes, I am also struggling to follow simple instructions at the same time. The driving teacher got even somewhat mad at me despite the fact i was trying. I literally reacted like an obedient cuck in order to satisfy him, but I failed obviously. In the end, I struggle to udnerstand the whole concept of driving itself.

For example:

"Some people are just bad at maths and despite the fact they are trying, they do not get better. Now, just apply this on something like driving."

It might be @Vermilioncore if I remember correctly. But he is actually not a faggot though. He is legit and he is also suffering because of it.

Just imagine having a girlfriend... She is capable of driving while you are not. It is absolutely emasculating. It is like you are a little boy and she is your mother... Some people find nothing odd about it but they have been brainwashed into thinking like this.

I know, I repeat this phrase over and over again but it is true: First females took the horses and now the cars.

Even Fox news confirms it: "More females have a driver licence than men." - Yet people think it is not a problem at all. Now, if we take into consideration that the car industry is under attack where only men are working, it is save to assume, that more and more men will not drive at all. On top of that, there is a growing number in men who are not capable of driving at all.

Funny is, my father is also a mogger when it comes to driving, yet I exist...
As to Nr 1 and 2, these are highly unlikely, because other guys give her a lot more validation on tinder than I do. I also dont give a shit when I text back, she texts back very fast too. I dont give her much validation or compliments, I use my usual routine like always, giving them nicknames like babyface etc
3. Is unlikeky too because she is still chatting with chads and as I said, I would have been option Nr2 in her opinion if the gigachad she showed me hadnt stopped texting her.

You will see how these will be unlikely lol
Legit. Good thread op.

"Let me elaborate what my problems are:
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to the road
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to other vehicles
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to traffic signs
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to nearby pedestrians
- I am also struggling to keep track of my general surroundings
- I am also struggling to keep an eye on pedestrians
- I am struggling to keep track on my speed and everything what is inside the car
- I am struggling to understand the road itself and where it leads to and where I have to turn or not
- I am struggling to indicate my directions
- I also cannot drive properly
- I am also leaning to much of the ride side of the road
- I am also trying to think what to do while simultaneously I cannot even grasp a proper train of thought
- I am also extremely nervous while driving and if I am being honest here, I am actually afraid of it. I sometimes even have to tear up because of it. It is basically that bad

I would still have all those problems if i would go for automatic."

And yes, I am also struggling to follow simple instructions at the same time. The driving teacher got even somewhat mad at me despite the fact i was trying. I literally reacted like an obedient cuck in order to satisfy him, but I failed obviously. In the end, I struggle to udnerstand the whole concept of driving itself.

For example:

"Some people are just bad at maths and despite the fact they are trying, they do not get better. Now, just apply this on something like driving."

It might be @Vermilioncore if I remember correctly. But he is actually not a faggot though. He is legit and he is also suffering because of it.

Just imagine having a girlfriend... She is capable of driving while you are not. It is absolutely emasculating. It is like you are a little boy and she is your mother... Some people find nothing odd about it but they have been brainwashed into thinking like this.

I know, I repeat this phrase over and over again but it is true: First females took the horses and now the cars.

Even Fox news confirms it: "More females have a driver licence than men." - Yet people think it is not a problem at all. Now, if we take into consideration that the car industry is under attack where only men are working, it is save to assume, that more and more men will not drive at all. On top of that, there is a growing number in men who are not capable of driving at all.

Funny is, my father is also a mogger when it comes to driving, yet I exist...
you literally have a list of problems + all you said was insanely based = its over

"Let me elaborate what my problems are:
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to the road
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to other vehicles
- I am struggling to adjsut the speed in regards to traffic signs
- I am struggling to adjust the speed in regards to nearby pedestrians
- I am also struggling to keep track of my general surroundings
- I am also struggling to keep an eye on pedestrians
- I am struggling to keep track on my speed and everything what is inside the car
- I am struggling to understand the road itself and where it leads to and where I have to turn or not
- I am struggling to indicate my directions
- I also cannot drive properly
- I am also leaning to much of the ride side of the road
- I am also trying to think what to do while simultaneously I cannot even grasp a proper train of thought
- I am also extremely nervous while driving and if I am being honest here, I am actually afraid of it. I sometimes even have to tear up because of it. It is basically that bad

I would still have all those problems if i would go for automatic."

And yes, I am also struggling to follow simple instructions at the same time. The driving teacher got even somewhat mad at me despite the fact i was trying. I literally reacted like an obedient cuck in order to satisfy him, but I failed obviously. In the end, I struggle to udnerstand the whole concept of driving itself.

For example:

"Some people are just bad at maths and despite the fact they are trying, they do not get better. Now, just apply this on something like driving."

It might be @Vermilioncore if I remember correctly. But he is actually not a faggot though. He is legit and he is also suffering because of it.

Just imagine having a girlfriend... She is capable of driving while you are not. It is absolutely emasculating. It is like you are a little boy and she is your mother... Some people find nothing odd about it but they have been brainwashed into thinking like this.

I know, I repeat this phrase over and over again but it is true: First females took the horses and now the cars.

Even Fox news confirms it: "More females have a driver licence than men." - Yet people think it is not a problem at all. Now, if we take into consideration that the car industry is under attack where only men are working, it is save to assume, that more and more men will not drive at all. On top of that, there is a growing number in men who are not capable of driving at all.

Funny is, my father is also a mogger when it comes to driving, yet I exist...
can your mom drive?both my parents can drive np and my dad is an actual mogger and even used to drift and shit as a youngcel but i cant even imagine sitting down and realizing its over for my driving skills honestly.imagine your girlfriend driving and you sitting next to her like a dog while chad drives with his stacy next to him.too brutal to even think about this shit

you literally have a list of problems + all you said was insanely based = its over

View attachment 851132

It really gives me suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

can your mom drive?both my parents can drive np and my dad is an actual mogger and even used to drift and shit as a youngcel but i cant even imagine sitting down and realizing its over for my driving skills honestly.

Yes, both of my parents can drive and my father is really good with cars. To be honest, it does not make much sense. I also do not understand what is wrong with me.

imagine your girlfriend driving and you sitting next to her like a dog while chad drives with his stacy next to him.too brutal to even think about this shit

It is absolutely emasculating. The thumbnail of this video is enough to trigger me. I fucking despise female driving. If I had the choice between of having a female or the ability to drive, I would go for the ability to drive without any second thoughts. I am 26 now and I never have had a girlfriend before. I actually can live without a female, but I cannot live without the ability to drive.
I know this sounds weird to most people here, but it is true. If yo ucannot drive, your life is basically over.
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It really gives me suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

Yes, both of my parents can drive and my father is really good with cars. To be honest, it does not make much sense. I also do not understand what is wrong with me.

It is absolutely emasculating. The thumbnail of this video is enough to trigger me. I fucking despise female driving. If I had the choice between of having a female or the ability to drive, I would go for the ability to drive without any second thoughts. I am 26 now and I never have had a girlfriend before. I actually can live without a female, but I cannot live without the ability to drive.
I know this sounds weird to most people here, but it is true. If yo ucannot drive, your life is basically over.
it doesent sound weird to me
OP speaking truth tbh, women like brutal honesty
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It really gives me suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

Yes, both of my parents can drive and my father is really good with cars. To be honest, it does not make much sense. I also do not understand what is wrong with me.

It is absolutely emasculating. The thumbnail of this video is enough to trigger me. I fucking despise female driving. If I had the choice between of having a female or the ability to drive, I would go for the ability to drive without any second thoughts. I am 26 now and I never have had a girlfriend before. I actually can live without a female, but I cannot live without the ability to drive.
I know this sounds weird to most people here, but it is true. If yo ucannot drive, your life is basically over.
Bro as I said stop complaining, buy the cheapest car you can get and then drive on private territory.
Bro as I said stop complaining, buy the cheapest car you can get and then drive on private territory.

It is not about complaining. I also cannot afford a car right now.
Why the picture...? It fucking triggers me.
just demonstrating what you said.the dude looks like a complete cuck simply because of where he is sitting
just demonstrating what you said.the dude looks like a complete cuck simply because of where he is sitting

Yes, he truly looks utterly pathetic. I cannot even look at it.
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Yes, he truly looks utterly pathetic. I cannot even look at it.
pray for me bro, i dont wanna get cucked by the drivingpill.i wont be able to cope with having subhuman driving skills.at what age ddi you first do the driving test?
pray for me bro, i dont wanna get cucked by the drivingpill.i wont be able to cope with having subhuman driving skills.at what age ddi you first do the driving test?

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lifefuel,but yeah bro honestly you have nothing to lose at this point try to get a car from someone, go to an abandoned area where no cop can see you and try as hard as you can to learn to drive there with a friend or something.maybe when you are not under stress you will learn better
lifefuel,but yeah bro honestly you have nothing to lose at this point try to get a car from someone

I already lost.

Its like 700€, save a little bit money

If I am really gonna do it, I want to buy myself a somewhat normal car, which means I have to spend at least 1500 Euro+
I’ve been trying to tell motherfuckers here this for the longest time. I have a lot of success off tinder and girls end up liking and getting attached to me despite having “better” options because they straight up just like me. It’s not bluepilled cope. I’m 5’9, gymcelled body on an average at best frame, with an average at best face. But I’m also graduating from a top school in the country, I have a lot of hobbies, I’m good at kissing/sex, and girls find me funny and like taking to me. It makes a huge fucking difference. Face definitely plays an important role but you’re more than just your face and I don’t get why that’s so controversial here.

Of course if you’re a 4 PSL aspie with no social life, no aspirations or hobbies, and you’re not interesting at all, girls are gonna just move on to the next guy. Of course a 7 PSL Chad with nothing else going for him can say the most pathetic or awkward shit and still get laid. And of course a dude who’s a legit 2 PSL will have a hard time getting any girl no matter what else he has going for him. But 99% of this forum can put in the work and actually have success. People here are just fucking lazy and would rather bitch about how everything was predetermined from the start.
Ok but how do the girls know, for example, that you have a lot of hobbies or are graduating from a top school in the country, etc?
Ok but how do the girls know, for example, that you have a lot of hobbies or are graduating from a top school in the country, etc?
I put my school in my tinder bio. I have pics of me boxing and hiking. Also I draw well so I put one of my art pieces in my pics. If it’s in person and I’m meeting a girl (whether it’s through mutuals or at a party/bar) I just make sure to bring that stuff up in a convo.

Also on my hinge since you can answer prompts for your profile, I just talk about how I want to make enough money where I can actually give back and help disadvantaged people. Which is actually not virtue signaling bullshit because I really do want to do that at some point. I like helping people which is why I try to do it to some extent on this site. And girls always like that comment.
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I put my school in my tinder bio. I have pics of me boxing and hiking. Also I draw well so I put one of my art pieces in my pics. If it’s in person and I’m meeting a girl (whether it’s through mutuals or at a party/bar) I just make sure to bring that stuff up in a convo.

Also on my hinge since you can answer prompts for your profile, I just talk about how I want to make enough money where I can actually give back and help disadvantaged people. Which is actually not virtue signaling bullshit because I really do want to do that at some point. I like helping people which is why I try to do it to some extent on this site. And girls always like that comment.
o I see. Thank you. How old are you btw?

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