I got Double LL from 5’2 to 5’8, Lifes better but my SMV is still 0

this forum is so dogshit and I’ve been trying to post pics on this thread for 6 hours now is it cause I’m a new member and don’t have the privileges?
Server issue, use iMGUR


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EDIT: By pictures I mean proof of surgery, scars, lengthening device, proof of OP date etc. I am not sharing personal pictures

Disclaimer: LL is very legit and in my experience did the work of god. The bone does heal and the height gain is as advertised. Just because I got barley an smv boost from it because of my shit starting base doesn’t mean it won’t be a massive SMV for others.

So earlier this year I got the maximum results from quad LL after convincing my moneymaxxed parents to pitch in and moving out of their house (their conditions (13cm in total) to go from 159 to 172 so basically 5’2 to 5’8 and at first the height increase was amazing especially after i could actually walk normally and stand up straight/tight muscles had gone away but honestly it’s turned me into a giga skull/framecel and it’s been fucking my mind and BDD so much more.

Literally every single girl I walk past in on campus has larger skulls/frames/hands etc. despite being shorter than me.

I was at a charity yesterday for a club my sister leads, (mind you these girls I’m about to talk about are literal 14 year olds), and she introduced my and asked me to take a pic with two of her friends to put on her story. They were both shorter than me (around 5’5 and 5’7). So of course I started analyzing their frame and proportions and skull size (since I always have after getting LL) and of course they’re bigger than mine. The most brutal thing is my sister took the picture with all 3 of us sitting behind the table that had the name of the charity on it, so when she showed me the picture I FUCKING LOOKED LIKE THE ADOPTED 6 YEAR OLD SON OF A LESBIAN COUPLE. Even worse, I was in the middle so their mog was even worse, they literally took up 75% of the frame with their pure width and in addition they were both taller sitting down and had much larger skulls and faces just everything it was embarrassing.

I’m honestly fucking done, I don’t know what to do, it’s like I was just cursed to be small and an incel forever. Are there any surgeries I can do to maybe try and escape my small frame. I don’t think any doctors are willing to give me a experimental growth plate opening jfl.

DM for pics
Can you dm me the pics?
Still can't see it
6” all in femurs? How is running (both longer distance and sprinting ability) after that?
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no pics = dnr
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6” all in femurs? How is running (both longer distance and sprinting ability) after that?
No 8cm on femurs and 5 on tibias, can’t run yet but working towards it. Walking is 99% right now.
If legs can be grown why not spine and arms? And for frame maxxing hop on HGH.
Look at all the arm wrestlers. How they grow after 30 as well. Look at mcgregor now
  • JFL
Reactions: Meister!, Deleted member 3105 and TheBrownOne
If legs can be grown why not spine and arms? And for frame maxxing hop on HGH.
Look at all the arm wrestlers. How they grow after 30 as well. Look at mcgregor now
Arms can, spine has this thing called spinal cord all the nerves of the brain and shit go through that if you damage that it’s over you’re dead
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Arms can, spine has this thing called spinal cord all the nerves of the brain and shit go through that if you damage that it’s over you’re dead
What are your legs and torso ratio? Ideal is 1:1 but little longer legs can be attractive as per study. Even arnold had long legs
huge improvement keep going. improve ur face.
5’8 is ok with 2 inch lifts in shoes with big soles will be fine you need to work on your face now
fucking brutal

imagine getting your leg bones broken and stretched only to get told to get lifts when every female on earth already mogs your goblin frame
  • JFL
Reactions: Supreme and TheBrownOne
Brutal but wouldn't the double LL make youre proportions all out of wack?
And isn't it like 50x easier for someone small to gain muscle because theyre more compact?
You should still gain muscle easier because your arms chest and back are the same size

Rough tho. From 5'2 to 5'8 is a big difference to people you've known but still short compared to the average person
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Reactions: LianTeribble
Pm pics. I've plan on get LL in the future. Also did you get both LL at same time?
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EDIT: By pictures I mean proof of surgery, scars, lengthening device, proof of OP date etc. I am not sharing personal pictures

Disclaimer: LL is very legit and in my experience did the work of god. The bone does heal and the height gain is as advertised. Just because I got barley an smv boost from it because of my shit starting base doesn’t mean it won’t be a massive SMV for others.

So earlier this year I got the maximum results from quad LL after convincing my moneymaxxed parents to pitch in and moving out of their house (their conditions (13cm in total) to go from 159 to 172 so basically 5’2 to 5’8 and at first the height increase was amazing especially after i could actually walk normally and stand up straight/tight muscles had gone away but honestly it’s turned me into a giga skull/framecel and it’s been fucking my mind and BDD so much more.

Literally every single girl I walk past in on campus has larger skulls/frames/hands etc. despite being shorter than me.

I was at a charity yesterday for a club my sister leads, (mind you these girls I’m about to talk about are literal 14 year olds), and she introduced my and asked me to take a pic with two of her friends to put on her story. They were both shorter than me (around 5’5 and 5’7). So of course I started analyzing their frame and proportions and skull size (since I always have after getting LL) and of course they’re bigger than mine. The most brutal thing is my sister took the picture with all 3 of us sitting behind the table that had the name of the charity on it, so when she showed me the picture I FUCKING LOOKED LIKE THE ADOPTED 6 YEAR OLD SON OF A LESBIAN COUPLE. Even worse, I was in the middle so their mog was even worse, they literally took up 75% of the frame with their pure width and in addition they were both taller sitting down and had much larger skulls and faces just everything it was embarrassing.

I’m honestly fucking done, I don’t know what to do, it’s like I was just cursed to be small and an incel forever. Are there any surgeries I can do to maybe try and escape my small frame. I don’t think any doctors are willing to give me a experimental growth plate opening jfl.

DM for pics
i have seen guys that are naturally 5'8, where many women still have a larger skull than them. Nobody notices but you, 5'8 and 5'2 are worlds apart and you've ascended. Obv a bitch isn't going to fall in your lap and start blowing you but you have significantly increased your dating pool but are just too insecure because of your past to realize it. You prob cold approach one girl and get rejected then spiral into bdd when reality is rejection is the norm for most men. So just relax and give it time, your life will continue to improve from here, focus on your education.
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Brutal but wouldn't the double LL make youre proportions all out of wack?
And isn't it like 50x easier for someone small to gain muscle because theyre more compact?
You should still gain muscle easier because your arms chest and back are the same size

Rough tho. From 5'2 to 5'8 is a big difference to people you've known but still short compared to the average person
Yeah it’s easier to look muscular but still the potential is less since the frame is smaller so even if i max out my frame with muscles I’ll still look small af tbh
yeah I know double LL would fuck up my proportions but I was done being 5’2 and I sure as hell would wasn’t gonna go through all the pain to just be 5’5
Pm pics. I've plan on get LL in the future. Also did you get both LL at same time?
I got them at the same time yeah. 2 weeks apart actually.
i have seen guys that are naturally 5'8, where many women still have a larger skull than them. Nobody notices but you, 5'8 and 5'2 are worlds apart and you've ascended. Obv a bitch isn't going to fall in your lap and start blowing you but you have significantly increased your dating pool but are just too insecure because of your past to realize it. You prob cold approach one girl and get rejected then spiral into bdd when reality is rejection is the norm for most men. So just relax and give it time, your life will continue to improve from here, focus on your education.
But bro mine is a really bad case pm me
Low dose anavar + LatAm/SEAmaxxing = Your solution
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I have this issue. I’m addressing it by fixing my CFD which will increase my face size, and getting cranial implants to further increase my head size. Then for much of the rest of the frame issue I am doing gym. I will also get clavicle lengthening if natural frame expansion methods fail. Then for hands I’m currently experimenting with a couple methods to increase its size.

If your bone thickness is low you could megadose k2. Which would solve for every problem you and I have.
  • +1
Reactions: LianTeribble
I have this issue. I’m addressing it by fixing my CFD which will increase my face size, and getting cranial implants to further increase my head size. Then for much of the rest of the frame issue I am doing gym. I will also get clavicle lengthening if natural frame expansion methods fail. Then for hands I’m currently experimenting with a couple methods to increase its size.

If your bone thickness is low you could megadose k2. Which would solve for every problem you and I have.
What country?
How old are you? I’m thinking of getting LL when I’m older
Why the fuck didn't your parents put you on HGH if they were moneymaxxed?

Did they want their son to rot for a year with a painful surgery involving breaking legs??
  • +1
Reactions: Meister! and AngryShortMale
This definitely sounds brutal
EDIT: By pictures I mean proof of surgery, scars, lengthening device, proof of OP date etc. I am not sharing personal pictures

Disclaimer: LL is very legit and in my experience did the work of god. The bone does heal and the height gain is as advertised. Just because I got barley an smv boost from it because of my shit starting base doesn’t mean it won’t be a massive SMV for others.

So earlier this year I got the maximum results from quad LL after convincing my moneymaxxed parents to pitch in and moving out of their house (their conditions (13cm in total) to go from 159 to 172 so basically 5’2 to 5’8 and at first the height increase was amazing especially after i could actually walk normally and stand up straight/tight muscles had gone away but honestly it’s turned me into a giga skull/framecel and it’s been fucking my mind and BDD so much more.

Literally every single girl I walk past in on campus has larger skulls/frames/hands etc. despite being shorter than me.

I was at a charity yesterday for a club my sister leads, (mind you these girls I’m about to talk about are literal 14 year olds), and she introduced my and asked me to take a pic with two of her friends to put on her story. They were both shorter than me (around 5’5 and 5’7). So of course I started analyzing their frame and proportions and skull size (since I always have after getting LL) and of course they’re bigger than mine. The most brutal thing is my sister took the picture with all 3 of us sitting behind the table that had the name of the charity on it, so when she showed me the picture I FUCKING LOOKED LIKE THE ADOPTED 6 YEAR OLD SON OF A LESBIAN COUPLE. Even worse, I was in the middle so their mog was even worse, they literally took up 75% of the frame with their pure width and in addition they were both taller sitting down and had much larger skulls and faces just everything it was embarrassing.

I’m honestly fucking done, I don’t know what to do, it’s like I was just cursed to be small and an incel forever. Are there any surgeries I can do to maybe try and escape my small frame. I don’t think any doctors are willing to give me a experimental growth plate opening jfl.

DM for pics
imagine complaining about ur frame and not being gym maxed.
5’8 is ok with 2 inch lifts in shoes with big soles will be fine you need to work on your face now
Bro went from rope tier height to an extremely acceptable height with lifts. Lifefuel for actual manlets who get LL
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DM me I’ll help you out.

I’ve spoken to many LL patients on other surgery forums and discord with the same issue.

In short you need to employ reeves chest and shoulder workout while roiding.

For the face it’s a little more case by case. Dm me your face and I’ll help you out
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I’m ethnic 5’8 with small frame and ltn face. Absolutely invisible to women I only get ugly single moms and fatties literally over
Same except truecel. LL isn't really going to do a whole lot. LL is the biggest cope.
  • +1
Reactions: AngryShortMale
DM me I’ll help you out.

I’ve spoken to many LL patients on other surgery forums and discord with the same issue.

In short you need to employ reeves chest and shoulder workout while roiding.

For the face it’s a little more case by case. Dm me your face and I’ll help you out
Nice, OP might just not have to rope. Roid will lose his hair though. Natural bulking, you can't be lean. Go built-strong and this will make your face bigger.
Low dose anavar + LatAm/SEAmaxxing = Your solution
This except the anavar, natural bulk and be masculine because latinas don't like skinnyfags
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Timeframe for natty 5'8?
Depends on your age, hormones, dedication etc

Could be 2 years could be 4 could be never if your shoulders don’t respond well

Average is probably 4 for 3 inch
  • Hmm...
Reactions: JohnDoe
EDIT: By pictures I mean proof of surgery, scars, lengthening device, proof of OP date etc. I am not sharing personal pictures

Disclaimer: LL is very legit and in my experience did the work of god. The bone does heal and the height gain is as advertised. Just because I got barley an smv boost from it because of my shit starting base doesn’t mean it won’t be a massive SMV for others.

So earlier this year I got the maximum results from quad LL after convincing my moneymaxxed parents to pitch in and moving out of their house (their conditions (13cm in total) to go from 159 to 172 so basically 5’2 to 5’8 and at first the height increase was amazing especially after i could actually walk normally and stand up straight/tight muscles had gone away but honestly it’s turned me into a giga skull/framecel and it’s been fucking my mind and BDD so much more.

Literally every single girl I walk past in on campus has larger skulls/frames/hands etc. despite being shorter than me.

I was at a charity yesterday for a club my sister leads, (mind you these girls I’m about to talk about are literal 14 year olds), and she introduced my and asked me to take a pic with two of her friends to put on her story. They were both shorter than me (around 5’5 and 5’7). So of course I started analyzing their frame and proportions and skull size (since I always have after getting LL) and of course they’re bigger than mine. The most brutal thing is my sister took the picture with all 3 of us sitting behind the table that had the name of the charity on it, so when she showed me the picture I FUCKING LOOKED LIKE THE ADOPTED 6 YEAR OLD SON OF A LESBIAN COUPLE. Even worse, I was in the middle so their mog was even worse, they literally took up 75% of the frame with their pure width and in addition they were both taller sitting down and had much larger skulls and faces just everything it was embarrassing.

I’m honestly fucking done, I don’t know what to do, it’s like I was just cursed to be small and an incel forever. Are there any surgeries I can do to maybe try and escape my small frame. I don’t think any doctors are willing to give me a experimental growth plate opening jfl.

DM for pics
You need higher HGH and Testmaxx
For test, weightlift and gymmaxx brutally for a year then do some safe cycles and keep exposing your body to more test and keep it high as long as possible
For HG

It thickens and lengthens bone. Also thanks for convincing me to never do Double LL. I actually have very good base for it in both head size (My head is just as big as my bro in law's and he's 6,1 im 5,7) and arm length height ratio is litearlly monkey tier jfl but nothing we can do about the Spine which is what matters when sitting. unfortunately no distraction osteogenesis for the spine.
Your best bet is to work on ur face, body, money, status and hope that soon enough there will be technology to reopen all growth plates in our bodies, highly unlikely but it could be something to live for if u r down to be an experimental candidate. It's a far fetched dream but u really dont have any other options. Also 5'8 is an acceptable height especially with shoes, lifts, and hair
5,8 seems to be average foid height nowadays. I get heightmogged by girls on the daily. [UK]
6” all in femurs? How is running (both longer distance and sprinting ability) after that?
that's what im wondering about.
If he actually got LL his physical abilities would be the first thing he would talk about the fact he isn't means hes probbaly trolling

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