I hate black women more than anything



Your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful
Sep 10, 2020
The least desirable group of women. 90% of them are worthless, stupid and ugly.

And they wonder why they are the less sought after ?

1- They have disgusting short nappy hair : it might look okay on men but for women femininity is about having long hair, not even necessarily straight : I prefer curly hair like in MENA women. It's the only group of women on earth to have this kind of hair.

2-They hate themselves and their blackness : hence the wigs and laces, the fake lashes and anything that make them look anything else but black. Trust me if they could get a decent looking white guy to produce a non-black mulatto offspring, they would all do it. But nobody wants to touch them except bottom of the barrel niggly beasts that would copulate with anything.

3-They are just plain ugly : broad noses, big foreheads with receding hairlines, bug eyes, recessed chins, bimax protrusion.

4-They are dumb and ignorant : Don't be fooled by their college degrees, it doesn't mean anything. I'm also college educated and I'd be hard-pressed to find a black woman who has the cultural level of an average 15 yo boy.

5-They are vapid and superficial : they care about nothing but superficial stuff like makeup tutorials, fashion, celebrities news and social media.

6-They are violent, rude and obnoxious : Do I really need to provide proof ?

7-They are promiscuous and oblivious to birth control and STD prevention : they are the group people with the most STDs and have the highest amount of children outside of wedlock, at an early age. They have big tities and asses but I would never smash one raw.

I've been dating and been sexually active since age 17 and of all the girls I met and interacted with, there were only 2 of them that were black and were actually worth it.

Stay away from sheboons at all cost, they will drag you down to their level and only bring drama and troubles to your life.

I would gladly date an East African or mixed/Mulatta woman though.

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Were all these interactions in France?
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Isn't that Sade in your picture lol
Were all these interactions in France?
Yes from all group : West Africa, South Africa, Central Africa. All of them are about the same.

Same for the Caraibeans and West Indies.
  • JFL
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Isn't that Sade in your picture lol
Yes, but she's mixed. Read my post entirely : I have nothing against mixed girls and east african women.
Black women are the epitome of femininity you utter subhuman. Take back this bull that you are spreading incel
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, watah, iblamechico and 13 others
I took a break from this site over the festive period and boy was this perfect timing and the perfect post to come back to. Users on this forum are aware that I have dabbled in the fat sheboon scene as a white guy. I wouldn't recommend them but then again, most modern women aren't good quality.
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel, klip11, moggathon and 1 other person
Black women are the epitome of femininity you utter subhuman. Take back this bull that you are spreading incel
Femininity is not only about tits and ass : it's also about kindness, support and nurturing, which most sheboons are deprived of.
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I'm sorry frérot, but I can't stand them anymore. I will exclusively data MENA, mixed and East African women from now on.
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, sportsmogger and Deleted member 8365
Femininity is not only about tits and ass : it's also about kindness, support and nurturing, which most sheboons are deprived of.
Black women are some of the nicest people you will have ever met
Its very obvious you are an incel that does not hang out enough or you would have experienced black kindness

Me personally, I was once walking to college, and @Bushman mom offered to ride me there becuase it was cold. I will never forget such hospitality. Another time my bike broke down and this black dude got his hands dirty and helped me fix the loose chain
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I'm sorry frérot, but I can't stand them anymore. I will exclusively data MENA, mixed and East African women from now on.
I swear

they are insufferable bro
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bro thinks anyone is going to mistake a Somali 5head as part of any other race."me I am white".okay captain Philliplmao get the f out of here zoomali

Germany Finland GIF by TIFF
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Reactions: BeanletMogger, ManletBlackcel, sportsmogger and 5 others
Nothing to do with their attitude, western women have the same, they are simply ugly to look at. Everyone knows European features are the most attractive.
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Reactions: ElTruecel, falcon1, ManletBlackcel and 5 others
Being black is the only race you should be grateful that you were born with XY chromosomes. Its brutal out here for sistas.
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Black women just love negativity also, they only go for hood niggas, killers, and drug dealers. Never the 9-5 honest working blackman
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Being black is the only race you should be grateful that you were born with XY chromosomes. Its brutal out here for sistas.
They have the short end of the stick for sure. Unless they're creme de la creme I won't bother wasting my time with them from now on.

Fuck, I live in downtown Paris and seeing one who is slightly above average is a rare sight : most of the time they are ugly if not unsightly.
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They have the short end of the stick for sure. Unless they're creme de la creme I won't bother wasting my time with them from now on.

Fuck, I live in downtown Paris and seeing one who is slightly above average is a rare sight : most of the time they are ugly if not unsightly.
Yeah, in that sense whenever I see an above average black woman I actively go after them because of how rare they are. Also, I’m surprised there aren’t that many attractive black women in Paris. Thought it would be full of foggers of many races.
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Lest self hating black man
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Most unbearable group of people on the planet, even more than british people
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Reactions: Zikel_Nut, sportsmogger and VenatorLuparius
They have the short end of the stick for sure. Unless they're creme de la creme I won't bother wasting my time with them from now on.

Fuck, I live in downtown Paris and seeing one who is slightly above average is a rare sight : most of the time they are ugly if not unsightly.
Only the Cape Verdean and carribmean girl are good looking
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Reactions: VenatorLuparius
Yeah, in that sense whenever I see an above average black woman I actively go after them because of how rare they are. Also, I’m surprised there aren’t that many attractive black women in Paris. Thought it would be full of foggers of many races.
Paris overrated asf bro
foggers exist but still rare
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Would much rather have a black woman raise my kids than a modern white women that’s for sure.

My mix is white/black and throughout my experiences white women are far more discontent. Also far more likely to cheat/be disloyal/liar etc.

you’d think by this thread that black women are angry and self loathing but it’s more of the mayo monkeys trying to convince themselves of it than it actually being true.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Zikel_Nut, GetShrekt and 3 others
you’d think by this thread that black women are angry and self loathing but it’s more of the mayo monkeys trying to convince themselves of it than it actually being true.
50/50 on this
Would much rather have a black woman raise my kids than a modern white women that’s for sure.

My mix is white/black and throughout my experiences white women are far more discontent. Also far more likely to cheat/be disloyal/liar etc.

you’d think by this thread that black women are angry and self loathing but it’s more of the mayo monkeys trying to convince themselves of it than it actually being true.
I never said I liked white women : In actuality I don't, I've never dated one. They look better than black women but their mind is fucked up beyond repair.

I'm not a sith, I don't deal in absolute : No whites, no blacks.
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Zikel_Nut and Deleted member 33711
Girl in Op isn't anything special tbh, just makeupmaxxed
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u make some good points because black women love when they get a white guy but hate when black men get a white girl, search it up on tiktok. this is an actual thing.
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  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, sportsmogger, Deleted member 8365 and 1 other person
Girl in Op isn't anything special tbh, just makeupmaxxed
Sure a professional model with a 10 millions net worth and millions of followers is not "anything special" : JFL
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Sure a professional model with a 10 millions net worth and millions of followers is not "anything special" : JFL
feminine good skin nigger is all you need for model as women tbh
Black women just love negativity also, they only go for hood niggas, killers, and drug dealers. Never the 9-5 honest working blackman

lol @ being 9-5 and honest as a black man

wtf is wrong with these niggas lmfao
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Reactions: ManletBlackcel, PrinceLuenLeoncur, Luffymaxxing and 4 others
  • JFL
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Reactions: ManletBlackcel, Xangsane, sportsmogger and 3 others
I took a break from this site over the festive period and boy was this perfect timing and the perfect post to come back to. Users on this forum are aware that I have dabbled in the fat sheboon scene as a white guy. I wouldn't recommend them but then again, most modern women aren't good quality.
@buflek and @moggathon can relate to you
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Black women just love negativity also, they only go for hood niggas, killers, and drug dealers. Never the 9-5 honest working blackman
If they find you good looking, you can be as square as you want, they'll go for you
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  • JFL
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I hate black women when they play the victim all the time and think they are the most oppressed because they are black and female even though being a black women literally is life on easy mode due to female privilege and how black people are on the uprise when it comes to their position in society and the pushback against white people dismantling the very 'white privilege' they complain about. Black women would rope if they had to live the life of any man be it white, black or curry.

There is no accountabilty for these vile creatures as they already can use the sexism excuse to be your average female parasite, but ontop of that, they have a race card so can blame the whites for all their problems. They have the most privilege yet always play the sjw woke victim
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Reactions: sportsmogger and VenatorLuparius
@buflek and @moggathon can relate to you

never found black girls attractive

even asians is like 1 in 100 that i find attractive

white or nothing!
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Femininity is not only about tits and ass : it's also about kindness, support and nurturing, which most sheboons are deprived of.
You just confirmed to me that you are a black male irl

Only a black male would shit on black women this hard
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 43058
You just confirmed to me that you are a black male irl

Only a black male would shit on black women this hard
Do you think they deserve it
The least desirable group of women. 90% of them are worthless, stupid and ugly.

And they wonder why they are the less sought after ?

1- They have disgusting short nappy hair : it might look okay on men but for women femininity is about having long hair, not even necessarily straight : I prefer curly hair like in MENA women. It's the only group of women on earth to have this kind of hair.

2-They hate themselves and their blackness : hence the wigs and laces, the fake lashes and anything that make them look anything else but black. Trust me if they could get a decent looking white guy to produce a non-black mulatto offspring, they would all do it. But nobody wants to touch them except bottom of the barrel niggly beasts that would copulate with anything.

3-They are just plain ugly : broad noses, big foreheads with receding hairlines, bug eyes, recessed chins, bimax protrusion.

4-They are dumb and ignorant : Don't be fooled by their college degrees, it doesn't mean anything. I'm also college educated and I'd be hard-pressed to find a black woman who has the cultural level of an average 15 yo boy.

5-They are vapid and superficial : they care about nothing but superficial stuff like makeup tutorials, fashion, celebrities news and social media.

6-They are violent, rude and obnoxious : Do I really need to provide proof ?

7-They are promiscuous and oblivious to birth control and STD prevention : they are the group people with the most STDs and have the highest amount of children outside of wedlock, at an early age. They have big tities and asses but I would never smash one raw.

I've been dating and been sexually active since age 17 and of all the girls I met and interacted with, there were only 2 of them that were black and were actually worth it.

Stay away from sheboons at all cost, they will drag you down to their level and only bring drama and troubles to your life.

I would gladly date an East African or mixed/Mulatta woman though.

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No wonder they seethe over mixed women, Asians, Latinas, menas and whites.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Sprinkles, Deleted member 8365, sportsmogger and 1 other person
Do you think they deserve it
black fems? fuck no

sure there are some examples when black fems go ape shit crazy throwing feces around, but they can integrate and navigate around white societies easily. Hell, they even have higher IQ and EQ than black males. At very worst, black fems can fit as administrators and employess that could help around in society.

black males on other hand..... you can see how they in any society in general

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