I hate how my face looks bloated when I'm using my window as a light source.



Mentalcel Supreme™ with Cheese
Aug 10, 2018
My face goes from relatively lean to fucking chubster depending on light.
Ofc my face isn't chubby at all, I have really low bodyfat (below 17% if I had to estimate, no muscle mass though)

It just annoys me how certain light can trigger a full day of self-hatred if I catch a glimpse of myself in that light.
I tend to look a lot better in less intense/dimmer light as it shows my facial features a lot better as the light contours my face much better.
fuark same with under yellow light
My face goes from relatively lean to fucking chubster depending on light.
Ofc my face isn't chubby at all, I have really low bodyfat (below 17% if I had to estimate, no muscle mass though)

It just annoys me how certain light can trigger a full day of self-hatred if I catch a glimpse of myself in that light.
I tend to look a lot better in less intense/dimmer light as it shows my facial features a lot better as the light contours my face much better.
overhead light is the best. whenever i was my face and look up in the mirror the reflections of the light off my water make my face look super defined.

jesus christ i need to get off this website.
overhead light is the best. whenever i was my face and look up in the mirror the reflections of the light off my water make my face look super defined.

jesus christ i need to get off this website.
Frontal light is good too, as long as it isn't too intense.
I look best with weak frontal light or orange overhead light tbh
Post pic boyo.
Yellow light makes me look like chadlite if I don't use my phone to make photo of mirror though
Everyone looks shit in certain kinds of light. You should see me when the light source is coming from behind and to the side. I look 100% subhuman and I'm always aware when its shining on me from that angle. It's almost as if it burns, I'm so aware.
Let me guess, you're trying to make your eyes look hazel?
No, my eyes are blue, but my phone camera usually doesn't catch that as it makes everything look darker than it actually is.

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