Ultimate Ascension Guide for 2024 - Guaranteed New Looksmaxxes You Havent't Heard Of GTFIH

ascend to what? MTN?

You need surgery boyo
yes exactly im already tall, white, NT, and then I'll be MTN and socialmaxxed which i'll then defintely pull HTBs. Surgery would ascend me to HTN or chadlite but I already have height and race in my favor and have had two MTB gfs in the past so finding a MTB-HTB wife is perfectly reasonable and achievable without surgery and I think the pic does my gonial angle even worse than it is in real life tbh all the other pics I don't look as subhuman.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
literally just putting botox in your traps lol. botox on any part of the body simply stops the muscle from contracting which would then allow the muscle to atrophy but you probably know it from people putting it on their forehead to prevent wrinkles. You could do the exact same thing with trapezius muscle as the link shows that clinic does which would atrophy the traps giving you the appearance of wider broader shoulders. I have seen videos online of clinicans doing it and it seems rather simple so ill probably just get some from online and ask my friends to put the needles in 😂. Ill post a thread in 1-2months with the updates to see best procedure/how well it works.
Please pm me when you do it, so much respect for finding this out, do you know any other methods to lower/atrophy traps?
how can you cope with not getting bimax when you need it?
brooooo not everyone needs surgery to have any chance at pulling. I'm not outstandingly ugly and im already top 10% height, white and NT which is already more than half the battle. I don't need to be chadlite-chad to find good relationships
Cope you need ccw lefort 2
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: nigkook and Deleted member 46986
brooooo not everyone needs surgery to have any chance at pulling. I'm not outstandingly ugly and im already top 10% height, white and NT which is already more than half the battle. I don't need to be chadlite-chad to find good relationships
u'd ascend more with bimax and would have less chances of your gf to cheat on you
Please pm me when you do it, so much respect for finding this out, do you know any other methods to lower/atrophy traps?
no literally nothing have noticed this problem about a year ago and tried a bunch of cope stretches and massages to 'release my overactive traps' but all ended up being cope tbh and ye I will def pm you when I make the thread 👍
  • +1
Reactions: currywhowillascends
Cope you need ccw lefort 2
yes exactly im already tall, white, NT, and then I'll be MTN and socialmaxxed which i'll then defintely pull HTBs. Surgery would ascend me to HTN or chadlite but I already have height and race in my favor and have had two MTB gfs in the past so finding a MTB-HTB wife is perfectly reasonable and achievable without surgery and I think the pic does my gonial angle even worse than it is in real life tbh all the other pics I don't look as subhuman.
yes exactly im already tall, white, NT, and then I'll be MTN and socialmaxxed which i'll then defintely pull HTBs. Surgery would ascend me to HTN or chadlite but I already have height and race in my favor and have had two MTB gfs in the past so finding a MTB-HTB wife is perfectly reasonable and achievable without surgery and I think the pic does my gonial angle even worse than it is in real life tbh all the other pics I don't look as subhuman.
u'd ascend more with bimax and would have less chances of your gf to cheat on you
again I'm catholic and a virgin therefore the likelihood of divorce with my future wife would be less than 10% and we're both christian so I doubt I will be severly mistreated or cheated on because my gonial angle is fucked when I have a ton of other things going for me. But above all that the major problem is the recover time and the possibly of my facial harmony getting thrown in the dumpster
If you ever need any type of surgery hit up my guy sunil richardson hes the #1 surgeon ever
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: reaper2, IAMNOTANINCEL, Deleted member 29747 and 1 other person
again I'm catholic and a virgin therefore the likelihood of divorce with my future wife would be less than 10% and we're both christian so I doubt I will be severly mistreated or cheated on because my gonial angle is fucked when I have a ton of other things going for me. But above all that the major problem is the recover time and the possibly of my facial harmony getting thrown in the dumpster
nigga wtf? chances of finding a religios gf are like 0.1% even as chad
nigga wtf? chances of finding a religios gf are like 0.1% even as chad
BRO GO TF OUTSIDE. My last gf was catholic and their around 100 girls who go to the catholic center and bible study at my school alone, nevertheless in my bible study at home that has 20 girls just in the 20 yr old group alone. Worst comes to worst I geomaxx but there are plenty in the US 😭
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
BRO GO TF OUTSIDE. My last gf was catholic and their around 100 girls who go to the catholic center and bible study at my school alone, nevertheless in my bible study at home that has 20 girls just in the 20 yr old group alone. Worst comes to worst I geomaxx but there are plenty in the US 😭
what, u said u are virgin nigg
🦋 Ultimate Ascension Guide for 2024 🦋
By @longmidfaceCEO

Thread Soundtrack BAYBEEEE

fr listen to this while reading the thread or gtfo now

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Pictures
- My Statistics
- Hair
- Eye Area
- Mouth Area
- LowerThird
- Lean
- Physique
- Skin
- Neck
- Height
- Social
- Lays
- Conclusion
- Tags

First things first I want to say thank you to @enorwood04 for inspiring me to make this thread he made a similar thread a week ago or so titled '18 Year Old MTN: A Guide to My Ascension Plan' so again thank you! My goal is to ascend from mid LTN to low-mid MTN. Was very much an ugly duckling throughout highschool and have one traumatic incident when girls at my prep school with nothing but Tall rich white people made a list of the cutest boys in the school for like a march madness thing and I was put second to last (mogged tf out of the 4’11 SEA in last place though 😂). Grew out of that and started doing some acne stuff and just got the tf out of puberty which ascended me from subhuman to LTN which is about where I am now. All products I mention will be linked at the bottom so don’t worry 👍. Yes this is my first post on this forum and I want to make it a good one. But anyway grab your slop and sit back for the best ascension guide you will ever read❗

My Statistics
Height: 6’1 (6’0) = 183cm
Weight: 175lbs = 79.4kg
Bodyfat: 16%ish
Age: 20 years, 1 month, 2 days, and about 5 hours
Kisscount: 5 (before anyone says keeping count of kisses is cringe kys)
Laycount: 0 (3 BJs from different girls but no sex)(why?: idek)
Rating: mid LTN
NT?: might have a little undiagnosed autism but nothing clinical and i’m alt-right and catholic so that makes me non-NT basically :(
Race: White
Ethnicity: 75% Irish 25% Welsh (some other small stuff like scottish, english, and norwiegan)
Occupation: Sophomore at large college in Northeast US
Frame: Mid but don’t feel like measuring will post a pic
D: 6.1in = 15.4cm Bonepressed (not posting a pic jfl)

: Have the Bryce Hall going on rn and think it looks the best on my face/skull shape and has major JB appeal 😏
View attachment 2651393

Dandruff: Have had light-moderate dandruff since puberty at 16 or so. Have tried head and shoulders, every conditioner on the market, cold showers, no shampoo all have failed me. My next step is dandruff oil and/or nizoral shampoo coming in the mail but in reality my father has sebhorric dermatitis so I probably have it too and I def don’t want to shave my head to find out so worst comes to worst I have to go see a Derma

Recession: have some very slight recession in the top of my left temple but idk will probably dermastamp it when I dermastamp the rest of my face my father has a full head of hair at 60 so I think I’m fine tbh

Eye Area

: Have good eyebrow placement and thickness just really need to dye them black/dark brown or maybe when I start doing the MT-2 nasal spray hopefully they’ll darken.

UEE: moderate uee want to try eyelid pulling especially the part closest to my nose to see if that reduces it and curl eyelashes (probably both cope but we’re gonna try anyway) and maybe icehooding (probably cope #3 tho tbh since only have heard anecdotal evidence)

Canthal tilt: NCT can’t complain

Scleral show: Have a lot of scleral show due to my dogwater maxilla so eventually I’ll get canthoplasty when I am older but parents won’t approve rn and don’t have the time during school maybe ill ask my parents over the summer tho

Eyelashes: mid/bad they are a weird blond at the root and darker at the tips so idk what thats about and not sure if dying them will really do anything tbh and maybe they’ll darken with MT-2?

Eyebags: Just got Volufiline in the mail will try on my slight eyebags and above my eyes (probably cope)

Eyecolor: will follow the rough outline of elbastardo's eye lightening guide and was talking with enchanted elixir in his public posting before he left and he gave me some helpful advice. Already have A40 eyes but would like to get down to the really lightblue/gray level and create a nice halo. And before clowns in the comments say its dangerous no tf it isn’t, if you have anymore than 4 braincells most of those substances are already found in the human eye and are simply spot reducing the melanin in the iris. And there has been proven success in Elbastardo’s thread so idc. I have already taken the before pics so I will give an update and make a definitive thread proving their efficacy in 3-4 months time so get ready for that.


: Will print out the mouth widening appliances once I get back to school since their is no 3D printing place near my house

Volufiline: to plump lips video describing woman's results below

Hyaluronic Acid (Oral): am going to take 200mg per day as the guy in this reddit did and saw good plumpness but I’ve also heard that this can cause the face to look bloated is that true?

Hyaluronic Acid (Topical): again saw a girl on youtube apply HA to her lips every day for 30 days and had good growth


: will use colgate 5% hydrogen peroxide from amazon and oil pulling solution from amazon to hopefully get those super white teeth

Straightening: Have a new set of invisalign from my ortho for the next 14 weeks then after that I should be fully done. If the two teeth next to my two front teeth aren’t able to be pulled down enough I will just file down my two front teeth slightly to make my smile look straighter (Before goons in the comments mention it being bad for my teeth I know and idgaf people have done it many times on YT videos I’ve seen and none of them reporting having any pain/discomfort after and if it comes back to bite me when I am an oldcel I won’t care then anyway)


Massester Hypertrophy
: I know its over for my high gonial angle jaw and small and pointy chin and subhuman forward growth but Ill try to cope with this. Will probably just clenchmax instead of chewmax to specifically target only the massetter and not the buccinator or temporalis. I’ve heard people looking bloated after they’ve done this so ill try it and see how I look but if it ends up being cope that aight too.

Mewing: Again only preventative and won't reverse my downward grown maxilla and horrid gonial angle but let a brotha cope 😭


: My diet is basically low-carb but not fully keto and so ill def lose weight since I’m done with the bulking meme

Cardio: will do long runs 5-6miles a few times a week, probably won’t do much for significant fat loss but I just simply enjoy doing it tbh

Low Carb and Low Sugar
: carbs and sugar make you bloated and my diet from now on will have much less of those so excited to see those hollow cheeks and just feeling so much better not eating shitty food (finally escaped the bulking meme 🤣)

Furosemide: @pneumocystosis classic will use no more than once a week before I go out or on a date or something (100mg 4 hours before)

Gua Sha: I know its cope for anything long term but Im the type where my bloating is the worst in the morning so ill probably do this after I shower in the morning so ill look less bloated during the day


basically the same old gym routine I have been doing not going to tell you because you’ve heard this same thing 100 times already.

Traptox: Will possibly buy botox to try and shrink my traps since I never train them yet they are too big and butt fuck my SWR. And any clowns who wanna say that big traps are aesthetic they simply are not and are purely male gaze. They ruin the squareness of the shoulders and make them look horizontally smaller. Broad square shoulders are pure female gaze not big traps your ogres 🤡

- cleanse, retin-a, vitamin C, moisturizer
-Cleanser: LaRoche Posay Purifying Foaming Cleanser
-Retin-A Source: Beautybliss.com
-Vitamin C: Timeless Vitamin C Serum
-Moisturizer: CeraVe PM Ultralightweight moisturizer

Morning - cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen
-Sunscreen: Beauty of Josean

Dermastamp: Will dermastamp once per week to get that sweet sweet collagen boost and apply Aloe Vera gel over.

Low Dairy Diet: some people such as myself have a severe acne trigger when I eat dairy and you might also so I haven't had dairy consistently in a while after finding this out and is something y'all should really look into

Pantothenic Acid Supplement: will be gigadosing pantothenic acid as it is very cheap and is the single best thing I have ever done to help clear my acne this is really an undiscovered looksmax that I haven't seen anyone on here talk about. Vigorous Steve has a video on getting rid of acne and this is the first thing he mentions and there was also an 8-week placebo controlled study proving its insane efficacy I will link

: betacarotene 75,000iu per day for yellow/orange undertones (already have red undertones so not gonna worry about lycopene and asthacixthin until i get there)

Tan: Will be doing MT-2 in the form of a nasal spray starting when I get back to school and will start with one spray each day and slowly taper up until I get my desired coloring (pics don't really show it since most of these were taken over the summer but I am currently a pastycel). I NEED that prime Alain Delon Coloring
View attachment 2650654

Hyoid Bone Raising
: will try it like it says in the guide below and see if i see any results

Sternocleinomastoid Crunches: turn head to the side them crunch ear to the chest and get a good contraction and pump providing resistance with your hand I think this is the single best exercise no one on this forum talks about for a wider neck I will provide a video below of what I mean just try it and once your get your pump just revel in your Mike Tyson tier neck width.

Neck lifts: will be doing neck lift to hopefully train the back of my neck get rid of my xenomorph ass side profile jfl 🤣 also I have seen a thread on here showing how a backward grown neck is actually very important in frauding forward growth so I will link that here

EE Heightmaxxing Stack
: Might end up following through with enchanted’s height maxxing guide and just suffer for a year or so since I genuinly think it will be worth it and would create a great halo to be 6’2-6’4. I just need to get the exact things down and will def provide another guide in a few weeks describing what I will be doing and in 6 months or so with measurements and pics unfrauded to see how much progress I will make. I also talked with elixir in his public postings if he would recommend it to someone like me so I'll link that convo and his thread
(scroll to monday at 9:00am)

Insoles: will fraud with 1-2inch insoles depending on the shoe I'm wearing to get to 6'2-6'3 but if I don't notice a difference will probably stop doing it tbh

basketball and baseball are big at my school so I will go to the games regularly to try to meet people

Parties: have never been to a college party before so if the opportunity arises I will go.

Clubs: will join as many clubs as possible especially ones i’m interested in that are majority women such as professional pre-med fraternity, blood drives, yoga, mindfulness etc. you get the point

Switching majors: I am so done with engineering especially with the job outlooks getting worse with time, how rigorous the coursework is, how much better the pay and job satisfaction is in health fields and how much more I just like healthcare so I am switching from Biomedical Engineering to Allied Health this semester which will also mean all of my classes will be majority women instead of men like they were last semester and will also have way more free time since Im not taking the hardest major at the school anymore 😂

Phenibut: a medication used to treat anxiety and from threads on this site and a detailed video from MPMD which I will link below is the #1 substance that helps kill social anxiety with little to no drawbacks unless you become reliant on it

: will create two instagrams one being my main where I post NT as possible and one being a fitness account where I post my physique, things I’m eating and other NT fitness stuff. Not having social media apart from snapchat probably makes me look like a weirdo but I also just hate having the apps on my phone and doom scrolling so I might jump ship on this one need to feel it out but if you guys think its a legitimate SMV boost to have it I will do it.

Dating apps: Will make accounts on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge with pretty similar things and just post some normie pictures with my friends and will research more on what pics to post to get the most amount of likes and anyway I can manipulate the algorithm to show myself more and hopefully get some matches even though I know these apps are crazy competitive especially on a college campus 😔


Thank you so much for reading this thread I really put a lot of time and effort into it so I appreciate you for reading to the end. If you have any questions dumb or smart don’t be afraid to ask them below. I will definitely be doing slay stories and give general updates on how this next semester will go. I will also be doing more specific and detailed guides on more specific topics in the future. This is my first post so be kind with the formatting and placement and if there is anything I missed just tell me. Also likes and reacts would be very much appreciated. Dear Mods I know this is my first post but If I could get this into BOTB or even sticky threads for a while I would be the happiest boyo in the world. Thank you all for reading! Look out for more of my threads and will definitely post storytimes from this next semester! @longmidfaceCEO OUT! :feelsahh:

@enorwood04 @enchanted_elixir @ElBastardo @Xangsane @BrahminBoss @ReadBooksEveryday @Blackgymmax @KING REIDYZ @_MVP_ @StrangerDanger @Kamui @Orc @Meraki @Kingkellz @ascension! @garoupilled_

You are narcy asf
🦋 Ultimate Ascension Guide for 2024 🦋
By @longmidfaceCEO

Thread Soundtrack BAYBEEEE

fr listen to this while reading the thread or gtfo now

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Pictures
- My Statistics
- Hair
- Eye Area
- Mouth Area
- LowerThird
- Lean
- Physique
- Skin
- Neck
- Height
- Social
- Lays
- Conclusion
- Tags

First things first I want to say thank you to @enorwood04 for inspiring me to make this thread he made a similar thread a week ago or so titled '18 Year Old MTN: A Guide to My Ascension Plan' so again thank you! My goal is to ascend from mid LTN to low-mid MTN. Was very much an ugly duckling throughout highschool and have one traumatic incident when girls at my prep school with nothing but Tall rich white people made a list of the cutest boys in the school for like a march madness thing and I was put second to last (mogged tf out of the 4’11 SEA in last place though 😂). Grew out of that and started doing some acne stuff and just got the tf out of puberty which ascended me from subhuman to LTN which is about where I am now. All products I mention will be linked at the bottom so don’t worry 👍. Yes this is my first post on this forum and I want to make it a good one. But anyway grab your slop and sit back for the best ascension guide you will ever read❗

My Statistics
Height: 6’1 (6’0) = 183cm
Weight: 175lbs = 79.4kg
Bodyfat: 16%ish
Age: 20 years, 1 month, 2 days, and about 5 hours
Kisscount: 5 (before anyone says keeping count of kisses is cringe kys)
Laycount: 0 (3 BJs from different girls but no sex)(why?: idek)
Rating: mid LTN
NT?: might have a little undiagnosed autism but nothing clinical and i’m alt-right and catholic so that makes me non-NT basically :(
Race: White
Ethnicity: 75% Irish 25% Welsh (some other small stuff like scottish, english, and norwiegan)
Occupation: Sophomore at large college in Northeast US
Frame: Mid but don’t feel like measuring will post a pic
D: 6.1in = 15.4cm Bonepressed (not posting a pic jfl)

: Have the Bryce Hall going on rn and think it looks the best on my face/skull shape and has major JB appeal 😏
View attachment 2651393

Dandruff: Have had light-moderate dandruff since puberty at 16 or so. Have tried head and shoulders, every conditioner on the market, cold showers, no shampoo all have failed me. My next step is dandruff oil and/or nizoral shampoo coming in the mail but in reality my father has sebhorric dermatitis so I probably have it too and I def don’t want to shave my head to find out so worst comes to worst I have to go see a Derma

Recession: have some very slight recession in the top of my left temple but idk will probably dermastamp it when I dermastamp the rest of my face my father has a full head of hair at 60 so I think I’m fine tbh

Eye Area

: Have good eyebrow placement and thickness just really need to dye them black/dark brown or maybe when I start doing the MT-2 nasal spray hopefully they’ll darken.

UEE: moderate uee want to try eyelid pulling especially the part closest to my nose to see if that reduces it and curl eyelashes (probably both cope but we’re gonna try anyway) and maybe icehooding (probably cope #3 tho tbh since only have heard anecdotal evidence)

Canthal tilt: NCT can’t complain

Scleral show: Have a lot of scleral show due to my dogwater maxilla so eventually I’ll get canthoplasty when I am older but parents won’t approve rn and don’t have the time during school maybe ill ask my parents over the summer tho

Eyelashes: mid/bad they are a weird blond at the root and darker at the tips so idk what thats about and not sure if dying them will really do anything tbh and maybe they’ll darken with MT-2?

Eyebags: Just got Volufiline in the mail will try on my slight eyebags and above my eyes (probably cope)

Eyecolor: will follow the rough outline of elbastardo's eye lightening guide and was talking with enchanted elixir in his public posting before he left and he gave me some helpful advice. Already have A40 eyes but would like to get down to the really lightblue/gray level and create a nice halo. And before clowns in the comments say its dangerous no tf it isn’t, if you have anymore than 4 braincells most of those substances are already found in the human eye and are simply spot reducing the melanin in the iris. And there has been proven success in Elbastardo’s thread so idc. I have already taken the before pics so I will give an update and make a definitive thread proving their efficacy in 3-4 months time so get ready for that.


: Will print out the mouth widening appliances once I get back to school since their is no 3D printing place near my house

Volufiline: to plump lips video describing woman's results below

Hyaluronic Acid (Oral): am going to take 200mg per day as the guy in this reddit did and saw good plumpness but I’ve also heard that this can cause the face to look bloated is that true?

Hyaluronic Acid (Topical): again saw a girl on youtube apply HA to her lips every day for 30 days and had good growth


: will use colgate 5% hydrogen peroxide from amazon and oil pulling solution from amazon to hopefully get those super white teeth

Straightening: Have a new set of invisalign from my ortho for the next 14 weeks then after that I should be fully done. If the two teeth next to my two front teeth aren’t able to be pulled down enough I will just file down my two front teeth slightly to make my smile look straighter (Before goons in the comments mention it being bad for my teeth I know and idgaf people have done it many times on YT videos I’ve seen and none of them reporting having any pain/discomfort after and if it comes back to bite me when I am an oldcel I won’t care then anyway)


Massester Hypertrophy
: I know its over for my high gonial angle jaw and small and pointy chin and subhuman forward growth but Ill try to cope with this. Will probably just clenchmax instead of chewmax to specifically target only the massetter and not the buccinator or temporalis. I’ve heard people looking bloated after they’ve done this so ill try it and see how I look but if it ends up being cope that aight too.

Mewing: Again only preventative and won't reverse my downward grown maxilla and horrid gonial angle but let a brotha cope 😭


: My diet is basically low-carb but not fully keto and so ill def lose weight since I’m done with the bulking meme

Cardio: will do long runs 5-6miles a few times a week, probably won’t do much for significant fat loss but I just simply enjoy doing it tbh

Low Carb and Low Sugar
: carbs and sugar make you bloated and my diet from now on will have much less of those so excited to see those hollow cheeks and just feeling so much better not eating shitty food (finally escaped the bulking meme 🤣)

Furosemide: @pneumocystosis classic will use no more than once a week before I go out or on a date or something (100mg 4 hours before)

Gua Sha: I know its cope for anything long term but Im the type where my bloating is the worst in the morning so ill probably do this after I shower in the morning so ill look less bloated during the day


basically the same old gym routine I have been doing not going to tell you because you’ve heard this same thing 100 times already.

Traptox: Will possibly buy botox to try and shrink my traps since I never train them yet they are too big and butt fuck my SWR. And any clowns who wanna say that big traps are aesthetic they simply are not and are purely male gaze. They ruin the squareness of the shoulders and make them look horizontally smaller. Broad square shoulders are pure female gaze not big traps your ogres 🤡

- cleanse, retin-a, vitamin C, moisturizer
-Cleanser: LaRoche Posay Purifying Foaming Cleanser
-Retin-A Source: Beautybliss.com
-Vitamin C: Timeless Vitamin C Serum
-Moisturizer: CeraVe PM Ultralightweight moisturizer

Morning - cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen
-Sunscreen: Beauty of Josean

Dermastamp: Will dermastamp once per week to get that sweet sweet collagen boost and apply Aloe Vera gel over.

Low Dairy Diet: some people such as myself have a severe acne trigger when I eat dairy and you might also so I haven't had dairy consistently in a while after finding this out and is something y'all should really look into

Pantothenic Acid Supplement: will be gigadosing pantothenic acid as it is very cheap and is the single best thing I have ever done to help clear my acne this is really an undiscovered looksmax that I haven't seen anyone on here talk about. Vigorous Steve has a video on getting rid of acne and this is the first thing he mentions and there was also an 8-week placebo controlled study proving its insane efficacy I will link

: betacarotene 75,000iu per day for yellow/orange undertones (already have red undertones so not gonna worry about lycopene and asthacixthin until i get there)

Tan: Will be doing MT-2 in the form of a nasal spray starting when I get back to school and will start with one spray each day and slowly taper up until I get my desired coloring (pics don't really show it since most of these were taken over the summer but I am currently a pastycel). I NEED that prime Alain Delon Coloring
View attachment 2650654

Hyoid Bone Raising
: will try it like it says in the guide below and see if i see any results

Sternocleinomastoid Crunches: turn head to the side them crunch ear to the chest and get a good contraction and pump providing resistance with your hand I think this is the single best exercise no one on this forum talks about for a wider neck I will provide a video below of what I mean just try it and once your get your pump just revel in your Mike Tyson tier neck width.

Neck lifts: will be doing neck lift to hopefully train the back of my neck get rid of my xenomorph ass side profile jfl 🤣 also I have seen a thread on here showing how a backward grown neck is actually very important in frauding forward growth so I will link that here

EE Heightmaxxing Stack
: Might end up following through with enchanted’s height maxxing guide and just suffer for a year or so since I genuinly think it will be worth it and would create a great halo to be 6’2-6’4. I just need to get the exact things down and will def provide another guide in a few weeks describing what I will be doing and in 6 months or so with measurements and pics unfrauded to see how much progress I will make. I also talked with elixir in his public postings if he would recommend it to someone like me so I'll link that convo and his thread
(scroll to monday at 9:00am)

Insoles: will fraud with 1-2inch insoles depending on the shoe I'm wearing to get to 6'2-6'3 but if I don't notice a difference will probably stop doing it tbh

basketball and baseball are big at my school so I will go to the games regularly to try to meet people

Parties: have never been to a college party before so if the opportunity arises I will go.

Clubs: will join as many clubs as possible especially ones i’m interested in that are majority women such as professional pre-med fraternity, blood drives, yoga, mindfulness etc. you get the point

Switching majors: I am so done with engineering especially with the job outlooks getting worse with time, how rigorous the coursework is, how much better the pay and job satisfaction is in health fields and how much more I just like healthcare so I am switching from Biomedical Engineering to Allied Health this semester which will also mean all of my classes will be majority women instead of men like they were last semester and will also have way more free time since Im not taking the hardest major at the school anymore 😂

Phenibut: a medication used to treat anxiety and from threads on this site and a detailed video from MPMD which I will link below is the #1 substance that helps kill social anxiety with little to no drawbacks unless you become reliant on it

: will create two instagrams one being my main where I post NT as possible and one being a fitness account where I post my physique, things I’m eating and other NT fitness stuff. Not having social media apart from snapchat probably makes me look like a weirdo but I also just hate having the apps on my phone and doom scrolling so I might jump ship on this one need to feel it out but if you guys think its a legitimate SMV boost to have it I will do it.

Dating apps: Will make accounts on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge with pretty similar things and just post some normie pictures with my friends and will research more on what pics to post to get the most amount of likes and anyway I can manipulate the algorithm to show myself more and hopefully get some matches even though I know these apps are crazy competitive especially on a college campus 😔


Thank you so much for reading this thread I really put a lot of time and effort into it so I appreciate you for reading to the end. If you have any questions dumb or smart don’t be afraid to ask them below. I will definitely be doing slay stories and give general updates on how this next semester will go. I will also be doing more specific and detailed guides on more specific topics in the future. This is my first post so be kind with the formatting and placement and if there is anything I missed just tell me. Also likes and reacts would be very much appreciated. Dear Mods I know this is my first post but If I could get this into BOTB or even sticky threads for a while I would be the happiest boyo in the world. Thank you all for reading! Look out for more of my threads and will definitely post storytimes from this next semester! @longmidfaceCEO OUT! :feelsahh:

@enorwood04 @enchanted_elixir @ElBastardo @Xangsane @BrahminBoss @ReadBooksEveryday @Blackgymmax @KING REIDYZ @_MVP_ @StrangerDanger @Kamui @Orc @Meraki @Kingkellz @ascension! @garoupilled_

Great layout on your thread.
Wow, high quality thread, mirin your effort.
You are too old to heightmax+HGH will give you an even longer face than you already have. Avoid this at all cost.
yeah thank you for the advice I thought I might be able to gain 1-3inches still if I blast for the next year but my facial length to width is already in the gutter so your right im probably going to hold off. already 6'1 so can't complain
  • +1
Reactions: klausxyzs
yeah thank you for the advice I thought I might be able to gain 1-3inches still if I blast for the next year but my facial length to width is already in the gutter so your right im probably going to hold off. already 6'1 so can't complain
Bro 6'1-6'3 is ideal, don't listen to the autists on these forums you are already tall enough, your height isn't a factor.
  • +1
Reactions: mog_me and longmidfaceCEO
Dear Mods
Pls put this in sticky threads spent a ton of time on it and trying to make it look good and has high viewers and replys 🙏
@Kristin @Skywalker @Gengar @NumbThePain @ccwarrior @Gargantuan @Spiritualcells @Lmao @Sny @coispet @Squirtle
Dear Mods
Pls put this in sticky threads spent a ton of time on it and trying to make it look good and has high viewers and replys 🙏
@Kristin @Skywalker @Gengar @NumbThePain @ccwarrior @Gargantuan @Spiritualcells @Lmao @Sny @coispet @Squirtle
I don’t go over threads like these.
  • +1
Reactions: Varicella and longmidfaceCEO
Dear Mods
Pls put this in sticky threads spent a ton of time on it and trying to make it look good and has high viewers and replys 🙏
@Kristin @Skywalker @Gengar @NumbThePain @ccwarrior @Gargantuan @Spiritualcells @Lmao @Sny @coispet @Squirtle
I pinned it for you
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain and longmidfaceCEO
Bro I’m gonna be honest you sound a lot like me but you def mog.

Unfortunately I can’t really sticky this thread as I’m not a Looksmaxxing subforum mod, although it seems that someone else stickied it so that’s fine

However I think this is a great plan and I think that writing out a plan is the first step to mogging. Godspeed boyo

Ps: im guessing you go to Rutgers?
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: longmidfaceCEO
Bro I’m gonna be honest you sound a lot like me but you def mog.

Unfortunately I can’t really sticky this thread as I’m not a Looksmaxxing subforum mod

However I think this is a great plan and I think that writing out a plan is the first step to mogging. Godspeed boyo

Ps: im guessing you go to Rutgers?
Thank you thank you I will def post a spring break update on my results 🤞. And No i don't go to rutgers but I live in NJ about 30 mins away from RU but I go to school in CT👍
  • +1
Reactions: Varicella
🦋 Ultimate Ascension Guide for 2024 🦋
By @longmidfaceCEO

Thread Soundtrack BAYBEEEE

fr listen to this while reading the thread or gtfo now

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Pictures
- My Statistics
- Hair
- Eye Area
- Mouth Area
- LowerThird
- Lean
- Physique
- Skin
- Neck
- Height
- Social
- Lays
- Conclusion
- Tags

First things first I want to say thank you to @enorwood04 for inspiring me to make this thread he made a similar thread a week ago or so titled '18 Year Old MTN: A Guide to My Ascension Plan' so again thank you! My goal is to ascend from mid LTN to low-mid MTN. Was very much an ugly duckling throughout highschool and have one traumatic incident when girls at my prep school with nothing but Tall rich white people made a list of the cutest boys in the school for like a march madness thing and I was put second to last (mogged tf out of the 4’11 SEA in last place though 😂). Grew out of that and started doing some acne stuff and just got the tf out of puberty which ascended me from subhuman to LTN which is about where I am now. All products I mention will be linked at the bottom so don’t worry 👍. Yes this is my first post on this forum and I want to make it a good one. But anyway grab your slop and sit back for the best ascension guide you will ever read❗

My Statistics
Height: 6’1 (6’0) = 183cm
Weight: 175lbs = 79.4kg
Bodyfat: 16%ish
Age: 20 years, 1 month, 2 days, and about 5 hours
Kisscount: 5 (before anyone says keeping count of kisses is cringe kys)
Laycount: 0 (3 BJs from different girls but no sex)(why?: idek)
Rating: mid LTN
NT?: might have a little undiagnosed autism but nothing clinical and i’m alt-right and catholic so that makes me non-NT basically :(
Race: White
Ethnicity: 75% Irish 25% Welsh (some other small stuff like scottish, english, and norwiegan)
Occupation: Sophomore at large college in Northeast US
Frame: Mid but don’t feel like measuring will post a pic
D: 6.1in = 15.4cm Bonepressed (not posting a pic jfl)

: Have the Bryce Hall going on rn and think it looks the best on my face/skull shape and has major JB appeal 😏
View attachment 2651393

Dandruff: Have had light-moderate dandruff since puberty at 16 or so. Have tried head and shoulders, every conditioner on the market, cold showers, no shampoo all have failed me. My next step is dandruff oil and/or nizoral shampoo coming in the mail but in reality my father has sebhorric dermatitis so I probably have it too and I def don’t want to shave my head to find out so worst comes to worst I have to go see a Derma

Recession: have some very slight recession in the top of my left temple but idk will probably dermastamp it when I dermastamp the rest of my face my father has a full head of hair at 60 so I think I’m fine tbh

Eye Area

: Have good eyebrow placement and thickness just really need to dye them black/dark brown or maybe when I start doing the MT-2 nasal spray hopefully they’ll darken.

UEE: moderate uee want to try eyelid pulling especially the part closest to my nose to see if that reduces it and curl eyelashes (probably both cope but we’re gonna try anyway) and maybe icehooding (probably cope #3 tho tbh since only have heard anecdotal evidence)

Canthal tilt: NCT can’t complain

Scleral show: Have a lot of scleral show due to my dogwater maxilla so eventually I’ll get canthoplasty when I am older but parents won’t approve rn and don’t have the time during school maybe ill ask my parents over the summer tho

Eyelashes: mid/bad they are a weird blond at the root and darker at the tips so idk what thats about and not sure if dying them will really do anything tbh and maybe they’ll darken with MT-2?

Eyebags: Just got Volufiline in the mail will try on my slight eyebags and above my eyes (probably cope)

Eyecolor: will follow the rough outline of elbastardo's eye lightening guide and was talking with enchanted elixir in his public posting before he left and he gave me some helpful advice. Already have A40 eyes but would like to get down to the really lightblue/gray level and create a nice halo. And before clowns in the comments say its dangerous no tf it isn’t, if you have anymore than 4 braincells most of those substances are already found in the human eye and are simply spot reducing the melanin in the iris. And there has been proven success in Elbastardo’s thread so idc. I have already taken the before pics so I will give an update and make a definitive thread proving their efficacy in 3-4 months time so get ready for that.


: Will print out the mouth widening appliances once I get back to school since their is no 3D printing place near my house

Volufiline: to plump lips video describing woman's results below

Hyaluronic Acid (Oral): am going to take 200mg per day as the guy in this reddit did and saw good plumpness but I’ve also heard that this can cause the face to look bloated is that true?

Hyaluronic Acid (Topical): again saw a girl on youtube apply HA to her lips every day for 30 days and had good growth


: will use colgate 5% hydrogen peroxide from amazon and oil pulling solution from amazon to hopefully get those super white teeth

Straightening: Have a new set of invisalign from my ortho for the next 14 weeks then after that I should be fully done. If the two teeth next to my two front teeth aren’t able to be pulled down enough I will just file down my two front teeth slightly to make my smile look straighter (Before goons in the comments mention it being bad for my teeth I know and idgaf people have done it many times on YT videos I’ve seen and none of them reporting having any pain/discomfort after and if it comes back to bite me when I am an oldcel I won’t care then anyway)


Massester Hypertrophy
: I know its over for my high gonial angle jaw and small and pointy chin and subhuman forward growth but Ill try to cope with this. Will probably just clenchmax instead of chewmax to specifically target only the massetter and not the buccinator or temporalis. I’ve heard people looking bloated after they’ve done this so ill try it and see how I look but if it ends up being cope that aight too.

Mewing: Again only preventative and won't reverse my downward grown maxilla and horrid gonial angle but let a brotha cope 😭


: My diet is basically low-carb but not fully keto and so ill def lose weight since I’m done with the bulking meme

Cardio: will do long runs 5-6miles a few times a week, probably won’t do much for significant fat loss but I just simply enjoy doing it tbh

Low Carb and Low Sugar
: carbs and sugar make you bloated and my diet from now on will have much less of those so excited to see those hollow cheeks and just feeling so much better not eating shitty food (finally escaped the bulking meme 🤣)

Furosemide: @pneumocystosis classic will use no more than once a week before I go out or on a date or something (100mg 4 hours before)

Gua Sha: I know its cope for anything long term but Im the type where my bloating is the worst in the morning so ill probably do this after I shower in the morning so ill look less bloated during the day


basically the same old gym routine I have been doing not going to tell you because you’ve heard this same thing 100 times already.

Traptox: Will possibly buy botox to try and shrink my traps since I never train them yet they are too big and butt fuck my SWR. And any clowns who wanna say that big traps are aesthetic they simply are not and are purely male gaze. They ruin the squareness of the shoulders and make them look horizontally smaller. Broad square shoulders are pure female gaze not big traps your ogres 🤡

- cleanse, retin-a, vitamin C, moisturizer
-Cleanser: LaRoche Posay Purifying Foaming Cleanser
-Retin-A Source: Beautybliss.com
-Vitamin C: Timeless Vitamin C Serum
-Moisturizer: CeraVe PM Ultralightweight moisturizer

Morning - cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen
-Sunscreen: Beauty of Josean

Dermastamp: Will dermastamp once per week to get that sweet sweet collagen boost and apply Aloe Vera gel over.

Low Dairy Diet: some people such as myself have a severe acne trigger when I eat dairy and you might also so I haven't had dairy consistently in a while after finding this out and is something y'all should really look into

Pantothenic Acid Supplement: will be gigadosing pantothenic acid as it is very cheap and is the single best thing I have ever done to help clear my acne this is really an undiscovered looksmax that I haven't seen anyone on here talk about. Vigorous Steve has a video on getting rid of acne and this is the first thing he mentions and there was also an 8-week placebo controlled study proving its insane efficacy I will link

: betacarotene 75,000iu per day for yellow/orange undertones (already have red undertones so not gonna worry about lycopene and asthacixthin until i get there)

Tan: Will be doing MT-2 in the form of a nasal spray starting when I get back to school and will start with one spray each day and slowly taper up until I get my desired coloring (pics don't really show it since most of these were taken over the summer but I am currently a pastycel). I NEED that prime Alain Delon Coloring
View attachment 2650654

Hyoid Bone Raising
: will try it like it says in the guide below and see if i see any results

Sternocleinomastoid Crunches: turn head to the side them crunch ear to the chest and get a good contraction and pump providing resistance with your hand I think this is the single best exercise no one on this forum talks about for a wider neck I will provide a video below of what I mean just try it and once your get your pump just revel in your Mike Tyson tier neck width.

Neck lifts: will be doing neck lift to hopefully train the back of my neck get rid of my xenomorph ass side profile jfl 🤣 also I have seen a thread on here showing how a backward grown neck is actually very important in frauding forward growth so I will link that here

EE Heightmaxxing Stack
: Might end up following through with enchanted’s height maxxing guide and just suffer for a year or so since I genuinly think it will be worth it and would create a great halo to be 6’2-6’4. I just need to get the exact things down and will def provide another guide in a few weeks describing what I will be doing and in 6 months or so with measurements and pics unfrauded to see how much progress I will make. I also talked with elixir in his public postings if he would recommend it to someone like me so I'll link that convo and his thread
(scroll to monday at 9:00am)

Insoles: will fraud with 1-2inch insoles depending on the shoe I'm wearing to get to 6'2-6'3 but if I don't notice a difference will probably stop doing it tbh

basketball and baseball are big at my school so I will go to the games regularly to try to meet people

Parties: have never been to a college party before so if the opportunity arises I will go.

Clubs: will join as many clubs as possible especially ones i’m interested in that are majority women such as professional pre-med fraternity, blood drives, yoga, mindfulness etc. you get the point

Switching majors: I am so done with engineering especially with the job outlooks getting worse with time, how rigorous the coursework is, how much better the pay and job satisfaction is in health fields and how much more I just like healthcare so I am switching from Biomedical Engineering to Allied Health this semester which will also mean all of my classes will be majority women instead of men like they were last semester and will also have way more free time since Im not taking the hardest major at the school anymore 😂

Phenibut: a medication used to treat anxiety and from threads on this site and a detailed video from MPMD which I will link below is the #1 substance that helps kill social anxiety with little to no drawbacks unless you become reliant on it

: will create two instagrams one being my main where I post NT as possible and one being a fitness account where I post my physique, things I’m eating and other NT fitness stuff. Not having social media apart from snapchat probably makes me look like a weirdo but I also just hate having the apps on my phone and doom scrolling so I might jump ship on this one need to feel it out but if you guys think its a legitimate SMV boost to have it I will do it.

Dating apps: Will make accounts on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge with pretty similar things and just post some normie pictures with my friends and will research more on what pics to post to get the most amount of likes and anyway I can manipulate the algorithm to show myself more and hopefully get some matches even though I know these apps are crazy competitive especially on a college campus 😔


Thank you so much for reading this thread I really put a lot of time and effort into it so I appreciate you for reading to the end. If you have any questions dumb or smart don’t be afraid to ask them below. I will definitely be doing slay stories and give general updates on how this next semester will go. I will also be doing more specific and detailed guides on more specific topics in the future. This is my first post so be kind with the formatting and placement and if there is anything I missed just tell me. Also likes and reacts would be very much appreciated. Dear Mods I know this is my first post but If I could get this into BOTB or even sticky threads for a while I would be the happiest boyo in the world. Thank you all for reading! Look out for more of my threads and will definitely post storytimes from this next semester! @longmidfaceCEO OUT! :feelsahh:

@enorwood04 @enchanted_elixir @ElBastardo @Xangsane @BrahminBoss @ReadBooksEveryday @Blackgymmax @KING REIDYZ @_MVP_ @StrangerDanger @Kamui @Orc @Meraki @Kingkellz @ascension! @garoupilled_

Will be gigadosing vitamin B5
  • +1
Reactions: longmidfaceCEO
ahh hemm…

Summer Ocean GIF
🦋 Ultimate Ascension Guide for 2024 🦋
By @longmidfaceCEO

Thread Soundtrack BAYBEEEE

fr listen to this while reading the thread or gtfo now

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Pictures
- My Statistics
- Hair
- Eye Area
- Mouth Area
- LowerThird
- Lean
- Physique
- Skin
- Neck
- Height
- Social
- Lays
- Conclusion
- Tags

First things first I want to say thank you to @enorwood04 for inspiring me to make this thread he made a similar thread a week ago or so titled '18 Year Old MTN: A Guide to My Ascension Plan' so again thank you! My goal is to ascend from mid LTN to low-mid MTN. Was very much an ugly duckling throughout highschool and have one traumatic incident when girls at my prep school with nothing but Tall rich white people made a list of the cutest boys in the school for like a march madness thing and I was put second to last (mogged tf out of the 4’11 SEA in last place though 😂). Grew out of that and started doing some acne stuff and just got the tf out of puberty which ascended me from subhuman to LTN which is about where I am now. All products I mention will be linked at the bottom so don’t worry 👍. Yes this is my first post on this forum and I want to make it a good one. But anyway grab your slop and sit back for the best ascension guide you will ever read❗

My Statistics
Height: 6’1 (6’0) = 183cm
Weight: 175lbs = 79.4kg
Bodyfat: 16%ish
Age: 20 years, 1 month, 2 days, and about 5 hours
Kisscount: 5 (before anyone says keeping count of kisses is cringe kys)
Laycount: 0 (3 BJs from different girls but no sex)(why?: idek)
Rating: mid LTN
NT?: might have a little undiagnosed autism but nothing clinical and i’m alt-right and catholic so that makes me non-NT basically :(
Race: White
Ethnicity: 75% Irish 25% Welsh (some other small stuff like scottish, english, and norwiegan)
Occupation: Sophomore at large college in Northeast US
Frame: Mid but don’t feel like measuring will post a pic
D: 6.1in = 15.4cm Bonepressed (not posting a pic jfl)

: Have the Bryce Hall going on rn and think it looks the best on my face/skull shape and has major JB appeal 😏
View attachment 2651393

Dandruff: Have had light-moderate dandruff since puberty at 16 or so. Have tried head and shoulders, every conditioner on the market, cold showers, no shampoo all have failed me. My next step is dandruff oil and/or nizoral shampoo coming in the mail but in reality my father has sebhorric dermatitis so I probably have it too and I def don’t want to shave my head to find out so worst comes to worst I have to go see a Derma

Recession: have some very slight recession in the top of my left temple but idk will probably dermastamp it when I dermastamp the rest of my face my father has a full head of hair at 60 so I think I’m fine tbh

Eye Area

: Have good eyebrow placement and thickness just really need to dye them black/dark brown or maybe when I start doing the MT-2 nasal spray hopefully they’ll darken.

UEE: moderate uee want to try eyelid pulling especially the part closest to my nose to see if that reduces it and curl eyelashes (probably both cope but we’re gonna try anyway) and maybe icehooding (probably cope #3 tho tbh since only have heard anecdotal evidence)

Canthal tilt: NCT can’t complain

Scleral show: Have a lot of scleral show due to my dogwater maxilla so eventually I’ll get canthoplasty when I am older but parents won’t approve rn and don’t have the time during school maybe ill ask my parents over the summer tho

Eyelashes: mid/bad they are a weird blond at the root and darker at the tips so idk what thats about and not sure if dying them will really do anything tbh and maybe they’ll darken with MT-2?

Eyebags: Just got Volufiline in the mail will try on my slight eyebags and above my eyes (probably cope)

Eyecolor: will follow the rough outline of elbastardo's eye lightening guide and was talking with enchanted elixir in his public posting before he left and he gave me some helpful advice. Already have A40 eyes but would like to get down to the really lightblue/gray level and create a nice halo. And before clowns in the comments say its dangerous no tf it isn’t, if you have anymore than 4 braincells most of those substances are already found in the human eye and are simply spot reducing the melanin in the iris. And there has been proven success in Elbastardo’s thread so idc. I have already taken the before pics so I will give an update and make a definitive thread proving their efficacy in 3-4 months time so get ready for that.


: Will print out the mouth widening appliances once I get back to school since their is no 3D printing place near my house

Volufiline: to plump lips video describing woman's results below

Hyaluronic Acid (Oral): am going to take 200mg per day as the guy in this reddit did and saw good plumpness but I’ve also heard that this can cause the face to look bloated is that true?

Hyaluronic Acid (Topical): again saw a girl on youtube apply HA to her lips every day for 30 days and had good growth


: will use colgate 5% hydrogen peroxide from amazon and oil pulling solution from amazon to hopefully get those super white teeth

Straightening: Have a new set of invisalign from my ortho for the next 14 weeks then after that I should be fully done. If the two teeth next to my two front teeth aren’t able to be pulled down enough I will just file down my two front teeth slightly to make my smile look straighter (Before goons in the comments mention it being bad for my teeth I know and idgaf people have done it many times on YT videos I’ve seen and none of them reporting having any pain/discomfort after and if it comes back to bite me when I am an oldcel I won’t care then anyway)


Massester Hypertrophy
: I know its over for my high gonial angle jaw and small and pointy chin and subhuman forward growth but Ill try to cope with this. Will probably just clenchmax instead of chewmax to specifically target only the massetter and not the buccinator or temporalis. I’ve heard people looking bloated after they’ve done this so ill try it and see how I look but if it ends up being cope that aight too.

Mewing: Again only preventative and won't reverse my downward grown maxilla and horrid gonial angle but let a brotha cope 😭


: My diet is basically low-carb but not fully keto and so ill def lose weight since I’m done with the bulking meme

Cardio: will do long runs 5-6miles a few times a week, probably won’t do much for significant fat loss but I just simply enjoy doing it tbh

Low Carb and Low Sugar
: carbs and sugar make you bloated and my diet from now on will have much less of those so excited to see those hollow cheeks and just feeling so much better not eating shitty food (finally escaped the bulking meme 🤣)

Furosemide: @pneumocystosis classic will use no more than once a week before I go out or on a date or something (100mg 4 hours before)

Gua Sha: I know its cope for anything long term but Im the type where my bloating is the worst in the morning so ill probably do this after I shower in the morning so ill look less bloated during the day


basically the same old gym routine I have been doing not going to tell you because you’ve heard this same thing 100 times already.

Traptox: Will possibly buy botox to try and shrink my traps since I never train them yet they are too big and butt fuck my SWR. And any clowns who wanna say that big traps are aesthetic they simply are not and are purely male gaze. They ruin the squareness of the shoulders and make them look horizontally smaller. Broad square shoulders are pure female gaze not big traps your ogres 🤡

- cleanse, retin-a, vitamin C, moisturizer
-Cleanser: LaRoche Posay Purifying Foaming Cleanser
-Retin-A Source: Beautybliss.com
-Vitamin C: Timeless Vitamin C Serum
-Moisturizer: CeraVe PM Ultralightweight moisturizer

Morning - cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen
-Sunscreen: Beauty of Josean

Dermastamp: Will dermastamp once per week to get that sweet sweet collagen boost and apply Aloe Vera gel over.

Low Dairy Diet: some people such as myself have a severe acne trigger when I eat dairy and you might also so I haven't had dairy consistently in a while after finding this out and is something y'all should really look into

Pantothenic Acid Supplement: will be gigadosing pantothenic acid as it is very cheap and is the single best thing I have ever done to help clear my acne this is really an undiscovered looksmax that I haven't seen anyone on here talk about. Vigorous Steve has a video on getting rid of acne and this is the first thing he mentions and there was also an 8-week placebo controlled study proving its insane efficacy I will link

: betacarotene 75,000iu per day for yellow/orange undertones (already have red undertones so not gonna worry about lycopene and asthacixthin until i get there)

Tan: Will be doing MT-2 in the form of a nasal spray starting when I get back to school and will start with one spray each day and slowly taper up until I get my desired coloring (pics don't really show it since most of these were taken over the summer but I am currently a pastycel). I NEED that prime Alain Delon Coloring
View attachment 2650654

Hyoid Bone Raising
: will try it like it says in the guide below and see if i see any results

Sternocleinomastoid Crunches: turn head to the side them crunch ear to the chest and get a good contraction and pump providing resistance with your hand I think this is the single best exercise no one on this forum talks about for a wider neck I will provide a video below of what I mean just try it and once your get your pump just revel in your Mike Tyson tier neck width.

Neck lifts: will be doing neck lift to hopefully train the back of my neck get rid of my xenomorph ass side profile jfl 🤣 also I have seen a thread on here showing how a backward grown neck is actually very important in frauding forward growth so I will link that here

EE Heightmaxxing Stack
: Might end up following through with enchanted’s height maxxing guide and just suffer for a year or so since I genuinly think it will be worth it and would create a great halo to be 6’2-6’4. I just need to get the exact things down and will def provide another guide in a few weeks describing what I will be doing and in 6 months or so with measurements and pics unfrauded to see how much progress I will make. I also talked with elixir in his public postings if he would recommend it to someone like me so I'll link that convo and his thread
(scroll to monday at 9:00am)

Insoles: will fraud with 1-2inch insoles depending on the shoe I'm wearing to get to 6'2-6'3 but if I don't notice a difference will probably stop doing it tbh

basketball and baseball are big at my school so I will go to the games regularly to try to meet people

Parties: have never been to a college party before so if the opportunity arises I will go.

Clubs: will join as many clubs as possible especially ones i’m interested in that are majority women such as professional pre-med fraternity, blood drives, yoga, mindfulness etc. you get the point

Switching majors: I am so done with engineering especially with the job outlooks getting worse with time, how rigorous the coursework is, how much better the pay and job satisfaction is in health fields and how much more I just like healthcare so I am switching from Biomedical Engineering to Allied Health this semester which will also mean all of my classes will be majority women instead of men like they were last semester and will also have way more free time since Im not taking the hardest major at the school anymore 😂

Phenibut: a medication used to treat anxiety and from threads on this site and a detailed video from MPMD which I will link below is the #1 substance that helps kill social anxiety with little to no drawbacks unless you become reliant on it

: will create two instagrams one being my main where I post NT as possible and one being a fitness account where I post my physique, things I’m eating and other NT fitness stuff. Not having social media apart from snapchat probably makes me look like a weirdo but I also just hate having the apps on my phone and doom scrolling so I might jump ship on this one need to feel it out but if you guys think its a legitimate SMV boost to have it I will do it.

Dating apps: Will make accounts on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge with pretty similar things and just post some normie pictures with my friends and will research more on what pics to post to get the most amount of likes and anyway I can manipulate the algorithm to show myself more and hopefully get some matches even though I know these apps are crazy competitive especially on a college campus 😔


Thank you so much for reading this thread I really put a lot of time and effort into it so I appreciate you for reading to the end. If you have any questions dumb or smart don’t be afraid to ask them below. I will definitely be doing slay stories and give general updates on how this next semester will go. I will also be doing more specific and detailed guides on more specific topics in the future. This is my first post so be kind with the formatting and placement and if there is anything I missed just tell me. Also likes and reacts would be very much appreciated. Dear Mods I know this is my first post but If I could get this into BOTB or even sticky threads for a while I would be the happiest boyo in the world. Thank you all for reading! Look out for more of my threads and will definitely post storytimes from this next semester! @longmidfaceCEO OUT! :feelsahh:

@enorwood04 @enchanted_elixir @ElBastardo @Xangsane @BrahminBoss @ReadBooksEveryday @Blackgymmax @KING REIDYZ @_MVP_ @StrangerDanger @Kamui @Orc @Meraki @Kingkellz @ascension! @garoupilled_

Hey bro, how does the mouth widening appliance work? Are you gonna 3d print it and apply it at home?
🦋 Ultimate Ascension Guide for 2024 🦋
By @longmidfaceCEO

Thread Soundtrack BAYBEEEE

fr listen to this while reading the thread or gtfo now

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Pictures
- My Statistics
- Hair
- Eye Area
- Mouth Area
- LowerThird
- Lean
- Physique
- Skin
- Neck
- Height
- Social
- Lays
- Conclusion
- Tags

First things first I want to say thank you to @enorwood04 for inspiring me to make this thread he made a similar thread a week ago or so titled '18 Year Old MTN: A Guide to My Ascension Plan' so again thank you! My goal is to ascend from mid LTN to low-mid MTN. Was very much an ugly duckling throughout highschool and have one traumatic incident when girls at my prep school with nothing but Tall rich white people made a list of the cutest boys in the school for like a march madness thing and I was put second to last (mogged tf out of the 4’11 SEA in last place though 😂). Grew out of that and started doing some acne stuff and just got the tf out of puberty which ascended me from subhuman to LTN which is about where I am now. All products I mention will be linked at the bottom so don’t worry 👍. Yes this is my first post on this forum and I want to make it a good one. But anyway grab your slop and sit back for the best ascension guide you will ever read❗

My Statistics
Height: 6’1 (6’0) = 183cm
Weight: 175lbs = 79.4kg
Bodyfat: 16%ish
Age: 20 years, 1 month, 2 days, and about 5 hours
Kisscount: 5 (before anyone says keeping count of kisses is cringe kys)
Laycount: 0 (3 BJs from different girls but no sex)(why?: idek)
Rating: mid LTN
NT?: might have a little undiagnosed autism but nothing clinical and i’m alt-right and catholic so that makes me non-NT basically :(
Race: White
Ethnicity: 75% Irish 25% Welsh (some other small stuff like scottish, english, and norwiegan)
Occupation: Sophomore at large college in Northeast US
Frame: Mid but don’t feel like measuring will post a pic
D: 6.1in = 15.4cm Bonepressed (not posting a pic jfl)

: Have the Bryce Hall going on rn and think it looks the best on my face/skull shape and has major JB appeal 😏
View attachment 2651393

Dandruff: Have had light-moderate dandruff since puberty at 16 or so. Have tried head and shoulders, every conditioner on the market, cold showers, no shampoo all have failed me. My next step is dandruff oil and/or nizoral shampoo coming in the mail but in reality my father has sebhorric dermatitis so I probably have it too and I def don’t want to shave my head to find out so worst comes to worst I have to go see a Derma

Recession: have some very slight recession in the top of my left temple but idk will probably dermastamp it when I dermastamp the rest of my face my father has a full head of hair at 60 so I think I’m fine tbh

Eye Area

: Have good eyebrow placement and thickness just really need to dye them black/dark brown or maybe when I start doing the MT-2 nasal spray hopefully they’ll darken.

UEE: moderate uee want to try eyelid pulling especially the part closest to my nose to see if that reduces it and curl eyelashes (probably both cope but we’re gonna try anyway) and maybe icehooding (probably cope #3 tho tbh since only have heard anecdotal evidence)

Canthal tilt: NCT can’t complain

Scleral show: Have a lot of scleral show due to my dogwater maxilla so eventually I’ll get canthoplasty when I am older but parents won’t approve rn and don’t have the time during school maybe ill ask my parents over the summer tho

Eyelashes: mid/bad they are a weird blond at the root and darker at the tips so idk what thats about and not sure if dying them will really do anything tbh and maybe they’ll darken with MT-2?

Eyebags: Just got Volufiline in the mail will try on my slight eyebags and above my eyes (probably cope)

Eyecolor: will follow the rough outline of elbastardo's eye lightening guide and was talking with enchanted elixir in his public posting before he left and he gave me some helpful advice. Already have A40 eyes but would like to get down to the really lightblue/gray level and create a nice halo. And before clowns in the comments say its dangerous no tf it isn’t, if you have anymore than 4 braincells most of those substances are already found in the human eye and are simply spot reducing the melanin in the iris. And there has been proven success in Elbastardo’s thread so idc. I have already taken the before pics so I will give an update and make a definitive thread proving their efficacy in 3-4 months time so get ready for that.


: Will print out the mouth widening appliances once I get back to school since their is no 3D printing place near my house

Volufiline: to plump lips video describing woman's results below

Hyaluronic Acid (Oral): am going to take 200mg per day as the guy in this reddit did and saw good plumpness but I’ve also heard that this can cause the face to look bloated is that true?

Hyaluronic Acid (Topical): again saw a girl on youtube apply HA to her lips every day for 30 days and had good growth


: will use colgate 5% hydrogen peroxide from amazon and oil pulling solution from amazon to hopefully get those super white teeth

Straightening: Have a new set of invisalign from my ortho for the next 14 weeks then after that I should be fully done. If the two teeth next to my two front teeth aren’t able to be pulled down enough I will just file down my two front teeth slightly to make my smile look straighter (Before goons in the comments mention it being bad for my teeth I know and idgaf people have done it many times on YT videos I’ve seen and none of them reporting having any pain/discomfort after and if it comes back to bite me when I am an oldcel I won’t care then anyway)


Massester Hypertrophy
: I know its over for my high gonial angle jaw and small and pointy chin and subhuman forward growth but Ill try to cope with this. Will probably just clenchmax instead of chewmax to specifically target only the massetter and not the buccinator or temporalis. I’ve heard people looking bloated after they’ve done this so ill try it and see how I look but if it ends up being cope that aight too.

Mewing: Again only preventative and won't reverse my downward grown maxilla and horrid gonial angle but let a brotha cope 😭


: My diet is basically low-carb but not fully keto and so ill def lose weight since I’m done with the bulking meme

Cardio: will do long runs 5-6miles a few times a week, probably won’t do much for significant fat loss but I just simply enjoy doing it tbh

Low Carb and Low Sugar
: carbs and sugar make you bloated and my diet from now on will have much less of those so excited to see those hollow cheeks and just feeling so much better not eating shitty food (finally escaped the bulking meme 🤣)

Furosemide: @pneumocystosis classic will use no more than once a week before I go out or on a date or something (100mg 4 hours before)

Gua Sha: I know its cope for anything long term but Im the type where my bloating is the worst in the morning so ill probably do this after I shower in the morning so ill look less bloated during the day


basically the same old gym routine I have been doing not going to tell you because you’ve heard this same thing 100 times already.

Traptox: Will possibly buy botox to try and shrink my traps since I never train them yet they are too big and butt fuck my SWR. And any clowns who wanna say that big traps are aesthetic they simply are not and are purely male gaze. They ruin the squareness of the shoulders and make them look horizontally smaller. Broad square shoulders are pure female gaze not big traps your ogres 🤡

- cleanse, retin-a, vitamin C, moisturizer
-Cleanser: LaRoche Posay Purifying Foaming Cleanser
-Retin-A Source: Beautybliss.com
-Vitamin C: Timeless Vitamin C Serum
-Moisturizer: CeraVe PM Ultralightweight moisturizer

Morning - cleanse, moisturize, sunscreen
-Sunscreen: Beauty of Josean

Dermastamp: Will dermastamp once per week to get that sweet sweet collagen boost and apply Aloe Vera gel over.

Low Dairy Diet: some people such as myself have a severe acne trigger when I eat dairy and you might also so I haven't had dairy consistently in a while after finding this out and is something y'all should really look into

Pantothenic Acid Supplement: will be gigadosing pantothenic acid as it is very cheap and is the single best thing I have ever done to help clear my acne this is really an undiscovered looksmax that I haven't seen anyone on here talk about. Vigorous Steve has a video on getting rid of acne and this is the first thing he mentions and there was also an 8-week placebo controlled study proving its insane efficacy I will link

: betacarotene 75,000iu per day for yellow/orange undertones (already have red undertones so not gonna worry about lycopene and asthacixthin until i get there)

Tan: Will be doing MT-2 in the form of a nasal spray starting when I get back to school and will start with one spray each day and slowly taper up until I get my desired coloring (pics don't really show it since most of these were taken over the summer but I am currently a pastycel). I NEED that prime Alain Delon Coloring
View attachment 2650654

Hyoid Bone Raising
: will try it like it says in the guide below and see if i see any results

Sternocleinomastoid Crunches: turn head to the side them crunch ear to the chest and get a good contraction and pump providing resistance with your hand I think this is the single best exercise no one on this forum talks about for a wider neck I will provide a video below of what I mean just try it and once your get your pump just revel in your Mike Tyson tier neck width.

Neck lifts: will be doing neck lift to hopefully train the back of my neck get rid of my xenomorph ass side profile jfl 🤣 also I have seen a thread on here showing how a backward grown neck is actually very important in frauding forward growth so I will link that here

EE Heightmaxxing Stack
: Might end up following through with enchanted’s height maxxing guide and just suffer for a year or so since I genuinly think it will be worth it and would create a great halo to be 6’2-6’4. I just need to get the exact things down and will def provide another guide in a few weeks describing what I will be doing and in 6 months or so with measurements and pics unfrauded to see how much progress I will make. I also talked with elixir in his public postings if he would recommend it to someone like me so I'll link that convo and his thread
(scroll to monday at 9:00am)

Insoles: will fraud with 1-2inch insoles depending on the shoe I'm wearing to get to 6'2-6'3 but if I don't notice a difference will probably stop doing it tbh

basketball and baseball are big at my school so I will go to the games regularly to try to meet people

Parties: have never been to a college party before so if the opportunity arises I will go.

Clubs: will join as many clubs as possible especially ones i’m interested in that are majority women such as professional pre-med fraternity, blood drives, yoga, mindfulness etc. you get the point

Switching majors: I am so done with engineering especially with the job outlooks getting worse with time, how rigorous the coursework is, how much better the pay and job satisfaction is in health fields and how much more I just like healthcare so I am switching from Biomedical Engineering to Allied Health this semester which will also mean all of my classes will be majority women instead of men like they were last semester and will also have way more free time since Im not taking the hardest major at the school anymore 😂

Phenibut: a medication used to treat anxiety and from threads on this site and a detailed video from MPMD which I will link below is the #1 substance that helps kill social anxiety with little to no drawbacks unless you become reliant on it

: will create two instagrams one being my main where I post NT as possible and one being a fitness account where I post my physique, things I’m eating and other NT fitness stuff. Not having social media apart from snapchat probably makes me look like a weirdo but I also just hate having the apps on my phone and doom scrolling so I might jump ship on this one need to feel it out but if you guys think its a legitimate SMV boost to have it I will do it.

Dating apps: Will make accounts on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge with pretty similar things and just post some normie pictures with my friends and will research more on what pics to post to get the most amount of likes and anyway I can manipulate the algorithm to show myself more and hopefully get some matches even though I know these apps are crazy competitive especially on a college campus 😔


Thank you so much for reading this thread I really put a lot of time and effort into it so I appreciate you for reading to the end. If you have any questions dumb or smart don’t be afraid to ask them below. I will definitely be doing slay stories and give general updates on how this next semester will go. I will also be doing more specific and detailed guides on more specific topics in the future. This is my first post so be kind with the formatting and placement and if there is anything I missed just tell me. Also likes and reacts would be very much appreciated. Dear Mods I know this is my first post but If I could get this into BOTB or even sticky threads for a while I would be the happiest boyo in the world. Thank you all for reading! Look out for more of my threads and will definitely post storytimes from this next semester! @longmidfaceCEO OUT! :feelsahh:

@enorwood04 @enchanted_elixir @ElBastardo @Xangsane @BrahminBoss @ReadBooksEveryday @Blackgymmax @KING REIDYZ @_MVP_ @StrangerDanger @Kamui @Orc @Meraki @Kingkellz @ascension! @garoupilled_

why do you want ethnic features like lips, tan and thick brows
Hey bro, how does the mouth widening appliance work? Are you gonna 3d print it and apply it at home?
Ok so its literally just a piece of plastic you put in your mouth that stretches the skin horizontally to get a wider mouth and better smile aesthetics. There is a guide on here I'll link below where you basically 3D print out the pieces and slowly taper up until you reach your desired mouth width (1.5-1.6x the width of the nose).
guide + results
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 55252
why do you want ethnic features like lips, tan and thick brows
Def don't want ethnic features jfl. Already have thick brows, and I want the lips and tan of a western mediterraen white person like i mentioned alain delon (french) and Jon Kortajarena (spanish) in the thread.
Def don't want ethnic features jfl. Already have thick brows, and I want the lips and tan of a western mediterraen white person like i mentioned alain delon (french) and Jon Kortajarena (spanish) in the thread.
you want full lips, you want thick brows and you want a tan. Tell me how that's not wanting to look ethnic you fucking privileged cunt
you want full lips, you want thick brows and you want a tan. Tell me how that's not wanting to look ethnic you fucking privileged cunt
bro jon and alain have both and don't look ethnic and I have blue eyes and obvious white features I would need a reincarnation to look remotely ethnic
bro jon and alain have both and don't look ethnic and I have blue eyes and obvious white features I would need a reincarnation to look remotely ethnic
They are POC features, fuck your privilege and picking and mixing
  • +1
Reactions: longmidfaceCEO
Already have A40 eyes but would like to get down to the really lightblue/gray level and create a nice halo. And before clowns in the comments say its dangerous no tf it isn’t, if you have anymore than 4 braincells most of those substances are already found in the human eye and are simply spot reducing the melanin in the iris.
people say its dangerous not because of the chemicals, but because the solution is not sterile, meaning you could infect yourself

not worth the risk imo...you already have good eye color
  • +1
Reactions: longmidfaceCEO
people say its dangerous not because of the chemicals, but because the solution is not sterile, meaning you could infect yourself

not worth the risk imo...you already have good eye color
hmmmmm that makes more sense tbh. you are probably very right but I want to look more into it. I wish there was a thread with 100% results but there really isn't which sucks. I was talking with elixir before he left and he did warn me it could be dangerous and your eyes are def something you don't want to mess tbh. But having lightblue/grey eyes is a massive fucking halo. Not going to throwout the idea but I'll be more cautious and look for a solution that is 100% safe for your eyes thanks for the advice 👍👍
  • +1
Reactions: Varicella
Ok so its literally just a piece of plastic you put in your mouth that stretches the skin horizontally to get a wider mouth and better smile aesthetics. There is a guide on here I'll link below where you basically 3D print out the pieces and slowly taper up until you reach your desired mouth width (1.5-1.6x the width of the nose).
guide + results
Alright thanks, I have a 3d printer at home so I'll try this for sure.
  • +1
Reactions: longmidfaceCEO
bro atleast give me credit
this is a copy of my post but i respect the hustle this a fye post either way
my bad bro I genuinely didn't mean to but i've def seen your post before I made it I will link you in tags and your post in the intro like i did with enorwood 👍

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