I just ascended hard

Damn, alr how long did it take for them to send the tracking and shit i bought some days ago and have not gotten shit
What site you ordering from? If I was you I would’ve got a domestic source with bank transfer as bank transfers are easy af. But it took mine about 5 days to give me the tracking. Don’t worry if the shipping info is stuck at one spot for ages, that’s what happened with mine, it was stuck at the Chinese airport for 10 days after I got the shipping info lol
What site you ordering from? If I was you I would’ve got a domestic source with bank transfer as bank transfers are easy af. But it took mine about 5 days to give me the tracking. Don’t worry if the shipping info is stuck at one spot for ages, that’s what happened with mine, it was stuck at the Chinese airport for 10 days after I got the shipping info lol
osgear.se, i paid with bitcoin
osgear.se, i paid with bitcoin
Just make sure you got the payment amount correct and with the fees. The dudes at uphstore let me off even tho I was 7 bucks short and they gave me free Clomid on top of that. I felt blessed
Just make sure you got the payment amount correct and with the fees. The dudes at uphstore let me off even tho I was 7 bucks short and they gave me free Clomid on top of that. I felt blessed
my payment has already been accepted bro and it was the right amount i even paid extra
my payment has already been accepted bro and it was the right amount i even paid extra
Nice bro, what you hopping on? And for how long? Also how old are you? And make sure you know what your getting yourself into and eat properly
Nice bro, what you hopping on? And for how long? Also how old are you? And make sure you know what your getting yourself into and eat properly
Halotestin for 3 weeks then mk677 for 3 months, im 16, i wont workout or do bloodtests and shit like that i just cant be bothered
Halotestin for 3 weeks then mk677 for 3 months, im 16, i wont workout or do bloodtests and shit like that i just cant be bothered
Lol, ur cooking yourself. You ain’t gonna get dimorphism from halo. I hopped on 300 test and 100 Masteron for 6 weeks when I was 14 then I didn’t wanna do test anymore cuz I thought Fuark. And only did 200 Masteron for 8 more weeks. Long story short, bidelt grew from 17 to 21 inches, arms from 13.5 to 17, chest from 36 to 42. All my lifts tripled. And I got a shit load of bone growth, especially forward growth. I also went from 5’9 to 5’11 somehow, lol
Lol, ur cooking yourself. You ain’t gonna get dimorphism from halo. I hopped on 300 test and 100 Masteron for 6 weeks when I was 14 then I didn’t wanna do test anymore cuz I thought Fuark. And only did 200 Masteron for 8 more weeks. Long story short, bidelt grew from 17 to 21 inches, arms from 13.5 to 17, chest from 36 to 42. All my lifts tripled. And I got a shit load of bone growth, especially forward growth. I also went from 5’9 to 5’11 somehow, lol
bro you dont get it, halo will turn me into chad
bro you dont get it, halo will turn me into chad
yeah nigga, it took me 6 weeks to get noticeable dimorphism on a lot of stuff. I doubt you’ll get much dimorphism in 3 week on some pussy halo only cycle.
yeah nigga, it took me 6 weeks to get noticeable dimorphism on a lot of stuff. I doubt you’ll get much dimorphism in 3 week on some pussy halo only cycle.
"pussy" halo is stronger than all of the trash you mentioned
"pussy" halo is stronger than all of the trash you mentioned
Just say your scared of putting a needle in your shoulder. Injectable are way better than any oral. U are gonna bald a lil bit and hold more water than a pregnant lady especially when you wanna do mk after that 😂 just do masteron
Just say your scared of putting a needle in your shoulder. Injectable are way better than any oral. U are gonna bald a lil bit and hold more water than a pregnant lady especially when you wanna do mk after that 😂 just do masteron
masteron is 62:25 while halo is 1900:850 just lol at this, masteron is nothing compared to halo
masteron is 62:25 while halo is 1900:850 just lol at this, masteron is nothing compared to halo
Yeah but you can take 300 mg of Masteron and get 3x more the effect than halo without liver damage and water retention
Yeah but you can take 300 mg of Masteron and get 3x more the effect than halo without liver damage and water retention
Bro are you trolling? water retention on halo??:lul: and it isnt liver toxic for 3 weeks and it isnt at all it was disproved in a study a few months ago
Bro are you trolling? water retention on halo??:lul: and it isnt liver toxic for 3 weeks and it isnt at all it was disproved in a study a few months ago
Im not trolling nigga. Masteron did help me get dimorphism without any side effects. And halo is shorter acting. So it ain’t gonna do shit for you
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Im not trolling nigga. Masteron did help me get dimorphism without any side effects. And halo is shorter acting. So it ain’t gonna do shit for you
You can find medical uses of halo online of 3 weeks, the men go from soy to masculine asf
Show me the studies then
can't be bothered tbh i can show one example tho

before and after halo
Yeah that’s also me after 10mg of halo a day for 3 weeks. Fucking retard 🤣. This nigga worked out and ate properly and probably took more than just halo and face change isn’t as extreme as you want it to be
You haven't even asked about my goals and what i want out of this, and dont call me a retard why are u being mean
You haven't even asked about my goals and what i want out of this, and dont call me a retard why are u being mean
Cuz you don’t know what ur doing. Ok mk is gonna make you grow taller. You say ur not gonna work out or anything for it. Ur only 16 and halo makes even the kindest dudes go insane, you can develop schizophrenia or deppression (if you have underlying mental health issues) ur not gonna get any dimorphism from taking short acting orals (think of it like your body needs a constant signalling to grow, taking orals which act in a short pulse with no constant supply is not gonna make you grow both facially and muscle wise) not all of the halo goes to your jaw.
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Cuz you don’t know what ur doing. Ok mk is gonna make you grow taller. You say ur not gonna work out or anything for it. Ur only 16 and halo makes even the kindest dudes go insane, you can develop schizophrenia or deppression (if you have underlying mental health issues) ur not gonna get any dimorphism from taking short acting orals (think of it like your body needs a constant signalling to grow, taking orals which act in a short pulse with no constant supply is not gonna make you grow both facially and muscle wise) not all of the halo goes to your jaw.
broo you dont get it tho, i want the mental changes and halo mutates DNA just search it up i dont care about muscle bro
broo you dont get it tho, i want the mental changes and halo mutates DNA just search it up i dont care about muscle bro
Every roid mutates dna 🤦‍♂️ and I don’t see how being angry and deppressed is good for you, lol.
You don’t wanna be deppressed and anxious and angry and to do that take a drug that you shouldn’t play with in the first place. Mike israetel took halo and became deranged
Every roid mutates dna 🤦‍♂️ and I don’t see how being angry and deppressed is good for you, lol.
You don’t wanna be deppressed and anxious and angry and to do that take a drug that you shouldn’t play with in the first place. Mike israetel took halo and became deranged
I have already paid for it i have to take it, it will be fine
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Your acting as if he will turn ogre from a couple of cycles and a cruise :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

If you don't know anything about gear dont speak on it.

test anavar primo are MAJOR looksmaxx's
What do u think of this cycle im 15 (and b4 u say muhh dangerous i dont care)
Test c 500
masteron p 300
tren e 150
What do u think of this cycle im 15 (and b4 u say muhh dangerous i dont care)
Test c 500
masteron p 300
tren e 150
depends on ur goals tbh
For dimorphism (Wide Clavicles, Deep Voice, Big Dick, Bone Mass)
I would switch Test C to Test P as it converts more into DHT rather than estrogen (but doesnt build as much muscle)
Same with Tren E Switch to Tren A its more androgenic due to faster acting ester (I wouldnt advise tren at all, Halo might be better considering ur age)
Mast P is good
I would throw HGH, EQ and Anavar for potential dick gains (tren might hault this tho)

Once this 20-24week cycle is done cruise Test P and EQ for 4 months and decide if you want to run this cycle again to see if you can extract anymore dimorphism (prolly wont cuz of age)

If I were 15 and wanted dimorphism
750 Test Prop
750 EQ Undec (your prob gonna get anixety due to low estrogen, keep this in mind so you can fight thru it)
300 Mast Prop
2iu HGH daily (stop if your head shape is looking undesirable , it prolly wont on 2iu but take daily flics to be sure)
5mg anavar daily for the whole cycle
10mg Halo daily weeks 4-7 , week 12-15 , week 20-24

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depends on ur goals tbh
For dimorphism (Wide Clavicles, Deep Voice, Big Dick, Bone Mass)
I would switch Test C to Test P as it converts more into DHT rather than estrogen (but doesnt build as much muscle)
Same with Tren E Switch to Tren A its more androgenic due to faster acting ester (I wouldnt advise tren at all, Halo might be better considering ur age)
Mast P is good
I would throw HGH, EQ and Anavar for potential dick gains (tren might hault this tho)

Once this 20-24week cycle is done cruise Test P and EQ for 4 months and decide if you want to run this cycle again to see if you can extract anymore dimorphism (prolly wont cuz of age)

If I were 15 and wanted dimorphism
750 Test Prop
750 EQ Undec (your prob gonna get anixety due to low estrogen, keep this in mind so you can fight thru it)
300 Mast Prop
2iu HGH daily (stop if your head shape is looking undesirable , it prolly wont on 2iu but take daily flics to be sure)
5mg anavar daily for the whole cycle
10mg Halo daily weeks 4-7 , week 12-15 , week 20-24

Too late to switch the tren and test and gh is too pricey, why do you say boldenone tho is it actually androgenic?
Too late to switch the tren and test and gh is too pricey, why do you say boldenone tho is it actually androgenic?
No, EQ isnt androgenic it has effects on blood (via vein enlargement/ increased rbc count) which can theoretically increase dick size at your age

If you can afford to switch compounds do it
look for a product called "RIPPED" on your stores pricelist to save money.

your cycle is decent but you will be underwhelmed

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No, EQ isnt androgenic it has effects on blood (via vein enlargement/ increased rbc count) which can theoretically increase dick size at your age

If you can afford to switch compounds do it
look for a product called "RIPPED" on your stores pricelist to save money.

your cycle is decent but you will be underwhelmed

Could you elaborate a litle please
Halo or Tren is the only way to ascend, test is too weak
Test is a base bro without that your T levels are gonna go out the window bro
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Nigga gonna die fr @heyheyheybro22
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nah cant be bothered
Omfg dude you will lose all ur gains after and get very little benefit from the cycle but ok you do you

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