I know exactly why my Chad friend can't get women.

No I mog him into oblivion
Sean o aspie
What was?
The whole thing. A chad who doesnt seem to ever gets the type of looksmatch he wants being non nt and neuro atypical by society’s standards
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The whole thing. A chad who doesnt seem to ever gets the type of looksmatch he wants being non nt and neuro atypical by society’s standards
I'm a little pissed off by the way he reacted to her though. He blew his chances with a good foid who gave him attention, knowing the quality of women out there is decreasing...
I just wanted to see what people thought. I'm worried for his mental health, honestly. 25 and can't get a girl and he's Chad?
you should worry about me
  • JFL
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Yeah if he’s losing it on girls who are interested in him he’s clearly got some mental issues going on and failing to hide it. irl no girl is gonna put up with that, you have to at least behave somewhat normally. I know a Chad irl who can’t even get with HTBs because his mental state is fucked and girls always find out
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Most people here have some sort of personality disorder, most are narcs-assbergers, which are 2 things that are genetically linked and usually run in families.
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mentalcel is the brutal pill out there tbh. You can be as good looking as you want if you are mentally fucked you’ll never be able to be happy.

Looks are all that is needed for slaying but if he wants a relationship being a weirdo isn’t going to get him a happy one. If he’s not 7PSL one of kind the girl he’s talking to can easily replace him.

He needs to stop being a retard tbh
If you are a mentalcel you have to go for women much lower in the PSL scale.
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I'm a little pissed off by the way he reacted to her though. He blew his chances with a good foid who gave him attention, knowing the quality of women out there is decreasing...

Sorry if I'm butting into an exchange I'm not part of here, but I wanted to say I was also pissed off at him.

However, I'm trying to be empathetic about this and thinking he's probably lashing out at this foid for checking up on him because he's emotionally damaged in some way and reacts badly to others showing concern for him as a defense mechanism of some sort.
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Yeah if he’s losing it on girls who are interested in him he’s clearly got some mental issues going on and failing to hide it. irl no girl is gonna put up with that, you have to at least behave somewhat normally. I know a Chad irl who can’t even get with HTBs because his mental state is fucked and girls always find out
It seems like a normal, NT guy would at least pick up the phone for 1 minute, or send a 30-minute text, to the foid explaining he's not in the mood to talk/ask her to call him back later. But nope. What he did was just lashed out at her the following day, causing the foid to block him of all social media. His loss, tbh.

Outside of the workplace, he doesn't even have many friends, not even from school. Problem here?

Yeah, my chad friend cannot even get with HTBs. This foid seemed to be of much higher quality than the other foids he dated (the LTB girl and the junkies.) I am very disappointed with him. God knows what that foid must be thinking.
Most people here have some sort of personality disorder, most are narcs-assbergers, which are 2 things that are genetically linked and usually run in families.
If you are a mentalcel you have to go for women much lower in the PSL scale.
He's been rated 5.75 PSL on average. His only girlfriend was an LTB Indian girl. His other dates have been MTB and LTB junkies. This foid was a posh HTB/stacylite and HQNP.
Sorry if I'm butting into an exchange I'm not part of here, but I wanted to say I was also pissed off at him.

However, I'm trying to be empathetic about this and thinking he's probably lashing out at this foid for checking up on him because he's emotionally damaged in some way and reacts badly to others showing concern for him as a defense mechanism of some sort.
Nah man I'm very pissed off at him. You have every right to feel that way. I've got no sympathy.
He had a chance with an HQNP woman closer to his looksmatch than the other foids he dated, and he blew it.
Even if he had other things to do, he could have at least texted her for 30 seconds explaining he cannot talk right now. But nope, he just lashed out at her the following day. And to be fair, this is exactly why the foid was pissed - she seemed like she wanted consistency and proper communication.
Yeah if he’s losing it on girls who are interested in him he’s clearly got some mental issues going on and failing to hide it. irl no girl is gonna put up with that, you have to at least behave somewhat normally. I know a Chad irl who can’t even get with HTBs because his mental state is fucked and girls always find out
It also baffled me why he only got MTBs on apps.
I'm a little pissed off by the way he reacted to her though. He blew his chances with a good foid who gave him attention, knowing the quality of women out there is decreasing...
Escort maxxing is always an option still
  • JFL
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