I wanted to kill this Orthodontist

I have a higher cheekbone on my bad, more recessed side so I agree with you there. What we do know is that orthodontists are furthest from the truth, they have no fucking clue what causes crooked teeth in humans so just just pull the gene card. I'd think natural selection would've breeded out people with shit teeth by now.

You are beyond retarded and it would be a disgrace to even put forth an argument here.
You are beyond retarded and it would be a disgrace to even put forth an argument here.
"ur stoopid but i dont feel like tellin u y tho" -DrTony PhD
My orthodontist and maxillofacial surgeons were really good. Those tallgas ascended Mt lower third including teeth
"ur stoopid but i dont feel like tellin u y tho" -DrTony PhD
You know absolute jackshit about evolutionary biology. Stop spewing bullshit. Don't bring evolution in this kind of threads. It makes you look retarded and entertaining at the same time
@DrTony I assume you agreed with everything I said in my last post directed to you since you never replied?
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@DrTony I assume you agreed with everything I said in my last post directed to you since you never replied?
Do you realize I am conducting actual cancer research at one of the top institutions in the country instead of rotting all day answering posts? Whenever I get the chance and in the mood I will reply
Do you realize I am conducting actual cancer research at one of the top institutions in the country instead of rotting all day answering posts? Whenever I get the chance and in the mood I will reply

Thank you for establishing your desire to be placed as socially dominant in our interaction through the rationale of the important role you play in your career-related field along your answer to my question doctor. You were right, it was of important relevancy for me to realize this. Therefore, I will wait when you are blessed with some free time and also feel in the "mood" for to reply while you treat people on this thread as retarded and such. No sign of a narcissistic inflated self going on here. (I am pretty sure you wouldn't ever reply to it if I didn't ask, so the reason you just gave is disingenuous to me. TL;DR: You are full of shit.)
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You know absolute jackshit about evolutionary biology. Stop spewing bullshit. Don't bring evolution in this kind of threads. It makes you look retarded and entertaining at the same time
I never research anything I say and I don't believe in evolution anyway. If my post triggered you so bad then at least tell me why
Ive been a mouth breather for most of my live, but have good teeth, started mewing and that for about a month now. Also didnt Dr.Mew say that mewing and breathing through the nose you will be less likely to get sick is that true?
You might like my thread
Same topic. It really is astounding how little orthos care about their patients. I sincerely hope in 10 years we look back at our current orthodontic practices and cringe at how exploitative and backwards they are. But that won't happen, because Mew is a "crazy unscientific scam artist" and the orthodontists are well established.
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Do you realize I am conducting actual cancer research at one of the top institutions in the country instead of rotting all day answering posts? Whenever I get the chance and in the mood I will reply
Ah one of those Walter Mitty types ?
Ah one of those Walter Mitty types ?
Whatever makes you sleep easier at night. I am sorry that not everyone has a PhD employed by the best cancer institute in the world , 2xBW bench press as natty and slays on the regular. I see a whole bunch if retarded posts in here but most often I just don't bother replying because when sth is so awefully wrong I don't know where to start so it's easier if I call u a retard and end it at that
Whatever makes you sleep easier at night. I am sorry that not everyone has a PhD employed by the best cancer institute in the world , 2xBW bench press as natty and slays on the regular. I see a whole bunch if retarded posts in here but most often I just don't bother replying because when sth is so awefully wrong I don't know where to start so it's easier if I call u a retard and end it at that
please reply to my last question doc.
Whatever makes you sleep easier at night. I am sorry that not everyone has a PhD employed by the best cancer institute in the world , 2xBW bench press as natty and slays on the regular. I see a whole bunch if retarded posts in here but most often I just don't bother replying because when sth is so awefully wrong I don't know where to start so it's easier if I call u a retard and end it at that
Hey Dr, do you think widening a palate has an effect on your Zygos over a long period say 1yr+ (this is a serious question)
Whatever makes you sleep easier at night. I am sorry that not everyone has a PhD employed by the best cancer institute in the world , 2xBW bench press as natty and slays on the regular. I see a whole bunch if retarded posts in here but most often I just don't bother replying because when sth is so awefully wrong I don't know where to start so it's easier if I call u a retard and end it at that
Anyone can say anything they like on anonymous forums online regardless of accuracy. It's why bragging about who you are or what you do is ultimately pointless and counterproductive unless you're willing to out yourself and prove it. Sorry bud that's just the way it is
  • +1
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Agreed and I ll take this as a compliment
Hey Dr, do you think widening a palate has an effect on your Zygos over a long period say 1yr+ (this is a serious question)
He never replies to us peasants, it's over
Agreed and I ll take this as a compliment

Wasn't a compliment so much as a statement of fact - none of us know the truth about who the posters on this forum really are, and it really is child's play to fake an identity in order to fabricate a position of authority.
Whatever makes you sleep easier at night. I am sorry that not everyone has a PhD employed by the best cancer institute in the world , 2xBW bench press as natty and slays on the regular. I see a whole bunch if retarded posts in here but most often I just don't bother replying because when sth is so awefully wrong I don't know where to start so it's easier if I call u a retard and end it at that
And I'm a navy seal astronaut with over 400 confirmed martian kills. Smd or prove it you larping faggot.
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And I'm a navy seal astronaut with over 400 confirmed martian kills. Smd or prove it you larping faggot.
Stop canadian intervention on mars. martian lives matter
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@DrTony I assume you agreed with everything I said in my last post directed to you since you never replied?

Dude give up on Dr Tony he’s a fucking larping faggot who refuses to believe anything that wasn’t written in his 8th grade text book. Not to mention whenever actual proof of mewing or palate expansion using appliances are shown he mysteriously ghosts the thread. He’s the exact kind of person you’d find on the othrodontic council, a greedy stubborn closed minded cunt who never stops bragging about his accomplishments.
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Yes. Never lock up a palate with any device for any amount of time, especially if that time is until the day you die. This will fuck you up. Palate expansion is good, but if it is at all possible do not do permanent retainers. Use a myobrace-type mouthguard thing worn only at night to expand your palate, this will not fuck your face up as you arent supposed to wear it all day, one of its goals is to mew for you (yeah deny mewing if you want but mewing doesn't make you look worse.) and you wont wear permanent retainers afterwards. I've seen them on ebay for like 38 bucks, does invisalign beat that?
What's are u talking about? Can u link a product? Is this what u mean https://www.sportsunlimitedinc.com/...MIsrzlwsjb3gIVxhwrCh00UA1VEAkYAiABEgKSHPD_BwE
What's are u talking about? Can u link a product? Is this what u mean https://www.sportsunlimitedinc.com/...MIsrzlwsjb3gIVxhwrCh00UA1VEAkYAiABEgKSHPD_BwE
That looks like a mouthguard for people with braces.

Here: https://www.ebay.com/i/292813192419?chn=ps&var=591591272499 If this is indeed a myobrace anyone with crowding and an OK-occlusion can completely avoid the orthodontists out to create more incels for the low low price of $48.99 (This appears to be stage one only, you need to buy the other two stages.)
I have pics of my face saved from the past 3 -5 years with the past year mewing.

Mewing is legit.

Too high inhib. I dont think I should send pics. Too recognizable tbh because of my scars
Mewing works for palatal expansion in adults, this is an actual proven fact, so I don't need niggercel's results. What has not been proven is that mewing can move your maxilla. Someone find the link to the study I'm not going to.
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That looks like a mouthguard for people with braces.

Here: https://www.ebay.com/i/292813192419?chn=ps&var=591591272499 If this is indeed a myobrace anyone with crowding and an OK-occlusion can completely avoid the orthodontists out to create more incels for the low low price of $48.99 (This appears to be stage one only, you need to buy the other two stages.)

Mewing works for palatal expansion in adults, this is an actual proven fact, so I don't need niggercel's results. What has not been proven is that mewing can move your maxilla. Someone find the link to the study I'm not going to.

I think if this new FAGGA device that's being touted is for real and not just a tooth-flaring scam (as some have accused it of) then that would be a pretty solid indication that mewing works and that it can continue to create forward growth well into adulthood.

The FAGGA appliance apparently works by placing pressure on a very specific part of the palate which in turn is supposed to stimulate the body into depositing new bone on the maxilla. People are getting 10mm of forward growth with this thing, and there are photos which show an undeniable projection in the before after pics, both jaws.

If this bone growth is actually taking place, and it's not just teeth being moved forward and tipping out of the bone (its proponents claim the device doesn't exert enough pressure on teeth to move them to this extent) then it would suggest that there is something to the idea of creating new bone growth by mewing, even in adults. This appliance "hard mews" for you 24/7, which is why they say they are getting growth of 1mm per month in adults.

Of course the possibility exists that it's all just a bunch of hooey.
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That looks like a mouthguard for people with braces.

Here: https://www.ebay.com/i/292813192419?chn=ps&var=591591272499 If this is indeed a myobrace anyone with crowding and an OK-occlusion can completely avoid the orthodontists out to create more incels for the low low price of $48.99 .
Literally have no idea what i just bought or how I'm suppose to use it,how long etc,but oh well at worse it's $50 down the drain.
Literally have no idea what i just bought or how I'm suppose to use it,how long etc,but oh well at worse it's $50 down the drain.
If you get a myobrace in the mail and not a weaponized virus left on a used dildo, then you put it in your mouth and mew (tongue goes on the tongue tag on the device) two hours before bed and then without taking it out inbetween for a full 8 hours of sleep. It expands your palate and straightens teeth, but if you happen to have spaces in between your teeth and not crowding then do not expect this to move them all together.
Oh yeah and @RichardSpencel , you are gonna need to buy stage 2 and 3 of the device as well, after you are done with stage 1 (progress stops or you feel your teeth have adapted to that one)
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If you get a myobrace in the mail and not a weaponized virus left on a used dildo, then you put it in your mouth and mew (tongue goes on the tongue tag on the device) two hours before bed and then without taking it out inbetween for a full 8 hours of sleep. It expands your palate and straightens teeth, but if you happen to have spaces in between your teeth and not crowding then do not expect this to move them all together.
Oh yeah and @RichardSpencel , you are gonna need to buy stage 2 and 3 of the device as well, after you are done with stage 1 (progress stops or you feel your teeth have adapted to that one)
Our boy @extreme-overthinker needs this
Our boy @extreme-overthinker needs this
Arab parents: "what zis myobrace creation. Zis internet scam and wantes our credit card number. Braces is the only solution. You need to get braces and we will not debate this. After brazes u will have perfect zmile and white teeth".
  • +1
Reactions: Lmao, future chadlite, Wincel and 1 other person
Arab parents: "what zis myobrace creation. Zis internet scam and wantes our credit card number. Braces is the only solution. You need to get braces and we will not debate this. After brazes u will have perfect zmile and white teeth".
Ahahahahahahaha my russian parents fucked me over last year and said the same thing in a similar accent
Ahahahahahahaha my russian parents fucked me over last year and said the same thing in a similar accent
It's like arguing with a boulder
  • +1
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Arab parents: "what zis myobrace creation. Zis internet scam and wantes our credit card number. Braces is the only solution. You need to get braces and we will not debate this. After brazes u will have perfect zmile and white teeth".
I just spent 2 hours trying to explain mewing and teeth and this lookism shit to my parents but the last reply was this: "khoud ma a3tak allah, wa 9ol alhamdullah"
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I just spent 2 hours trying to explain mewing and teeth and this lookism shit to my parents but the last reply was this: "khoud ma a3tak allah, wa 9ol alhamdullah"
well that's stupid, now they're going monitor your internet and shit, to find out who's been putting these thoughts into your head
mewing = ikhtera3 yahudi
well that's stupid, now they're going monitor your internet and shit, to find out who's been putting these thoughts into your head
mewing = ikhtera3 yahudi
nah i always have these arguments about skull shapes and shit, they say your "science" is stupid
Do it. I removed my own braces the first day I got them. Of course, I had to get them back on.

I require an orthodontist, I didn't wear my retainer + had wisdom impaction that messed up my previously straightened teeth.

I will need braces for second time but at least is good for BoyMaxxing.

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