Ideal arm size

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Deleted member 5393

Feb 21, 2020
My goal is 18 inch lean, im 17-17.5 now

Is this ideal arm size or are they too big
8B89036F 9983 4AB4 9099 8A6D83A7619A
Too big. 17.5 - 18” shredded is big enough
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Wingspan> Arm
  • JFL
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  • Woah
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he looks short
Anything above 16 inch is decent 18+ inch might look too ogre maybe 16-17 ideal
Massive fucking cope.

I'm 5'9.25" tall with a 6'2" WingSpan and I'm still incel as fuck and still touchless KHHV.

you need to conormcgregormax
Arm size is just a cherry on top to accent big skull and masculine face

no arms for your head
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and BrickTop
Arms aint shit, only HEIGHT MATTER,stop coping,face 10% height 90% UNIRONICALLY
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  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
  • Love it
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Cant even post a question here without the local retards starting to talk about skull size and height
  • JFL
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Massive fucking cope.

I'm 5'9.25" tall with a 6'2" WingSpan and I'm still incel as fuck and still touchless KHHV.
Ye ur 5’9 Arm width won’t save u
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Cant even post a question here without the local retards starting to talk about skull size and height
No skull for your arms
  • JFL
Reactions: Atem Rah
Massive fucking cope.

I'm 5'9.25" tall with a 6'2" WingSpan and I'm still incel as fuck and still touchless KHHV.
Tbh with your face you couldnt get laid even if you were 6'4
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U realize that first dude is a MANLET ofc his arms look big
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That is TOO BIG.

Jfl @ thinking women like arms that big :lul:
  • JFL
  • +1
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Really? :S

Girls do not want bodybuilders, girls do not want gigantic muscles
girls want a toned ottermode on a good frame, the "big" that girls like refers to frame and height, not muscle size.
If you do bodybuilding type shit and get as big as you possibly can, just know that you're doing it for male attention and nichemaxxing for the 1% of girls that are actually into that shit.

End of the day though face > everything, chad can bodybuild all he wants and no girl will think he looks weird or tryhard, but if you're not chad and especially if you're manlet you're going to be seen as compensating and clownish.
  • +1
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Girls do not want bodybuilders, girls do not want gigantic muscles
girls want a toned ottermode on a good frame, the "big" that girls like refers to frame and height, not muscle size.
If you do bodybuilding type shit and get as big as you possibly can, just know that you're doing it for male attention and nichemaxxing for the 1% of girls that are actually into that shit.

End of the day though face > everything, chad can bodybuild all he wants and no girl will think he looks weird or tryhard, but if you're not chad and especially if you're manlet you're going to be seen as compensating and clownish.
brutal but true
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You legit don't need to be any bigger than this. JFL, most women don't want these huge guys. And especially if you're on your 20s you shouldn't be that big, it will just make you look like you're about to be or already in your 30s
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Incoming, Deleted member 5393 and forwardgrowth
Girls do not want bodybuilders, girls do not want gigantic muscles
girls want a toned ottermode on a good frame, the "big" that girls like refers to frame and height, not muscle size.
If you do bodybuilding type shit and get as big as you possibly can, just know that you're doing it for male attention and nichemaxxing for the 1% of girls that are actually into that shit.

End of the day though face > everything, chad can bodybuild all he wants and no girl will think he looks weird or tryhard, but if you're not chad and especially if you're manlet you're going to be seen as compensating and clownish.
Ottermode body will look small in clothes.

Why does so many girls start getting interested when this guy shows his body?
456CA58A AD61 4D46 B909 F960ADB6A79C
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to much for his frame
Ottermode body will look small in clothes.

Why does so many girls start getting interested when this guy shows his body?
View attachment 477005

That's nowhere near bodybuilder type shit. good frame and height will never look small unless literally starving, and that's a maybe. Girls get excited for him because of these things, in this order: face, frame, height
I don't watch his vids so there's also the chance that it's all staged bullshit, but from what I can see his face is chad, and that's all it takes.
View attachment 477001

You legit don't need to be any bigger than this. JFL, most women don't want these huge guys. And especially if you're on your 20s you shouldn't be that big, it will just make you look like you're about to be or already in your 30s
That guy will look small af in clothes.
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That's nowhere near bodybuilder type shit. good frame and height will never look small unless literally starving, and that's a maybe. Girls get excited for him because of these things, in this order: face, frame, height
I don't watch his vids so there's also the chance that it's all staged bullshit, but from what I can see his face is chad, and that's all it takes.
Girls actually act uninterested until he takes off his clothes and reveals his muscles.
  • +1
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Girls actually act uninterested until he takes off his clothes and reveals his muscles.

If you see a stacy you'll be straight faced unless you're autist, but if the stacy then takes her shirt off in order to elicit a reaction from you you're going to give an explosive reaction. Also like I said, he's big (frame + height) and muscular without it being comical. That's what girls like. Ottermode might not be the best descriptor, the last time I heard it was like 10 years ago, but basically lean with decent musculature.
  • +1
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If you see a stacy you'll be straight faced unless you're autist, but if the stacy then takes her shirt off in order to elicit a reaction from you you're going to give an explosive reaction. Also like I said, he's big (frame + height) and muscular without it being comical. That's what girls like. Ottermode might not be the best descriptor, the last time I heard it was like 10 years ago, but basically lean with decent musculature.
Cope, if a gigachad came up to them they would be really interested from the get go.

Yes his body is ideal. U need to look big in clothes yet not too big like a pro bodybuilder.
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Cope, if a gigachad came up to them they would be really interested from the get go.

Yes his body is ideal. U need to look big in clothes yet not too big like a pro bodybuilder.

Big in clothes is like 90% frame, if your shoulders are wide girls will tell you how big you are without you ever having touched a weight in your life. He's not a gigachad, he's a chad, experiences will be very different between those two. Like I said though I've barely watched any of his videos (bit too cringe for me) so there's also a decent chance that you're too autist to notice any signs the girls give (not to mention the fact that people will always act different when they're aware there's a camera on them. Also from what I've seen isn't he extremely quick to take his shirt off? Are you even giving them time to act interested prior to the shirt removal?) I wouldn't say ideal, there's definitely better bodies, at times his top half looks too big and borders on comical, but he's chad so it doesn't matter for him.

let me just clarify one final time, basically what I'm saying is this: girls want muscle definition not muscle size, and they want a good frame and good height, which is where the size comes from. Don't go roiding and shit thinking you're going to attract girls doing so, if you're a small guy you're not really going to be able to compensate for that by getting your muscles as big as they can be, but girls will still prefer your body toned than average or fat
Last edited:
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Big in clothes is like 90% frame, if your shoulders are wide girls will tell you how big you are without you ever having touched a weight in your life. He's not a gigachad, he's a chad, experiences will be very different between those two. Like I said though I've barely watched any of his videos (bit too cringe for me) so there's also a decent chance that you're too autist to notice any signs the girls give (not to mention the fact that people will always act different when they're aware there's a camera on them. Also from what I've seen isn't he extremely quick to take his shirt off? Are you even giving them time to act interested prior to the shirt removal?) I wouldn't say ideal, there's definitely better bodies, at times his top half looks too big and borders on comical, but he's chad so it doesn't matter for him.
Many guys have his face but they dont get the gigaslaying reaction he gets.

No just stop coping. If frame was everything why does 100% of guys have bad bodies without roids?
Why do i look much smaller when i dont roll up my tshirt to reveal my arms?

I frame mog everyone i see, u would probably look like a twink next to me
9A124034 571C 4E0C B3E0 05881ADB9406
  • JFL
Reactions: Htobrother
Many guys have his face but they dont get the gigaslaying reaction he gets.

No just stop coping. If frame was everything why does 100% of guys have bad bodies without roids?
Why do i look much small when i dont roll up my tshirt to reveal my arms?

I frame mog everyone i see
View attachment 477020

Girls look at my arms a lot now when they are big.

Either your frame isn't as good as you think it is or you're just deeply insecure if you look small without doing extra shit, or you're wearing oversized t-shirts, or you have fucking dysmorphia. >"100% of guys have bad bodies without roids" lmfao cope, bro if you wanna ruin yourself with roids because you've deluded yourself into thinking that that's what girls like, be my guest, it's not my problem. If you're chad it won't matter though. Remember that auschwitzmaxxed chad still slays, body is icing on the cake nothing more nothing less.

If girls look at your arms a lot remember that it only counts if you fuck them, otherwise they could be thinking "jeez what a tryhard his arms look weird"

also imagine basing your worldview on youtube videos, which are at best cherrypicked and at worst staged. FACE FACE FACE stop coping.
  • JFL
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Either your frame isn't as good as you think it is or you're just deeply insecure if you look small without doing extra shit, or you're wearing oversized t-shirts, or you have fucking dysmorphia. >"100% of guys have bad bodies without roids" lmfao cope, bro if you wanna ruin yourself with roids because you've deluded yourself into thinking that that's what girls like, be my guest, it's not my problem. If you're chad it won't matter though. Remember that auschwitzmaxxed chad still slays, body is icing on the cake nothing more nothing less.

If girls look at your arms a lot remember that it only counts if you fuck them, otherwise they could be thinking "jeez what a tryhard his arms look weird"
Lmfao im 6ft4 roidmaxxed already i would make u look like a small girl irl

I would mog that auschwitz framecel irl also.
  • +1
Reactions: Htobrother
, bro if you wanna ruin yourself with roids because you've deluded yourself into thinking that that's what girls like, be my guest, it's not my pr

If girls look at your arms a lot remember that it only counts if you fuck them, otherwise they could be thinking "jeez what a tryhard his arms look weird"

also imagine basing your worldview on youtube videos, which are at best cherrypicked and at worst staged. FACE FACE FACE stop coping.
JFL "ruin yourself with roids"
Your coping hard, girls love size - big frame, big dick, tall height, and big muscles
no lean natural lifter can look big in clothes, it is what it is
  • +1
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Lmfao im 6ft4 roidmaxxed already i would make u look like a small girl irl

I would mog that auschwitz framecel irl also.

See? you're concerned with being better than males. You roided for male attention, never forget that, that's like 60% gay. if you're 6'4" with good frame and yet still HERE you must have the worst face of anybody. Girls will pick face every time.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7313, Pietrosiek and Incoming
See? you're concerned with being better than males. You roided for male attention, never forget that, that's like 60% gay. if you're 6'4" with good frame and yet still HERE you must have the worst face of anybody. Girls will pick face every time.
damn then i guess your gay if you want to look better than other guys
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5393
See? you're concerned with being better than males. You roided for male attention, never forget that, that's like 60% gay. if you're 6'4" with good frame and yet still HERE you must have the worst face of anybody. Girls will pick face every time.
Yes my face has looked shit this year but its finally starting to look decent. Gonna post a new pic of my face today.

I mog basically every guy i see, its not even funny tbh.
JFL "ruin yourself with roids"
Your coping hard, girls love size - big frame, big dick, tall height, and big muscles
no lean natural lifter can look big in clothes, it is what it is

Cope cause you roided already. If you're not chad girls are laughing at you for being an overcompensating clown, it is what it is.
Auschwitzmaxxed chad slays. You can sit there roided up all you want while some twink fag prettyboy chad slays. Plenty of nattys look big enough, keyword ENOUGH. MALES think about being the biggest, FEMALES think "omg he's so hot I love his face (face), and omg his shoulders are wide (frame) and he's so tall (height) and I can see his muscles (definition)" and that's it. If you want to be an intimidating figure to other men that's completely fine (and gay) but remember that 99% of girls aren't thinking about it like that. It's the same reason 100% masc features aren't ideal in face.

damn then i guess your gay if you want to look better than other guys

You're gay if you roid for male attention and to have other guys feel mogged by you, yeah. You have some weird domination fetish too, chad doesn't think about mogging people. He does it obviously but he's not concerned with it.

Yes my face has looked shit this year but its finally starting to look decent. Gonna post a new pic of my face today.

I mog basically every guy i see, its not even funny tbh.

I'm proud of you man but if you're not slaying it's meaningless, so keep going on whatever you're doing (focus on face though)
I'm sure you've visibly seen twink prettyboy chads slay and thought to yourself "BUT I MOG HIM SOOO HARD HE'S TINY IT'S NOT FAIR" well hopefully everything I've said so far will put that into perspective for you.
  • JFL
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Cope cause you roided already. If you're not chad girls are laughing at you for being an overcompensating clown, it is what it is.
Auschwitzmaxxed chad slays. You can sit there roided up all you want while some twink fag prettyboy chad slays. Plenty of nattys look big enough, keyword ENOUGH. MALES think about being the biggest, FEMALES think "omg he's so hot I love his face (face), and omg his shoulders are wide (frame) and he's so tall (height) and I can see his muscles (definition)" and that's it. If you want to be an intimidating figure to other men that's completely fine (and gay) but remember that 99% of girls aren't thinking about it like that. It's the same reason 100% masc features aren't ideal in face.

You're gay if you roid for male attention and to have other guys feel mogged by you, yeah. You have some weird domination fetish too, chad doesn't think about mogging people. He does it obviously but he's not concerned with it.

I'm proud of you man but if you're not slaying it's meaningless, so keep going on whatever you're doing (focus on face though)
I'm sure you've visibly seen twink prettyboy chads slay and thought to yourself "BUT I MOG HIM SOOO HARD HE'S TINY IT'S NOT FAIR" well hopefully everything I've said so far will put that into perspective for you.
Lmfao at this cope
My goal is 18 inch lean, im 17-17.5 now

Is this ideal arm size or are they too big
View attachment 476787


JFL @ you OP. Imagine thinking increasing your arm size by a mere 1 inch will magically make you more attractive to women. If you're not attractive now, you won't be after.

Jfl @ being a gymcel in 2020. When will they learn?

Images 4

Giphy 2
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5393
Lmfao at this cope

you're coping so hard, if being the biggest was an actual priority for girls, bodybuilders would be in the limelight constantly. When was the last time you heard a non-fetishist girl talk about bodybuilding? :lul::lul::lul:
Where are all the girls with bodybuilder posters on their walls?
Frame + height + face, period. Proof that face > all is the fact that face is the only one that can slay without the other two. You might not be incel with frame + height but you won't slay.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5393
Lmfao im 6ft4 roidmaxxed already i would make u look like a small girl irl

I would mog that auschwitz framecel irl also.
I thought you were natty 🧐
What are you cycling ?
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 5393
Cope cause you roided already. If you're not chad girls are laughing at you for being an overcompensating clown, it is what it is.
Auschwitzmaxxed chad slays. You can sit there roided up all you want while some twink fag prettyboy chad slays. Plenty of nattys look big enough, keyword ENOUGH. MALES think about being the biggest, FEMALES think "omg he's so hot I love his face (face), and omg his shoulders are wide (frame) and he's so tall (height) and I can see his muscles (definition)" and that's it. If you want to be an intimidating figure to other men that's completely fine (and gay) but remember that 99% of girls aren't thinking about it like that. It's the same reason 100% masc features aren't ideal in face.

You're gay if you roid for male attention and to have other guys feel mogged by you, yeah. You have some weird domination fetish too, chad doesn't think about mogging people. He does it obviously but he's not concerned with it.

I'm proud of you man but if you're not slaying it's meaningless, so keep going on whatever you're doing (focus on face though)
I'm sure you've visibly seen twink prettyboy chads slay and thought to yourself "BUT I MOG HIM SOOO HARD HE'S TINY IT'S NOT FAIR" well hopefully everything I've said so far will put that into perspective for you.
Not going to read the short story you wrote but no I haven’t roided and don’t think I will anytime soon. That being said I recognize it as one of the few legit looksmaxes and your coping if you think otherwise
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you're coping so hard, if being the biggest was an actual priority for girls, bodybuilders would be in the limelight constantly. When was the last time you heard a non-fetishist girl talk about bodybuilding? :lul::lul::lul:
Where are all the girls with bodybuilder posters on their walls?
Frame + height + face, period. Proof that face > all is the fact that face is the only one that can slay without the other two. You might not be incel with frame + height but you won't slay.
Yes but height and body is a huge halo. Those bodybuilders are bald and in their 40s.

A roided tall guy with decent face basically mogs everyone.
  • +1
Reactions: forwardgrowth
you're coping so hard, if being the biggest was an actual priority for girls, bodybuilders would be in the limelight constantly. When was the last time you heard a non-fetishist girl talk about bodybuilding? :lul::lul::lul:
Where are all the girls with bodybuilder posters on their walls?
Frame + height + face, period. Proof that face > all is the fact that face is the only one that can slay without the other two. You might not be incel with frame + height but you won't slay.
Bodybuilders look disgusting
Doing a cycle isn’t going to make you look like Phil Heath :lul::lul:
Yes but height and body is a huge halo. Those bodybuilders are bald and in their 40s.

A roided tall guy with decent face basically mogs everyone.

roided tall with decent face will not ever mog non-roided tall with great face, don't cope.
Maybe if your face is really really shit then roiding will be your only option, but if your face is really really shit you're never going to slay, roids or not. It is what it is.
  • JFL
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roided tall with decent face will not ever mog non-roided tall with great face, don't cope.
Maybe if your face is really really shit then roiding will be your only option, but if your face is really really shit you're never going to slay, roids or not. It is what it is.
They will for sure. That framecel will look completely asexual.

Sluts these days want to be dominated and protected, a framecel cuckold cant do that

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