If there was a drug to reduce your sex-drive...

What's your choice?

  • I would take it

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • I would not take it

    Votes: 2 50.0%

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Skull crafter
Nov 23, 2022
Would you take it? This is an anti-aphrodisiac that has no side effects and stops having effects when it's use is discontinued Would you take it?

I think I would. As an ugly man, your sex-drive is a heavy distraction that will very rarely lead to sex and is more likely to lead to meetings with HR, meetings with secruity officers, meetings with STD harboring prostitutes, lawsuits, restraining orders, and will lead to money being transferred from your wallet into some lazy female's OnlyFans. For the ugly man and for the many ugly men out there, this drug would improve your life and finances and the conduct and civility of society. It would go a small way to attenuating the unfairness of life and expectations between the sexes.

For Chads, your sex drive is a distraction, but it's a pleasure of your life as it goes fulfilled at your own discretion. Chads would not benefit. This drug would see it's primary use demographic be young men between 0PSL and 6PSL I believe.

This drug could probably never exist, because what gives foids their immense societal power today is the roast beef and the insatiable endless gold mine, force of nature that is the male sex-drive.

This drug is the ability to suspend distractions and de-empower women. It would be a miracle drug.
I wouldn't take it. Currently I am being able to control my sexual urges extremely well.
  • Woah
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Would take even if I was 8 PSL
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