If u think the US will destroy Iran.....



Sep 13, 2019
Iran isn’t like iraq. The US has been beating up soft targets for decades, but Iran is different.

The US ran a war game where a carrier battle group entered the strait of Hormuz. It got destroyed instantly by a competent general. (Don’t think iran don’t have plans to block the US from putting carrier battle groups in the area)

Iran has 80+ million people that are FULLY behind the government now. Even the anti-government pro-democratic factions are fully behind the government now as they see the killing of their general and Us intervention as an attack on Iran itself.

The potential military size that Iran can mobilize is in the millions. The US will mobilize 1-2 million service men at best. Other allies in the region like Saudi Arabia will mobilize few people (the Saudi army is useless by the way). Israel likely won’t get directly involved. NATO allies might even use this as a pretext for abandoning NATO and seeking allies elsewhere.

For example, when the US killed Iran’s general, the leader of France (macron), didn’t phone the US first. He phoned IRAQ first and expressed condolences. He also is demanding an EU army. Merkel is behind an EU army as well. Both of the leaders of the EU want a continental army. They both are turning their back on NATO Due to trump (dont think they’ll come back if a globalist gets into power, the damage is done. They don’t want NATO anymore. They are merely using trump for an excuse).

So the US might not even have enough numbers to take over Iran.

Also, the russia and Chinese factor both are at play. Russia and China have Iran as their MAIN ally in the Middle East. If the US toppled Iran, that means that they have to deal with another US, anti Russia faction right on their doorstep. China also wants to use Iran as a major country in their OBOR (one belt, one road) project. If Iran ever got toppled, then China will never get them to sign onto the project, or it will be significantly harder to get them to do so.

If Russia and China do get involved (they will), then that will instantly result in WW3. No doubt about it. Rockets hitting US bases in Iraq will turn to Rockets hitting US installations in South Korea, Eastern Europe and other parts of the Middle East.

Millions, won’t die, billions will die. Supply lines will be permanently cut. People will go hungry and starve. Rationing will happen, riots and disorder will happen too. Not even the boomers had to go through rationing. No one in the US is used to it, everyone is used to food on demand and the “goodlife”. If that good life is gone, many will riot and protest. A mini civil war might even occur when the government uses the war as an excuse to launch an even bigger assault against the rights and freedoms of the average American. Expect some skirmishes between some national guard units and local militia. Jfl if you think the US can fight a foreign war if the General Public turns against them.

You think Iran hasn’t been building nuclear bombs in secret? JFL. Only now have they come out in public saying they won’t follow the 2015 anti-nuclear agreement. They haven’t been following it for years. If America invades, some tactical nukes will go off on the battlefield. America will never get close to Tehran.

It’s over, over over over over over. I’m not getting drafted because I’m fatcel and my country doesn’t have a draft. But many of you guys might get the letter in your mail if things get bad enough. OVER. Society may get the restart that it needs. The restart that it deserves
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Not a word word to my mamma
let's not forget to mention that the WHOLE middle east could most likely side with the Iranians since they're so similar. (religion) they will do whatever it takes to drive the americans out, as their inhabitants have been shown to go to extreme lengths such as killing themselves to achieve a certain goal.

Over time the middle eastern people have evolved into a warrior-war like culture like the Romans. Most americans have not realized this yet and will be shocked.
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Every single pixel has been admitted by my retines.
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The antichrist is the EU
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didnt read but i can tell you put a lot of effort into it
therefore i might read it later
fuck iran shit country
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I agree no one here is willing to get drafted......It's pretty cucked since Trump himself evaded the Vietnam draft
  • JFL
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let's not forget to mention that the WHOLE middle east could most likely side with the Iranians since they're so similar. (religion) they will do whatever it takes to drive the americans out, as their inhabitants have been shown to go to extreme lengths such as killing themselves to achieve a certain goal.

Over time the middle eastern people have evolved into a warrior-war like culture like the Romans. Most americans have not realized this yet and will be shocked.
The Iraqi parliament voted to EXPEL US troops from the region. Middle eastern nations are fed up with the US at this point. Only dicksucking Saudi will fight alongside the US
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LOL, they don't need any men. Jets and drones will take care of the whole Iran in a couple of hours
Iran isn’t like iraq. The US has been beating up soft targets for decades, but Iran is different.

The US ran a war game where a carrier battle group entered the strait of Hormuz. It got destroyed instantly by a competent general. (Don’t think iran don’t have plans to block the US from putting carrier battle groups in the area)

Iran has 80+ million people that are FULLY behind the government now. Even the anti-government pro-democratic factions are fully behind the government now as they see the killing of their general and Us intervention as an attack on Iran itself.

The potential military size that Iran can mobilize is in the millions. The US will mobilize 1-2 million service men at best. Other allies in the region like Saudi Arabia will mobilize few people (the Saudi army is useless by the way). Israel likely won’t get directly involved. NATO allies might even use this as a pretext for abandoning NATO and seeking allies elsewhere.

For example, when the US killed Iran’s general, the leader of France (macron), didn’t phone the US first. He phoned IRAQ first and expressed condolences. He also is demanding an EU army. Merkel is behind an EU army as well. Both of the leaders of the EU want a continental army. They both are turning their back on NATO Due to trump (dont think they’ll come back if a globalist gets into power, the damage is done. They don’t want NATO anymore. They are merely using trump for an excuse).

So the US might not even have enough numbers to take over Iran.

Also, the russia and Chinese factor both are at play. Russia and China have Iran as their MAIN ally in the Middle East. If the US toppled Iran, that means that they have to deal with another US, anti Russia faction right on their doorstep. China also wants to use Iran as a major country in their OBOR (one belt, one road) project. If Iran ever got toppled, then China will never get them to sign onto the project, or it will be significantly harder to get them to do so.

If Russia and China do get involved (they will), then that will instantly result in WW3. No doubt about it. Rockets hitting US bases in Iraq will turn to Rockets hitting US installations in South Korea, Eastern Europe and other parts of the Middle East.

Millions, won’t die, billions will die. Supply lines will be permanently cut. People will go hungry and starve. Rationing will happen, riots and disorder will happen too. Not even the boomers had to go through rationing. No one in the US is used to it, everyone is used to food on demand and the “goodlife”. If that good life is gone, many will riot and protest. A mini civil war might even occur when the government uses the war as an excuse to launch an even bigger assault against the rights and freedoms of the average American. Expect some skirmishes between some national guard units and local militia. Jfl if you think the US can fight a foreign war if the General Public turns against them.

You think Iran hasn’t been building nuclear bombs in secret? JFL. Only now have they come out in public saying they won’t follow the 2015 anti-nuclear agreement. They haven’t been following it for years. If America invades, some tactical nukes will go off on the battlefield. America will never get close to Tehran.

It’s over, over over over over over. I’m not getting drafted because I’m fatcel and my country doesn’t have a draft. But many of you guys might get the letter in your mail if things get bad enough. OVER. Society may get the restart that it needs. The restart that it deserves
76 iq
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LOL, they don't need any men. Jets and drones will take care of the whole Iran in a couple of hours

those jets and drones would only last for so long... you act like the US have millions of them
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LOL, they don't need any men. Jets and drones will take care of the whole Iran in a couple of hours
I’m sorry boyo but that’s one of the most retarded things I’ve ever heard.

Iran has a vast SAM system. The US uses drones in countries that are allied to them or are soft targets with no air defence system. Iran is different, they’ve been building up their air defence system for decades, even before the islamic revolution I’m pretty sure.

So drones and jets will just get shot down, they won’t reach their target. You also need troops on the ground to secure territory. Even if Iran let the US bomb them, it wouldn’t do anything. Iran would just use that as a pretext to launch a mass scale invasion of US allied countries in the Middle East and block the strait of Hormuz (which is a vital shipping lane for oil and gas)
Yes I have 76 IQ, it shows with my shit takes
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There is no God but Allah
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Why tf would the us want a boots on the ground occupation of Iran?

Iran cant do jack shit against B-2s

Iran would just use that as a pretext to launch a mass scale invasion of US allied countries in the Middle East and block the strait of Hormuz (which is a vital shipping lane for oil and gas)
The US isn't the only consumer of oil. If Iran does this, they'll piss of literally everyone and the EU and NATO will have no choice but to get involved
There is no defence against b2 bombers
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I’m sorry boyo but that’s one of the most retarded things I’ve ever heard.

Iran has a vast SAM system. The US uses drones in countries that are allied to them or are soft targets with no air defence system. Iran is different, they’ve been building up their air defence system for decades, even before the islamic revolution I’m pretty sure.

So drones and jets will just get shot down, they won’t reach their target. You also need troops on the ground to secure territory. Even if Iran let the US bomb them, it wouldn’t do anything. Iran would just use that as a pretext to launch a mass scale invasion of US allied countries in the Middle East and block the strait of Hormuz (which is a vital shipping lane for oil and gas)

Yes I have 76 IQ, it shows with my shit takes
Not really, the US will launch missiles to destroy their anti airforce system and then will bomb the shit out of them
They have no hope....they don't even have long range missiles that can target US cities....
Over for them
  • Hmm...
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Why tf would the us want a boots on the ground occupation of Iran?

Iran cant do jack shit against B-2s

The US isn't the only consumer of oil. If Iran does this, they'll piss of literally everyone and the EU and NATO will have no choice but to get involved
Literally the only way to stop Iran is a boots on the ground occupation. Bombing them won’t do anything.

The US did the same thing to Libya and gaddafi during the 80’s. They bombed the country and nothing came of it, gaddafi managed to still stay in power until 2011.

You’re putting way too much confidence in US weapons. Again, they’ve only been used against SOFT targets with no air defence whatsoever. Iran I’m pretty sure has top of the line S400 surface to air missiles. Whether American B2’s will get shot down remains to be seen.

Them blocking the strait of Hormuz will primarily hurt the US and Saudi Arabia. EU countries in NATO get their oil and gas from Russia, they won’t care much.
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Not really, the US will launch missiles to destroy their anti airforce system and then will bomb the shit out of them
They have no hope....they don't even have long range missiles that can target US cities....
Over for them
you aren't thinking big,

you think iran won't get help? if NOT publicly then obviously secretly
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Not really, the US will launch missiles to destroy their anti airforce system and then will bomb the shit out of them
They have no hope....they don't even have long range missiles that can target US cities....
Over for them
Their air defence system is expansive and unknown. The US will find it hard to just “blow it up”.

As @MrGlutton said, russia and China will help Iran. This means that Iran will be given a constant supply of modern weapons covertly and even might be given military support
I will be joining the Canadian Armed Forces

wbu brother?
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I will destroy you OP
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Quality post as always. Whereas before I was wholly ignorant now I at least know a few things and the general situation. Thanks bro
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@Dogs and @Slayer what’s wrong with my post brothers? I’m retarded ik. 76 Iq is a srs thing
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Nothing will happen tbh.

0 US causalities confirmed.

I think it was just a face saving attack from iran. Chances r they even warned the US before.
The mullahs arent that stupid and know whole Iran would have been destroyed in a matter of hours and this would have happend if there was any real causalities( e.g 40 dead like some people claimed)
Nothing will happen tbh.

0 US causalities confirmed.

I think it was just a face saving attack from iran. Chances r they even warned the US before.
The mullahs arent that stupid and know whole Iran would have been destroyed in a matter of hours and this would have happend if there was any real causalities( e.g 40 dead like some people claimed)
It’s not the casualties that matter. It’s the fact that they attacked an airbase with US forces and US assets
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Nothing will happen tbh.

0 US causalities confirmed.

I think it was just a face saving attack from iran. Chances r they even warned the US before.
The mullahs arent that stupid and know whole Iran would have been destroyed in a matter of hours and this would have happend if there was any real causalities( e.g 40 dead like some people claimed)
bullshit, then what was the point

even 1 death is enormous
Are u ok bro? I heard your country is up in flames right now
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bullshit, then what was the point
It was to send a message to the US that Iran isn’t scared to attack US installations in the region. Trump is gonna bomb Iran for sure now. If he doesn’t, then Iran have the green light to continue
Hope to US being erased by russian
bullshit, then what was the point

even 1 death is enormous
It’s not the casualties that matter. It’s the fact that they attacked an airbase with US forces and US assets

Like i said they killed the top General of iran, so obviously Iran has to do something face saving.

Again there was no dead/wounded americans and the eq doesent even got destroyed.

The iranian public r backing now their regime more than ever cause they r larping and telling they killed x soldier and most likely trump will de escelate and win gain some votes since half of americans r against this war.

So its a win-win tbh.
Like i said they killed the top General of iran, so obviously Iran has to do something face saving.

Again there was no dead/wounded americans and the eq doesent even got destroyed.

The iranian public r backing now their regime more than ever cause they r larping and telling they killed x soldier and most likely trump will de escelate and win gain some votes since half of americans r against this war.

So its a win-win tbh.
bullshit, until it's official that there's no casualties i'm not believing it.

if it's true then iran is a joke of a nation
bullshit, until it's official that there's no casualties i'm not believing it.

if it's true then iran is a joke of a nation
Lol does this sound like ecalation u retard.

it would be rainin in Iran now if there was anything serious.
And yes Iranian regime is a big joke who wants to stay in power, to do so they will save their face by stagin/fakin attacks.


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In what ways
I’m joking tbh
Lol does this sound like ecalation u retard.

it would be rainin in Iran now if there was anything serious.
And yes Iranian regime is a big joke who wants to stay in power, to do so they will save their face by stagin/fakin attacks.
He’s gonna make a statement that will announce attacks on Iran or major sanctions. He promised an attack if they did anything
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When did Iran become a superpower
Just a joke haha
bro if ur balding has indeed completely ceased

stop the cringe combover haircut, and reveal your norwood so people think it is just mature hairline and not balding.

like this

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