If you think genetics means anything KYS, environment = everything

Anyways Ops post is incorrect. Take me and my brother as an example. Same parents, same environment, same nutrition and so on.
No, you are wrong. All of my hormones got tested to sort hormonal problems out because if that would have been the case they would have given me the missing hormone.
Dude not everything's black and white. You were a different case, yes, and so will be other people.

Just because you consider something doesn't apply to you you don't have to disregard everything else
if theres no T to be aromatized, there wont be much E either. your balls dont make E

bigger wrists probably from your overfeeding which resulted in high GH/IGF-1 and Leptin
so my speed bump idea was correct in that I was not stunted in long bone growth?.

heard that estrogen also increases igf-1 tho
your body makes up for lost growth

this is exactly what I think tbh. weird how my bones shoulders and ribcage are the only things growing right now after that incident.

but what causes men with birthing hips? women have wider pelvises because of how they are actually designed and it seems that men with wide hips are just men with shoudlers and ribcages that are too narrow. did they not realise they were fucking up their t and in turn fucked themselves over?.

does the body have a limit to growth?

men with gigantism and an aromatose defiency tend to be way taller and grow way more than those who don't being very abnormally tall for their genetics.

they also keep growing at longer times.

so making yourself high igf-1 through peptides would outpace your "limit"?.
Meanwhile you hit the gym hard while Chad eats pizza, yet he still looks more ripped than you
>muh environment
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Dude not everything's black and white. You were a different case, yes, and so will be other people.

Just because you consider something doesn't apply to you you don't have to disregard everything else
Exactly. Not everything is black and white. My case made that every clear. So it's not very smart to say it's all environment and genetics don't matter at all. That's what I'm trying to point out.
Shit thread, as always. End your pathetic existence, you feminine weak softie.
  • +1
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Muh environment is such a retarded Low IQ brainlet Cope.

How does 'environment' make someone better looking? did Lachowski have a better environment than his fellow kids when he was growing up? and what about any other Chads&Chadlites? did they have a better environment than their Brothers who they grew up with? and who they Amog? or maybe it's just that Genetics determine 99% of your looks and environment plays very little part in it?
  • +1
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Muh environment is such a retarded Low IQ brainlet Cope.

How does 'environment' make someone better looking? did Lachowski have a better environment than his fellow kids when he was growing up? and what about any other Chads&Chadlites? did they have a better environment than their Brothers who they grew up with? and who they Amog? or maybe it's just that Genetics determine 99% of your looks and environment plays very little part in it?
lol if u dont understand my post
its over for low iq cels.
you are seriously braindead OP
just as retarded as you were on lookism, 0 knowledge and just repeating what you think is true from lookism autists
you are seriously braindead OP
just as retarded as you were on lookism, 0 knowledge and just repeating what you think is true from lookism autists
So he's from Lookism? LOL i think i know exactly who he is. :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe::feelskek::feelskek:
So he's from Lookism? LOL i think i know exactly who he is. :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe::feelskek::feelskek:
idk , never seen him say anything meaningful he just splurts out what other people have said to impress them
extremely gay, autistic and pathetic tbqh
you are seriously braindead OP
just as retarded as you were on lookism, 0 knowledge and just repeating what you think is true from lookism autists
90% of my threads posted here are directly copy and pasted from lookism threads

from (crisick, defeat, sin, nervousspic)
90% of my threads posted here are directly copy and pasted from lookism threads

from (crisick, defeat, sin, nervousspic)
yep, exactly
hive mind mentality
autistic and retarded asf
Muh environment is such a retarded Low IQ brainlet Cope.

How does 'environment' make someone better looking? did Lachowski have a better environment than his fellow kids when he was growing up? and what about any other Chads&Chadlites? did they have a better environment than their Brothers who they grew up with? and who they Amog? or maybe it's just that Genetics determine 99% of your looks and environment plays very little part in it?

You are coping if you deny this. You fucking moron. keep coping by saying it was all because of your genetics. Well surprise motherfucker its not!

The reason chads are chads are not because of genetics. It's because they had good lifestyle and environment when growing up. Got enough sleep, good posture during puberty etc.

If any chad out there had my lifestyle when growing up, which was an absolutely terrible lifestyle (mouth breathing, extreme stress, rotting at home 24/7 never exercise etc.) They would never have been chads.

Environment > genetics
  • +1
Reactions: love=everything

You are coping if you deny this. You fucking moron. keep coping by saying it was all because of your genetics. Well surprise motherfucker its not!

The reason chads are chads are not because of genetics. It's because they had good lifestyle and environment when growing up. Got enough sleep, good posture during puberty etc.

If any chad out there had my lifestyle when growing up, which was an absolutely terrible lifestyle (mouth breathing, extreme stress, rotting at home 24/7 never exercise etc.) They would never have been chads.

Environment > genetics

Use a bigger black font this one is too small.

Yeah no shit sitting on your ass whole your adolescence will obviously stun your growth and your potential, BUT (and this is a big but) at the end of the day if you genetically have a small skull and bad facial bones then no amount of physical lifestyle will magically change that whatsoever.

Just ask yourself this: what secret lifestyle did Lachowski had that made him good looking? what did he do so differently from MILLIONS of other kids worldwide that grow up to be Birdcel Manlets? it's 99% Genetics & 1% environment.
Meanwhile you hit the gym hard while Chad eats pizza, yet he still looks more ripped than you
>muh environment
View attachment 79849
Literally no chads I've seen mouth breathe.
Use a bigger black font this one is too small.

Yeah no shit sitting on your ass whole your adolescence will obviously stun your growth and your potential, BUT (and this is a big but) at the end of the day if you genetically have a small skull and bad facial bones then no amount of physical lifestyle will magically change that whatsoever.

Just ask yourself this: what secret lifestyle did Lachowski had that made him good looking? what did he do so differently from MILLIONS of other kids worldwide that grow up to be Birdcel Manlets? it's 99% Genetics & 1% environment.
Still doesn't change the fact mouth breathing fucks your face. Idk wtf ur talking about. 1% environment? jfl.



^In what world is that 1%??
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the uglyness part is only true
just captain planetmaxx
80% isnt very drastic, it's not like 80% of your absolute height is determined by genetics, ie, someone who maxxes out on their genetic potential grows to 6' and someone who doesn't grows to 0.8*6ft = 4'9". 80% means 80% of the variation in heights, and the standard variation of male heights is 95% between 5'7" and 6'4", so the 20% of the variation in there that is environmental is equivalent to 5'10" vs 6'.

Also when they say environmental in these cases they often mean severe impoverishment during early childhood, disease, etc. If you grew up relatively well fed and healthy you're likely within 1-1.5" of your absolute MAX height
What about being overweight but still eating a lot?
been overweight since the age of 8 im pretty sure.

most fat located on belly .

not sure how to tell if i have visceral fat.

big adams apple.

not sure how big masseters are but probably not that much.

high bf havent tested,

strong and big muscles under fat.

havent worked out for muscle training at all .

legit had ed for like 2 weeks then got spooked and t maxxed and e minned as hard as I could still doing it. since yesterday I feel very high just like I was 4-6 months ago.

my fat distrubution changed alot too and my shoulders for sure got broader
You’re exactly like me tbh
You're probably fine unless you were obese.
What do you count as obese? BMI over 30?
You're probably fine unless you were obese.
Also, I thought being overweight sped up growth therefore stunted while being obese delayed it
I want my daddy
IQ is barely environmental. IQ =/= education (just in case you didn't know).
Yes, IQ can be lowered by bad nutrition, social neglect, etc. in the early childhood. Also if the mother was a drug abuser during pregnancy.
But genetics determine your IQ potential. There are a lot of things determining intelligence that no matter what can't be changed without gene engineering. For example the amount of CAG triplets in your genome is linked to IQ. The more you have the bigger is your potential for neurons and connections in the brain tissue. However, at a certain amount of those triplets things get unstable and if you overshoot this limit (not sure how many it was rn) it gives you a genetic disorder called Chorea Huntington (a neurodegenerative disorder, similar to Alzheimers).
-> Things are way more complicated than just saying "its 80% environmental" blabla. JFL!
Just how much can the child's IQ be lowered if the mom takes drugs during pregnancy?
I played tons of sports throughout my childhood until highschool and have shit wrists.

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