I'm at least top 0.5% in looksmaxxing knowledge, ask me anything (PART 2)



Mar 31, 2023
Last post https://looksmax.org/threads/im-at-least-top-1-in-knowledge-of-looksmaxxing-ask-me-anything.696405/
i had only read around 600 pages of looksmaxxing around that time BUT NOW, I'm on page 1019 of looksmaxxing so.

If you want your questions answered from a kpopmaxxing/general looksmaxxing specialist (i suck at mascmaxxing btw), ask away.

death note mello GIF
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i'm a fucking subhuman, how could I ascend ?

I'm horsefaced (I think), my palate is fucking narrow, recessed cheekbones all that shit
you mind talking in dm?
post face or body and let's see how you've applied it.
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How much braincels do you estimate have melted away by going through so much looksmax content?
How to fix asymmetrical eyebrows or eyes?
How does a nigga lose 20-25kg?

How does a nigga get taller at 24?

How does a nigga get flawless skin?

How does a nigga increase shoulder waist ratio? (Lets be real it's the only ratio that matters)
yes, youre at the top 99% in knowledge of looksmaxing

JoinedMar 31, 2023
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any tret tips? (Retin a)
i'm a fucking subhuman, how could I ascend ?

I'm horsefaced (I think), my palate is fucking narrow, recessed cheekbones all that shit
-Grow stubble or a beard
The more lower third height you have the more you can get away with a long midface.

-Grow your hair long
This will make your head appear wider

The frame of your glasses will cover some of your midface.

This widens IPD slightly

-Maxillary Impaction
If you have a gummy smile you practically need this to ascend as you will also probably have severe downwards growth. This shortens your midface to the bone.

-Lip Lift
Ideal philtrim for males is 13-14mm, if your philtrim is over that I recommend a lip lift because mms are miles when it comes to your facial features.

-Brow lowering+Zygomatic implants
These don't directly change your midface itself, but a wider FWHR can compensate for a long midface.

lefort 3? google before and afters and see yourself, extremely risky surgery, extremely hard to find a blackpilled surgeon willing to do it, you may die, you may ascend.

mewing, some people are gonna call me an idiot but yes it can work to some degree (I used to be chubby in the face before i wasn't mewing), it's good to stop mouth breathing either way though

for more information on unfixable failos: https://looksmax.org/threads/on-fixing-unfixable-failos-official-guide-gtfih.122634/
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how do i get dimorphism
20230419 173215
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buccal fat removal, you have a chubby face.

or mewing, I used to have a chubby face like that and after 8 months poof, almost hollow cheeks.

your eyes lack masculinity because I'm assuming you're mascmaxxing

Here are a bunch of threads you can research

For your twink lips: https://looksmax.org/threads/diy-mouth-widening-tool-cheap-easy.316349/

I strongly recommend this one! https://looksmax.org/threads/on-fixing-unfixable-failos-official-guide-gtfih.122634/
especially: How to help a poor es ratio.

buccal fat removal/mewing to get rid of the chub in your face
jaw surgery(implants usually look fake and this can ruin your life lol)? because you don't have a masculine jaw dude, or just cope with mewing lol
nose is good,
mouth widening for your twink lips https://looksmax.org/threads/diy-mouth-widening-tool-cheap-easy.316349/

that's all the advice I can give you, i see no other failos if you're mascmaxxing.
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any tret tips? (Retin a)
Tretinoin can give you a gay glow and usually has a shedding period which is why I avoid it, for the gay glow.
I would recommend Retin-a actually even though I've decided to stay away from it because i've red users getting extremely red skin from it.
I'm not a skimaxxing saint per se but I've settled on a basic skincare routine as of now which might update itself, I feel content with that instead of doing retin a or tretinoin:
How much braincels do you estimate have melted away by going through so much looksmax content?
I feel like I'm close to finally moving on from this looksmaxxing shit
post face or body and let's see how you've applied it.
Dude, I'm kpopmaxxing
mascmaxxing nu huh for me
my face on a buff body would look uncanny
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Dude, I'm kpopmaxxing
mascmaxxing nu huh for me
my face on a buff body would look uncanny
Show ur faggotmaxxing results then
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What should I do for my face + for kpopmaxing ? (It's me on my avi)
all that reading and still faggotmaxxing
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remember that for kpopmaxxing forward growth if not recessed to a huge degree and mild asymmetry is overrated

remember that braces, invisalign and orthodontic appliances can ruin your face, the same goes with teeth extractions(removing teeth)

maybe get a perm for more volume, I'm getting one to hide my alien skull and cowlick
maybe hide the back of your jawline with hair?
only use shampoo like every 5 days
if you wanna go hair products instead, while your hair is still damp apply sea salt spray + hair clay

pluck your eyebrows the way you like them (i found out the hard way that my natural brows are optimal with only just some plucking in the middle to prevent a slight unibrow)
dye your eyebrows and eyelashes to pitch black? this works because you're asian and have black hair.
curl or laminate(i recommend this curling everyday seems like a bitch) your eyelashes.
use peppermintoil+castor oil on your eyelashes (if you're lucky it works for you but takes months)
cold pressed light castor oil is the best, i wouldn't take the dark one if I were you
simply apply the oils with a q-tip
apply on your eyelashes and eyebrows, don't consume peppermint or castor oil

mewing (make sure you wake up in a mewing position too)
proper swallowing, proper chewing
proper neck posture

tinted lip balm if you don't like the color of your lips
exfoliate your lips with an electric toothbrush and apply lip balm

general skincare routine:
be gentle with your skin and don't drag it forcefully with a towel when you're wet for example

if your general skincare routine doesn't help your dark circles enough, bb cream to hide them completely.

acne is not my specialty but if you're suffering from that retin a might be your best friend.
you can also just study every thread here to become a master at conquering acne: https://www.google.com/search?q=acn...esBiAGPC5IBBjE5LjAuMZgBAKABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz

preparing to antiagemaxx? (preventing hair loss, preventing skin degradation, slowing down bone degradation)
if you think you're balding or people in your family are prone to balding use palmetto oil and argan oil which is like mild finasteride without side effects to prevent balding in the future.

satin pillowcase for my theory as less wrinkles long term?
soft water if your face turns red like mine after a shower?

lipo reducing agents or volufiline(skin thickening cream/drops something) for diy mini rhinoplasty? (I NEED SOMEONE TO TRY THIS)
it can be used for shit like treating under eye circles because if you thicken the skin there the veins are less exposed
or it could be used for minor DIY rhinoplasties
SOMEONE NEEDS TO TRY THIS, it will go to best of the best on this site if it works.
THESE CREAMS 100% work for certain people but not everyone!!

using sunscreen to make your skin age slower, covering your face with hats for less sun exposure, just avoid the sun as much as you can and take vitamin d3 instead

debloating your face like literally Patrick Bateman
Eat bananas or potassium rich food
Don't consume too much salt, processed sugars or carbohydrates
Drink water

laser hair removal on your face, this can be so relieving not having to shave your beard anymore.
makeup, colored contacts, frauding images with facetune, how focal length&lens distortion affects your appearance on images

this is general looksmaxxing but eat butter/tard instead of plant oils, real devil food, same with omega 3 supplements, PUFAs are bad for you.

do lasik surgery to lose your glasses/lenses

biotin and collagenmaxxing can possibly boost your hair growth including eyebrows and eyelashes as fuck

msm + glutathione + vitamin c slightly lightens the skins and eye color for some people
acacia honey mix with water, mix that as eyedrops and drip it in your eyes for whiter scleras (the white part of your eyes) or alternatively use msm eyedrops

dress good, have good hygiene

i guess use tretinoin(stronger version), more gay glow or retin a (weaker version) less gay glow but be aware of the side effect of the shedding period and getting red skin if you wanna get rid of nasolabial folds, crows feet and other wrinkles etc. if your general skincare routine isn't enough for you

this is not everything most likely because i've only read ~50% of this forum so far
that will be in my final looksmaxx summary so i suggest you follow me, preferably with email notifications.

hope you enjoyed reading this post fellow kpopmaxxer.
  • Woah
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buccal fat removal, you have a chubby face.

or mewing, I used to have a chubby face like that and after 8 months poof, almost hollow cheeks.

your eyes lack masculinity because I'm assuming you're mascmaxxing

Here are a bunch of threads you can research

For your twink lips: https://looksmax.org/threads/diy-mouth-widening-tool-cheap-easy.316349/

I strongly recommend this one! https://looksmax.org/threads/on-fixing-unfixable-failos-official-guide-gtfih.122634/
especially: How to help a poor es ratio.

buccal fat removal/mewing to get rid of the chub in your face
jaw surgery(implants usually look fake and this can ruin your life lol)? because you don't have a masculine jaw dude, or just cope with mewing lol
nose is good,
mouth widening for your twink lips https://looksmax.org/threads/diy-mouth-widening-tool-cheap-easy.316349/

that's all the advice I can give you, i see no other failos if you're mascmaxxing.
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remember that for kpopmaxxing forward growth if not recessed to a huge degree and mild asymmetry is overrated

remember that braces, invisalign and orthodontic appliances can ruin your face, the same goes with teeth extractions(removing teeth)

maybe get a perm for more volume, I'm getting one to hide my alien skull and cowlick
maybe hide the back of your jawline with hair?
only use shampoo like every 5 days
if you wanna go hair products instead, while your hair is still damp apply sea salt spray + hair clay

pluck your eyebrows the way you like them (i found out the hard way that my natural brows are optimal with only just some plucking in the middle to prevent a slight unibrow)
dye your eyebrows and eyelashes to pitch black? this works because you're asian and have black hair.
curl or laminate(i recommend this curling everyday seems like a bitch) your eyelashes.
use peppermintoil+castor oil on your eyelashes (if you're lucky it works for you but takes months)
cold pressed light castor oil is the best, i wouldn't take the dark one if I were you
simply apply the oils with a q-tip
apply on your eyelashes and eyebrows, don't consume peppermint or castor oil

mewing (make sure you wake up in a mewing position too)
proper swallowing, proper chewing
proper neck posture

tinted lip balm if you don't like the color of your lips
exfoliate your lips with an electric toothbrush and apply lip balm

general skincare routine:
be gentle with your skin and don't drag it forcefully with a towel when you're wet for example

if your general skincare routine doesn't help your dark circles enough, bb cream to hide them completely.

acne is not my specialty but if you're suffering from that retin a might be your best friend.
you can also just study every thread here to become a master at conquering acne: https://www.google.com/search?q=acne+site:looksmax.org&sxsrf=APwXEdftobd2KtnZxUX7223x_9US7SwmAg:1681925043983&source=hp&ei=syNAZOauOfWTxc8Pm66ISA&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZEAxw7PyK00OreCuEUyzlEVfzFAhXXds&ved=0ahUKEwim1KGGu7b-AhX1SfEDHRsXAgkQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=acne+site:looksmax.org&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BAgjECc6EQguEIAEELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToUCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QMQ1AI6CwguEIAEEMcBENEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARDUAjoLCC4QgAQQxwEQrwE6EQguEIoFELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOggILhCABBCxAzoLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUIABCABDoRCC4QxwEQ1AIQsQMQ0QMQgAQ6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOgcIABCABBAKOggIABCABBDLAToHCAAQDRCABDoGCAAQHhANOgYIABAWEB46CAgAEBYQHhAPUABYnxNg5BNoAXAAeAKAAesBiAGPC5IBBjE5LjAuMZgBAKABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz

preparing to antiagemaxx? (preventing hair loss, preventing skin degradation, slowing down bone degradation)
if you think you're balding or people in your family are prone to balding use palmetto oil and argan oil which is like mild finasteride without side effects to prevent balding in the future.

satin pillowcase for my theory as less wrinkles long term?
soft water if your face turns red like mine after a shower?

lipo reducing agents or volufiline(skin thickening cream/drops something) for diy mini rhinoplasty? (I NEED SOMEONE TO TRY THIS)
it can be used for shit like treating under eye circles because if you thicken the skin there the veins are less exposed
or it could be used for minor DIY rhinoplasties
SOMEONE NEEDS TO TRY THIS, it will go to best of the best on this site if it works.
THESE CREAMS 100% work for certain people but not everyone!!

using sunscreen to make your skin age slower, covering your face with hats for less sun exposure, just avoid the sun as much as you can and take vitamin d3 instead

debloating your face like literally Patrick Bateman
Eat bananas or potassium rich food
Don't consume too much salt, processed sugars or carbohydrates
Drink water

laser hair removal on your face, this can be so relieving not having to shave your beard anymore.
makeup, colored contacts, frauding images with facetune, how focal length&lens distortion affects your appearance on images

this is general looksmaxxing but eat butter/tard instead of plant oils, real devil food, same with omega 3 supplements, PUFAs are bad for you.

do lasik surgery to lose your glasses/lenses

biotin and collagenmaxxing can possibly boost your hair growth including eyebrows and eyelashes as fuck

msm + glutathione + vitamin c slightly lightens the skins and eye color for some people
acacia honey mix with water, mix that as eyedrops and drip it in your eyes for whiter scleras (the white part of your eyes) or alternatively use msm eyedrops

dress good, have good hygiene

i guess use tretinoin(stronger version), more gay glow or retin a (weaker version) less gay glow but be aware of the side effect of the shedding period and getting red skin if you wanna get rid of nasolabial folds, crows feet and other wrinkles etc. if your general skincare routine isn't enough for you

this is not everything most likely because i've only read ~50% of this forum so far
that will be in my final looksmaxx summary so i suggest you follow me, preferably with email notifications.

hope you enjoyed reading this post fellow kpopmaxxer.

I'm 100% you won't do shit and just rot and shitpost like this lmao
And as @Arborist said post face so that we can also see your muh looksmaxxing gains
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I'm 100% you won't do shit and just rot and shitpost like this lmao
And as @Arborist said post face so that we can also see your muh looksmaxxing gains
they're probably wasted to be honest
I'm starting to believe that reading half of the forum was kind of a waste lol
Thoughts on MK677?
I don't mess with steroids, hormones or whatever that is.
I do know that shit like that can turn you from a scrawny guy like Zyzz into a gigaslayer
but yeah, that's up to you if you wanna risk it.
Could i pm yo for tips?
How bad will 1 premolar extraction be/ should I get Invisalign or braces? (1 of my teeth are stuck behind)
Should I take accutane or continue with tretinoin?
Last edited:
Give me every bit of info you know on how to improve and perfect symmetry
İ need a detailed leanmaxing guide
how to make my dick more whiter
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How to get more chin projection?
Dm me bro I need suggestions for kpopmaxxing
Is potato good for debloating as it has pottasium?

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