I’m not sure if being good looking makes people treat you like a god like this forum says

I’m not good looking myself. But I’m just saying. Legit saw this chadlite dude in my uni class go sit in the front and no one sat next to him, no girls no nothing. Nobody cared about him
Just wait till he enters the club
Just wait till he enters the club
Ya no shit, I agree in clubs women will throw themsleves at the chad no question. But in normal situations, unlikely
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I said it was a movie for tall people who aren't ltn, I explicitely stated that EVEN (keyword: even) ltn tallcel can get a gf. That would be almost impossible for a regular ltn.
Exactly girls transfer face value for your height, I've seen many couples like this (tall LTN with MTB or LTB).
Ya no shit, I agree in clubs women will throw themsleves at the chad no question. But in normal situations, unlikely
well is it a GL person like you say in your first post or chad, you should clarify what you mean
chad is really the only face ratting where life starts feeling like a movie, chadlite is still at a ratting where some people will find you ugly
+ tall height and high status
Ya no shit, I agree in clubs women will throw themsleves at the chad no question. But in normal situations, unlikely
In normal situations girls will think Chads have too many options and he's there only to fuck.
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In a class of over 500 people their is gonna be some good looking guys ofc but most of the guys their are objecihtly averege I would say. yes I don’t know that but what I do know is women aren’t throwing themselves at that guy like this forum says they would,
What that does that mean even, you're saying HTN- not getting pussy in the middle of the class goes against the blackpill?
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What that does that mean even, you're saying HTN- not getting pussy in the middle of the class goes against the blackpill?
Nigga I fully heartily agree with the blackpilled ,that this nigga can get pussy easily. I’m just saying that women aren’t actively throwing themselves at him during normal situations which is what forum members thinks happens to gl guys.
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Nigga I fully heartily agree with the blackpilled ,that this nigga can get pussy easily. I’m just saying that women aren’t actively throwing themselves at him during normal situations which is what forum members thinks happens to gl guys.
So you're just saying women don't (sexually) approach good looking men when sober and in serious environments?
So you're just saying women don't (sexually) approach good looking men when sober and in serious environments?
They do, I haven’t see it myself personally, but I know they do just not very often. Chads aren’t treated like gods
They do, I haven’t see it myself personally, but I know they do just not very often.
What is your post saying exactly then?
So far in uni, in my classs I’ve seen many gl guys in my classes and yet none of them are being surrounded by women, approached, etc.
The reality is most people at uni aren't chronically online porn addicts who think about sex 24/7, uni is a normal place, people go there to study, if that same person was to go to a holiday party or to the club; or if he is really attractive outside in general, then girls will throw themselves at him because it is either a social or sex-seeking environment. It is heavily dependent on the environment you are in. Most people in uni are depressed antisocialists $100,000 in debt stressing about exams, which makes it an invaluable gateway to female validation.
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So far in uni, in my classs I’ve seen many gl guys in my classes and yet none of them are being surrounded by women, approached, etc.
it doesn't, males are going to envy you and if you can't talk to girls you will be rejected, plus when you see another guy uglier than you, you'll want to ropemaxx (speaks the experience)
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Are you saying life is not like in those videos on pornhub? Woah, you don’t say!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
He was a pretty boy maxxed tall white chadlite yet still no onne cares. I think he would slay very easily still but he doensnt have women throwing themselves at him like this forum claims happens to every htn+ guy
My nigga no one gives a shit in uni lectures they just all sit their quietly, this is mostly universal, this quite literally proves nothing.

Go to the club and give the same observation there then you have a point
My nigga no one gives a shit in uni lectures they just all sit their quietly, this is mostly universal, this quite literally proves nothing.

Go to the club and give the same observation there then you have a point
Ya I was told that in university nobody cares and nobody would approach anyone
Ya I was told that in university nobody cares and nobody would approach anyone
Not in lectures ofc how ru even using that to prove a point. Everyone knows this is how lectures are.
What kind of approaches? You can approach without sexual intentions
Not warm approaches ofc, like you know exchanging numbers with someone from a friend group. But like a cold approach from
A random girl
Not warm approaches ofc, like you know exchanging numbers with someone from a friend group. But like a cold approach from
A random girl
There’s no way you went to uni with the goal of having a girl approach you 😂

Like Lmao
Bro I didn’t I’m just asking, it’s a simple question
Well I mean it’s obvious why you’re asking

And yeh if you’re GL it’ll happen ofc, that’s just 💦 as usual
Well I mean it’s obvious why you’re asking

And yeh if you’re GL it’ll happen ofc, that’s just 💦 as usual
Just not on campus right? During dorm times and shit right
Just not on campus right? During dorm times and shit right
Why does it even matter where it is? Form or campus who cares same thing
will you get approached
Obviously it depends on your fucking face my guy

Girls won’t “approach” you they will just give you hints on if they like you or not as usual

I’ll tell about mine if you want but not like it even matters
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Girls do approach me in Bar settings but I can count on one hand how often it's happened outside of that. Also when people aren't looking to be in mate seeking mode, girls won't just throw themselves at you. They have more situational awareness than to do that. Not to mention if said good looking guy starts saying unhinged shit like some of you do, he will instantly alienate himself and people will think of him as the weird gay guy or something.
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I’ve seen a tall person be outright rejected by girls cuz he wasnt good looking enough (he was high mtn) and that he was “just tall” (he’s 6’6)
Wallahi these bitches will die alone
Girls do approach me in Bar settings but I can count on one hand how often it's happened outside of that. Also when people aren't looking to be in mate seeking mode, girls won't just throw themselves at you. They have more situational awareness than to do that. Not to mention if said good looking guy starts saying unhinged shit like some of you do, he will instantly alienate himself and people will think of him as the weird gay guy or something.
Agreed up until the last part

You can get away with saying a lot of insane shit when you’re GL
So far in uni, in my classs I’ve seen many gl guys in my classes and yet none of them are being surrounded by women, approached, etc.
The place matters a lot basically. I've been hanging with a gl guy (some ppl on org rated him chadlite/high htn). And tbh I don't see girls surrounding him etc on campus, just glances/smiles but thats it. But best believe he's getting lots of attention in places like a club. Girls are gonna be looser there and want to be approached by gl dudes.

Gonna club w him soon and will prob make a thread abt it.
True,vasily was a chad and still had to live with his parents,if being a chad was that good a rich women would have funded for him,bc I know for a fact a Stacy would get funded by a rich man in a heartbeat
chad is really the only face ratting where life starts feeling like a movie, chadlite is still at a ratting where some people will find you ugly
No bro dumb statement lmao
no matter how good you are your appearance alone wont have women throwing themselves at u
foids have unlimited smv and 99% of the time they wont approach you first
only men who have women throwing themselves at them are men with status and money
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Agreed up until the last part

You can get away with saying a lot of insane shit when you’re GL
Tbh lots of gl and I mean actually gl dudes are almost always NT. They have pretty decent EQ on avg to not make a fool of themselves in public spaces. Must have something to do w not receiving much negative feedback growing up and having mostly good experiences aswell. They're usually extroverted and have a huge social circle and connections.
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Tbh lots of gl and I mean actually gl dudes are almost always NT. They have pretty decent EQ on avg to not make a fool of themselves in public spaces. Must have something to do w not receiving much negative feedback growing up and having mostly good experiences aswell. They're usually extroverted and have a huge social circle and connections.
Yeah most GL people are NT but they don’t have to be

I’m not very NT but I have tons of friends and have slayed a lot and have had constant validation for my looks for most of my life and i’m only max chadlite

But tbf I can speak about non NT topics in a very NT way which makes people alot more receptive (this is the social awareness I imagine you must be referring to.) I’m not socially awkward at all but I have been called eccentric on many occasions

All I’m saying is i’ve gotten away with some crazy stuff socially, I can’t even imagine the type of stuff a true Chad could get away with
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Yeah most GL people are NT but they don’t have to be

I’m not very NT but I have tons of friends and have slayed a lot and have had constant validation for my looks for most of my life and i’m only max chadlite

But tbf I can speak about non NT topics in a very NT way which makes people alot more receptive (this is the social awareness I imagine you must be referring to.) I’m not socially awkward at all but I have been called eccentric on many occasions

All I’m saying is i’ve gotten away with some crazy stuff socially, I can’t even imagine the type of stuff a true Chad could get away with
pm face?
He was a pretty boy maxxed tall white chadlite yet still no onne cares. I think he would slay very easily still but he doensnt have women throwing themselves at him like this forum claims happens to every htn+ guy
Foids are desensitized because of le jewish social media. To them the average guy IS chadlite and 6'3+:lul:
I will say being GL you are kind of blind to the preferential treatment you receive

Obv this is the halo effect but after diving into the blackpill it really dawned on me how much this impacts my daily life

The main thing I noticed was micro expressions

When you’re GL every interaction, no matter how small is usually neutral or positive but honestly it’s usually just positive

People will smile at you on the street, nod to you, have more patience with you, stare or look at you (especially women but men do it too)

Just everything is nicer in a subtle way that when you aren’t GL aren’t necessarily bad but just not as good

It’s the difference between going up to a cashier and she smiles at you vs has a blank expression

Multiply that by all the interactions all of your life and you begin to see how much of an advantage it is

You walk around in a state of elevated confidence and entitlement towards the world

And ironically that elevated entitlement and confidence motivates you to go after what you want when it is denied you

When you take a social L as a GL person, you see it as an injustice rather than as a normal part of life, and this view can make you work very hard to get it
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  • +1
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Agreed up until the last part

You can get away with saying a lot of insane shit when you’re GL
This assumes you're the only guy in existence

If other guys are around you who also mog and aren't weirdos, the shit you say won't be dismissed. As if women don't have options to choose from between unhinged weirdos and normies
You won't be treated like a god, but you'll be treated better than everyone else, regardless of if you notice it or not

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