I'm probably one of the most knowledgeable members on steroids here. Ask Me Anything

I used to be one of the OGs of this website all the way back in 2017-2018. I deleted my account but my username was @Intel.Imperative (this is a new account with the same name). I was friends with members like @Nibba , @x69 , @jefferson and a few others.

I have a good presence on UK-Muscle bodybuilding/steroid website. I was going through some of the threads on this website and people dont seem to know too much about steroids but are very interested.

I've only completed 2/3 cycles but I've been researching gear for the last 7 years. I've spent the last 4 years going in and out of psychiatric hospital involentarily for Paranoid Schizoprenia and hence, couldnt run any AAS cycles or attend the gym. I've just been released so i'll be getting back into things in the next month.

I've brewed my own steroids and have a stock pile of gear for when I start

I take a science-based approach to enhanced bodybuilding and am happy to answer any question you might have.

Cheers mates.

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What do you think hhonestly Dorian yates cycle was like prediction with exact dosages
Sounds good. How often r u taking that HCG?
Will that hcg keep me away from being infertile and atrophy
Is it that easy?
will i need arimidex?
Also wanting to doing this because i want to do my first cycle right before university at the summer
So doing this will make that time easier to manage
Then you aren’t knowledgeable enough bro you could just take a guess
Ok another question how yo inject Ghk Cu without it being painful
Any guess would be pointless? There are a million variables?? What a retarded thing to expect.
Will that hcg keep me away from being infertile and atrophy
Is it that easy?
will i need arimidex?
Also wanting to doing this because i want to do my first cycle right before university at the summer
So doing this will make that time easier to manage
It will help yeah. You shouldnt need any arimidex but have some on hand. Pin 250iu of HCG twice a week
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Then you aren’t knowledgeable enough bro you could just take a guess
Ok another question how yo inject Ghk Cu without it being painful
Will that hcg keep me away from being infertile and atrophy
Is it that easy?
will i need arimidex?
Also wanting to doing this because i want to do my first cycle right before university at the summer
So doing this will make that time easier to manage
Nigga hear me out
40 mcg accutane
500 iu of hcg
25 iu of hmg/fsh
300 test (on 6 weeks/off 6 weeks)
25 mg aromasin
5g of L carnitine tartrate
Make sure your not nutrient deficent
Sleep for atleast 7 hours a day
If you have thyroid problems you could add thyroid
If your a richcell
You could add 5 iu of hgh
It will help yeah. You shouldnt need any arimidex but have some on hand. Pin 250iu of HCG twice a week
Nigga you aren’t knowledgeable
Hcg half lifee is 36 hours wdymn pin it twice a week
Nigga hear me out
40 mcg accutane
500 iu of hcg
25 iu of hmg/fsh
300 test (on 6 weeks/off 6 weeks)
25 mg aromasin
5g of L carnitine tartrate
Make sure your not nutrient deficent
Sleep for atleast 7 hours a day
If you have thyroid problems you could add thyroid
If your a richcell
You could add 5 iu of hgh
Whats the rationale for doing test 6 weeks on 6 weeks off
Nigga you aren’t knowledgeable
Hcg half lifee is 36 hours wdymn pin it twice a week
Its a small amount. If it was larger, then i'd recommend 3x per week.
Whats the rationale for doing test 6 weeks on 6 weeks off
The receptors downregulate
Also to mitigate side effect their a reason trt never exceeds 250 mg
You want to get as much gains for the exposure you get
The receptors downregulate
Also to mitigate side effect their a reason trt never exceeds 250 mg
You want to get as much gains for the exposure you get
They do not downregulate. If it did, it wouldnt be anything signifigant at all and sure as fuck not with 6 weeks. There is even some conversation of it upregulating the AR. Thats debatable though.
Will that hcg keep me away from being infertile and atrophy
Is it that easy?
will i need arimidex?
Also wanting to doing this because i want to do my first cycle right before university at the summer
So doing this will make that time easier to manage
Bostin lloyd Kept his balls the same size as when he was off steroids and even impregnated his wife while on 700 tren (19 nors deca ment tren are know to cause infertility problems so the fact he got her pregnant on hcg is a miracle that show you how strong it is) he was using 500 iu 3x per week he said 5000 iu but corrected himself in the comments so 500 iu 3x per week
They do not downregulate. If it did, it wouldnt be anything signifigant at all and sure as fuck not with 6 weeks. There is even some conversation of it upregulating the AR. Thats debatable though.
By downregulate i mean desensitize
A guy who take 600 test blast and cruise on 150
Would make more gains than someone on 300 year around
Even if they used the same ammount of test mg per mg
Nigga hear me out
40 mcg accutane
500 iu of hcg
25 iu of hmg/fsh
300 test (on 6 weeks/off 6 weeks)
25 mg aromasin
5g of L carnitine tartrate
Make sure your not nutrient deficent
Sleep for atleast 7 hours a day
If you have thyroid problems you could add thyroid
If your a richcell
You could add 5 iu of hgh
Not sure if i can find hmg
What will this change explain?
Like why do i use accutane/l carnitine
Also why on/off
Not sure if i can find hmg
What will this change explain?
Like why do i use accutane/l carnitine
Also why on/off
Basicaly your balls have 2 horrmone
And fsh
Hcg sends a signal to your brain to create lh
While hmg signa your brain to create fsh (also lh)
Injectable fsh is rare if you can get your hands on it then. Feel free to do so
Accutane is to prevent pimples and gad a lot of lookmaxxing benefit
L carnitine has been shown to increase androgen receptors
The receptors desensitize to gear overtime Their is no need to be on big doses all the time you could just blast when your receptors are still sensitive get all the benefits then when you get sides you just cruise with hcg and hmg
  • +1
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By downregulate i mean desensitize
A guy who take 600 test blast and cruise on 150
Would make more gains than someone on 300 year around
Even if they used the same ammount of test mg per mg
They do not desensitize to any signifigant degree at all. If that were the case, how come people who have there TRT at around 150mg per week for 10+ years dont experience any decreased potency
They do not desensitize to any signifigant degree at all. If that were the case, how come people who have there TRT at around 150mg per week for 10+ years dont experience any decreased potency
Uhm yeahh i forgot to talk about that
Desensitize only when its much much more than supraphysiological levels
150 mg of test ester X ≠ bioavailable testosterone
You could inject 150 mg of tedt and youll have the same total T as someone who produce 75 mg per day (even tho your free T is gonna be like double)
Is pinning test worth it relative to the gains and health risks?
Yes it is
Why is every non-nerd entrepreneur on test
Even fucking jeff besos is probably on test
  • JFL
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Basicaly your balls have 2 horrmone
And fsh
Hcg sends a signal to your brain to create lh
While hmg signa your brain to create fsh (also lh)
Injectable fsh is rare if you can get your hands on it then. Feel free to do so
Accutane is to prevent pimples and gad a lot of lookmaxxing benefit
L carnitine has been shown to increase androgen receptors
The receptors desensitize to gear overtime Their is no need to be on big doses all the time you could just blast when your receptors are still sensitive get all the benefits then when you get sides you just cruise with hcg and hmg
I hardly find hcg on pharmacy stores
So i dont think i can find hmg
I also saw that receptors desentize over time and l carnytyne or growth takes care of that
But just 125mg test will do that really?
I Will try to get accutane and l carnytyne tho but probably a bit later after i start
Do you guys have any knowledge about PE
I want to try it and wanted to know if there will be any win/loss to that when i inject test
do you think that the gold era bodybuilder really only took what they said publically? 15mg dbol a day and 100mg test a week with maybe a little winny here and there?
That arnold
And knowinh arnold ow boy
Maybe that was arnold after the mr okymoia cycle
His cycle was like 5g of AAS total probably pre contest
  • Woah
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Yes it is
Why is every non-nerd entrepreneur on test
Even fucking jeff besos is probably on test
yh but that makes sense since they are older so they need it

im in my early 20s is it worth it then. i have pretty much exhausted all my natty gains
Because anavar is a different molecule to testosterone. Its not just about dosage. Anavar is completely different than testosterone and the body dont produce anavar on its own and doesnt know what to do with it.
😑 @MA_ascender
yh but that makes sense since they are older so they need it

im in my early 20s is it worth it then. i have pretty much exhausted all my natty gains
Use 300 test and 5 iu of hgh and pop 25 mg aromasin
Keep it simple
  • +1
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You could run 500mg testosterone alone. 15lbs over 16 months on a first cycle is attainable. I'd bulk throughout. You dont need another AAS for cutting unless you're doing a cut. Wether your bulking or cutting depends mainly on your calorie consumption. You can bulk on primobolan and cut on dianabol if you wanted to. Not saying some steroids arent better for certain goals then others, i'm just saying its not the be-all-end-all
On 500 test ????
You would gain 45 pounds of fat free mass in 16 months wtf do you talk about
Except if your 15 with povry genetics
  • +1
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Hope 16 is a typo and you meant 6 right ?? But wouldn't I lose my cycle gains if I cut without aas? How much in bodyfat should I go up during my cycle ?
Thats when hcg and hmg come into play
Why not a 1000
Not worth it
Why double the dose get 2x the ammount of sides for 25% increase
yes but arent gains maxxed out at 500mg in terms of sides? like below 400 doesnt yield too many results and you get similar sides
yes but arent gains maxxed out at 500mg in terms of sides? like below 400 doesnt yield too many results and you get similar sides
No 500 test is a lot
If you remove the ester that like 5x the maximum ammount of test the maximum that a man could produce (which iis like 75-85 mg)
  • +1
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No 500 test is a lot
Kf you remove the ester that like 5x the maximum ammount of test the maximum that a man could produce (which iis like 75-85 mg)
so 300 is enough for good gains and minimal sides? how much can you gain on that dose?
On 500 test ????
You would gain 45 pounds of fat free mass in 16 months wtf do you talk about
Except if your 15 with povry genetics
I meant weeks. Not months
I hardly find hcg on pharmacy stores
So i dont think i can find hmg
I also saw that receptors desentize over time and l carnytyne or growth takes care of that
But just 125mg test will do that really?
I Will try to get accutane and l carnytyne tho but probably a bit later after i start
Do you guys have any knowledge about PE
I want to try it and wanted to know if there will be any win/loss to that when i inject test
so 300 is enough for good gains and minimal sides? how much can you gain on that dose?
I mean in weight yeah a lot
But actual muscle probably like 30 lbs of actual muscle if you eat train sleep ppl split for 20 weeks (keep in mind the average natural would build 40 lbs of muscle in like 5 years then plateau that’s like. 90% of his genetic potential unlucked)
Like their is some study where guys gained 30lbs of fat free mass on 300 test without even training or dieting so supposing you have average genetics and train your ass off diet and sleep (which will be easir cause test increase motivation)
  • +1
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I mean in weight yeah a lot
But actual muscle probably like 30 lbs of actual muscle if you eat train sleep ppl split for 20 weeks (keep in mind the average natural would build 40 lbs of muscle in like 5 years then plateau that’s like. 90% of his genetic potential unlucked)
Like their is some study where guys gained 30lbs of fat free mass on 300 test without even training or dieting so supposing you have average genetics and train your ass off diet and sleep (which will be easir cause test increase motivation)
have you taken it b4? what was the experince like in terms of gains and sides? long term health etc
I hardly find hcg on pharmacy stores
So i dont think i can find hmg
I also saw that receptors desentize over time and l carnytyne or growth takes care of that
But just 125mg test will do that really?
I Will try to get accutane and l carnytyne tho but probably a bit later after i start
Do you guys have any knowledge about PE
I want to try it and wanted to know if there will be any win/loss to that when i inject test
Your gonna notice results (mostly from bloodfloww dont be shocked if you. Added 1 inch its not the test that did you didn’t actually gain size the same shit would have happened if you popped a shit ton of viagra)
Uhm also 125 test is super low like even Free testosterone someone natty could have more test than you if your afraid of sides that much bump it to 150-200 but idealy try to get 250-300
Also make sure your injectiing exectly the dosages you don’t want yo be injecting 100 or 75 mg by accident you might even go catabolic if you inject 50 mg or less
  • +1
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have you taken it b4? what was the experince like in terms of gains and sides? long term health etc
Got 0 sides except elevated blood pressure (maximum it got was like 140)
I might send you my bloodwork if your interrested
  • +1
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Got 0 sides except elevated blood pressure (macimum it got was like 140)
I might send you my bloodwork if your interrested
yes pls do. also all details like pinning experience, gains, gains compared to natty, health, mental state etc would be helpful. thx
Your gonna notice results (mostly from bloodfloww dont be shocked if you. Added 1 inch its not the test that did you didn’t actually gain size the same shit would have happened if you popped a shit ton of viagra)
Uhm also 125 test is super low like even Free testosterone someone natty could have more test than you if your afraid of sides that much bump it to 150-200 but idealy try to get 250-300
Also make sure your injectiing exectly the dosages you don’t want yo be injecting 100 or 75 mg by accident you might even go catabolic if you inject 50 mg or less
I can do 200 no problem
Your gonna notice results (mostly from bloodfloww dont be shocked if you. Added 1 inch its not the test that did you didn’t actually gain size the same shit would have happened if you popped a shit ton of viagra)
Uhm also 125 test is super low like even Free testosterone someone natty could have more test than you if your afraid of sides that much bump it to 150-200 but idealy try to get 250-300
Also make sure your injectiing exectly the dosages you don’t want yo be injecting 100 or 75 mg by accident you might even go catabolic if you inject 50 mg or less
nigger what do you think of proviron

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