Imagine being an incel and thinking your parents deserve respect

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Problem with "enlightened blackpillers" who hate at their parents in internet is that after this hating in internet and encouraging others to do same they just go to mommy's home, eat her lunch and after that they say "it was delicious, thank you mom".
Problem with "enlightened blackpillers" who hate at their parents in internet is that after this hating in internet and encouraging others to do same they just go to mommy's home, eat her lunch and after that they say "it was delicious, thank you mom".
my mom is dead
  • JFL
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Problem with "enlightened blackpillers" who hate at their parents in internet is that after this hating in internet and encouraging others to do same they just go to mommy's home, eat her lunch and after that they say "it was delicious, thank you mom".
Why would you not use those that you hate?

Dark triad badboy to lovebomb your dieing mom so you get more inheritance money n shit tbh
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Why would you not use those that you hate?

Dark triad badboy to lovebomb your dieing mom so you get more inheritance money n shit tbh
Im not dark triad badboy, you arent dark triad badboy, OP isnt dark triad badboy too.

Doesnt mean jack shit if you call yourself dark triad badboy after insulting someone on anonymous forum, none here is dark triad badboy, if anyone was then he wouldnt be on here in the first place, he would focus on making profit in real life, not on this shit forum.
Im not dark triad badboy, you arent dark triad badboy, OP isnt dark triad badboy too.

Doesnt mean jack shit if you call yourself dark triad badboy after insulting someone on anonymous forum, none here is dark triad badboy, if anyone was then he wouldnt be on here in the first place, he would focus on making profit in real life, not on this shit forum.
jfl @ you, I never claimed to be dark triad.

you're honestly a moralfag, "muh don't hate on the internet" go back to reddit you stupid cuck
  • JFL
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jfl @ you, I never claimed to be dark triad.

you're honestly a moralfag, "muh don't hate on the internet" go back to reddit you stupid cuck
nice reading skills, never said you did tell you are dark triad lmao i just wanted to show how this forum works

also lol @ telling me to go to reddit, im here for longer than you, just i focus on more productive stuff instead of making "blackpill theories" on parents (one thing related to this, you were just unlucky to get shit genes, a lot is luck and genetic recombination, its like gambling on some website and then blaming it because you lost, i always advise same if someone "hates" their life to that point, just off yourself if you dont like it)

also dont call me cuck, im just not delusional
nice reading skills, never said you did tell you are dark triad lmao i just wanted to show how this forum works

also lol @ telling me to go to reddit, im here for longer than you, just i focus on more productive stuff instead of making "blackpill theories" on parents (one thing related to this, you were just unlucky to get shit genes, a lot is luck and genetic recombination, its like gambling on some website and then blaming it because you lost, i always advise same if someone "hates" their life to that point, just off yourself if you dont like it)

also dont call me cuck, im just not delusional
i'll call you a cuck if I want. and you are delusional. you act as if its all genes and parenting has zero effect on a childs upbringing. most people are close to average genetically, so different parenting techniques will result in different outcomes. if you had a kid, would you just get drunk, neglect him, and not try and guide him to success?

and I'm not just gonna rope because you dislike my posts. If I wanna complain, I'll go ahead and fucking do it. Don't act like you're recommending suicide out of seeing what's best for me. it's clear you're saying it in a condescending manner

and I love how you claim to be so focused on being "productive", yet you're in this thread responding to my posts :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
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  • JFL
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and you are delusional. you act as if its all genes and parenting has zero effect on a childs upbringing. most people are close to average genetically, so different parenting techniques will result in different outcomes. if you had a kid, would you just get drunk, neglect him, and not try and guide him to success?
it literally depends, a lot parents, a LOT dont care about their children growing up, i mean looks-wise, ofc if child has some really obvious problems then most of them will try to help their kid but still a lot, but a lot children from non-rich families just grow up not caring about their looks, a lot incels notice that something is wrong when its way too late... most parents care about shit like education, good behaviour etc etc thats what they teach us, or at least most of us (i know there are bad parents as well but im talking about normal families). and we cant deny, there is bunch of educated incels or ones who are during uni, or some are even still in high school. can we deny that they arent guiding them to success? absolutely not. most parents tell us same what 99% of people do, what media does... that for men the most important is success in job etc etc and its important for women to have good looks, not men... i guess in incoming years there might be change, and more parents will take care about physical apperance of their child but we were born probably too early, in times of this big revolution and we are first generation who feels effects of internet, increased hypergamy etc

there is a lot gl ppl who were growing up in shit/average conditions, and a lot bad looking ppl who had everything since birth... as i said a lot of this is simply genetics, genetical recombination (even in my case, my brother has much wider skull, wider ipd, pfl... even if i took care more in past i dont think i would get 10mm ipd more, way more compact face etc, most of this is entirely genetical)... im just saying it from my point of view, im not going to hate my parents because im 3 inches shorter than average and i have worse frame than average guy because they were only people who helped me in life

same is going for average incel, for average incel family is probably one thing they can count on (ofc there might be cases of opposite thing, but we are talking about normal conditions) and its not really good deal to cut bonds like that

there is a lot stuff we have to consider before hating on someone because we arent some 8/10 chads
it literally depends, a lot parents, a LOT dont care about their children growing up, i mean looks-wise, ofc if child has some really obvious problems then most of them will try to help their kid but still a lot, but a lot children from non-rich families just grow up not caring about their looks, a lot incels notice that something is wrong when its way too late... most parents care about shit like education, good behaviour etc etc thats what they teach us, or at least most of us (i know there are bad parents as well but im talking about normal families). and we cant deny, there is bunch of educated incels or ones who are during uni, or some are even still in high school. can we deny that they arent guiding them to success? absolutely not. most parents tell us same what 99% of people do, what media does... that for men the most important is success in job etc etc and its important for women to have good looks, not men... i guess in incoming years there might be change, and more parents will take care about physical apperance of their child but we were born probably too early, in times of this big revolution and we are first generation who feels effects of internet, increased hypergamy etc

there is a lot gl ppl who were growing up in shit/average conditions, and a lot bad looking ppl who had everything since birth... as i said a lot of this is simply genetics, genetical recombination (even in my case, my brother has much wider skull, wider ipd, pfl... even if i took care more in past i dont think i would get 10mm ipd more, way more compact face etc, most of this is entirely genetical)... im just saying it from my point of view, im not going to hate my parents because im 3 inches shorter than average and i have worse frame than average guy because they were only people who helped me in life

same is going for average incel, for average incel family is probably one thing they can count on (ofc there might be cases of opposite thing, but we are talking about normal conditions) and its not really good deal to cut bonds like that

there is a lot stuff we have to consider before hating on someone because we arent some 8/10 chads
If I was a 6/10 dude who had a girlfriend in high school and several hook ups in college, I wouldn't be that angry.

The problem is I'm a sub5 incel who's 25 and never had unpaid sex. The problem is that I was gaslighted and told "I'm not ugly" and they didn't care to fix my problems even when I came to them for help.
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The problem is that I was gaslighted and told "I'm not ugly" and they didn't care to fix my problems even when I came to them for help.
then you got reason to hate

i was just referring to first post... there is a lot stuff to consider, there is a lot differences between people and their past etc some just get reason to hate their parents, some dont

anyways thanks for discussion, hold on there
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then you got reason to hate

i was just referring to first post... there is a lot stuff to consider, there is a lot differences between people and their past etc some just get reason to hate their parents, some dont

anyways thanks for discussion, hold on there
I hate my parents as they did everything they could have done wrong and fucked up an already fucked up situation. I was never given freedom beyond rot on my pc or ds as a kid and they would have never let me go out late like other youth did since their early teenage years. Bad parents will also abuse you leading to higher cortisol levels which will impact looks, growth to a certain extent and social behaviour. If you are singled out socially because of what your parents did to you then you have every right to hate them etc. My mother drunk while pregnant with me and I hate her.

Of course if my parents apologised to me and realised what they did wrong and gave me reasons to why they have implemented such crude measures for no reason I would accept it as it is although there question of "why didn't you change your behaviour sooner" would still remain. But regardless if they support me in the now despite being fuck ups when I was in younger I won't respect them but won't have resentment from them.

Shitty parents is part of why I am on these boards. They have put my at every disadvantage that they could of. This included sending me to a private school where the class of children were far beyond me and then moving into an estate with very little children in it despite me struggling to make friends already. They never maintained my relationships with other kids as it was too much hassle. My father stopped taking me to rugby as he couldn't be bothered to drive me. Meanwhile rugby moms would take their kids to rugby for years to get them ready to experience teen love. I had no such backing.

You need to see where people such as @personalityinkwell are coming from. It is not all black and white. Yes a big dick and a car or being 5 psl + will overcome back parenting to a degree but the negative effects will still be there.
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I got cancer at 12 and the risk factors for it were inherited through my mothers side (autoimmune)
Still don’t blame them man
You're very strong hearted bro bro. For me, I KNOW a lot of bad shit could've been prevented and avoided with my face if my parents weren't incompetent about taking care of their sons teeth. Sometimes I really do feel like running away or killing them legit after a strong vent but most times, I just stop blaming anyone and just keep pushing through
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why not? what's wrong with that?
Imagine knowing your parents caused most of your agony whether unintentionally or not and NOT having any sort of resentment towards them? At that point, you just don't have any respect towards yourself and you're playing yourself💯 (I didn't mean to reply to you, this is just in general)
Imagine knowing your parents caused most of your agony whether unintentionally or not and NOT having any sort of resentment towards them? At that point, you just don't have any respect towards yourself and you're playing yourself💯 (I didn't mean to reply to you, this is just in general)
so how can one acknowledge that their parents screwed them over without hating on oneself?

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