Incel cries have been snuffled


Deleted member 23558

God make my neurotransmitters great inc
Nov 3, 2022
The real blackpill was always the sharp discontinuity in treatment bw incels , normies, and chad (although latter is such an anomalous phenomenon its not worth consideration for most).

Legit incels evoke distrust and disgust in people just by existing. By stripping away their suffering and remolding the correlation bw looks and QOL to a continous stereolithography rather than a sharp discontinuity, you strip away the valid injustice incels feel just by exisitng (I won't oblige to comment on any moral valuation of this, just a sociological observation).

By posturing to an incel that you are MTN and do not get laid so you are both one, you simply remold life to a struggle for nutting in pussy. The stereotypical incel however isnt just concerned with pussy but how the waiter is gonna respond to him in McD,, whether his boss would take his anger out on him again that morning, whether hes gonna break down in the metro again due to his shitty neurotransmitters and life experiences.

In truth, anyone not repulsive to look at will be able to blend into society and integrate themselves into a project (although the worth of this integration is upto the reader). By subsuming yourself into the online Indian homosexual caste system youve been led to believe that life only makes sense as a chad, and it is true that chad will enjoy benefits that MTNs and HTNs cannot , but after MTN it is almost always diminishing returns realistically speaking . By being around a MTN long enough and being exposed to their faces, they start to become more endearing. Ive noticed this IRL as well as online. Even Mr sam entertainment looks cute to me now and I find myself mirin his eyelashes

1715166882331 has the right idea, but since most incels almost always have dogshit neurotransmitters as well, its become a cesspool of self loathers who find purpose in berating themselves or finding a home in universal misanthropy. If those incels actually organised a militia centered on TND or whatever the fuck, they would be the most feared as they would literlaly have no purpose or aim other than random acts of violence. Bin Laden's 3 page manifesto as to why he attacked America would be a laughable achilles heel, compared to the schizophrenic incel jihad that is in full potential but hasnt reached the boiling point yet (nor ever will it judging from how paltry the actual attacks are compared to the online threats).

The only people who watch Oreo Man are slayers like Vermilioncore, or truecels. The normie man cannot relate in any way to the plight of such truecels as he experiences both affection and disaffection equally (depending on the type and facial level of the women he interacted with) , while the incel experiences only rejection and condemnation , and the blackpilled chad like @Vermilioncore derives a sick sense of pleasure after which he fucks his virgin and goes mimimimimi😪😪:sleep:
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  • JFL
Reactions: boss8055, incel194012940, StraightHeadJames and 5 others
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Reactions: Tabula Rasa
Bump for you. Good thread idk why people are ignoring it
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Reactions: Tabula Rasa
tag the incels
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Reactions: kyrre
I almost skipped this thread because I assumed it was just another shitpost, but yeah this is a good thread. The struggles that incels face have become more apparent as our society has moved away from collectivism to a hyper-individualism which is extremely competitive and cut-throat.
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Reactions: incel194012940, Deleted member 23558 and Deleted member 52452
By subsuming yourself into the online Indian homosexual caste system youve been led to believe that life only makes sense as a chad
The Authentic Humanwebm snapshot 0055147
The Authentic Humanwebm snapshot 0349291

“, each and every incel, even someone like Oreo Man, is a bodhisattva in his own right.”
“Did… Did the Dalai Lama tell you this?”
“Yes… and no.”
“I got an impression that he was more amused by the constant smoke alarm chirping in his newer videos.”
In truth, anyone not repulsive to look at will be able to blend into society and integrate themselves into a project (although the worth of this integration is upto the reader). By subsuming yourself into the online Indian homosexual caste system youve been led to believe that life only makes sense as a chad, and it is true that chad will enjoy benefits that MTNs and HTNs cannot , but after MTN it is almost always diminishing returns realistically speaking . By being around a MTN long enough and being exposed to their faces, they start to become more endearing. Ive noticed this IRL as well as online. Even Mr sam entertainment looks cute to me now and I find myself mirin his eyelashes
This doesn’t apply to turbo manlets, below 5’5” and you are automatically hated by all of society and everyone wishes death on you, but yeah most of this is very true, another quality thread that died too soon

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