Incel teacher offs himself after JB girl he was attracted to started dating Chad



Jun 13, 2020
The website was taken down but it's still up on the wayback machine. Unfortunately the images didn't get saved but a lot of his ranting did.

This is just to show what inceldom can do to someone. He obviously thought he had ascended with his student and it sounds like he thought he could have ascended if society didn't fuck things up. He was bitter about it all.

The oldcel was a physics teacher and got fired from his job. I'm not sure if he fucked the girl or not but they were sending messages and so on. Anyway, he eventually lost his career. The girl eventually went to college and started a new college life. Sure enough her pussy lips were wrapped around Chads 8 inch dick relatively quickly. The oldcel was in TURMOIL over this and decided to end his life. On his website he had ripped up all his degrees and accolades


The title of his website was "The pessimist was right all along"

I wish his website wasn't taken down. On it, he had some "Trigger" links and they were all pictures of the girl and Chad and some of the official letters he got from the school firing him.

Here are some quotes from the website. He reached the ER stage but didn't go ER.

The pessimist was right all along.

I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.


Trigger 1 - June 11, 2012
Someone gets to live happily-ever-after in a fairytale dream.
I get to drown in an ocean of Despair.
The pessimist was right all along.

Trigger 2 - December 3, 2012
High school, college, all the work I've done.
It was all for nothing.

Trigger 3 - December 16, 2012
I cannot be with the one I love, I cannot do the work I love.
There is no hope, the dream is lost.
I'm trapped in this Hideous world,
where the twin demons of Loneliness and Despair torment,
where the Longing desiccates,
where tears fall without end.

Trigger 4 - January 2, 2013

I free myself from this Hideous world.
Loneliness and Despair will torment no longer.
The Longing will evaporate with my dying breath.
Tears will fall no more.

Trigger 5 - May 20, 2013
I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.
I wish I'd never been afflicted with this CURSE OF LIFE.
Trigger 6 - September 14, 2013
All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream.

Trigger 7 - September 14, 2013
.I finally found her. I found my Eve.
I fall in love. She falls in love.
And the Hideous world makes it impossible.
And the Hideous world destroys me.
Happiness, purpose, meaning, value: all stripped away. All gone.
Because I fell in love.

Trigger 8 - September 15, 2013
Trigger 9 - September 20, 2013

I quit the world.
.I've completely had it.

There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world,
where my only dream CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER come true.
There is no reason for me to exist in this Hideous world,
where I have no hope, no future, nothing.NOTHING AT ALL.

I am ending this nightmare.
I am ending the pain.


I do want to make one thing perfectly clear before I end:
Not that the truth matters in this Hideous world.

I always knew this would happen one day.
I always knew it would end like this.

I always knew.

July 29, 2003 -- "In the end, I will most likely die by my own hand."
December 16, 2007 -- "I am doomed to die alone."

November 12, 2011 -- "I will die alone, never having known love."
Christopher Reese Swanson
Afflicted with the curse of life on December 30, 1971
Freed from the curse on September 20, 2013


November 26, 2011 -- "How will it end? I'm so fearful of the answer to that question. I'm...beginning to cry just thinking about it, tears are running down my cheeks. How is this going to end? Am I doomed to lead a lonely life of tears, forced to play back our moments together, crying endlessly as I am now, stricken with such burning pain in my heart? I'm crying so hard that it's hard to write. I have to pause between sentences. She's going to Mercyhurst where she will be with Steven every day. I'm going to be left alone. She's going to leave me behind. Her life will be one of joy and happiness, while mine will be drenched in sorrow and despair. She would never love me anyways. I'm 22 years older than she is. I'm about as old as her mother. The tears keep pouring out. I hate this world. I hate it. I hate everything about it. That's all I have to look forward to: more pain, more tears, sobbing, crying. I wish I had never been born. I wish I would just drop over dead so the pain would end."

things were different"


How I feel
about god.

  • JFL
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, thecel, Constantin Denis and 9 others
Man offed himself over a bitch yenno
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: Bensky, FreakkForLife, GetShrekt and 5 others
I'm going to kill myself. I'm going to shoot myself in the head with an 1891 Argentine Mauser, a rifle I inherited from my grandfather. I was hoping this heirloom would be something that I would pass on to my children,
The fate of the average shizo breedcoper here
  • JFL
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, FreakkForLife, thecel and 5 others
  • +1
Reactions: Lasko123
Jfl at this retard, you can get tons of prime jailbait pussy just by moving to a shithole in africa or asia, If he's white even better chance of slaying jb's
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, FreakkForLife, looksmaxxed and 1 other person

There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world,
where my only dream CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER come true.
There is no reason for me to exist in this Hideous world,
where I have no hope, no future, nothing.NOTHING AT ALL.

I am ending this nightmare.
I am ending the pain.


I do want to make one thing perfectly clear before I end:
Not that the truth matters in this Hideous world.

I always knew this would happen one day.
I always knew it would end like this.

I always knew.

July 29, 2003 -- "In the end, I will most likely die by my own hand."
December 16, 2007 -- "I am doomed to die alone."

November 12, 2011 -- "I will die alone, never having known love."
Christopher Reese Swanson
Afflicted with the curse of life on December 30, 1971
Freed from the curse on September 20, 2013


November 26, 2011 -- "How will it end? I'm so fearful of the answer to that question. I'm...beginning to cry just thinking about it, tears are running down my cheeks. How is this going to end? Am I doomed to lead a lonely life of tears, forced to play back our moments together, crying endlessly as I am now, stricken with such burning pain in my heart? I'm crying so hard that it's hard to write. I have to pause between sentences. She's going to Mercyhurst where she will be with Steven every day. I'm going to be left alone. She's going to leave me behind. Her life will be one of joy and happiness, while mine will be drenched in sorrow and despair. She would never love me anyways. I'm 22 years older than she is. I'm about as old as her mother. The tears keep pouring out. I hate this world. I hate it. I hate everything about it. That's all I have to look forward to: more pain, more tears, sobbing, crying. I wish I had never been born. I wish I would just drop over dead so the pain would end."

things were different"


How I feel
about god.


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
Boston Celtics Lol GIF by NBA
Ricky Gervais Lol GIF
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"All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream."

I find it weird that there are males who have thought this way their entire life, only having the ambition to be with one woman
Even when I was 6 years old I thought I would be some millionaire playboy getting with new girls into my 60s
It wasn't until I was 22 that I the idea of getting a prime girl and staying with her for life came onto my mind because I realized the window to do it would start to close.

Also the part about "I cannot do the work I love" is funny as if losing out on being a teacher is such a life destroying thing
If I had done 4 years of college to become a teacher and could throw my career away to fuck one prime JB (assuming no prosecution) I'd do it
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview and Deleted member 9819
Lol someone with a PHD in Physics kills himself over jb pill. Really makes you think about what is the most important thing in life doesn't it? The guy obviously wasnt stupid
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, FrameMogger, Constantin Denis and 5 others
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe my Thai date wanna hang out with tigers at the zoo? Maybe we can fuck? Hmmm what’s Indian pussy smell like? Hmmmmmmmm maybe I can suck cock and get a fucked in the ass tonight?


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  • JFL
Reactions: Constantin Denis, mulattomaxxer, Sonny Black and 3 others
  • +1
Reactions: the BULL
Lol someone with a PHD in Physics kills himself over jb pill. Really makes you think about what is the most important thing in life doesn't it? The guy obviously wasnt stupid
he was low sentience, which makes him quite stupid. he was likely high or above average iq. but iq isn't the most important aspect of intelligence, sentience is. he was still on that bluepilled muh marry and start a family bs
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife and the BULL
Lol someone with a PHD in Physics kills himself over jb pill. Really makes you think about what is the most important thing in life doesn't it? The guy obviously wasnt stupid
He was a textbook sore loser. In North Italy we don't become like that
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife
He did however get a jb as an oldcel, which is impressive. I have a physics bachelor as well, so that might an option to become a high school teacher. I wonder how good looking and NT he was.
He did however get a jb as an oldcel, which is impressive. I have a physics bachelor as well, so that might an option to become a high school teacher. I wonder how good looking and NT he was.
he was likely delusional and she was interacting with him out of pity. these weird pedo fucks have no contact with reality
fuck man hardcore oneitis pill
  • +1
Reactions: Constantin Denis
I think this is pretty sad tbh imagine how many men kys over a woman compared to the other way
If a nigga uses a word like "desiccate" you know he's about to go nuts

But seriously I can't even imagine why ugly guys think they "deserve" love with hot girls

Like how are they even let down at this point?

when they were 12 didn't girls make fun of them? what about 11? did they ever receive any positive validation? from cashiers? from anyone? their families?

ugly people should be so used to abuse.... it AMAZES me when they think randomly things will start working out like a Disney fairy tale. what the fuck are these dumb niggers THINKING.

they need to cut their losses and focus their whole teaching salary and the weight of their energy into drowning their sorrows with Benzos, asian massage parlors, and the finest hookers the land has ever seen. even sexual tourism. the world is their oyster honestly - but they throw it away writing haikus about some bitch named Eve.
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview
Let me see the chad

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