indian girls are underrated



Jul 11, 2023
some of them are pretty hot and if ur white its easy mode met this indian at a party and she called me the 'epitome of the dream emo guy like comic book pretty boy' so just vampiremaxx and slay some indians they arent that bad and have better values than white women
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  • JFL
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Reactions: greycel, egyptianKang, nathan and 2 others
Nigga got complimented by one Indian girl and had to make a thread about it.
  • JFL
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Reactions: KONKIN, emo, SEAmaxxer and 3 others
some of them are pretty hot and if ur white its easy mode met this indian at the party and she called me the 'epitome of the dream emo guy like comic book pretty boy' so just vampiremaxx and slay some indians they arent that bad and have better values than white women

Sorry, yt bois like you get her only

  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: SidharthTheSlayer, Saisei and FaceandBBC
As if all of them don't look like this lol

I mean if another Pajeet wants to join in on the "all jeetas look like kaling" train, go for it.

The ones here look like this on average

ZomboDroid 21112023023543

But you go ahead and keep the propaganda running.
  • Hmm...
  • Ugh..
Reactions: greycel, matka and SidharthTheSlayer
As if all of them don't look like this lol
nvm bhai , they have a in-built perception of all indians being that dumb dark oily skinned , with yaas saar accent and 5 feet flat subhuman
they wont wanna accept the fact that indians can be good looking or mogger
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: Saisei and SidharthTheSlayer

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