@INNERVOID is the most negative 2024cel

Thread he did about me when he was CrestFallen
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Imagine your future employer does a reverse search of your fucking face and finds you've made thousands of posts on .org:lul:
  • JFL
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Hahahah he’s been around since 2016. He legit was famous on Incels.is in 2017 for being a notorious fakecel
I used to get so mad at him back when I was an incel on incels.me in 2017/18 because he would always get female attention from reddit while my inbox was empty

Then years later he’s still just rotting and probably looks like shit these days
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  • JFL
Reactions: efidescontinuado and ConfusedBolivian
Hahahah he’s been around since 2016. He legit was famous on Incels.is in 2017 for being a notorious fakecel
How is he fakecrl
  • WTF
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I used to get so mad at him back when I was an incel on incels.me in 2017/18 because he would always get female attention from reddit while my inbox was empty

Then years later he’s still just rotting and probably looks like shit these days
So you think he’s genuinely a mentalcel or just a trolling Larping cunt who gets pussy IRL
  • JFL
Reactions: RichardSpencel
So you think he’s genuinely a mentalcel or just a trolling Larping cunt who gets pussy IRL
He doesn’t leave his basement,all his stories are the same ones he’s been saying for the past 6 years

I have a brother like him he does nothing but wants to tell you every detail of his shit life over and over again because he’s so lonely and doesn’t have any new stories
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: nofap, MoggerGaston, st.hamudi but 6‘5 and 1 other person
He doesn’t leave his basement,all his stories are the same ones he’s been saying for the past 6 years
How do you know that about him? How can someone as objectively good looking as him end up as a basement dweller with no girls??? Makes no sense
I have a brother like him he does nothing but wants to tell you every detail of his shit life over and over again because he’s so lonely
is ur brother in these communities too?
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
You know another thing that doesn't add up about him

How does he post here the entire fucking day and manage to have multiple houses and cars like he told us a while ago. I mean, wouldn't you have to be super busy all day with your own business or job or whatever to maintain all of that?

Furthermore, why doesn't he become a sugar daddy and get laid that way? I'm pretty sure some hot Greek girl wouldn't mind being in that situation
How do you know that about him? How can someone as objectively good looking as him end up as a basement dweller with no girls??? Makes no sense

is ur brother in these communities too?
I’ve seen literally the same posts from him for 6 years ,he’ll write a story and pretend like it just happened and it was atleast 3 years ago

He’s not that gl even in his photos and he has other photos when he was on lookism and he was fat and looked like shit ,there is probably a reason why there is no recent photos from him

And no my brother doesn’t post here
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Reactions: MoggerGaston, yeeyeeslayer and Deleted member 60051
I used to get so mad at him back when I was an incel on incels.me in 2017/18 because he would always get female attention from reddit while my inbox was empty

Then years later he’s still just rotting and probably looks like shit these days
What was ur account
he’s realistic and non delusional unlike the majority here
I’ve seen literally the same posts from him for 6 years ,he’ll write a story and pretend like it just happened and it was atleast 3 years ago
U think he’s mentally ill
He’s not that gl even in his photos and he has other photos when he was on lookism and he was fat and looked like shit ,there is probably a reason why there is no recent photos from him
So he descended since then
Then that guy is probably not him. Just like wishiwaschico, they probably don't want to post their real face. I mean this is an incel forum afterall. Why would you want to have your face plastered all over a website where people complain about "foids" being mean and promiscuous?
I doubt it, why to would you post someone’s else face on forum?
People even in rating threads say shit like „rate my friend” and then get avalanche of hate from ppl saying „yeah we know that’s you”. And literally no employer is going to find out that you’re on org, unless you're about to work in important company.
like i havent seen a single positive post from @InnerVoid
you gotta be acid tier deformed to be so nihilistic
I have no way to know but I’m 90% certain it’s crestfallen95
He is trolling/LARPing as an incel for attention. He has been doing this since at least 2017.

>He morphs his pics to look good and defends himself when you post the old ones where he doesn't look as good.
>He claims he has a "9 inch cawk".
>Physics degree, masters, doctorate at 28.
>Has bragged before and insulted "incels" on other forums despite claiming to be one.

etc etc etc
don't feed this guy attention.
@InnerVoid ill send you a sex doll and then just call it a day
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  • JFL
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Truecel looks tbh
No idea why people rate him so high.

He has some decent traits like you think he could be easily MTN but caught in a bad photo; his stare/expression looks weird/aspie. But my bet is these are his best pics and the stare/expression is essentially part of his looks.
Also these pics of him are old as fuck, I remember seeing them 5 years ago. Who knows what he looks like now.

I can relate with him a lot, because I generally only post my best photos here on this forum cuz I'd rather be forum-chad than forum-incel, but even in my best photos my expression is still weird/off. It's non-NT looks. If I would post 'normal pics' of myself here, my status would quickly degrade to 'MTN at best'.

Combine MTN looks like he or I have, with non-NT stare/facial expression. Then add a subpar social-life:

boom: you have nothing other than a truecel.

Which is what I am and what he is.
Although he has it worse I guess since he's still virgin at 28yo while I at least fucked 15 girls or so when I wasn't addicted on drugs yet in 2019-2021 era. But now I have a 2 year dry-spell. (truecel tier)

He could get lucky and fuck some LTB pussy by try-harding on drugs/alcohol at clubs, I am sure of it. I did the same.
Won't help his mental health much though, judging from my own experiences.
But he could still do it anyways for the experience, nothing to lose.

I need quality HTB+ pussy for MONTHS to start healing some of my deep mental scars. Which is a long-shot coming from trueceldom.

Therefore it's better to do drugs ngl. Best way to feel love as a truecel is to do mephedrone, my 2 cents.
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  • +1
Reactions: Manletmachine
He is trolling/LARPing as an incel for attention. He has been doing this since at least 2017.

>He morphs his pics to look good and defends himself when you post the old ones where he doesn't look as good.
>He claims he has a "9 inch cawk".
>Physics degree, masters, doctorate at 28.
>Has bragged before and insulted "incels" on other forums despite claiming to be one.

etc etc etc
don't feed this guy attention.
i never morphed by i do anglefradu
I have a brother like him he does nothing but wants to tell you every detail of his shit life over and over again because he’s so lonely and doesn’t have any new stories
Why don’t you beat him up?

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