Is Ben Greenfield trying to bluepill us on roids?



May 21, 2020
I love this guy's site but he has some contradictory and imo vacuous advice regarding roids.

He says here that roids aren't worth it because:

-increased risk of liver damage and liver tumors…

(doesn't apply to test only / TRT - only harsh orals)

-increased risk of tendon tears…

(surely more a factor of training. Of course if you go balls to the wall straining yourself maxing out compounds and have shit mobility like most roiders you can tear tendons)

-psychological problems and anger issues..

(Only applies on Tren or if you're a nutter to begin with. I have been around a lot of roiders and never experienced the fabled 'roid rage')

-significant blood pressure increases…

(Yes of course this is the most legit one. Usually caused by high e2 though and can be controlled, also a host of other factors like underlying conditions exacerbated by the roids stress etc)

I do not see that these are major, insurmountable issues if running moderate dose test-only cycles or TRT etc - so long as you stay on top of bloodwork and maintain a healthy lifestyle in other ways.......

Could be because he's shilling SARMS here? Or that he wants to be conservative and not endorse hardcore roidcelling?

Or is he right? What do you think?
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Steroids aren't worth it because they will fuck your hair and skin, make you age like shit, fuck up your natural hormone levels and probably give you some kind of fatal disease whether it's your heart, kidneys, lungs, arteries, or whatever in the long run.

The primary reason they aren't worth it is because Face>>>>>>all
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Steroids aren't worth it because they will fuck your hair and skin, make you age like shit, fuck up your natural hormone levels and probably give you some kind of fatal disease whether it's your heart, kidneys, lungs, arteries, or whatever in the long run.

The primary reason they aren't worth it is because Face>>>>>>all

This only applies to abusing them. Like most things the poison is largely in the dose.

Also idk how they could effect kidneys and lungs, but largely agree with your points
  • +1
Reactions: IndianJock
This only applies to abusing them. Like most things the poison is largely in the dose.

Also idk how they could effect kidneys and lungs, but largely agree with your points

Taking lesser amounts of steroids does not mean zero effects, it means less severe effects. You can't even take a fucking aspirin and get zero side effects, JFL if you think you can actually avoid sides on roids.

You're rolling the dice with your genetics. Some people might get no noticeable sides because they're fortunate, others could get raped by acne and die in their thirties.
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he also said RLT made his T triple. why even roiding when such high levels.

WTF lol. Lifefuel if true.

Taking lesser amounts of steroids does not mean zero effects, it means less severe effects. You can't even take a fucking aspirin and get zero side effects, JFL if you think you can actually avoid sides on roids.

You're rolling the dice with your genetics. Some people might get no noticeable sides because they're fortunate, others could get raped by acne and die in their thirties.

Yes, I agree with you there is little chance of getting no sides although moderate Test only cycles seem anecdotally to be very well tolerated

What is your opinion on the specific points he made?
WTF lol. Lifefuel if true.

Yes, I agree with you there is little chance of getting no sides although moderate Test only cycles seem anecdotally to be very well tolerated

What is your opinion on the specific points he made?
yeah i bought one because of him, don't believe it will actually triple though.
  • +1
Reactions: Captain_Collagen
I love this guy's site but he has some contradictory and imo vacuous advice regarding roids.

He says here that roids aren't worth it because:

-increased risk of liver damage and liver tumors…

(doesn't apply to test only / TRT - only harsh orals)

-increased risk of tendon tears…

(surely more a factor of training. Of course if you go balls to the wall straining yourself maxing out compounds and have shit mobility like most roiders you can tear tendons)

-psychological problems and anger issues..

(Only applies on Tren or if you're a nutter to begin with. I have been around a lot of roiders and never experienced the fabled 'roid rage')

-significant blood pressure increases…

(Yes of course this is the most legit one. Usually caused by high e2 though and can be controlled, also a host of other factors like underlying conditions exacerbated by the roids stress etc)

I do not see that these are major, insurmountable issues if running moderate dose test-only cycles or TRT etc - so long as you stay on top of bloodwork and maintain a healthy lifestyle in other ways.......

Could be because he's shilling SARMS here? Or that he wants to be conservative and not endorse hardcore roidcelling?

Or is he right? What do you think?
Hes right with most of this imo. Obviously you cant generalize them all but they usually modulate androgen receptors which can increase agression (roid rage) and most orally taken roids at least fuck up the liver in my experience. Of couse they have many upsides too...
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Reactions: Good_Little_Goy and Captain_Collagen
Look at Connor Murphy. That dude is done. He looks too freaking old.

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