Is Craniofacial dystrophy a jewish conspiracy?



Apr 28, 2023
Is craniofacial dystrophy a jewish conspiracy?

The village idiot by chaim soutaine
Jewish doctor

Left- “The village idiot” By Chaim Soutine, note the downward swung and underdeveloped jaws and poor posture. Mike Mew shared an anecdote of his mother telling him to shut his mouth or he would “become the village idiot” mouth breather is a common insult for a stupid person and studies have shown people who breath through their mouths as children to actually have lower iqs. Proper posture has been taught to children in almost every culture worldwide but has largely stopped after the 1960s hippie movement (which was started by kvetchin’ kikes ) destroyed peoples respect for tradition. Right- a snippet from the National Socialist childrens book “The Poisonous Mushroom” Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

Sleep deprivation data

ABOVE - WHY Sleep is critical for the Body and Brain | Science of Sleep - from the youtube channel "what i've learned"
Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.


source: my balls nibba

If 90 percent of depression and anxiety is sleep related that means about 30 percent of Americans has a sleep issue. Also studies have shown 50 to 75 percent of people with ADHD have sleep apnea. 1 in 10 children today have ADHD. If orthotropics went mainstream that would be a major boon to our cause as people would get better sleep, have more motivation have higher testosterone and overall be more intelligent. I doubt this will ever happen unless we expel the juden because I don’t think ZOG wants it to.


The New York times is owned by the Sulzberger family. Note how they are filthy kikes. Oh you don’t want to choke on your throat while you sleep? You must want to murder women goyim. Also I'm not saying blackpillers all want to murder women. Obviously they don't. BUT that has what incel has come to mean to your average normie. This is jews slandering orthotropics.

Also the kike run british orthodontic society took away John Mew's license for actually preventing the problem they are trying to correct with braces, because his method is permanent so you don't need expensive retainers, and cheap. If mewing became mainstream it would be free, because you wouldn't have to go treat downswung kids faces with MSE expanders and the like, you could just teach them to mew 24/7. Jews, for obvious reasons, want to keep raking in money from gentiles with this and make them less intelligent. Jews are disproportionately involved in medicine as that is where they can get real close to gentiles if you know what I mean. Up close and personal subversion. None of that radio, tv subversion, where it is just spiritual, the kind where you mutilate peoples genitalia for life, inject them with poison, and amputate their teeth and pull their jaws into their throat so they literally can't get REM sleep.

here is a qoute from this podcast exposing jewish domination in medicine, dreameskimo's guest, Tim, says "In 1934 more than 60 percent of 33,000 applicants to medical schools were jews, from 32-33 more than 90 percent of americans studying medicine in europe were Jewish, in 1948 more than 10-15 percent of medical students in NY state were jewish, by 1954 this number had risen to 50 percent (medical students in NY state) in some schools it had risen as high as 80 percent." Now the jews in the media and medicine are trying to take away Mike Mew's license. The legal battle has given him little time to do research and make orthotropics content and has been so costly he had to sell his house!!!! He will be bankrupt if his license is taken away, all that debt from medical school, years and years of it training to be an orthodontist, he will be unable to pay off. This is a family man too! All for the crime of asking "why teeth are crooked" a debate which the orthodontic community has had ZERO debate with him on. They will only IGNORE and SLANDER him because they have no argument. This is typical jewish behavior, well it is the behavior of people who are lying and know they are lying. If they thought they were right, they would DEBATE him not slander, and ignore him and drag him through the mud of the jewdicial system.

Typical jewish tactics. The The ADL sent out a newsletter saying how they would stop George Lincoln Rockwell's message from spreading. The document said never debate him always argue ad hominem, call him a rat, or a louse. And it instructed all jewish booksellers not to carry Rockwell's book.

I was always a happy go lucky worry free child then I became depressed and suicidal in middle school- after retractive orthodontics. The same thing happened to this man who founded the website “right to grow”. Omar's story - Right to Grow
“Despite the published evidence to the contrary, there are orthodontists today who still restrict natural growth using cervical headgear or other means, also without disclosure of the known risks to their patients. I believe this is unacceptable and needs to stop. If you’re interested in learning about the consequences that growth restriction of the airway by way of hindering the growth of the upper jaw can have on a person’s life, I invite you to read on. I've also included some before and after pictures at the end of this write up so that you can understand the types of growth changes that the public has allowed the orthodontic industry to get away with. As I mentioned, at the age of 11, things changed when I started to wear headgear. I started waking up fatigued on a daily basis, literally within months of wearing the headgear but never in my wildest dreams as a kid did I connect the two. The fatigue crept up on me gradually enough such that I could never notice that something was drastically wrong. As I started to wake up tired, I also started to wake up later too. Gone were the days of eating breakfast with the family. I would be out of bed long after breakfast was made and I’d be in a rush getting ready for school while my mom and my little sister were in the car, waiting for me and late for their destinations. Since then, I became known as the person who made everybody late. At the age of 11, my mornings had become rushed and this is something that would never change for 25 years. I’d eat breakfast in the car as fast as I could, and on many days, I’d be so late in the morning that I washed my face at school.”

From personal experience with sleep apnea after I started using a cpap machine my anxiety and depression went away completely. It was like night and day. As this guy says Austin K. - Treated for OSA with MMA Surgery. - YouTube . I was able to focus for much longer read entire books and listen to podcasts constantly. Before I used my cpap machine I thought about killing myself all the time, I was in constant anguish and was addicted to porn and social media due to my low impulse control. I had ruined my 4 point gpa and got a 2.8 nearly failing all of my classes senior and junior year. In eight and ninth grade I was really into cross country and track and got an 11 minute 2 mile and a 18 minute 5k. But my cognitive and athetic performance slowly started to wane. I think was due to poor rest caused by my KIKE orthodontist pulling back my jaws into my goddam throat.
The eternal jew



Contrary to what Abby she/her ACAB BLM might think, tradition isn’t some arbitrary set of rules tyrannically imposed upon society, but is a storage of information, on what works and what doesn’t. (266) How Cod Saved the Vikings - YouTube For example, Vikings in Scandinavia got next to zero vitamin d in the winter when the days are short, so their children started to get unhealthy and have various diseases associated with a lack of vitamin d, like rickets, and other diseases. Cod liver oil allowed to Vikings to survive at such northern latitudes since vitamin d was concentrated in the liver. I doubt they knew what vitamin d was, but they saw that kids who ate cod liver and cod liver oil were much healthier and so continued to do it. In this way important information can be stored in tradition. People with one standard deviation higher of vitamin d in their blood were 20 times less likely to be in critical condition for covid-19. Not that covid 19 is real it’s clearly a relabeling of other respiratory illnesses using a phony PCR test, but that shows how important vitamin d is for the immune system. In Indonesia only 4 percent of patients who died of “covid-19” had sufficient vitamin d levels. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D - Bing video 28 percent of Americans have a vitamin d deficiency, and since vitamin d gets turned into a steroid hormone, its responsible for the regulation of 5 percent of humans protein encoding genome. Dr Patrick likened it to walking around “without testosterone”. Black people are more likely to die of “covid-19” not because of “systemic racism” but because of vitamin d deficiency. Black people are 28 times more likely to be vitamin d deficient, not because of “systemic racism” but because they evolved at the equator so evolved melanin so they wouldn’t get skin cancer. They didn’t lack vitamin d because they were lounging around half naked in the hot African sun all day. But when brought to northern latitudes like Sweden and America, they become severely vitamin d deficient. Wise traditions and facial shape - YouTube Mike Mew has his practice in London, which has become a chaotic multicultural city straight out of the protocols of zion. He asked his patients who have come from all four corners of the world if they had been taught proper posture while sitting and if they had mantras to tell their children to sit up straight. Some British examples are “don’t hang your mouth open like that because one day the wind will change and it will stay like that.” Or “don’t breathe through your mouth or you’ll become the village idiot” in Ukraine and Russia people say “shut your mouth or a fly will fly into it” Without exception they all said yes. This is likely because all cultures saw the horrible effects of poor posture and sought to correct it, without knowing what mewing or orthotropics was, storing that information in tradition. Before the 1950s proper posture being taught was universal. Children were forced to sit up straight and armies had pins on their soldiers lapels forcing proper posture. In the 1900s and our grandparents generation, braces were almost unheard of. But in one generation there was a drastic change in the need and demand for orthodontics. Not only do orthodontics destroy faces by trapping the lower jaw under the upper and pulling the maxilla back, but improper posture destroys faces as well as there is less pressure being exerted by the tongue onto the palate. You can try this by mewing leaning forward and sitting up straight, you can feel a difference in pressure. Mike Mew thinks we stopped this tradition in the west at the same time many traditions were being discarded, during the hippie counterculture movement.


After the hippie movement of the 1960s people threw out all of their parents dogma and traditions. No one wore a suit and tie to work anymore and slouching became cool and hip, in mike mew’s words “everything changed” The 1960s hippie movement was undoubtedly started by Jews, the question is whether or not this cultural change to worsen posture was a lucky benefit to the Jews or if they knew and this was an anticipated outcome of the 1960s movement. It is clear that craniofacial dystrophy helps Jews because it makes white kids look ugly perhaps aiding in their kalergi plan and preventing white in group preference, and it generally makes goyim of all colors dumber and more impulsive, which helps with their obesity agenda and porn agenda. It also makes men more effeminate by making them less attractive and confident and have lower testosterone production, which is almost entirely produced in deep rem sleep. Because of this and because of Jews domination of medicine I think it is likely they knew about this and popularized retractive orthodontics in the 1950s to weaken their goyim cattle. The sleep deprived goy will be more likely to fall into their other agendas as well, such as porn, obesity, and social media addiction because he lacks the will power.

In 1968 the construction on the twin towers began, 33 years later (masonic master number and often used as esoteric messaging) 911 happens. Not to mention the predictive programming about 911 decades before 911 (266) 9/11 Predicted in Media - YouTube predictive programming about 911 can be seen as early as 1978 . It is clear that Jews and their freemason underlings plotted this event decades in advance. Because of the Jews near monopoly of fractional reserve banking and the media it is clear that they are incredibly powerful and organized. It is also reasonable to assume that because of their monopoly over Academica, science, and medicine, that they could have discovered this relatively simple concept and kept it hidden from the public. It seems this information was already known in the 19th century. George Catlin, an American artist became fascinated with native Americans and dedicated his life to documenting their lives and painting them. He soon discovered the incredible health of the native Americans. Quote from goerge catlin article below Moreover, there were no deformities in their children, and no child deaths from disease. Whereas records of mortality for Europe during the 1850s show that around one in four children died at birth, and only one in four survived beyond 25 years of age.

Quote from George Catlin’s book Shut Your Mouth and Save your Life
“I have devoted the greater part of my life in visiting, and recording the looks of, the various native Races of North and South America; and during those researches, observing the healthy condition and physical perfection of those people, in their primitive state, as contrasted with the deplorable mortality, the numerous diseases and deformities, in civilized communities, I have been led to search for, and able, I believe, to discover, the main causes leading to such different results.“ Source^Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life - Conscious Breathing






. I was working far away from my orthodontist and didn’t check in to see if there was any asymmetrical expansion. Now I have an uneven face but much more importantly, possibly destroyed airways. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a year now and hopefully that won’t be the case forever. I have suffered immensely because of this, I truly have, and the stymying of this knowledge is evil and the work of the devil (Jews). “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -socrates. Therefore secret societies that hoard knowledge out of greed from the general public are truly evil. My brother got schizophrenia in last august and I wonder if this was caused by improper sleep. My brother had many extractions and so perhaps even had a smaller airway size than I had. He also had horrible lung problems which he blamed on the weed but I thought was due to his acid reflux. When you have narrow airways your airway can be blocked and become a vacuum through which stomach acid can go up into your lungs. Schizophrenia has been described as dreaming while you are awake, because when you dream you are psychotic, that is detached from reality. I think the cause of schizophrenia is likely environmental because of the lack of lunatics observed by George Catlin in his travels amongst the American Indians. Perhaps it is genetically influenced as well since Ashkenazi’s are predisposed to getting it. Either retractive orthodontics caused it or his contrived obsession with kike sponsored gangbanging music and its glorification of drugs. He hit dab pens practically all the time (which have very high thc content) and dropped acid multiple times. It feels as though his soul has been mutilated and in many ways for him and his family it is a fate worse than death. Schizophrenics have some of the highest suicide and self mutilation rates. It is sad to see Jews purposefully destroying black and white cultures with their mkultra techniques. Jews are sadistic creatures. Their destruction of the nation through multiculturalism and the family though lgtbq nonsense has deprived humanity of brotherhood, belonging, purpose, and identity, all while they have their little barmitvahs and go hog wild with tribalism. Jews have taken so much from all of us, they are a despicable, deplorable race capable of only parasitism and destruction and therefore being a freemason (except for adam the freemason he seemed pretty chill) and aiding them in any way is evil. They are objectively evil, and I hate them not just because they threaten the existence of my people and are an enemy tribe, but because they are objectively evil. I mean they mutilate their own children, and fuck them (the Talmud sanctions sex with three year olds). Hopefully if I can get jaw surgery I wont be murdered by mossad, and hopefully I don’t get schizophrenia until then. What do you guys think? Do you think craniofacial dystrophy aids the Jews? And do you think there is any compelling evidence that they contributed to it? And should orthotropics be a priority in the movement as it craniofacial dystrophy makes us stupid? Yvo wvll svv , take the orvtotrvpivcs pvll vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv


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Is craniofacial dystrophy a jewish conspiracy?

View attachment 2177341View attachment 2177347

Left- “The village idiot” By Chaim Soutine, note the downward swung and underdeveloped jaws and poor posture. Mike Mew shared an anecdote of his mother telling him to shut his mouth or he would “become the village idiot” mouth breather is a common insult for a stupid person and studies have shown people who breath through their mouths as children to actually have lower iqs. Proper posture has been taught to children in almost every culture worldwide but has largely stopped after the 1960s hippie movement (which was started by kvetchin’ kikes ) destroyed peoples respect for tradition. Right- a snippet from the National Socialist childrens book “The Poisonous Mushroom” Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

View attachment 2177350

ABOVE - WHY Sleep is critical for the Body and Brain | Science of Sleep - from the youtube channel "what i've learned"
Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

View attachment 2177352
source: my balls nibba

If 90 percent of depression and anxiety is sleep related that means about 30 percent of Americans has a sleep issue. Also studies have shown 50 to 75 percent of people with ADHD have sleep apnea. 1 in 10 children today have ADHD. If orthotropics went mainstream that would be a major boon to our cause as people would get better sleep, have more motivation have higher testosterone and overall be more intelligent. I doubt this will ever happen unless we expel the juden because I don’t think ZOG wants it to.

View attachment 2177356
The New York times is owned by the Sulzberger family. Note how they are filthy kikes. Oh you don’t want to choke on your throat while you sleep? You must want to murder women goyim. Also I'm not saying blackpillers all want to murder women. Obviously they don't. BUT that has what incel has come to mean to your average normie. This is jews slandering orthotropics.

Also the kike run british orthodontic society took away John Mew's license for actually preventing the problem they are trying to correct with braces, because his method is permanent so you don't need expensive retainers, and cheap. If mewing became mainstream it would be free, because you wouldn't have to go treat downswung kids faces with MSE expanders and the like, you could just teach them to mew 24/7. Jews, for obvious reasons, want to keep raking in money from gentiles with this and make them less intelligent. Jews are disproportionately involved in medicine as that is where they can get real close to gentiles if you know what I mean. Up close and personal subversion. None of that radio, tv subversion, where it is just spiritual, the kind where you mutilate peoples genitalia for life, inject them with poison, and amputate their teeth and pull their jaws into their throat so they literally can't get REM sleep.

here is a qoute from this podcast exposing jewish domination in medicine, dreameskimo's guest, Tim, says "In 1934 more than 60 percent of 33,000 applicants to medical schools were jews, from 32-33 more than 90 percent of americans studying medicine in europe were Jewish, in 1948 more than 10-15 percent of medical students in NY state were jewish, by 1954 this number had risen to 50 percent (medical students in NY state) in some schools it had risen as high as 80 percent." Now the jews in the media and medicine are trying to take away Mike Mew's license. The legal battle has given him little time to do research and make orthotropics content and has been so costly he had to sell his house!!!! He will be bankrupt if his license is taken away, all that debt from medical school, years and years of it training to be an orthodontist, he will be unable to pay off. This is a family man too! All for the crime of asking "why teeth are crooked" a debate which the orthodontic community has had ZERO debate with him on. They will only IGNORE and SLANDER him because they have no argument. This is typical jewish behavior, well it is the behavior of people who are lying and know they are lying. If they thought they were right, they would DEBATE him not slander, and ignore him and drag him through the mud of the jewdicial system.

Typical jewish tactics. The The ADL sent out a newsletter saying how they would stop George Lincoln Rockwell's message from spreading. The document said never debate him always argue ad hominem, call him a rat, or a louse. And it instructed all jewish booksellers not to carry Rockwell's book.

I was always a happy go lucky worry free child then I became depressed and suicidal in middle school- after retractive orthodontics. The same thing happened to this man who founded the website “right to grow”. Omar's story - Right to Grow
“Despite the published evidence to the contrary, there are orthodontists today who still restrict natural growth using cervical headgear or other means, also without disclosure of the known risks to their patients. I believe this is unacceptable and needs to stop. If you’re interested in learning about the consequences that growth restriction of the airway by way of hindering the growth of the upper jaw can have on a person’s life, I invite you to read on. I've also included some before and after pictures at the end of this write up so that you can understand the types of growth changes that the public has allowed the orthodontic industry to get away with. As I mentioned, at the age of 11, things changed when I started to wear headgear. I started waking up fatigued on a daily basis, literally within months of wearing the headgear but never in my wildest dreams as a kid did I connect the two. The fatigue crept up on me gradually enough such that I could never notice that something was drastically wrong. As I started to wake up tired, I also started to wake up later too. Gone were the days of eating breakfast with the family. I would be out of bed long after breakfast was made and I’d be in a rush getting ready for school while my mom and my little sister were in the car, waiting for me and late for their destinations. Since then, I became known as the person who made everybody late. At the age of 11, my mornings had become rushed and this is something that would never change for 25 years. I’d eat breakfast in the car as fast as I could, and on many days, I’d be so late in the morning that I washed my face at school.”

From personal experience with sleep apnea after I started using a cpap machine my anxiety and depression went away completely. It was like night and day. As this guy says Austin K. - Treated for OSA with MMA Surgery. - YouTube . I was able to focus for much longer read entire books and listen to podcasts constantly. Before I used my cpap machine I thought about killing myself all the time, I was in constant anguish and was addicted to porn and social media due to my low impulse control. I had ruined my 4 point gpa and got a 2.8 nearly failing all of my classes senior and junior year. In eight and ninth grade I was really into cross country and track and got an 11 minute 2 mile and a 18 minute 5k. But my cognitive and athetic performance slowly started to wane. I think was due to poor rest caused by my KIKE orthodontist pulling back my jaws into my goddam throat.
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Contrary to what Abby she/her ACAB BLM might think, tradition isn’t some arbitrary set of rules tyrannically imposed upon society, but is a storage of information, on what works and what doesn’t. (266) How Cod Saved the Vikings - YouTube For example, Vikings in Scandinavia got next to zero vitamin d in the winter when the days are short, so their children started to get unhealthy and have various diseases associated with a lack of vitamin d, like rickets, and other diseases. Cod liver oil allowed to Vikings to survive at such northern latitudes since vitamin d was concentrated in the liver. I doubt they knew what vitamin d was, but they saw that kids who ate cod liver and cod liver oil were much healthier and so continued to do it. In this way important information can be stored in tradition. People with one standard deviation higher of vitamin d in their blood were 20 times less likely to be in critical condition for covid-19. Not that covid 19 is real it’s clearly a relabeling of other respiratory illnesses using a phony PCR test, but that shows how important vitamin d is for the immune system. In Indonesia only 4 percent of patients who died of “covid-19” had sufficient vitamin d levels. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D - Bing video 28 percent of Americans have a vitamin d deficiency, and since vitamin d gets turned into a steroid hormone, its responsible for the regulation of 5 percent of humans protein encoding genome. Dr Patrick likened it to walking around “without testosterone”. Black people are more likely to die of “covid-19” not because of “systemic racism” but because of vitamin d deficiency. Black people are 28 times more likely to be vitamin d deficient, not because of “systemic racism” but because they evolved at the equator so evolved melanin so they wouldn’t get skin cancer. They didn’t lack vitamin d because they were lounging around half naked in the hot African sun all day. But when brought to northern latitudes like Sweden and America, they become severely vitamin d deficient. Wise traditions and facial shape - YouTube Mike Mew has his practice in London, which has become a chaotic multicultural city straight out of the protocols of zion. He asked his patients who have come from all four corners of the world if they had been taught proper posture while sitting and if they had mantras to tell their children to sit up straight. Some British examples are “don’t hang your mouth open like that because one day the wind will change and it will stay like that.” Or “don’t breathe through your mouth or you’ll become the village idiot” in Ukraine and Russia people say “shut your mouth or a fly will fly into it” Without exception they all said yes. This is likely because all cultures saw the horrible effects of poor posture and sought to correct it, without knowing what mewing or orthotropics was, storing that information in tradition. Before the 1950s proper posture being taught was universal. Children were forced to sit up straight and armies had pins on their soldiers lapels forcing proper posture. In the 1900s and our grandparents generation, braces were almost unheard of. But in one generation there was a drastic change in the need and demand for orthodontics. Not only do orthodontics destroy faces by trapping the lower jaw under the upper and pulling the maxilla back, but improper posture destroys faces as well as there is less pressure being exerted by the tongue onto the palate. You can try this by mewing leaning forward and sitting up straight, you can feel a difference in pressure. Mike Mew thinks we stopped this tradition in the west at the same time many traditions were being discarded, during the hippie counterculture movement.
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After the hippie movement of the 1960s people threw out all of their parents dogma and traditions. No one wore a suit and tie to work anymore and slouching became cool and hip, in mike mew’s words “everything changed” The 1960s hippie movement was undoubtedly started by Jews, the question is whether or not this cultural change to worsen posture was a lucky benefit to the Jews or if they knew and this was an anticipated outcome of the 1960s movement. It is clear that craniofacial dystrophy helps Jews because it makes white kids look ugly perhaps aiding in their kalergi plan and preventing white in group preference, and it generally makes goyim of all colors dumber and more impulsive, which helps with their obesity agenda and porn agenda. It also makes men more effeminate by making them less attractive and confident and have lower testosterone production, which is almost entirely produced in deep rem sleep. Because of this and because of Jews domination of medicine I think it is likely they knew about this and popularized retractive orthodontics in the 1950s to weaken their goyim cattle. The sleep deprived goy will be more likely to fall into their other agendas as well, such as porn, obesity, and social media addiction because he lacks the will power.

In 1968 the construction on the twin towers began, 33 years later (masonic master number and often used as esoteric messaging) 911 happens. Not to mention the predictive programming about 911 decades before 911 (266) 9/11 Predicted in Media - YouTube predictive programming about 911 can be seen as early as 1978 . It is clear that Jews and their freemason underlings plotted this event decades in advance. Because of the Jews near monopoly of fractional reserve banking and the media it is clear that they are incredibly powerful and organized. It is also reasonable to assume that because of their monopoly over Academica, science, and medicine, that they could have discovered this relatively simple concept and kept it hidden from the public. It seems this information was already known in the 19th century. George Catlin, an American artist became fascinated with native Americans and dedicated his life to documenting their lives and painting them. He soon discovered the incredible health of the native Americans. Quote from goerge catlin article below Moreover, there were no deformities in their children, and no child deaths from disease. Whereas records of mortality for Europe during the 1850s show that around one in four children died at birth, and only one in four survived beyond 25 years of age.

Quote from George Catlin’s book Shut Your Mouth and Save your Life
“I have devoted the greater part of my life in visiting, and recording the looks of, the various native Races of North and South America; and during those researches, observing the healthy condition and physical perfection of those people, in their primitive state, as contrasted with the deplorable mortality, the numerous diseases and deformities, in civilized communities, I have been led to search for, and able, I believe, to discover, the main causes leading to such different results.“ Source^Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life - Conscious Breathing

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. I was working far away from my orthodontist and didn’t check in to see if there was any asymmetrical expansion. Now I have an uneven face but much more importantly, possibly destroyed airways. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a year now and hopefully that won’t be the case forever. I have suffered immensely because of this, I truly have, and the stymying of this knowledge is evil and the work of the devil (Jews). “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -socrates. Therefore secret societies that hoard knowledge out of greed from the general public are truly evil. My brother got schizophrenia in last august and I wonder if this was caused by improper sleep. My brother had many extractions and so perhaps even had a smaller airway size than I had. He also had horrible lung problems which he blamed on the weed but I thought was due to his acid reflux. When you have narrow airways your airway can be blocked and become a vacuum through which stomach acid can go up into your lungs. Schizophrenia has been described as dreaming while you are awake, because when you dream you are psychotic, that is detached from reality. I think the cause of schizophrenia is likely environmental because of the lack of lunatics observed by George Catlin in his travels amongst the American Indians. Perhaps it is genetically influenced as well since Ashkenazi’s are predisposed to getting it. Either retractive orthodontics caused it or his contrived obsession with kike sponsored gangbanging music and its glorification of drugs. He hit dab pens practically all the time (which have very high thc content) and dropped acid multiple times. It feels as though his soul has been mutilated and in many ways for him and his family it is a fate worse than death. Schizophrenics have some of the highest suicide and self mutilation rates. It is sad to see Jews purposefully destroying black and white cultures with their mkultra techniques. Jews are sadistic creatures. Their destruction of the nation through multiculturalism and the family though lgtbq nonsense has deprived humanity of brotherhood, belonging, purpose, and identity, all while they have their little barmitvahs and go hog wild with tribalism. Jews have taken so much from all of us, they are a despicable, deplorable race capable of only parasitism and destruction and therefore being a freemason (except for adam the freemason he seemed pretty chill) and aiding them in any way is evil. They are objectively evil, and I hate them not just because they threaten the existence of my people and are an enemy tribe, but because they are objectively evil. I mean they mutilate their own children, and fuck them (the Talmud sanctions sex with three year olds). Hopefully if I can get jaw surgery I wont be murdered by mossad, and hopefully I don’t get schizophrenia until then. What do you guys think? Do you think craniofacial dystrophy aids the Jews? And do you think there is any compelling evidence that they contributed to it? And should orthotropics be a priority in the movement as it craniofacial dystrophy makes us stupid? Yvo wvll svv , take the orvtotrvpivcs pvll vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Mate, i read everything. This is the only topic than interests me in these forum and that im researching daily for more than a year now. First of all congrats for following the obvious evidence and not coping with genetic like most people do. Learning about all that teached me a lot about how i should value tradition more and respect nature more.

Now, i dont understand the obsession with the jews. Although they practice circumcision (Male mutilation), and many of the richest guys in the world (The true evil) are jews, the problem are not jews per see. But greed rich people. You didnt gave one source showing how cfd is a jewish conspiracy.
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Is craniofacial dystrophy a jewish conspiracy?

View attachment 2177341View attachment 2177347

Left- “The village idiot” By Chaim Soutine, note the downward swung and underdeveloped jaws and poor posture. Mike Mew shared an anecdote of his mother telling him to shut his mouth or he would “become the village idiot” mouth breather is a common insult for a stupid person and studies have shown people who breath through their mouths as children to actually have lower iqs. Proper posture has been taught to children in almost every culture worldwide but has largely stopped after the 1960s hippie movement (which was started by kvetchin’ kikes ) destroyed peoples respect for tradition. Right- a snippet from the National Socialist childrens book “The Poisonous Mushroom” Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

View attachment 2177350

ABOVE - WHY Sleep is critical for the Body and Brain | Science of Sleep - from the youtube channel "what i've learned"
Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

View attachment 2177352
source: my balls nibba

If 90 percent of depression and anxiety is sleep related that means about 30 percent of Americans has a sleep issue. Also studies have shown 50 to 75 percent of people with ADHD have sleep apnea. 1 in 10 children today have ADHD. If orthotropics went mainstream that would be a major boon to our cause as people would get better sleep, have more motivation have higher testosterone and overall be more intelligent. I doubt this will ever happen unless we expel the juden because I don’t think ZOG wants it to.

View attachment 2177356
The New York times is owned by the Sulzberger family. Note how they are filthy kikes. Oh you don’t want to choke on your throat while you sleep? You must want to murder women goyim. Also I'm not saying blackpillers all want to murder women. Obviously they don't. BUT that has what incel has come to mean to your average normie. This is jews slandering orthotropics.

Also the kike run british orthodontic society took away John Mew's license for actually preventing the problem they are trying to correct with braces, because his method is permanent so you don't need expensive retainers, and cheap. If mewing became mainstream it would be free, because you wouldn't have to go treat downswung kids faces with MSE expanders and the like, you could just teach them to mew 24/7. Jews, for obvious reasons, want to keep raking in money from gentiles with this and make them less intelligent. Jews are disproportionately involved in medicine as that is where they can get real close to gentiles if you know what I mean. Up close and personal subversion. None of that radio, tv subversion, where it is just spiritual, the kind where you mutilate peoples genitalia for life, inject them with poison, and amputate their teeth and pull their jaws into their throat so they literally can't get REM sleep.

here is a qoute from this podcast exposing jewish domination in medicine, dreameskimo's guest, Tim, says "In 1934 more than 60 percent of 33,000 applicants to medical schools were jews, from 32-33 more than 90 percent of americans studying medicine in europe were Jewish, in 1948 more than 10-15 percent of medical students in NY state were jewish, by 1954 this number had risen to 50 percent (medical students in NY state) in some schools it had risen as high as 80 percent." Now the jews in the media and medicine are trying to take away Mike Mew's license. The legal battle has given him little time to do research and make orthotropics content and has been so costly he had to sell his house!!!! He will be bankrupt if his license is taken away, all that debt from medical school, years and years of it training to be an orthodontist, he will be unable to pay off. This is a family man too! All for the crime of asking "why teeth are crooked" a debate which the orthodontic community has had ZERO debate with him on. They will only IGNORE and SLANDER him because they have no argument. This is typical jewish behavior, well it is the behavior of people who are lying and know they are lying. If they thought they were right, they would DEBATE him not slander, and ignore him and drag him through the mud of the jewdicial system.

Typical jewish tactics. The The ADL sent out a newsletter saying how they would stop George Lincoln Rockwell's message from spreading. The document said never debate him always argue ad hominem, call him a rat, or a louse. And it instructed all jewish booksellers not to carry Rockwell's book.

I was always a happy go lucky worry free child then I became depressed and suicidal in middle school- after retractive orthodontics. The same thing happened to this man who founded the website “right to grow”. Omar's story - Right to Grow
“Despite the published evidence to the contrary, there are orthodontists today who still restrict natural growth using cervical headgear or other means, also without disclosure of the known risks to their patients. I believe this is unacceptable and needs to stop. If you’re interested in learning about the consequences that growth restriction of the airway by way of hindering the growth of the upper jaw can have on a person’s life, I invite you to read on. I've also included some before and after pictures at the end of this write up so that you can understand the types of growth changes that the public has allowed the orthodontic industry to get away with. As I mentioned, at the age of 11, things changed when I started to wear headgear. I started waking up fatigued on a daily basis, literally within months of wearing the headgear but never in my wildest dreams as a kid did I connect the two. The fatigue crept up on me gradually enough such that I could never notice that something was drastically wrong. As I started to wake up tired, I also started to wake up later too. Gone were the days of eating breakfast with the family. I would be out of bed long after breakfast was made and I’d be in a rush getting ready for school while my mom and my little sister were in the car, waiting for me and late for their destinations. Since then, I became known as the person who made everybody late. At the age of 11, my mornings had become rushed and this is something that would never change for 25 years. I’d eat breakfast in the car as fast as I could, and on many days, I’d be so late in the morning that I washed my face at school.”

From personal experience with sleep apnea after I started using a cpap machine my anxiety and depression went away completely. It was like night and day. As this guy says Austin K. - Treated for OSA with MMA Surgery. - YouTube . I was able to focus for much longer read entire books and listen to podcasts constantly. Before I used my cpap machine I thought about killing myself all the time, I was in constant anguish and was addicted to porn and social media due to my low impulse control. I had ruined my 4 point gpa and got a 2.8 nearly failing all of my classes senior and junior year. In eight and ninth grade I was really into cross country and track and got an 11 minute 2 mile and a 18 minute 5k. But my cognitive and athetic performance slowly started to wane. I think was due to poor rest caused by my KIKE orthodontist pulling back my jaws into my goddam throat.
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Contrary to what Abby she/her ACAB BLM might think, tradition isn’t some arbitrary set of rules tyrannically imposed upon society, but is a storage of information, on what works and what doesn’t. (266) How Cod Saved the Vikings - YouTube For example, Vikings in Scandinavia got next to zero vitamin d in the winter when the days are short, so their children started to get unhealthy and have various diseases associated with a lack of vitamin d, like rickets, and other diseases. Cod liver oil allowed to Vikings to survive at such northern latitudes since vitamin d was concentrated in the liver. I doubt they knew what vitamin d was, but they saw that kids who ate cod liver and cod liver oil were much healthier and so continued to do it. In this way important information can be stored in tradition. People with one standard deviation higher of vitamin d in their blood were 20 times less likely to be in critical condition for covid-19. Not that covid 19 is real it’s clearly a relabeling of other respiratory illnesses using a phony PCR test, but that shows how important vitamin d is for the immune system. In Indonesia only 4 percent of patients who died of “covid-19” had sufficient vitamin d levels. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D - Bing video 28 percent of Americans have a vitamin d deficiency, and since vitamin d gets turned into a steroid hormone, its responsible for the regulation of 5 percent of humans protein encoding genome. Dr Patrick likened it to walking around “without testosterone”. Black people are more likely to die of “covid-19” not because of “systemic racism” but because of vitamin d deficiency. Black people are 28 times more likely to be vitamin d deficient, not because of “systemic racism” but because they evolved at the equator so evolved melanin so they wouldn’t get skin cancer. They didn’t lack vitamin d because they were lounging around half naked in the hot African sun all day. But when brought to northern latitudes like Sweden and America, they become severely vitamin d deficient. Wise traditions and facial shape - YouTube Mike Mew has his practice in London, which has become a chaotic multicultural city straight out of the protocols of zion. He asked his patients who have come from all four corners of the world if they had been taught proper posture while sitting and if they had mantras to tell their children to sit up straight. Some British examples are “don’t hang your mouth open like that because one day the wind will change and it will stay like that.” Or “don’t breathe through your mouth or you’ll become the village idiot” in Ukraine and Russia people say “shut your mouth or a fly will fly into it” Without exception they all said yes. This is likely because all cultures saw the horrible effects of poor posture and sought to correct it, without knowing what mewing or orthotropics was, storing that information in tradition. Before the 1950s proper posture being taught was universal. Children were forced to sit up straight and armies had pins on their soldiers lapels forcing proper posture. In the 1900s and our grandparents generation, braces were almost unheard of. But in one generation there was a drastic change in the need and demand for orthodontics. Not only do orthodontics destroy faces by trapping the lower jaw under the upper and pulling the maxilla back, but improper posture destroys faces as well as there is less pressure being exerted by the tongue onto the palate. You can try this by mewing leaning forward and sitting up straight, you can feel a difference in pressure. Mike Mew thinks we stopped this tradition in the west at the same time many traditions were being discarded, during the hippie counterculture movement.
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After the hippie movement of the 1960s people threw out all of their parents dogma and traditions. No one wore a suit and tie to work anymore and slouching became cool and hip, in mike mew’s words “everything changed” The 1960s hippie movement was undoubtedly started by Jews, the question is whether or not this cultural change to worsen posture was a lucky benefit to the Jews or if they knew and this was an anticipated outcome of the 1960s movement. It is clear that craniofacial dystrophy helps Jews because it makes white kids look ugly perhaps aiding in their kalergi plan and preventing white in group preference, and it generally makes goyim of all colors dumber and more impulsive, which helps with their obesity agenda and porn agenda. It also makes men more effeminate by making them less attractive and confident and have lower testosterone production, which is almost entirely produced in deep rem sleep. Because of this and because of Jews domination of medicine I think it is likely they knew about this and popularized retractive orthodontics in the 1950s to weaken their goyim cattle. The sleep deprived goy will be more likely to fall into their other agendas as well, such as porn, obesity, and social media addiction because he lacks the will power.

In 1968 the construction on the twin towers began, 33 years later (masonic master number and often used as esoteric messaging) 911 happens. Not to mention the predictive programming about 911 decades before 911 (266) 9/11 Predicted in Media - YouTube predictive programming about 911 can be seen as early as 1978 . It is clear that Jews and their freemason underlings plotted this event decades in advance. Because of the Jews near monopoly of fractional reserve banking and the media it is clear that they are incredibly powerful and organized. It is also reasonable to assume that because of their monopoly over Academica, science, and medicine, that they could have discovered this relatively simple concept and kept it hidden from the public. It seems this information was already known in the 19th century. George Catlin, an American artist became fascinated with native Americans and dedicated his life to documenting their lives and painting them. He soon discovered the incredible health of the native Americans. Quote from goerge catlin article below Moreover, there were no deformities in their children, and no child deaths from disease. Whereas records of mortality for Europe during the 1850s show that around one in four children died at birth, and only one in four survived beyond 25 years of age.

Quote from George Catlin’s book Shut Your Mouth and Save your Life
“I have devoted the greater part of my life in visiting, and recording the looks of, the various native Races of North and South America; and during those researches, observing the healthy condition and physical perfection of those people, in their primitive state, as contrasted with the deplorable mortality, the numerous diseases and deformities, in civilized communities, I have been led to search for, and able, I believe, to discover, the main causes leading to such different results.“ Source^Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life - Conscious Breathing

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. I was working far away from my orthodontist and didn’t check in to see if there was any asymmetrical expansion. Now I have an uneven face but much more importantly, possibly destroyed airways. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a year now and hopefully that won’t be the case forever. I have suffered immensely because of this, I truly have, and the stymying of this knowledge is evil and the work of the devil (Jews). “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -socrates. Therefore secret societies that hoard knowledge out of greed from the general public are truly evil. My brother got schizophrenia in last august and I wonder if this was caused by improper sleep. My brother had many extractions and so perhaps even had a smaller airway size than I had. He also had horrible lung problems which he blamed on the weed but I thought was due to his acid reflux. When you have narrow airways your airway can be blocked and become a vacuum through which stomach acid can go up into your lungs. Schizophrenia has been described as dreaming while you are awake, because when you dream you are psychotic, that is detached from reality. I think the cause of schizophrenia is likely environmental because of the lack of lunatics observed by George Catlin in his travels amongst the American Indians. Perhaps it is genetically influenced as well since Ashkenazi’s are predisposed to getting it. Either retractive orthodontics caused it or his contrived obsession with kike sponsored gangbanging music and its glorification of drugs. He hit dab pens practically all the time (which have very high thc content) and dropped acid multiple times. It feels as though his soul has been mutilated and in many ways for him and his family it is a fate worse than death. Schizophrenics have some of the highest suicide and self mutilation rates. It is sad to see Jews purposefully destroying black and white cultures with their mkultra techniques. Jews are sadistic creatures. Their destruction of the nation through multiculturalism and the family though lgtbq nonsense has deprived humanity of brotherhood, belonging, purpose, and identity, all while they have their little barmitvahs and go hog wild with tribalism. Jews have taken so much from all of us, they are a despicable, deplorable race capable of only parasitism and destruction and therefore being a freemason (except for adam the freemason he seemed pretty chill) and aiding them in any way is evil. They are objectively evil, and I hate them not just because they threaten the existence of my people and are an enemy tribe, but because they are objectively evil. I mean they mutilate their own children, and fuck them (the Talmud sanctions sex with three year olds). Hopefully if I can get jaw surgery I wont be murdered by mossad, and hopefully I don’t get schizophrenia until then. What do you guys think? Do you think craniofacial dystrophy aids the Jews? And do you think there is any compelling evidence that they contributed to it? And should orthotropics be a priority in the movement as it craniofacial dystrophy makes us stupid? Yvo wvll svv , take the orvtotrvpivcs pvll vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

What is the meaning of all of this autism!!!
Contrary to what Abby she/her ACAB BLM might think, tradition isn’t some arbitrary set of rules tyrannically imposed upon society, but is a storage of information, on what works and what doesn’t.
Is craniofacial dystrophy a jewish conspiracy?

View attachment 2177341View attachment 2177347

Left- “The village idiot” By Chaim Soutine, note the downward swung and underdeveloped jaws and poor posture. Mike Mew shared an anecdote of his mother telling him to shut his mouth or he would “become the village idiot” mouth breather is a common insult for a stupid person and studies have shown people who breath through their mouths as children to actually have lower iqs. Proper posture has been taught to children in almost every culture worldwide but has largely stopped after the 1960s hippie movement (which was started by kvetchin’ kikes ) destroyed peoples respect for tradition. Right- a snippet from the National Socialist childrens book “The Poisonous Mushroom” Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

View attachment 2177350

ABOVE - WHY Sleep is critical for the Body and Brain | Science of Sleep - from the youtube channel "what i've learned"
Regardless of whether or not Jews were behind craniofacial dystrophy I still think it is an incredibly important issue because I think the majority of people in the west have craniofacial dystrophy and because of this narrow airways which leads to sleep apnea.

View attachment 2177352
source: my balls nibba

If 90 percent of depression and anxiety is sleep related that means about 30 percent of Americans has a sleep issue. Also studies have shown 50 to 75 percent of people with ADHD have sleep apnea. 1 in 10 children today have ADHD. If orthotropics went mainstream that would be a major boon to our cause as people would get better sleep, have more motivation have higher testosterone and overall be more intelligent. I doubt this will ever happen unless we expel the juden because I don’t think ZOG wants it to.

View attachment 2177356
The New York times is owned by the Sulzberger family. Note how they are filthy kikes. Oh you don’t want to choke on your throat while you sleep? You must want to murder women goyim. Also I'm not saying blackpillers all want to murder women. Obviously they don't. BUT that has what incel has come to mean to your average normie. This is jews slandering orthotropics.

Also the kike run british orthodontic society took away John Mew's license for actually preventing the problem they are trying to correct with braces, because his method is permanent so you don't need expensive retainers, and cheap. If mewing became mainstream it would be free, because you wouldn't have to go treat downswung kids faces with MSE expanders and the like, you could just teach them to mew 24/7. Jews, for obvious reasons, want to keep raking in money from gentiles with this and make them less intelligent. Jews are disproportionately involved in medicine as that is where they can get real close to gentiles if you know what I mean. Up close and personal subversion. None of that radio, tv subversion, where it is just spiritual, the kind where you mutilate peoples genitalia for life, inject them with poison, and amputate their teeth and pull their jaws into their throat so they literally can't get REM sleep.

here is a qoute from this podcast exposing jewish domination in medicine, dreameskimo's guest, Tim, says "In 1934 more than 60 percent of 33,000 applicants to medical schools were jews, from 32-33 more than 90 percent of americans studying medicine in europe were Jewish, in 1948 more than 10-15 percent of medical students in NY state were jewish, by 1954 this number had risen to 50 percent (medical students in NY state) in some schools it had risen as high as 80 percent." Now the jews in the media and medicine are trying to take away Mike Mew's license. The legal battle has given him little time to do research and make orthotropics content and has been so costly he had to sell his house!!!! He will be bankrupt if his license is taken away, all that debt from medical school, years and years of it training to be an orthodontist, he will be unable to pay off. This is a family man too! All for the crime of asking "why teeth are crooked" a debate which the orthodontic community has had ZERO debate with him on. They will only IGNORE and SLANDER him because they have no argument. This is typical jewish behavior, well it is the behavior of people who are lying and know they are lying. If they thought they were right, they would DEBATE him not slander, and ignore him and drag him through the mud of the jewdicial system.

Typical jewish tactics. The The ADL sent out a newsletter saying how they would stop George Lincoln Rockwell's message from spreading. The document said never debate him always argue ad hominem, call him a rat, or a louse. And it instructed all jewish booksellers not to carry Rockwell's book.

I was always a happy go lucky worry free child then I became depressed and suicidal in middle school- after retractive orthodontics. The same thing happened to this man who founded the website “right to grow”. Omar's story - Right to Grow
“Despite the published evidence to the contrary, there are orthodontists today who still restrict natural growth using cervical headgear or other means, also without disclosure of the known risks to their patients. I believe this is unacceptable and needs to stop. If you’re interested in learning about the consequences that growth restriction of the airway by way of hindering the growth of the upper jaw can have on a person’s life, I invite you to read on. I've also included some before and after pictures at the end of this write up so that you can understand the types of growth changes that the public has allowed the orthodontic industry to get away with. As I mentioned, at the age of 11, things changed when I started to wear headgear. I started waking up fatigued on a daily basis, literally within months of wearing the headgear but never in my wildest dreams as a kid did I connect the two. The fatigue crept up on me gradually enough such that I could never notice that something was drastically wrong. As I started to wake up tired, I also started to wake up later too. Gone were the days of eating breakfast with the family. I would be out of bed long after breakfast was made and I’d be in a rush getting ready for school while my mom and my little sister were in the car, waiting for me and late for their destinations. Since then, I became known as the person who made everybody late. At the age of 11, my mornings had become rushed and this is something that would never change for 25 years. I’d eat breakfast in the car as fast as I could, and on many days, I’d be so late in the morning that I washed my face at school.”

From personal experience with sleep apnea after I started using a cpap machine my anxiety and depression went away completely. It was like night and day. As this guy says Austin K. - Treated for OSA with MMA Surgery. - YouTube . I was able to focus for much longer read entire books and listen to podcasts constantly. Before I used my cpap machine I thought about killing myself all the time, I was in constant anguish and was addicted to porn and social media due to my low impulse control. I had ruined my 4 point gpa and got a 2.8 nearly failing all of my classes senior and junior year. In eight and ninth grade I was really into cross country and track and got an 11 minute 2 mile and a 18 minute 5k. But my cognitive and athetic performance slowly started to wane. I think was due to poor rest caused by my KIKE orthodontist pulling back my jaws into my goddam throat.
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Contrary to what Abby she/her ACAB BLM might think, tradition isn’t some arbitrary set of rules tyrannically imposed upon society, but is a storage of information, on what works and what doesn’t. (266) How Cod Saved the Vikings - YouTube For example, Vikings in Scandinavia got next to zero vitamin d in the winter when the days are short, so their children started to get unhealthy and have various diseases associated with a lack of vitamin d, like rickets, and other diseases. Cod liver oil allowed to Vikings to survive at such northern latitudes since vitamin d was concentrated in the liver. I doubt they knew what vitamin d was, but they saw that kids who ate cod liver and cod liver oil were much healthier and so continued to do it. In this way important information can be stored in tradition. People with one standard deviation higher of vitamin d in their blood were 20 times less likely to be in critical condition for covid-19. Not that covid 19 is real it’s clearly a relabeling of other respiratory illnesses using a phony PCR test, but that shows how important vitamin d is for the immune system. In Indonesia only 4 percent of patients who died of “covid-19” had sufficient vitamin d levels. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D - Bing video 28 percent of Americans have a vitamin d deficiency, and since vitamin d gets turned into a steroid hormone, its responsible for the regulation of 5 percent of humans protein encoding genome. Dr Patrick likened it to walking around “without testosterone”. Black people are more likely to die of “covid-19” not because of “systemic racism” but because of vitamin d deficiency. Black people are 28 times more likely to be vitamin d deficient, not because of “systemic racism” but because they evolved at the equator so evolved melanin so they wouldn’t get skin cancer. They didn’t lack vitamin d because they were lounging around half naked in the hot African sun all day. But when brought to northern latitudes like Sweden and America, they become severely vitamin d deficient. Wise traditions and facial shape - YouTube Mike Mew has his practice in London, which has become a chaotic multicultural city straight out of the protocols of zion. He asked his patients who have come from all four corners of the world if they had been taught proper posture while sitting and if they had mantras to tell their children to sit up straight. Some British examples are “don’t hang your mouth open like that because one day the wind will change and it will stay like that.” Or “don’t breathe through your mouth or you’ll become the village idiot” in Ukraine and Russia people say “shut your mouth or a fly will fly into it” Without exception they all said yes. This is likely because all cultures saw the horrible effects of poor posture and sought to correct it, without knowing what mewing or orthotropics was, storing that information in tradition. Before the 1950s proper posture being taught was universal. Children were forced to sit up straight and armies had pins on their soldiers lapels forcing proper posture. In the 1900s and our grandparents generation, braces were almost unheard of. But in one generation there was a drastic change in the need and demand for orthodontics. Not only do orthodontics destroy faces by trapping the lower jaw under the upper and pulling the maxilla back, but improper posture destroys faces as well as there is less pressure being exerted by the tongue onto the palate. You can try this by mewing leaning forward and sitting up straight, you can feel a difference in pressure. Mike Mew thinks we stopped this tradition in the west at the same time many traditions were being discarded, during the hippie counterculture movement.
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After the hippie movement of the 1960s people threw out all of their parents dogma and traditions. No one wore a suit and tie to work anymore and slouching became cool and hip, in mike mew’s words “everything changed” The 1960s hippie movement was undoubtedly started by Jews, the question is whether or not this cultural change to worsen posture was a lucky benefit to the Jews or if they knew and this was an anticipated outcome of the 1960s movement. It is clear that craniofacial dystrophy helps Jews because it makes white kids look ugly perhaps aiding in their kalergi plan and preventing white in group preference, and it generally makes goyim of all colors dumber and more impulsive, which helps with their obesity agenda and porn agenda. It also makes men more effeminate by making them less attractive and confident and have lower testosterone production, which is almost entirely produced in deep rem sleep. Because of this and because of Jews domination of medicine I think it is likely they knew about this and popularized retractive orthodontics in the 1950s to weaken their goyim cattle. The sleep deprived goy will be more likely to fall into their other agendas as well, such as porn, obesity, and social media addiction because he lacks the will power.

In 1968 the construction on the twin towers began, 33 years later (masonic master number and often used as esoteric messaging) 911 happens. Not to mention the predictive programming about 911 decades before 911 (266) 9/11 Predicted in Media - YouTube predictive programming about 911 can be seen as early as 1978 . It is clear that Jews and their freemason underlings plotted this event decades in advance. Because of the Jews near monopoly of fractional reserve banking and the media it is clear that they are incredibly powerful and organized. It is also reasonable to assume that because of their monopoly over Academica, science, and medicine, that they could have discovered this relatively simple concept and kept it hidden from the public. It seems this information was already known in the 19th century. George Catlin, an American artist became fascinated with native Americans and dedicated his life to documenting their lives and painting them. He soon discovered the incredible health of the native Americans. Quote from goerge catlin article below Moreover, there were no deformities in their children, and no child deaths from disease. Whereas records of mortality for Europe during the 1850s show that around one in four children died at birth, and only one in four survived beyond 25 years of age.

Quote from George Catlin’s book Shut Your Mouth and Save your Life
“I have devoted the greater part of my life in visiting, and recording the looks of, the various native Races of North and South America; and during those researches, observing the healthy condition and physical perfection of those people, in their primitive state, as contrasted with the deplorable mortality, the numerous diseases and deformities, in civilized communities, I have been led to search for, and able, I believe, to discover, the main causes leading to such different results.“ Source^Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life - Conscious Breathing

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. I was working far away from my orthodontist and didn’t check in to see if there was any asymmetrical expansion. Now I have an uneven face but much more importantly, possibly destroyed airways. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a year now and hopefully that won’t be the case forever. I have suffered immensely because of this, I truly have, and the stymying of this knowledge is evil and the work of the devil (Jews). “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -socrates. Therefore secret societies that hoard knowledge out of greed from the general public are truly evil. My brother got schizophrenia in last august and I wonder if this was caused by improper sleep. My brother had many extractions and so perhaps even had a smaller airway size than I had. He also had horrible lung problems which he blamed on the weed but I thought was due to his acid reflux. When you have narrow airways your airway can be blocked and become a vacuum through which stomach acid can go up into your lungs. Schizophrenia has been described as dreaming while you are awake, because when you dream you are psychotic, that is detached from reality. I think the cause of schizophrenia is likely environmental because of the lack of lunatics observed by George Catlin in his travels amongst the American Indians. Perhaps it is genetically influenced as well since Ashkenazi’s are predisposed to getting it. Either retractive orthodontics caused it or his contrived obsession with kike sponsored gangbanging music and its glorification of drugs. He hit dab pens practically all the time (which have very high thc content) and dropped acid multiple times. It feels as though his soul has been mutilated and in many ways for him and his family it is a fate worse than death. Schizophrenics have some of the highest suicide and self mutilation rates. It is sad to see Jews purposefully destroying black and white cultures with their mkultra techniques. Jews are sadistic creatures. Their destruction of the nation through multiculturalism and the family though lgtbq nonsense has deprived humanity of brotherhood, belonging, purpose, and identity, all while they have their little barmitvahs and go hog wild with tribalism. Jews have taken so much from all of us, they are a despicable, deplorable race capable of only parasitism and destruction and therefore being a freemason (except for adam the freemason he seemed pretty chill) and aiding them in any way is evil. They are objectively evil, and I hate them not just because they threaten the existence of my people and are an enemy tribe, but because they are objectively evil. I mean they mutilate their own children, and fuck them (the Talmud sanctions sex with three year olds). Hopefully if I can get jaw surgery I wont be murdered by mossad, and hopefully I don’t get schizophrenia until then. What do you guys think? Do you think craniofacial dystrophy aids the Jews? And do you think there is any compelling evidence that they contributed to it? And should orthotropics be a priority in the movement as it craniofacial dystrophy makes us stupid? Yvo wvll svv , take the orvtotrvpivcs pvll vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

I think I might be schizophrenic to have read most of this anti semitic BS jfl some of it is definitely true doesnt make sense blaming jews for everything tho lol
I agree with most of the things except for what the jews have to do with this? Can you please explain what the jews have to do with this?
cam someone summarize

cam someone summarize

he mixes a lot of true information with false bs. Its true mouth breathing is correlated with sleep apnea, which is correlated severely with adhd depression and anxiety. Its correlated with lower iq. Its true jews were disproportionaly in medicine and i dont doubt this has to do with the studies saying circumcision is not harmful. I have the same syntomps of faitgue and depression after orthodontics treatment started.

But he mixes with a bunch of masonic bs, jewish bs, 9 11 bs, covid bs.
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