Is Injecting Testosterone good or bad



Britannia's Emperor 《◇》
Oct 15, 2019
will be turning 19 soon, is injecting T worth the risk of stunning growth?
Im on HGH and aromasin, but Im scared that i wont grow longer bones in legs and clavicles.

But more T could be good for face and skull (i am not recessed or someshit).

Currently gymmaxing 5 times per week
But more T could be good for face and skull
No, anyway if you truly care about your health - dont do this until 21 or whatever. But if you dont give a shit - just do whatever you want. Just remember: NO BODY FOR YOUR F A C E
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testosterone will make you look like a bloatcel. Only do it if you are already a bloatcel with no hope of gym maxing due to bad genes
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No, anyway if you truly care about your health - dont do this until 21 or whatever. But if you dont give a shit - just do whatever you want. Just remember: NO BODY FOR YOUR F A C E
yes i dont care much about health. Im only concered about closing growth plates in my spine and clavicles.
testosterone will make you look like a bloatcel. Only do it if you are already a bloatcel with no hope of gym maxing due to bad genes
i have a good body considering im "natty" (im on MK and HGH already)
testosterone doesn't stunt growth.

it'll fuck up your endocrine system though, you're a retard op.
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testosterone doesn't stunt growth.

it'll fuck up your endocrine system though, you're a retard op.
1 cycle wont fuck my endocrine system. especially at young age it can recover more easily (ofc I can have bad bad luck but i doubt)
testosterone doesn't stunt growth.

it'll fuck up your endocrine system though, you're a retard op.

Are you sure?
from Regulation of Growth

Gonadal steroids (estrogen and testosterone), whose secretion increases at puberty, initially promote growth by increasing GH secretion, and then subsequently cause growth to end by causing the closure of the epiphyseal growth plates.
(its not my personal opinion, i know ppl who grew during their cycle..)
what happens if you take test + aromasin to avoid estrogen ceasing plates? with hCG later to rebuild balls
what happens if you take test + aromasin to avoid estrogen ceasing plates? with hCG later to rebuild balls
that is also my attempt.( I wont take hcg most bb coaches think it is more harm than good.) Just PCT with Clomid and maybe Nolva
that is also my attempt.( I wont take hcg most bb coaches think it is more harm than good.) Just PCT with Clomid and maybe Nolva
you can experiment, just go in cycles there's no need to blast tremendous T continuously to fuck up your natural production
you can experiment, just go in cycles there's no need to blast tremendous T continuously to fuck up your natural production
yes first cycle would be anavar and low or medium dose of test e. Still not sure about the stunting growth thing
You're too young OP.

That being said they are neither good nor bad, they are tools with benefits and of course all the risks that come with disrupting your hormones/endocrine system if you are careless. The biggest risk probably comes from not keeping your E in check, which could cause a whole bunch of issues including gyno, growth plate maturation, and of course your Leydig cells potentially being fucked forever.

A benefit though, for example, is that high androgen levels can permanently upregulate muscle satellite cells (these are stem cells which produce new skeletal muscle tissue) even after puberty. Theoretically this means that you can blast high dose test for just one cycle (for a long enough duration to induce dna methylation, epigenetic changes) and by doing so effectively raise your natty ceiling and have a relatively easier time putting on muscle and retaining mass, forever (diminishing returns apply obviously). Anecdotally, I ran 700mg Test E for 21 weeks (+orals/gh peptides) a little over two years ago and have definitely noticed a persistent difference corresponding to this, specifically in my upper body with my traps, delts and arms retaining significantly more mass than pre-cycle. This is after losing mass post-cycle obviously, and then losing even more mass afterwards, mostly since I've been lifting very little if at all for the past 12-18 months due to general busy-ness.
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testosterone will make you look like a bloatcel. Only do it if you are already a bloatcel with no hope of gym maxing due to bad genes
and even then the huge majority of roid users still look like crap.

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