Is it conspirtorial to think your goverment is spying on you and is working agaist your best interest for a dictatorship?



Oct 20, 2018
Dude why is it seen as conspirtorial to think your goverment is spying on you and is working agaist your best interest for a dictatorship.
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When both Microsoft and google work together with big brother to steal your data that includes your password's your picture's your private data when both google and Microsoft whom have admitted to this on numerous occasion's admitted they can track see what your doing in your spare time why are you seen as the paranoid nut job think about it big brother and big corporation's work together to fuck us over neither could exist without the other but both work together in harmony to fuck over the user but your seen as a paranoid nut job when they admit they kill people with meta data alone your seen as a paranoid conspiracy theorist when your pointing biological reality it is not a conspiracy theory to say the west is heading towards a social credit system they did this in china and were very soon heading toward's it but were called conspiracy theriosts and they say as a rebuttal why would the nsa care what your data is dude they decide what your oppirtuintes are gonna be based on the social credit score they do care about this data
is it what?
They will eventually get blackpilled and rope
is it what?
conspiratorial [ISPOILER](adj. relating to or suggestive of a secret plan made by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful.)[/ISPOILER]to think your goverment is spying on you and is working agaist your best interest for a dictatorship
conspiratorial [ISPOILER](adj. relating to or suggestive of a secret plan made by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful.)[/ISPOILER]to think your goverment is spying on you and is working agaist your best interest for a dictatorship
lol, the US leader only care about doing the bidding of businessmen

there is no grand conspiracy

they do it in the open, but people are too afraid for their jobs to do anything about it
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lol, the US leader only care about doing the bidding of businessmen

there is no grand conspiracy

they do it in the open, but people are too afraid for their jobs to do anything about it
thx bro

I would also relay your thoughts to the OP if I weren't banned on .co
The prole horde is made up of fucking retards who don't have any abstract reasoning ability. They can't understand abstract concepts like conspiracies because conspiracies aren't something that physically exist right in front of their eyes. If they admitted that the government was conspiring against them that would also mean having to admit that things like the EU and globalism are failures since they both play a large part in bringing about the nwo which the progressive horde can't swallow.

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