is maxilla cope?

Deleted member 10615

Deleted member 10615

Brachy pride worldwide
Nov 5, 2020
i see people with great maxillas but they still lack good looks

i see people that have shit maxills that look decent

is it ratios? harmony? masc features? eye area?

i really don't know at this point

and ovbiously a forward maxilla is better then having a recessed maxilla there is not deniying that but i don't think its the be all or end all

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robert pattison has a recessed maxilla but is very attractive, is it his jaw, eyes and harmony and pheno

i just don't understand anymore

just look at chico
im starting to think, harmony, pheno, lower third andgood deep set eyes with browridge and non recessed orbitalvectors are the key
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es ratio pill has destroyed me
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ratios are most important
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eye area = everything
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There are some good looking people with bad facial ratios but yeah ratios eye area and soft features are key
olivier giroud and rurik gisslason come to mind they have shit ipds but are giga chads
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There are some good looking people with bad facial ratios but yeah ratios eye area and soft features are key
but they had top tier features to compensate
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Maxilla just kinda exists for side profile tbh.
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Maxilla just kinda exists for side profile tbh.
this will sound like a cope but here it goes

i think a very forward maxilla is weird looking and looks primitive and ethnic, it makes the person look like a chimp i think a medium maxilla is good

i think maxilla is over rated here by autists

ratios and individual features are the key to attractiveness imo

but once again i'd rather have a forward maxilla then a very recessed one if i was given the option
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i see people with great maxillas but they still lack good looks

i see people that have shit maxills that look decent

is it ratios? harmony? masc features? eye area?

i really don't know at this point

and ovbiously a forward maxilla is better then having a recessed maxilla there is not deniying that but i don't think its the be all or end all

View attachment 1072622 robert pattison has a recessed maxilla but is very attractive, is it his jaw, eyes and harmony and pheno

i just don't understand anymore

just look at chicoView attachment 1072624im starting to think, harmony, pheno, lower third andgood deep set eyes with browridge and non recessed orbitalvectors are the key
use different pictures
this will sound like a cope but here it goes

i think a very forward maxilla is weird looking and looks primitive and ethnic, it makes the person look like a chimp i think a medium maxilla is good

i think maxilla is over rated here by autists

ratios and individual features are the key to attractiveness imo

but once again i'd rather have a forward maxilla then a very recessed one if i was given the option
my maxilla isnt chimp tier but it's definitely forward grown. Something in the middle is the best as long as its not recessed because maxilla does good things for eye area such as better orbitals, more compact orbitals etc. I think the thing women notice first is JAW, not your fucking orbital vector. Jaw is law, then eye area then hair, thats why robert pattinson looks good, he has a decent wide appeal eye area, good jaw, and good hair.
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my maxilla isnt chimp tier but it's definitely forward grown. Something in the middle is the best as long as its not recessed because maxilla does good things for eye area such as better orbitals, more compact orbitals etc. I think the thing women notice first is JAW, not your fucking orbital vector. Jaw is law, then eye area then hair, thats why robert pattinson looks good, he has a decent wide appeal eye area, good jaw, and good hair.
View attachment 1072639
the thing is my orbital vectors aren't recessed yet my nose and lower maxilla is

do you know why

and my browridge and supraorbitals are very forward, are they linked to the maxilla?
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I have really bad facial ratios sadly
i have shit ratios to

my main probelm is my es ratio

and it kills me because i have really curly hair but i can't cut the sides and do that cool trendy haircut and make my bones pop more
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i have shit ratios to

my main probelm is my es ratio

and it kills me because i have really curly hair but i can't cut the sides and do that cool trendy haircut and make my bones pop more
How’s ur midface ?
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the thing is my orbital vectors aren't recessed yet my nose and lower maxilla is

do you know why

and my browridge and supraorbitals are very forward, are they linked to the maxilla?
I'm pretty sure thats my case, my upper lip doesn't pop the fuck out like i have an overbite but my orbital vectors are almost like baretts, my browridge is very forward grown as well, my entire upper area is more forward grown than my lower area around lips, I dont have chimp lips but none of my cheekbones orbitals are recessed alongside nose.. My cheekbones are similar to barrett's i've been called budget arabic barrett lmao. I'm not sure either, but I know they are linked to vectors, my nose isn't recessed either it's very forward as well
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i have shit ratios to

my main probelm is my es ratio

and it kills me because i have really curly hair but i can't cut the sides and do that cool trendy haircut and make my bones pop more
What's your IPD and ES Ratio?
  • Hmm...
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How’s ur midface ?
my midface is normal maybe slightly small, my fwhr is is the 190s

my skull is naturally wide so i have wide temples and bones areound the sides of my eyes and there to wide
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my midface is normal maybe slightly small, my fwhr is is the 190s

my skull is naturally wide so i have wide temples and bones areound the sides of my eyes and there to wide
U are more than fine. My midface is 0.91 fwhr is 1.7
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forward growth gives you more like a greek statue type of beauty imo
more dimensions to your face, more details
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i see people with great maxillas but they still lack good looks

i see people that have shit maxills that look decent

is it ratios? harmony? masc features? eye area?

i really don't know at this point

and ovbiously a forward maxilla is better then having a recessed maxilla there is not deniying that but i don't think its the be all or end all

View attachment 1072622 robert pattison has a recessed maxilla but is very attractive, is it his jaw, eyes and harmony and pheno

i just don't understand anymore

just look at chicoView attachment 1072624im starting to think, harmony, pheno, lower third andgood deep set eyes with browridge and non recessed orbitalvectors are the key
Exceptions to the rule. Notice how Chico is aging like shit too. Patterson is only carried by his mandible.

If your maxilla is weak and not robust, you'll inevitable get downward growth (causing more sagging of soft tissues.)

You can get away with a weak maxilla, but the question is for how long?

Im 29 and my weak maxilla made my face age like shit versus when I was 20. Dynamic forces of your maxilla relative to your resting bite posture go to afffect the dimensions of growth over time. Bones are not set in stone, even after age 23 but its effects gradual and are almost imperceptible while it happens.

Think of your maxilla as the engine for your face, keep it well oiled and it will give you many miles.
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wait dude are u fucking retarded

The average length of an adult male's nose is 5.8 centimeters, and the adult female's nose length average is 5.1 centimeters. The length and width of a nose increase with age. Nose length is measured from the area between the eyes, known as the paranasion, to the tip of the nose, or the nasale laterale.

So you have maxillary downward growth which is causing ur long face which u need Lefort I
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Exceptions to the rule. Notice how Chico is aging like shit too. Patterson is only carried by his mandible.

If your maxilla is weak and not robust, you'll inevitable get downward growth (causing more sagging of soft tissues.)

You can get away with a weak maxilla, but the question is for how long?

Im 29 and my weak maxilla made my face age like shit versus when I was 20. Dynamic forces of your maxilla relative to your resting bite posture go to afffect the dimensions of growth over time. Bones are not set in stone, even after age 23 but its effects gradual and are almost imperceptible while it happens.

Think of your maxilla as the engine for your face, keep it well oiled and it will give you many miles.
can bimax save us?
Exceptions to the rule. Notice how Chico is aging like shit too. Patterson is only carried by his mandible.

If your maxilla is weak and not robust, you'll inevitable get downward growth (causing more sagging of soft tissues.)

You can get away with a weak maxilla, but the question is for how long?

Im 29 and my weak maxilla made my face age like shit versus when I was 20. Dynamic forces of your maxilla relative to your resting bite posture go to afffect the dimensions of growth over time. Bones are not set in stone, even after age 23 but its effects gradual and are almost imperceptible while it happens.

Think of your maxilla as the engine for your face, keep it well oiled and it will give you many miles.
what surgery can save us? bimax?
Im not exactly sure. What's available can only satisfy normies but not our needs. Normies can't articulate the asthetic insufficiency of what jaw surgery currently offers. Some can see the uncanny valley aspect but realize it's better than their previous subhuman appearance.

Jaw surgery does a good job of working within it's limits but doesn't seem to be able to tackle the challenges of fine details needed to meet blackpill standards. Its not maxxing out the limits of what you could do as extreme as it is.

Osteotomies on the maxilla still seem to be the tip of the iceberg.

i think some form of bone anchored midface pulling would be the solution but there's either nothing out there, only experimental or only offered to select truecels

Pulling can either tug at sutures to stretch them or break them causing distraction if done quick enough but this is only good enough for a few mm. Affecting surrounding perimaxillary sutures is something I believe avoids the uncanny valley aspect of osteotomies since it's more natural and harmonious with your preexisting facial structure.

lefort is good choice but the choices we have at best are still shit.
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Im not exactly sure. What's available can only satisfy normies but not our needs. Normies can't articulate the asthetic insufficiency of what jaw surgery currently offers. Some can see the uncanny valley aspect but realize it's better than their previous subhuman appearance.

Jaw surgery does a good job of working within it's limits but doesn't seem to be able to tackle the challenges of fine details needed to meet blackpill standards. Its not maxxing out the limits of what you could do as extreme as it is.

Osteotomies on the maxilla still seem to still be the tip of the iceberg.

i think some form of bone anchored midface pulling would be the solution but there's either nothing out there, only experimental or only offered to select truecels

Pulling can either tug at sutures to stretch them or break them causing distraction if done quick enough but this is only good enough for a few mm. Affecting surrounding perimaxillary sutures is something I believe avoids the uncanny valley aspect of osteotomies since it's more natural and harmonious with your preexisting facial structure.

lefort is good choice but the choices we have at best are still shit.
so pretty much its over if you have a shit maxilla because your prime will last much shorter then forward grown people

i guess this is why gandy and chico aged like shit and why barret still has good aging despite being a smoker and drinking

another reason to kill myself i promised myself i won't run jbw but that seems like one of the few options i have left tbh

i can't get surgery until im 23 and im 17 right now

its over
Maxilla is important but most of the determining factor of attractiveness comes from midfaces.
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i see people with great maxillas but they still lack good looks

i see people that have shit maxills that look decent

is it ratios? harmony? masc features? eye area?

i really don't know at this point

and ovbiously a forward maxilla is better then having a recessed maxilla there is not deniying that but i don't think its the be all or end all

View attachment 1072622 robert pattison has a recessed maxilla but is very attractive, is it his jaw, eyes and harmony and pheno

i just don't understand anymore

just look at chicoView attachment 1072624im starting to think, harmony, pheno, lower third andgood deep set eyes with browridge and non recessed orbitalvectors are the key
No, but Mad Max is a cope. Too many dudes these days out and about acting like they're the ultimate road warriors.
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Im not exactly sure. What's available can only satisfy normies but not our needs. Normies can't articulate the asthetic insufficiency of what jaw surgery currently offers. Some can see the uncanny valley aspect but realize it's better than their previous subhuman appearance.

Jaw surgery does a good job of working within it's limits but doesn't seem to be able to tackle the challenges of fine details needed to meet blackpill standards. Its not maxxing out the limits of what you could do as extreme as it is.

Osteotomies on the maxilla still seem to be the tip of the iceberg.

i think some form of bone anchored midface pulling would be the solution but there's either nothing out there, only experimental or only offered to select truecels

Pulling can either tug at sutures to stretch them or break them causing distraction if done quick enough but this is only good enough for a few mm. Affecting surrounding perimaxillary sutures is something I believe avoids the uncanny valley aspect of osteotomies since it's more natural and harmonious with your preexisting facial structure.

lefort is good choice but the choices we have at best are still shit.
A bimex can turn a subhuman into normie but good midfaces can turn this normie into Chad.
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so pretty much its over if you have a shit maxilla because your prime will last much shorter then forward grown people

i guess this is why gandy and chico aged like shit and why barret still has good aging despite being a smoker and drinking

another reason to kill myself i promised myself i won't run jbw but that seems like one of the few options i have left tbh

i can't get surgery until im 23 and im 17 right now

its over
Still plenty of time to correct the course if your facial growth naturally. Your bones don't start to become stubborn until around 23, it and your facial sutures still have some plasticity.

Who knows, in the next few years new promising procedures may become available. If I had this info at your age of probably would've had much better course correction in my facial asthetics over the decade.
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A bimex can turn a subhuman into a normie but good midfaces can turn this normie into Chad.
I've only seen men turn into high tier normies tbh
imo one facial feature doesn't matter more than any other in terms of importance.Rather,what I think you need to have is good ratios
and harmony amongst ALL your facial features.That being said,these are the 3 key and most important facial features you must have
in order to be attractive,and they all go together in forming an attractive face.

-Eye Area
-Defined Lower Third/s
-Compact Midface

Like I previously mentioned and must reiterate for clarity.These features by themselves alone will never constitute an overall attractive face
therefore they must always come together in tandem with each other in order to harmonize the face.
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Still plenty of time to correct the course if your facial growth naturally. Your bones don't start to become stubborn until around 23, it and your facial sutures still have some plasticity.

Who knows, in the next few years new promising procedures may become available. If I had this info at your age of probably would've had much better course correction in my facial asthetics over the decade.
can surgery do anything or is it cope?

i have like 60k saved up but have to wait around 6 years until i can spend it due to not getting savings until 23
, and then on top of all of that i need to organise it and maybe go to another country and get my bite allinged aswell and shit like that
A bimex can turn a subhuman into a normie but good midfaces can turn this normie into Chad.
I've only seen men turn into high tier normies tbh
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imo one facial feature doesn't matter more than any other in terms of importance.Rather,what I think you need to have is good ratios
and harmony amongst ALL your facial features.That being said,these are the 3 key and most important facial features you must have
in order to be attractive,and they all go together in forming an attractive face.

-Eye Area
-Defined Lower Third/s
-Compact Midface

Like I previously mentioned and must reiterate for clarity.These features by themselves alone will never constitute an overall attractive face
therefore they must always come together in tandem with each other in order to harmonize the face.
Compact midface is kinda cope tho. I've seen long midfaces that are deemed attractive to women.
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no, you did not
PSL autists seethe at this but not every compact face is attractive to women. Ian Somerhalder for example has a slighty longer length than width ratio.
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this will sound like a cope but here it goes

i think a very forward maxilla is weird looking and looks primitive and ethnic, it makes the person look like a chimp i think a medium maxilla is good

i think maxilla is over rated here by autists

ratios and individual features are the key to attractiveness imo

but once again i'd rather have a forward maxilla then a very recessed one if i was given the option
I’ve possibly getting a bimax to fix my maxilla. I agree that being obsessed with the forward ness is a meme but it’s horrid looking if recessed. . Unfortunately mine is recessed so it looks like I have a freakishly small upper lip and my mid face seems saggy but doctors say I don’t need it . I’m considering malar and under eye implants as a back up.
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