is maxilla cope?

Im not exactly sure. What's available can only satisfy normies but not our needs. Normies can't articulate the asthetic insufficiency of what jaw surgery currently offers. Some can see the uncanny valley aspect but realize it's better than their previous subhuman appearance.

Jaw surgery does a good job of working within it's limits but doesn't seem to be able to tackle the challenges of fine details needed to meet blackpill standards. Its not maxxing out the limits of what you could do as extreme as it is.

Osteotomies on the maxilla still seem to be the tip of the iceberg.

i think some form of bone anchored midface pulling would be the solution but there's either nothing out there, only experimental or only offered to select truecels

Pulling can either tug at sutures to stretch them or break them causing distraction if done quick enough but this is only good enough for a few mm. Affecting surrounding perimaxillary sutures is something I believe avoids the uncanny valley aspect of osteotomies since it's more natural and harmonious with your preexisting facial structure.

lefort is good choice but the choices we have at best are still shit.
Could you tell me more about this. I’ve been fighting to get a lefort since last year but it’s not looking good with insurance companies and what not. Are malar implants an option in your opinion to fix mid facial issues and the general melted or bloated look?
I’ve possibly getting a bimax to fix my maxilla. I agree that being obsessed with the forward ness is a meme but it’s horrid looking if recessed. . Unfortunately mine is recessed so it looks like I have a freakishly small upper lip and my mid face seems saggy but doctors say I don’t need it . I’m considering malar and under eye implants as a back up.
how is your bite? and how recessed are you? if your genuinley recessed and not just slightly you should get it
Could you tell me more about this. I’ve been fighting to get a lefort since last year but it’s not looking good with insurance companies and what not. Are malar implants an option in your opinion to fix mid facial issues and the general melted or bloated look?
I dont believe in implants, they are non functional and probably dont age well.
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no, you did not
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Still plenty of time to correct the course if your facial growth naturally. Your bones don't start to become stubborn until around 23, it and your facial sutures still have some plasticity.

Who knows, in the next few years new promising procedures may become available. If I had this info at your age of probably would've had much better course correction in my facial asthetics over the decade.
I'm 22 and a half. What do you think is the best course of action in terms of maxillary correction/growth? My palate is subpar(high arched and shit diameter) and my maxilla is in dire need of upswing/forward growth aswell as transverse. I feel the clock ticking. I'm personally pondering MSE and installing some sort of facemask(will probably have to make it myself).
say that again and you're banned
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The only reason why ppl here have maxilla fetish is because it influences the rest of your bones.Its basically the hinge that attaches to all the key bones in ur face.I don't think its that important unless it's recessed in which case it creates nasiolabial folds or its downward grown in which case it creates a horsemidface.
PSL autists seethe at this but not every compact face is attractive to women. Ian Somerhalder for example has a slighty longer length than width ratio.
all i see are an examples of hardcore statusmaxxed celebrities and Somerhalder has good enough features to cover it up. The longish midface is not attractive on an ordinary guy from the street. Reminder how Ryan Gosling got his role, for which he is so adored.

‘I want you to play this role because you’re not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You’re not handsome, you’re not cool, you’re just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts.’ ” In a later interview with VH1, Cassavetes elaborated: “When I told [New Line Cinema] I wanted to hire Ryan for the lead, they kind of looked at me like I was out of my mind.”
showing someone who is deformed because he has short face syndrome, his lower third is short
His surgery created his long midface and it made his face look better. His Length to width are not equal. Compact midfaces are overrated imo.
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