Is MK-677 Bullshit or no (HIGH IQ USERS ONLY)

Loox said in one of his comments don't fast as it cuts down igf production and igf1 is what makes us taller.
I was gonna do mk + cjc and then overdose protein but intermittent fast 16-8 hours since that increases high levels as well.
To intermittent fast or not?
sm1 said that fasting only boosts hgh to retain muscle. but it doesnt boost igf1
i Thought iGF-1 was anabolic so it would suppress natural test production don't know has been a while.
It is anabolic but it does the opposite, if actually boosts it.
sm1 said that fasting only boosts hgh to retain muscle. but it doesnt boost igf1
Probably because you're not eating protein (since you're fasting)
If you did eat protein, you'd stop fasting and HGH would go to normal
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Peptides sciences is one place you can get it from
so many different versions. which ones are the best + they are around the same price as hgh from catcafe
I’ve seen plenty people say its good and boosts hgh and other shit, and then I see other ppl say its dogpoop does nothing and gives you fuking diabetes
I would suggest you to inject the real deal
It depends what you mean with 'work'. Because mk677 does increase growth hormone. That doesn't mean you will grow in height, because closed plates won't grow no matter what.

You can still use mk677 to grow your clavicles since they grow until at least 22. The issue here is that it's not worth it for the money since you will get bloated, tired and hungry while only growing clavicle bone.

I think mk677 should only be used for bulking combined with a strict diet containing a minimal amount of sugars. Getting diabetes is totally not worth it.

If your growth plates are open mk677 could increase final height, but it's not like you will for sure become 6'2 if your parents are 6'0 and 5'6. Your genetics are still the most important factor, GH only maximizes the genetic potential.

So does it work? It increases GH so it does imo. It also makes you bloated and diabetic and won't increase height if your plates are closed. So be careful and monitor your health. Mk677 should be treated as a potentially dangerous drug not an everyday supplement.
Jfl people really think mk is gonna make them grow a fucking mm. Destroy that shit fucking compound it does nothing.
It depends what you mean with 'work'. Because mk677 does increase growth hormone. That doesn't mean you will grow in height, because closed plates won't grow no matter what.

You can still use mk677 to grow your clavicles since they grow until at least 22. The issue here is that it's not worth it for the money since you will get bloated, tired and hungry while only growing clavicle bone.

I think mk677 should only be used for bulking combined with a strict diet containing a minimal amount of sugars. Getting diabetes is totally not worth it.

If your growth plates are open mk677 could increase final height, but it's not like you will for sure become 6'2 if your parents are 6'0 and 5'6. Your genetics are still the most important factor, GH only maximizes the genetic potential.

So does it work? It increases GH so it does imo. It also makes you bloated and diabetic and won't increase height if your plates are closed. So be careful and monitor your health. Mk677 should be treated as a potentially dangerous drug not an everyday supplement.
I dont eat any sugary “food” and my growth plates are opened since i grown and inch, Height isnt always genetic cuz sum ppl grow taller than there parents
I’ve seen plenty people say its good and boosts hgh and other shit, and then I see other ppl say its dogpoop does nothing and gives you fuking diabetes
Its overrated for sure. My results weren't amazing and I wouldn't do it again but its worth a try if your young trying to grow, or have a horrible appetite like I did
Height isnt always genetic cuz sum ppl grow taller than there parents
that's not how height works. there are more than 12,000 genetic variants that determine height. your parents can be short or tall but that doesn't matter. what matters is the genes they carried on to you. your parents carry genes from your entire bloodline so if your grandpa was 160cm but your parents are both 180cm+ you can still become short. if your parents are taller the chances of you becoming short are much smaller so you can guess that someone with taller parents will become tall. however that's only a guess and not a guarantee. many brothers become shorter or taller than eachother even though the shorter brother was living a healthier life. that's because one brother inherited different height variants from his parents.

it's true that the chance of you inheriting that very short gene is much smaller but the chance still exists. height is a lottery and it's never fully determined that you will be tall if your parents are. height calculators are only an estimation and not a guarantee. because if your parents are for example (f)=170cm and (m)=180cm the chances of you getting taller than 170cm will be around 95%~. nevertheless there is still a small 5%~ chance that you will be shorter than 170cm and that's still determined by genetics.
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that's not how height works. there are more than 12,000 genetic variants that determine height. your parents can be short or tall but that doesn't matter. what matters is the genes they carried on to you. your parents carry genes from your entire bloodline so if your grandpa was 160cm but your parents are both 180cm+ you can still become short. if your parents are taller the chances of you becoming short are much smaller so you can guess that someone with taller parents will become tall. however that's only a guess and not a guarantee. many brothers become shorter or taller than eachother even though the shorter brother was living a healthier life. that's because one brother inherited different height variants from his parents.

it's true that the chance of you inheriting that very short gene is much smaller but the chance still exists. height is a lottery and it's never fully determined that you will be tall if your parents are. height calculators are only an estimation and not a guarantee. because if your parents are for example (f)=170cm and (m)=180cm the chances of you getting taller than 170cm will be around 95%~. nevertheless there is still a small 5%~ chance that you will be shorter than 170cm and that's still determined by genetics.
ahhh high iq
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I’ve seen plenty people say its good and boosts hgh and other shit, and then I see other ppl say its dogpoop does nothing and gives you fuking diabetes
25 mg a day plus 200g protein has made me grow 2 cm in a month
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its inferior to HGH

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