Is my slim/thin wrist a life fuel for me?



A la orden del señor
Jul 28, 2020
TLDR: both my mom and dad got huge wrists, but for some fucking reason mine are REALLY fucking thin; all other bones of my body are thick as fuck, except for my fucking forearm/wrist.
So i was thinking, the exam to determine if you are completed with your growth plates are with your wrists right? Does that mean i still have room to grow and can hop on HGH to grow some more inches?
Seriously thinking about doing the exam, may be lifefuel for me ngl
5'9 ATM ( weirdly enough my dad is a manlet, hes like 5'7/5'6 and my mom 5'1/5'0 )
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TLDR: both my mom and dad got huge wrists, but for some fucking reason mine are REALLY fucking thin; all other bones of my body are thick as fuck, except for my fucking forearm/wrist.
So i was thinking, the exam to determine if you are completed with your growth plates are with your wrists right? Does that mean i still have room to grow and can hop on HGH to grow some more inches?
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My wrists are 4.8 and I don't think it means shit growthplate wise
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5'9 ATM ( weirdly enough my dad is a manlet, hes like 5'7/5'6 and my mom 5'1/5'0 )
i am literally the exact same way, almost same parent heights too
i also have a wrist problem
bhai fren? 🥰
i just read a post saying that small frame can be because of your mother not eating enough protein during pregnancy
it might be worth while to ask your moms pregnancy diet
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i used to fear small wrists=small frame, but that's kinda inaccurate. I have a good frame and small wrists: 6.25 inches
i used to fear small wrists=small frame, but that's kinda inaccurate. I have a good frame and small wrists: 6.25 inches
my frame is actually really good ( 19,4inch bitteloid idk how to write this shit and also 19 inch shoulders )
the only thing that i really REALLY lack is wrists and forearm, they are both pathetic
my frame is actually really good ( 19,4inch bitteloid idk how to write this shit and also 19 inch shoulders )
the only thing that i really REALLY lack is wrists and forearm, they are both pathetic
exactly, wrist size is cope tbh unless you're a fighter or something
exactly, wrist size is cope tbh unless you're a fighter or something
i still remember on school when kids tried to arm wrestl, even tho i had more strenght than them i could never win cause my wrist would hurt as hell as if it were breaking :feelsbadman:
TLDR: both my mom and dad got huge wrists, but for some fucking reason mine are REALLY fucking thin; all other bones of my body are thick as fuck, except for my fucking forearm/wrist.
So i was thinking, the exam to determine if you are completed with your growth plates are with your wrists right? Does that mean i still have room to grow and can hop on HGH to grow some more inches?
Seriously thinking about doing the exam, may be lifefuel for me ngl
5'9 ATM ( weirdly enough my dad is a manlet, hes like 5'7/5'6 and my mom 5'1/5'0 )
i love your avi
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I have 17-17.5 and feel like they are small... I'll measure my dad's later he has big wrists
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If you are under 21 hop on HGH.
It's cope past 18 unless you're a late bloomer
It's good for other things too, only oldcels should't take it, due to maybe, increased risk of cancer cells becoming actual cancerous tumors.
It's good for other things too, only oldcels should't take it, due to maybe, increased risk of cancer cells becoming actual cancerous tumors.
For specifically height gains it is a waste past 18. The other benefits aren't the topic of this thread
For specifically height gains it is a waste past 18. The other benefits aren't the topic of this thread
Some people grow past 18 and the other benefits are always relevant.
gymcel forums have noticed that as well, wrists just get smaller from generation to generation
my wrists are very small and I am 5'11, even much smaller then my dad's and even his wrists are small
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My wrists are 4.8 and I don't think it means shit growthplate wise
Holy... Sounds like a larp tbh
Mine are 5.5-6" and i have legit never seen anyone with wrists smaller than me yet
Holy... Sounds like a larp tbh
Mine are 5.5-6" and i have legit never seen anyone with wrists smaller than me yet
Yes I'm larping about 5th percentile wrists for 9year old girls haha
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