Is teen love overrated?



“The average is 5.1 bro!! I swear!!”
Mar 23, 2024
Asking for NT mtn-htn, who have experienced both teen love and adult love.
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Completely individual, was the girl a giggly HTB+ that worshipped you and was HQNP or was it just a mediocre girl through and through?
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Yes, Almost 16 never even had girlfriend, not need stupid whores for anything other than wasting time and wasting money...
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  • JFL
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dont let people tell you that its not and that you should work on yourself and other bs, its really important first of all to open your eyes, to learn, etc etc, im too lazy to explain, but in short its not overrated
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dont let people tell you that its not and that you should work on yourself and other bs, its really important first of all to open your eyes, to learn, etc etc, im too lazy to explain, but in short its not overrated
you really think that way?
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you really think that way?
bro, i was emotionless cuck before i found my first gf, nothing could phase me, i was basically numb to anything, happy, sad doesnt matter, she made feel something even tho it ended up bad way im glad i learned something out of it, there are lot of other people who get their heart broken and that motivates them to do better things, so yeah i do think that way
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kind of
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Reactions: efidescontinuado and TheLooxMaxingKing
Not overrated, everyone should definitely experience teen love.
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bro, i was emotionless cuck before i found my first gf, nothing could phase me, i was basically numb to anything, happy, sad doesnt matter, she made feel something even tho it ended up bad way im glad i learned something out of it, there are lot of other people who get their heart broken and that motivates them to do better things, so yeah i do think that way
but if i have motivation, without girlfriend, i just dont have broken heart, that is better
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If you're attractive yes, if not you're just as better off being a single truecel-mtn. Trust me, but everything in general is much better and romantic when you're gl in a relationship. It's common knowledge, but others will respect you more, etc. So yes and no, if ur uggo, there was never any point anyway
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bro, i was emotionless cuck before i found my first gf, nothing could phase me, i was basically numb to anything, happy, sad doesnt matter, she made feel something even tho it ended up bad way im glad i learned something out of it, there are lot of other people who get their heart broken and that motivates them to do better things, so yeah i do think that way
So you were an emotionless "cuck" but now you're a sensitive non cuck? Sounds like you became more cucked.
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but if i have motivation, without girlfriend, i just dont have broken heart, that is better
its not abotu motivating big dog :ROFLMAO:, its about learning, and getting the feeling of love
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Reactions: efidescontinuado and TheLooxMaxingKing
Yes if she HQNP. Anything other than the teen romance in the movies is not teen love
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Reactions: IMOGYOU, efidescontinuado and shizuku11111
and you are dirty indian
Du gamla du fria!
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Was in a talking stage (if that's what it's called lmao) a year ago, she was realistically mtb but I fucked everything up from lifelong abused dog syndrome and being a mental fuck-up:lul:
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Reactions: efidescontinuado
no its not iam 16 and spending my whole life reading best of the best threads while chads fuck mtb's
Not overrated, everyone should definitely experience teen love.
hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahah its so over
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  • JFL
Reactions: efidescontinuado and BloomDoom
Idk man where I'm from it's just for status
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its the most pure and innocent love u will ever feel, nothing u will feel as an adult will come close, but losing your first love/teen love is also the worst pain you will feel and no one ever truly recovers
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its the most pure and innocent love u will ever feel, nothing u will feel as an adult will come close, but losing your first love/teen love is also the worst pain you will feel and no one ever truly recovers
i think u are overhyping it not gonna lie.
no its not iam 16 and spending my whole life reading best of the best threads while chads fuck mtb's
This comment is fucking real, i do exactly the same boyo based!!!!!!!!!!
its the most pure and innocent love u will ever feel, nothing u will feel as an adult will come close, but losing your first love/teen love is also the worst pain you will feel and no one ever truly recovers
So brutal bro, im 16 so its basically the end stages, does it apply to “college” love too?
i think u are overhyping it not gonna lie.
not really, ur perspective on life as a teen and as an adult are totally different, things seem more pure and innocent at that age, you have no worries in life, everything is provided for u

do you think the relationship as an adult feels the same when ur actively trying to balance out ur 9-5 wagecuck job, paying ur bills and paying ur rent with managing a relationship with a used up foid who barely even loves you
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Had a gf in hs, lost my virginity to her (and she was a virgin too), did all that hs relationship stuff. I don't feel it made any difference in my post-hs life tbh
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not really, ur perspective on life as a teen and as an adult are totally different, things seem more pure and innocent at that age, you have no worries in life, everything is provided for u

do you think the relationship as an adult feels the same when ur actively trying to balance out ur 9-5 wagecuck job, paying ur bills and paying ur rent with managing a relationship with a used up foid who barely even loves you
Ur making the teenager part like a fucking dream, but adulthood like a nightmare, 25 year old is mens prime, stop coping faggot.
Had a gf in hs, lost my virginity to her, did all that hs relationship stuff. I don't feel it made any difference in my post-hs life tbh
Because it doesn't make a fucking difference
So brutal bro, im 16 so its basically the end stages, does it apply to “college” love too?
ur still young bro, i had my first relationship at that age but didnt truly feel love until i was 18, get off the forum and live ur life, too young for the blackpill
You will never be 16 and in love with a girl.

You will never
explore eachothers body for the first time, Together.
You will never have her rest on your shoulder on long bus rides.
You will never wake up to her smiling & cuddling you.
You will never have each others first kiss in kindergarten.
You will never dance with her.
You will never lay on the hood of your car and stargaze together.
You will never stay at her place after fighting with your parents.
You will never sneak over to each others houses.
You will never experience the worry if she is pregnant
or not after your first time together.
You will never meet her parents.
You will never marry her.
You will never watch her get the kids ready for school.
You will never grow old together.
Ur making the teenager part like a fucking dream, but adulthood like a nightmare, 25 year old is mens prime, stop coping faggot.
because its true jfl, rotting at a club on the weekend slaying ltb isnt living life, its just a form of cope for oldcels to get away from their miserable lifes once a week
  • +1
Reactions: TheLooxMaxingKing
because its true jfl, rotting at a club on the weekend slaying ltb isnt living life, its just a form of cope for oldcels to get away from their miserable lifes once a week
i agree with that, but u can find your true love at like 20, and live happily after that.
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Reactions: atlantean
i agree with that, but u can find your true love at like 20, and live happily after that.
u could if u both have never experienced true love, harsh reality is that once someone experiences true love 99% of the time that person will always be on their mind, u can find multiple posts online from foids in LTR and marriages saying how much they think about their first love and how theyll always be on their mind no matter how good their current relationship is, its brutal but true
not overrated, and it's probably the worst thing you can miss out on, the thought of that alone kept me up many nights, but alas i've accepted my subhuman loveless fate
ur still young bro, i had my first relationship at that age but didnt truly feel love until i was 18, get off the forum and live ur life, too young for the blackpill
It’s been 5 years since i have had a conversation with a girl my age, 4 years since I made a new friend in school. Non NT is a death tier falio
You will never be 16 and in love with a girl.

You will never
explore eachothers body for the first time, Together.
You will never have her rest on your shoulder on long bus rides.
You will never wake up to her smiling & cuddling you.
You will never have each others first kiss in kindergarten.
You will never dance with her.
You will never lay on the hood of your car and stargaze together.
You will never stay at her place after fighting with your parents.
You will never sneak over to each others houses.
You will never experience the worry if she is pregnant
or not after your first time together.
You will never meet her parents.
You will never marry her.
You will never watch her get the kids ready for school.
You will never grow old together.
This is brutal but half this stuff isnt even teen love
Sorry life ends after the neonatal period
  • JFL
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It’s been 5 years since i have had a conversation with a girl my age, 4 years since I made a new friend in school. Non NT is a death tier falio
ur face is still changing bhai, if u saw how i looked at 16 and now u would think its not the same person in the pics

being nt is a meme as long as u dont look subhuman. just hit the gym, avoid being fat and eat a healthy and high cholesterol diet and youll be fine eventually, if not now then whenever u move onto the next part of ur education and make new friends. if u have bad thoughts in ur mind it will reflect on ur outer appearance which people can see, believe me
ur face is still changing bhai, if u saw how i looked at 16 and now u would think its not the same person in the pics

being nt is a meme as long as u dont look subhuman. just hit the gym, avoid being fat and eat a healthy and high cholesterol diet and youll be fine eventually, if not now then whenever u move onto the next part of ur education and make new friends. if u have bad thoughts in ur mind it will reflect on ur outer appearance which people can see, believe me
Unless not being NT is only being autistic than its for sure not a meme…

Social skills are law, although you need less if you’re attractive, you still need em.
Unless not being NT is only being autistic than its for sure not a meme…

Social skills are law, although you need less if you’re attractive, you still need em.
im autist and i can assure u ive probs slayed more then all the incels who cope abt NT being law on this forum combined

just fake ur social skills, whenever im doing sth new i always read up online for stories or ppl describing their experiences, when i first went clubbing i would watch those retarded vids on what to do at a club or read abt clubbing stories on reddit and it worked jfl, just be low inhib and fake it, youll feel like shit the first times but youll build up a tolerance and understanding of how it works eventually

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