I'm pretty sure tinder has gotten more expensive towards the summer bcuz don't remember it being 18 $ a month for tinder gold.
Anyway is the convivence of being able to swipe on just likes worth it? I need tinder plus minimum bcuz i change location as i have trips planned this summer.
Also how can you have thousands of likes if you're using gold? Are you just saving them for bragging rights bcuz can't you just swipe away the ugly girls and match with the hot ones meaning you shouldn't have any likes at all after swiping?
Tagging tinder slayers
@Lars @averagejoe @Niko69 @Amnesia @Salludon
Anyway is the convivence of being able to swipe on just likes worth it? I need tinder plus minimum bcuz i change location as i have trips planned this summer.
Also how can you have thousands of likes if you're using gold? Are you just saving them for bragging rights bcuz can't you just swipe away the ugly girls and match with the hot ones meaning you shouldn't have any likes at all after swiping?
Tagging tinder slayers
@Lars @averagejoe @Niko69 @Amnesia @Salludon