.is User Ascended with Wife and Kids



Bluepill Philosopher
Feb 29, 2020

@MoggerGaston @Michael Myers
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1 year ago he posted:

I (27m) I had a girlfriend of five years, that I broke up with in December.
now: 28M here. who now has a wife and a child on the way,

so he had sex/girlfriend since 22yo. how was he ever an incel. dumb retarded cunt
  • JFL
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@MoggerGaston @Michael Myers

>wife in question
  • JFL
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hes back once his whore wife cheats on him
  • JFL
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Damn, what a loser. I’m 28 but during 2008 - 2014, I was in high school. It was the best time of my life, and I never spent time on forums except for on the weekends and even that wasn’t a lot.
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  • WTF
Reactions: RAMU KAKA, Klaas Vaaker, rand anon and 5 others
Damn, what a loser. I’m 28 but during 2008 - 2014, I was in high school. It was the best time of my life, and I never spent time on forums except for on the weekends and even that wasn’t a lot.
2017 I was playing michael myers in deadbydaylight and wrecking faggots in online games as killer
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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tales from mumbai with a twist
  • JFL
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I wonder if it's genuinely. Better to remain an incel than to betabuxx.
Tomato, TOMATO

Dating sub skinny HTB (even if it's for "free")= premium incel.
In this life we have incels and chads. Anything else is cope.
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Reactions: Klaas Vaaker and aspiringexcel
It's better to be alone than with a woman who's settling. A woman who calls the shots. That's not a situation for any man to be in.
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Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, watah, Chadeep and 1 other person
what do you think about 'escaped patient' aesthetic for michael myers


escaped ward patient fits .org arc

ngl tbh
Good point, Myers did escape from the psychiatric hospital at 21. However, he was smart as fuck, too. He somehow managed to drive a car, despite spending his time staring at walls and not talking to anyone at all. :fuk:
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forum was created in 2017, yet he says he posted there from 2008 to 2014

dogshit larp
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Reactions: got.daim, Sprinkles and TUSSELEIF
It's better to be alone than with a woman who's settling. A woman who calls the shots. That's not a situation for any man to be in.
Nothing is better than being alone even if u have sex once a month u still have companionship
  • +1
Reactions: Klaas Vaaker and Chadeep
It's better to be alone than with a woman who's settling. A woman who calls the shots. That's not a situation for any man to be in.
My brother is in this kind of marriage. I gotta say, it’s better being alone than being with the wrong woman. I’m glad I’m not married. It’s not worth it, but he seems to think it is, since he’s so pussy-whipped and scared of his wife that he’s only able to ask for favors from his family and friends only. :hnghn:
  • +1
Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, Lefty Rankin and Chadeep
Good point, Myers did escape from the psychiatric hospital at 21. However, he was smart as fuck, too. He somehow managed to drive a car, despite spending his time staring at walls and not talking to anyone at all. :fuk:
I often have dreams and desires of killing a lot of people, but I don't like talking about this because it may put me on a list if u know what I mean.

Bringing death and destruction is something which gods do. I've already felt the power of satan while on a shroom-trip in the past, I wouldn't mind a demon posessing my physical body to kill a lot of people tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and Michael Myers
Good point, Myers did escape from the psychiatric hospital at 21. However, he was smart as fuck, too. He somehow managed to drive a car, despite spending his time staring at walls and not talking to anyone at all. :fuk:
driving a car isnt hard, neither is killing a lot of people
  • Woah
Reactions: Michael Myers
I often have dreams and desires of killing a lot of people, but I don't like talking about this because it may put me on a list if u know what I mean.

Bringing death and destruction is something which gods do. I've already felt the power of satan while on a shroom-trip in the past, I wouldn't mind a demon posessing my physical body to kill a lot of people tbh.
I actually know another person who has dreams like this. They’re autistic but they wouldn’t harm anyone. They don’t seem capable. Perhaps your dreams are that of an innate desire to have revenge against your wrongdoers. Having said that, I’m a misanthropist so I think that’s giga based. :Comfy: I feel like we live in a country where we can say this and not get locked up in a ward, now if you said this in the United States, I’m sure they’d call the cops on you and put you in a strait jacket.
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
Nothing is better than being alone even if u have sex once a month u still have companionship
So you're willing to be a disrespected dog for morsels? Your username is "Standardcel", what a contradiction.
I actually know another person who has dreams like this. They’re autistic but they wouldn’t harm anyone. They don’t seem capable. Perhaps your dreams are that of an innate desire to have revenge against your wrongdoers. Having said that, I’m a misanthropist so I think that’s giga based. :Comfy: I feel like we live in a country where we can say this and not get locked up in a ward, now if you said this in the United States, I’m sure they’d call the cops on you and put you in a strait jacket.
Thing is, I don't have hatred towards individual people. I can hate women and want to rape+kill women in general, but I don't hate an individual women in such a way. So I don't act on those desires.

USA mogs though, would love to live there
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
It's better to be alone than with a woman who's settling. A woman who calls the shots. That's not a situation for any man to be in.
Women's ideals are delusional tho so she will always feel like she's settling
1 year ago he posted:

I (27m) I had a girlfriend of five years, that I broke up with in December.
now: 28M here. who now has a wife and a child on the way,

so he had sex/girlfriend since 22yo. how was he ever an incel. dumb retarded cunt
I wonder what’s going on in his mind
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
28 in 2024 and browsing that website since 2008 means he was 12 years old when he made his account.

JFL tbh
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Reactions: TUSSELEIF
In 2008 I was fucking all the girls in middle school
Thing is, I don't have hatred towards individual people. I can hate women and want to rape+kill women in general, but I don't hate an individual women in such a way. So I don't act on those desires.

USA mogs though, would love to live there
I honestly think USA is a dogshit country, the only reason I would consider going there is because of friends that live there. Where would you like to go? Most Americans seem to wanna leave the country rather than staying there. At my last college, I had a teacher from America. I was studying in Gelderland. :hnghn:
see it as a challenge, a goal
The thing is, I live in a city and everything is connected. Multiple bus stops, multiple tram stops and even a local train station. There’s no need for me to learn how to drive. Downtown is also like 15 minutes away and there’s also a few supermarkets nearby within a 10 minute walking distance. If I liked elsewhere, like Berkel or Pijnacker, then yes I would have tried but it’s not necessary for me at the moment.
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
he’s married lmfao

what a cuck
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Reactions: watah and MoggerGaston
The thing is, I live in a city and everything is connected. Multiple bus stops, multiple tram stops and even a local train station. There’s no need for me to learn how to drive. Downtown is also like 15 minutes away and there’s also a few supermarkets nearby within a 10 minute walking distance. If I liked elsewhere, like Berkel or Pijnacker, then yes I would have tried but it’s not necessary for me at the moment.
exactly the same for me

i have a driving license but since I live in the city centre with everything in walking-range, major train-station next to my house, i dont want a car.

so what do you want to focus on? what skill could be usefull in your curent life situation?
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
exactly the same for me

i have a driving license but since I live in the city centre with everything in walking-range, major train-station next to my house, i dont want a car.

so what do you want to focus on? what skill could be usefull in your curent life situation?
Mirin bhai, we have it really good. In the United States you need a car because they’re usually living in the middle of nowhere. Not having a car isn’t a good option there.

What I want to focus on? No idea. I dropped out of college. :hnghn: I think I should just get a part-time job or something, you know? At the gym. I asked my friend if he could help me out and he said he would try his best. I’ll keep you updated on this.

What about you?
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Mirin bhai, we have it really good. In the United States you need a car because they’re usually living in the middle of nowhere. Not having a car isn’t a good option there.

What I want to focus on? No idea. I dropped out of college. :hnghn: I think I should just get a part-time job or something, you know? At the gym. I asked my friend if he could help me out and he said he would try his best. I’ll keep you updated on this.

What about you?
What is a skill or knowledge to have which would make your life more interesting in the present? there must be MANY THINGS, SO MANY THINGS.

Like, imagine having nothing to do and just starting the hobby of having lizards. Have some aquarium in your room with lizards which you take care off. You learn about lizards, what they need, what they eat, how they act, everything.

Just one stupid example. You could become knowledgeable in anything you want.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and Michael Myers
What is a skill or knowledge to have which would make your life more interesting in the present? there must be MANY THINGS, SO MANY THINGS.

Like, imagine having nothing to do and just starting the hobby of having lizards. Have some aquarium in your room with lizards which you take care off. You learn about lizards, what they need, what they eat, how they act, everything.

Just one stupid example. You could become knowledgeable in anything you want.
Funny you mention lizards, I wanted one but I read you need to be there constantly, they get very attached and if you go away for a few weeks, then they’ll hate you and it will take months before they forgive you for leaving them. And I plan on going on a vacation for at least a month every other year, so I don’t have the right lifestyle that they deserve and need. Honestly, I have no idea what skill I would want to learn… I know nothing. What about you?
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Funny you mention lizards, I wanted one but I read you need to be there constantly, they get very attached and if you go away for a few weeks, then they’ll hate you and it will take months before they forgive you for leaving them. And I plan on going on a vacation for at least a month every other year, so I don’t have the right lifestyle that they deserve and need. Honestly, I have no idea what skill I would want to learn… I know nothing. What about you?
you're thinking of problems/issues instead of opportunities. You have a mindset problem.

I am sure it's not every lizard species that exists on this planet which acts like that.
Going on a holiday and having your pets be taken care of by someone else is normal and not a problem which can't be overcome.

You have no idea what you want to learn, but is that genuine or because you feel like it's too hard, too difficult, not worth it, etc.?

Personally I still want to get better at rollerskating. I bought rollerskates 2 years ago but haven't gotten good at rollerskating yet.
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Reactions: Michael Myers
you're thinking of problems/issues instead of opportunities. You have a mindset problem.

I am sure it's not every lizard species that exists on this planet which acts like that.
Going on a holiday and having your pets be taken care of by someone else is normal and not a problem which can't be overcome.

You have no idea what you want to learn, but is that genuine or because you feel like it's too hard, too difficult, not worth it, etc.?

Personally I still want to get better at rollerskating. I bought rollerskates 2 years ago but haven't gotten good at rollerskating yet.
Well, I’m a pessimist so yes, I have a major mindset problem.

I asked plebbitors who owned lizards online and they said it’s not right to get a lizard if I cannot commit by not going overseas. My family doesn’t have pets and they won’t let me get one either. They said they think lizards are scary. So forget about taking care of them, JFL.

Yes, I genuinely have no idea what to learn. I’m already 28. I will just try to go back to college after the summer because I cannot continue doing nothing at all.

Rollerskating sounds nice, I couldn’t do it. I always sucked at sports. I did see a girl a few days ago on rollerskates and she was riding the tram. I was like how the heck can you walk around like this in the streets and in trams. :fuk:
Well, I’m a pessimist so yes, I have a major mindset problem.
time to work on that, step by step.
| asked plebbitors

who owned lizards online and they said it’s not right to get a lizard if I cannot commit by not going overseas. My family doesn’t have pets and they won’t let me get one either. They said they think lizards are scary. So forget about taking care of them, JFL.
doesn't have to be lizards, you could do ANY HOBBY YOU WANT
Yes, I genuinely have no idea what to learn. I’m already 28. I will just try to go back to college after the summer because I cannot continue doing nothing at all.
why is college the only possibility for you? Is there NOTHING in this world which seems interesting to you?

Like, you could work as a fireman, policeman. just one example.

Rollerskating sounds nice, I couldn’t do it. I always sucked at sports. I did see a girl a few days ago on rollerskates and she was riding the tram. I was like how the heck can you walk around like this in the streets and in trams. :fuk:
yeah thats where I want to be. I am super unstable on rollerskates just like you basically. But it's something you can learn.

4 years ago I learned how to do skateboarding from scratch. It's not too late
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Reactions: Michael Myers

This is probably true for a lot of users on here
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time to work on that, step by step.
I’ve had this mindset for half of my life already. I don’t think I can change it. Especially when nothing good has ever happened to me…
Hahah good point. But maybe they’re right, as I’ve never owned a lizard. I could go to a reptile event as they host those in the country. Maybe they’ll say the same.
doesn't have to be lizards, you could do ANY HOBBY YOU WANT
Is learning a new language a hobby? I can work on that. That’s the only thing I could see myself doing and I actually already have a language in mind.
why is college the only possibility for you? Is there NOTHING in this world which seems interesting to you?
Because I’m not good with my hands, I couldn’t even tie my shoelaces until I was 15. Something kids learn in elementary, I learned in high school.
Like, you could work as a fireman, policeman. just one example.
I always wanted to work as a male nurse but I have OCD, and to work as a fireman or policeman you have to do certain training I can’t do due to my OCD, I also don’t like wearing gear or outfits due to my OCD. I am so fucked.
yeah thats where I want to be. I am super unstable on rollerskates just like you basically. But it's something you can learn.

4 years ago I learned how to do skateboarding from scratch. It's not too late
I see, I thought you had some experience already. Are you going to go to classes to learn or will you try yourself?

Wow, skateboarding is cool as fuck. When I was in high school, I wanted to skateboard.

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