Islam is based af

I don't care if fairytales are real,i tell them Islam has blackpilled and most based rules for sexuality,economy and community.
don't care, didn't ask, I don't need rules who protect incels from hypergamy
the true bible shows that they are both the same
but that isn't available anymore(blame jews)
There's two parts of the Bible, the Old and new testaments.

Islam agrees with the Old testament (which is the basis from where it was derived), but Islam entirely denies and disagrees with the New testament with the excuse that it is heavily corrupted, even though it was written 500+ years before Muhammad was even born.
its a blackpilled religion
it understands that men will be incels and society will be shit if they let women be promiscuous
Well then can't you make your own cult and use it as a brute force against women yourself? Why do you need Islam for that? You are simply implying that it was a man made organization specially made for political and societal control.
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Islam will be the main thing that sticks community to each other.Thats why i need Islam for ruling people.It'll be spiritual uniter.

Its my Utopia.

so you do care about the spiritual aspects about it.

Absolutely mogged by Christianity though
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Keep going deep for him,you're the one who has most sad life

You're 30 years old and trying to deal with pre pubescent kids
just no
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so you do care about the spiritual aspects about it.

Absolutely mogged by Christianity though
Brother i don't belive your religion bullshits,it doesn't make sense at all to me

I was atheist for a long time and i found Islam as one true religion.Rules and spiritual beliefs
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so you do care about the spiritual aspects about it.

Absolutely mogged by Christianity though
Like I said bro, they're driven by goals like 'women, status, control etc.'.

These type of people don't care about salvation or after life... something that the Bible focuses heavily on.
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Like I said bro, they're driven by goals like 'women, status, control etc.'.

These type of people don't care about salvation or after life... something that the Bible focuses heavily on.
you should worshipp the cow like your ancestors, not some semitic fairytailes my goy
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Brutally destroyed of christcucks again

Islam is indeed the most based religion except the absolute disgusting and degenerate cousin marriages that are allowed. Pakistanis are most known for cousin marriages and they represent almost 30% of genetically ill kids in the UK while being only 3% of the population jfl, incredibly subhuman
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IMG 20200717 173920 114
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Problem is mozlem girls are ugly. You can keep your 4 wives.
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Question 1: Why did Mohamad marry an 6 year old girl?

Question 2: Why are arab countrys so fucked up? You dont have Sharia Law in 99% of muslim countrys, did Islam fail?

Question 3: Why are arabs so dumb, same IQ level with african countrys?
1. He took jb slayer too literally

2. western degeneracy

3. Muslim incest is insane with over 50% of cousins in Islamic nations marrying.

that means that at any given time a decent portion of the population will be retarded
Islam isn't peace of religion.Its some bullshit that created by modernist muslims to attract some leftist self hating whites.

Islam represents you rules which can give you a comfortable life.Peaceful or not
Islam is peaceful. But peaceful doesn't = pacifism.
Khawirij, Takfiris, and Radical Madhkilis and Salafis don't represent Islam.

Islam was spread by the sword in some places, but it was also spread through messengers to other countries.

By the way your post in main OP about hitting your wife is like a tap compared to tapping with a toothbrush [siwak] after set issues.
Religion threads always get 100+ replies, even more than race threads
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>You can get 4 wives at same time
View attachment 524295
>You have permission to beat your wife if she doesn't obey you
View attachment 524297
>Girls need to wear hijab for saving her face and body for their moral
View attachment 524299
>Committing a crime's punishment is so tough,so people can't commit crimes

View attachment 524300
>Obeying prophet or caliph is obeying Allah,so strong authority
View attachment 524303
>If you convert to Islam,your past sins shall be forgiven by god
View attachment 524304
>Convert Islam Today,I wait your questions about Islam
View attachment 524306

@TheSavior @Chadeep @TRUE_CEL @sgt_iron @Chadelite @BlackpillSalesman @Sikkunt23 @Htobrother @CursedOne @DoMoverPRETTYboy
Convert me brother
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You aren't a true muslim if you aren't beheading every kafir or ex-muslim.

Sahi al bukhari 5057 - 5058 says that :-

muslims who recite the Quran for only man's approval and praise... and don't act upon it are sinning.

Sahi al bukhari 3611 says that :-

Every muslim is to kill an ex-muslim for apostasy for he will be rewarded by Allah.

But today ex muslims are still loved by 'lukewarm muslims'(those who don't practice it and follow it precisely because they are sane people). So they aren't true muslims and you yourself are not a true Muslim either for not beheading every ex-muslim you know of, let alone see on the streets.

@Leforrt3000 ,@Aesthetics_III .

Sahih al bukhari 5057-5058:

Narrated `Ali: I heard the Prophet saying, In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection.

Sahi al bukhari 3611:

I relate the traditions of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) to you for I would rather fall from the sky than attribute something to him falsely. But when I tell you a thing which is between you and me, then no doubt, war is guile. I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, "In the last days of this world there will appear some young foolish people who will use (in their claim) the best speech of all people (i.e. the Qur'an) and they will abandon Islam as an arrow going through the game. Their belief will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have practically no belief), so wherever you meet them, kill them, for he who kills them shall get a reward on the Day of Resurrection."

So much for being based lmao. You're right, a large portion of Muslims are fed the lukewarm version of their prophet's revelation, and not the overtly violent portion. Theres a sizeable difference in what Jesus said in the NT and what Mohammad teaches towards violence.

Now Im gonna wait for the common "you're choosing a random obscure Hadith", despite it being from Sahih al bukhari the most trustworthy Hadith set, which Muslims say when they're trying to make the less optical but still trustworthy Hadiths look irrelevant to save face.
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