Islam is the Most Incel Religion



Jun 1, 2023
Islam is spread by the sword, meanwhile all of the other religion rely on proselytizing and convincing people to convert. Islam relies on young, broke, statusless, uneducated, unskilled, horny men to invade other countries and start wars in the name of “muh Allah.” Wherever there is a large Muslim population, there will be a war of some kind. No other religion has as much blood on its hands as Islam does. Not to mention that they lock their women inside and force them to cover up all of their skin because they know their women will cuck them if they don’t.
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ur wrong
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firm no L’s im takin all dubs

my bro sip pink lemonade

phone on dnd cuz im working

gal say im so conceited you think i don’t know that

all day i dont sleep i take no naps

bad b callin me babe sayin i got multiple names

IMG 7775
Yes that's why birthrates are higher in Europe than in MENA countries.
Makes sense.
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too lazy to explain bhai but ur wrong ill leave u to think about it
It would be nice if I could have a theological debate about Islam without them threatening to cut my head off and call me an infidel. I’m actually interested in having a debate regarding their religion and why they think the way they do.
Someone overdosed on copium
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The Bureau is out on this mf'er today
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Islam is spread by the sword, meanwhile all of the other religion rely on proselytizing and convincing people to convert. Islam relies on young, broke, statusless, uneducated, unskilled, horny men to invade other countries and start wars in the name of “muh Allah.” Wherever there is a large Muslim population, there will be a war of some kind. No other religion has as much blood on its hands as Islam does. Not to mention that they lock their women inside and force them to cover up all of their skin because they know their women will cuck them if they don’t.
But what other religion can u have 4 wifes
Pentecostal (barely pronounced it) "christianity" must be the most incel religion.
Southern hilbillies supporting Trump and sucking Jewish cocks must be he most incel population on this planet.
Is this image of catholic spanish fighting Moors?
Protestants were Ottoman allies in the case they didn't tech you history in your midwestern shithole.
Catholics were exterminating protestant cucks in the thirty years war, unfortunatelly cockroaches survived, but now muslims will eat them alive.
It is funny how justice is allways served.
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Is this image of catholic spanish fighting Moors?
Catholics were exterminating protestant cucks in the thirty years war, unfortunatelly cockroaches survived, but now muslims will eat them alive.
It is funny how justice is allways served.
I hate Protestants too. Why do you think I’m Protestant?
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Islam is spread by the sword, meanwhile all of the other religion rely on proselytizing and convincing people to convert. Islam relies on young, broke, statusless, uneducated, unskilled, horny men to invade other countries and start wars in the name of “muh Allah.” Wherever there is a large Muslim population, there will be a war of some kind. No other religion has as much blood on its hands as Islam does. Not to mention that they lock their women inside and force them to cover up all of their skin because they know their women will cuck them if they don’t.
Gods plan mindset from Christianity is flawed.
Yea bro it was gods plan for you to need countless vaccines and drugs to normally function oh and you need to eat seed oils not meat and only exercise 30 minutes a day don’t question anything it’s gods plan OBEY
Islam is spread by the sword, meanwhile all of the other religion rely on proselytizing and convincing people to convert. Islam relies on young, broke, statusless, uneducated, unskilled, horny men to invade other countries and start wars in the name of “muh Allah.” Wherever there is a large Muslim population, there will be a war of some kind. No other religion has as much blood on its hands as Islam does. Not to mention that they lock their women inside and force them to cover up all of their skin because they know their women will cuck them if they don’t.
yeah that's just the nature of a woman faggot, muslims know this and it's based, they will have a big family and alot of children

something you don't see with modern west/euro cuck faggots
Are you a jew by chance?
No, but Jews might have done more harm to the world than Islam at this point. Everything about Islam tho points to it being a low IQ ethnic religion. White people will never adopt Islam. There’s a fundamental mismatch between the European brain and Islam.
Pentecostal (barely pronounced it) "christianity" must be the most incel religion.
Southern hilbillies supporting Trump and sucking Jewish cocks must be he most incel population on this planet.
The fact that Islam allows you to go out wage holy war rape women in the name of Allah proves it’s an incel religionZ

As an incel I almsot converted to Islam due to how ku h it appeals to an statusless incel like myself. In Islam your guaranteed a wife due to how rigid its eye held are to enforce incels get pussy

So you failed there little boy the same way you failed saying Russian saints are pagan. Good try but you failed
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