israel cant defeat hamas after 9 months

Not really lmao Israel could wipe out the Palishitters in a week max if they went all out with the artillery and everybody knows it.

Go compare the casualties from both sides:ROFLMAO:

Also who gives a shit about the campus niggas? Everybody knows it's an isolated minority, nobody even cares. Even Starbucks and McDonalds is going on like usual with business from everyone.
israel is fucked in 30 years when gen z are the ones in power. 20% of gen Z believes the holocaust is exaggerated according to surveys JFL.

israel’s best bet is taking out iran as fast as possible so that even if america turns on them it doesn’t matter as they’re the clear undeniable superpower in the region
it’s not strategically beneficial to admit to have nukes. israel doesn’t admit they have it either we only know cus they stole the blueprints from us
You dont need to admit it. It is benefical for iran to claim to have nukes
  • JFL
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Not really lmao Israel could wipe out the Palishitters in a week max if they went all out with the artillery and everybody knows it.
not hamas since they are 70 meters underground.
Go compare the casualties from both sides:ROFLMAO:
most of palestine casualties ae civilians and israel censors its casualties heavily.
Also who gives a shit about the campus niggas? Everybody knows it's an isolated minority, nobody even cares. Even Starbucks and McDonalds is going on like usual with business from everyone.
if they dont care why they hired police forces to arrest them? young people hate jews now its a fact
it’s funny how Jews fucked themselves over by inviting the 3rd world to the west not realizing this is just swaying later generations against them. Just Lol at their IQ
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Explain why
because admitting they have nukes just invites challenges and america bombing their nuclear fields, the element of surprise is an actual real thing not some fiction cuck shit.

Again, nuclear war benefits NO ONE. whether israel or iran nukes each other first. america russia and china will intervene and then it’s just total death. if israel knew there was a way to win a nuclear war they would’ve nuked iran by now
yes but they dont work and serve in idf
Both Orthodox Jews and non-Jews serve in the IDF, but service isn't mandatory for non-Jews. Also, relative quantities of service members is not that important because if the Jewish race is truly in dire threat of extermination then they will just start dropping nukes.

those places are full of factories which are empty so yeah it gone.
Again, if Israel wants those factories operational then they will just stop bombing/occupying Gaza.

yeah they openly say they have created tunnels under there. and might just give them the adress too.
Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF

muh jews control the entire world theory
Pick a lane. If Jews weren't so powerful then modern Israel wouldn't exist in the first place.

wont happen anytime soon, some say the whole purpose of october 7 attack was to sabbotage the abrahams accords
I already explained the purpose of the attack, which was made at the discretion of powerful Jews.

they only pay if its military budget like the one they did for israel ukraine and taiwan protection, israel has to buy most of them
The military budget is massive and Israel "buying" them just means that they're "paying" other Jews for them.
not hamas since they are 70 meters underground.

most of palestine casualties ae civilians and israel censors its casualties heavily.

if they dont care why they hired police forces to arrest them? young people hate jews now its a fact
The tunnels would be visible and easy to find even 4 months 20%-40% of the tunnels that snake below the Strip had been “damaged or rendered inoperable” since the start of the fightin

because most are in building tjat would be gone and rafah that would be gone it would be easy. Or atleast make the tunnels useless

the casualties rate of civilians in gaza arent uncommon its normal for urban warfare
because admitting they have nukes just invites challenges and america bombing their nuclear fields, the element of surprise is an actual real thing not some fiction cuck shit.

Again, nuclear war benefits NO ONE. whether israel or iran nukes each other first. america russia and china will intervene and then it’s just total death. if israel knew there was a way to win a nuclear war they would’ve nuked iran by now
Why haven't they bombed north korea. Usa wouldnt touch iran if they had nukes.

If iran invades then it turns to dust
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The tunnels would be visible and easy to find even 4 months 20%-40% of the tunnels that snake below the Strip had been “damaged or rendered inoperable” since the start of the fightin

because most are in building tjat would be gone and rafah that would be gone it would be easy.

the casualties rate of civilians in gaza arent uncommon its normal for urban warfare
source: jerusalem slums times
Both Orthodox Jews and non-Jews serve in the IDF, but service isn't mandatory for non-Jews. Also, relative quantities of service members is not that important because if the Jewish race is truly in dire threat of extermination then they will just start dropping nukes.

Again, if Israel wants those factories operational then they will just stop bombing/occupying Gaza.

Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF

Pick a lane. If Jews weren't so powerful then modern Israel wouldn't exist in the first place.

I already explained the purpose of the attack, which was made at the discretion of powerful Jews.

The military budget is massive and Israel "buying" them just means that they're "paying" other Jews for them.
wasted all my precious time for troll :feelsgood:
source: jerusalem slums times

wasted all my precious time for troll :feelsgood:
My source is the usa and israel for the deathtoll and the tunnels destroy your source is your asshole
Just watch the analysis made by people like Alastair Crooke or Scott Ritter

One of the biggest failures in military history. Probably the biggest loss of the chosen lobby because they demolished their own reputation in front of the world for 9 straight months even after owning all media. Unprecedented.
Is this supposed to depress me? This is lifefuel lmfao.
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Why haven't they bombed north korea. Usa wouldnt touch iran if they had nukes.

If iran invades then it turns to dust
north korea has nukes
China their biggest ally has nukes

in a war without nukes israel cannot defeat iran without USA hell even with USA it’s doubtful if we can beat them, we couldn’t even take out the taliban let alone a giant country that is in the perfect geographic position to never be invaded. we’d need like 2 million soldiers to even penetrate through
north korea has nukes
China their biggest ally has nukes

in a war without nukes israel cannot defeat iran without USA hell even with USA it’s doubtful if we can beat them, we couldn’t even take out the taliban let alone a giant country that is in the perfect geographic position to never be invaded. we’d need like 2 million soldiers to even penetrate through
So I agree they wouldnt invade north korea because it has nukes.

The war would be with nukes
what r u talking about iran is not propped up by Jews JFL at u they have all kinds of sanctions around them.

Since the inception of our military assistance to Iran in 1954, we have programmed military equipment and services totaling more than $790 million for Iran's armed forces. We have also conditionally agreed to extend Iran credits up to a total of $400 million for military equipment and services during FY 1965–70.

In September 1953, the United States granted emergency assistance of $45 million to permit the Zahedi Government to meet the operating deficit inherited from the Mossadegh regime and to initiate essential monetary reforms. This aid is believed sufficient to carry the regime until May or June of 1954.
Military Aid

10.Iran has thus far received approximately $46 million in military aid from the U.S., and an additional $58 million is currently programmed. Inadequate training, maintenance and supply capabilities, and low caliber personnel restrict Iran’s ability to absorb U.S. military equipment, even at the present rate of delivery. At present, the Iranian armed forces are capable of maintaining internal security against any uprising short of a nation-wide tribal revolt. It is possible that Iran will, in perhaps one or two years, be willing to move in the direction of regional security arrangements, assuming: (a) an early oil settlement; (b) continuation in power of a government friendly toward the West, which has the Shah’s and widespread public support; and (c) a steady increase in the capability of the Iranian army. Iranian forces may be able to improve their capability for guerrilla and limited mountain operations, although it is unlikely that they could in themselves become capable within the foreseeable future of effectively delaying a strong Soviet thrust toward Iraq or the Persian Gulf. A long-range program of improving the Iranian armed forces should be related to the progress made toward effective regional defense plans which will provide Iran, in case of attack, with military assistance from adjacent states.11.However, military aid to Iran has great political importance apart from its military impact. Over the long term, the most effective instrument for maintaining Iran’s orientation toward the West is the monarch [monarchy?], which in turn has the Army as its only real source of power. U.S. military aid serves to improve Army morale, cement Army loyalty to the Shah, and thus consolidate the present regime and provide some assurance that Iran’s current orientation toward the West will be perpetuated.

israel wants iran wiped out at all costs
No, powerful Jews want Iran to keep instigating terrorist attacks so that the demand for military equipment stays high.

The point is there is no scenario Israel wins a regional war without America
Again, that wasn't OP's point.
do u realise america is broke too lmao $4 trillion debt
"Debt" is meaningless in this context. It's just a manipulation tactic to get white people into thinking they owe Jews a bunch of money.
  • JFL
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No, powerful Jews want Iran to keep instigating terrorist attacks so that the demand for military equipment stays high.
this statement makes no sense. why does israel keep provoking Iran and try to pull us into a war with them. They know in 30 years when Gen Z, who mostly hate them, are calling the shots they’re fucked so they need Iran removed as quickly as possible

Powerful jews will not threaten the state of Israel for shekels
this statement makes no sense. why does israel keep provoking Iran and try to pull us into a war with them.
So that Americans keep paying for military equipment and certain Jews continue to stay wealthy.

They know in 30 years when Gen Z, who mostly hate them, are calling the shots they’re fucked so they need Iran removed as quickly as possible
"Gen Z hating them" in this context simply implies that the younger population in the US/Europe is becoming increasingly ethnic due to immigration. Most young, white normies in the US do not even pay attention to Jews/Israel (speaking from experience).

And the white, liberal college students who just parrot shit at protests have no idea what they're talking about and don't even do anything that strongly challenges organized Jewry.

Powerful jews will not threaten the state of Israel for shekels
Yes they will because Israel isn't even necessary for Jews to be powerful (source: the past few thousand years of European history).
A forever war that costs 240 million dollars a day, isolates them from the rest of the world,destroys their economic expansion plans, kills and disables their soldiers everyday, destroy their vehicles and tanks, and makes half million citizens to leave the country in some months? mirin iq.
Who would have guessed fascists don't have their nation's best interests at heart:lul:
85% of hamas is still intact and israel's economy will slowly collapse if they continue the war. what the jews will do.
They will just get more money from US citizens until the war is over. Whatever it takes. Even if the Us tax rate has to double Israel will be safe
it’s funny how Jews fucked themselves over by inviting the 3rd world to the west not realizing this is just swaying later generations against them. Just Lol at their IQ
They are very much dettatched from the real world
They will just get more money from US citizens until the war is over. Whatever it takes. Even if the Us tax rate has to double Israel will be safe
read the comments here, murricans are waking up to jewish lobbying

they are taking over ukraine wtf look at how much land they got already. and these lands are rich af in resources with high quality farming soil and shiet.
You came to this forum to discuss politics ?
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