Israel vs Palestine

  • JFL
Reactions: Lmao, chaddyboi66 and Deleted member 13854
Let's see what you look like then. Are you one of those who will talk sh*t about how someone looks online but is too much of a b*tch to show his own face? How many fights you been in? The way you're going on about my glasses and beard leads me to believe you've never been in anything more than a few schoolyard sissy fights, if even that. Glasses and beard don't mean sh*t, boy. Like I said, you'd be in for a rude awakening.

Keep barking with your soyboy memes, :feelswah: or whatever this thing is. I don't know.


View attachment 1131962

Here you are. Eat up.
Made me cage ngl
I'm with Israel
  • Ugh..
Reactions: turkproducer
I'm too lazy to research, historically who is right ?
Palestinians, but israel lobby is brutal so the US “official policy” is that Eastern Europeans are native to the Mideast.
  • +1
Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020, chaddyboi66 and ThatDjangoWalk
Chad hadrian wrecked the jews when the rebelled and after killing half a million of them he split judea into two

Palaestina and syria

they were conquered and defeated their fate have been the same as any other fallen "empire"

but then the holohaux happened and it gave the jews perfect alibi to create a zionist state

obvsly the cucks helped them

since then they conquered most of palestine even doe they had no right to be there let alone cause problems
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer
Muslims did it all by themselves by doing sh*t like beheading people in the middle of the streets for speaking ill of their false prophet Mohammad.
Did you know that the vast majority of christian scholars accept him as a true prophet from God because he meets the requisites for it? Just the other day the head of the anglican church said it on a random interview in which he could have easily said "No" or skipped the question. And he is someone who must know powerful and knowledgeable people from several churchs (maybe all churchs). Not only that, but i think someone also said to the same youtube channel which did the interview (The owner of the channel is the typical theologic addict with tons of books behind him) that there is a decent amount of christian leaders which have secretly converted to Islam in the last years.

Not saying that everything that a Church says is truth, i just know from several debates that Muhammad (alayhi a salat wa salam/blessing and peace be upon him) meets the biblical requisites for a Prophet of God, and this is something also widely accepted by Old Testament and Jewish scholars. The fact that this Anglican church member said it is and not only that, but stated that virtually almost all of his colleagues also accepts him as a Prophet, is just outstanding and groundbreaking.
People have been blaspheming Jesus in Western literature for years. Publishing pictures Jesus dressed like a fag and whatnot. You don't see Christians killing people over it though.
It has been done a lot throughout history. People were burned at the stakes because of blasphemy during many years for foolish matters like saying that the earth was round, or for giving their scientific opinions in the Christian world. Let alone the millions of Native Americans (and many others) which were murdered because, between other things, they didn't accept Christianity.
Does that discard now Christianity or makes it a bloody religion? Of course not, come on James, that is a logical fallacy.

If we go to raw numbers the most deaths have been most probably from christian and atheist civilizations (USSR and China especially).

Also, what kind of religion is that which promotes insulting their own God instead of respecting him and worshipping him? Of course i know the raw scriptures and the Bible doesn't promote blasphemy in almost any way, shape or form, which is the most logical behaviour.

I personally just don't understand how some (i repeat, some because there are all kind of christians and Allah says to us about them that they are not all the same) christians can accept people insulting a mighty prophet like Jesus or Abraham, while at the same time claiming the love them the most, but when someone insults someone of their family they get aggressive.
Does your Quran say you should kill an infidel for speaking ill of your prophet?
I'll give Islam the benefit of the doubt and guess no, but it doesn't matter.
First and foremost if a muslim insults or mock God, or one of the mighty prophets like Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc etc (alayhim a salat wa salam/blessings and peace be upon them) when he is in a sound mind and completely mindful of this ruling, then he is out of the pale of Islam. He becomes a disbeliever, and he must utter the Shahada again and give sincere repentance for such an immoral act.

In regards to non muslims insulting the Prophets, we have been bombarded in the mosques and on the internet these last months because of the henious act which occurred in France by the imams constantly saying that when the Prophet was insulted he just avoided it, and he never took measures about that specifically.

Also we have prohibited to insult other religious people (Interpretation of the meaning): 'And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.'

But at the same time, we are also reminded that there is no doubt that Islam is the true religion the way of life prescribed to us, and that it must be defended and the message must be cinveyed
Muslims are the only people doing that kind of thing. It doesn't matter what the Quran might say because Muslims are the only people killing people in the name of their religion. Actions speak louder than words.
Only some 0,002% of muslims adheres themselves to terrorist organizations, what can we do? We have been born in this enviroment as muslims and we are the ones who suffer it the most, yet we mantain ourselves somehow steadfast to our way of life, even with all the pressure coming from all sides. They (terrorists) make a lot of noise, is the generation we have to live and we will live it and fight against it Insha Allah. It is a byproduct of abandoning the ways of our pious predecessors and instead of promoting science and logical thinking like in the Golden Era our rulers promote worship towards themselves and money.

Also, do you believe extremism promotes itself? When France killed 19 innocent malians some months ago (more than the Charlie Hebdo attack which was promoted by the media during weeks and we still hear about it till this day), or when USA killed by the thousands in both Iraq and Afghanistan etc etc etc, and when the west turns a blind eye when Israel is promoting the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes which they themselves outdate the creation of the state of Israel, or when France decided what is best for their interests before abandoning the colonies and decided to leave us with puppet leaders in almost all of North and Subsaharan Africa, the same with others on Asia, etc, of course there is going to be some kind of hatred within the population. Just the other day i was seeing this map which showed how France made train routes in Africa (and i believe they still use them) exclusively for exploiting resources, and not even one for the population sake. I mean come on, I'm not saying i don't understand their purpose, we all know it is all for pure greed and interest, i'm just saying that it is normal that some rift is generated against it.

Again, it is just some kind of logical fallacy/ies, ad hominem, fallacies of categorization, etc or something similar. I understand it to certain point, i also believe that actions and character are important for determining what teachings are the most honest and that's one of the reasons i choose Islam above any ideology. Since i became a practicing muslim i have treated my parents better than ever, i never lie even if it's against myself, i try to treat everybody with empathy including animals etc, i pray 5 times a day, i give charity, etc, and still never killed someone hahaha. (This is subjective experience and can't be used to prove something is right or wrong).

What is the point of using this against someone or something? How does this proves something is true or not? It is just a way of letting oneself to be driven by his emotions instead of objective and logical thinking.
I know a lot of people in Europe when i was in school which have criticised Christianity and rejected it because of the same biased and uncoherent logic (no friction by the way, i'm not talking about you but about that kind of rationalization of proofs and evidence): "Hey look, Christianity must be fake because the church did this to scientists, or they suppressed that, or Leopold of Belgium did that on Congo, or X, Y and Z happened, or because some churchs have high rape of kids numbers, etc etc etc", it is just not a rational way of determining nothing and at the end, i know the raw scriptures, i know what christianity promotes and what it doesn't promote. I know Islam in scriptural basis is way more merciful than Christianity (for example Islam doesn't punish for the sins of our parents and predecessors, it doesn't punish for unintentional sins, it doesn't punish people just because they were born with a malformation, etc etc), and i also know that everything that is criticised about Islam can be criticised in bigger terms and with more compelling evidence against Judaism and Christianity.
Muslims saying that Islam is a religion based on peace are no worse than feminists saying that feminism is an ideology based on equality.
Islam objective is ultimate peace, but i kinda understand what are you trying to say

This "Islam means Peace" campaign is something that i also don't like, no doubt that Islam wants peace (definetly not by giving up all of our principles in exchange for superficial peace which will last for a few decades at best) but in real life eternal peace doesn't exist and human beings make war no matter the circumstances.

Muslim means "The one who submits to the Will of God", as simple as that, like all the prophets did even when in complete disadvantage. In the past (and still today, even thought others dislike it) we were proud of the military achievements of our pious predecessors.

This religion made a bunch of arab tribes which were disputing each other to in a matter of 80 years put one foot in Al Andalus and the other in China, while defeating in clear disadvantage of numbers and resources to the two biggest empires of the world (Roman Byzantine and Sassanid Empire), we are proud of our heritage. Also it made the entire middle east and muslim world become the peak civilization of the world for hundreds and some even say a thousand years. The advances it provided in matters like the scientific field, religious sciences, philosophy etc etc etc were almost unprecedented, the start and/or promotion of institutions which today we consider basic needs like hospitals, universities etc etc and again, we are proud of it.

Anyways, i don't care by the way if you are either pro israeli or pro palestinian, i know i can't change the world except in a small number just by the permission of God, and as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) "For you your religion and for me my religion". If you decided it, that is your choice and we both are one small fish in a aquarium (the subject on the thread started with that)

I just wanted to talk about this religious matter, and i also believe that we sometimes as human beings just focus in our side of the coin, when in reality our side does not represent even 20% of the world. Thinking that all what the west perceives is correct and the reality, is false, and thinking that all what the chinese or the muslim or the jewish ways of life perceive is also incorrect. We tend to see the world just through our blessed vision which does not represent even something close to the 50% of the world, not from the vision of a Bangladeshi kid making shoes for us, or from a Kenyan family father who doesn't have a piece of bread to provide to his children.
  • +1
Reactions: ToursOverBoyo2020, Lmao, ilyess and 2 others
I hate both equally but I still support Israel because it's a right wing ethnostate.
  • WTF
Reactions: turkproducer
Palestinians, but israel lobby is brutal so the US “official policy” is that Eastern Europeans are native to the Mideast.
Jfl, imagine thinking that Jews are Slavs.
Ashkenazi Jews are a mix between Levantines and Europeans (mainly from Southern Europe).
I hate both equally but I still support Israel because it's a right wing ethnostate.
Israel is a right-wing ethnostate? Israel is a literal crockpot of races and by no means is it right wing as far as I know, it's probably one of the most left-wing countries out there. There's Sephardi Jews, Ashkenazi, so on and so forth.

Jfl, imagine thinking that Jews are Slavs.
Ashkenazi Jews are a mix between Levantines and Europeans (mainly from Southern Europe).
Ashkenazi Jews are not a mix between Levantines and Europeans. Ashkenazi are just Polish/German Jews. They probably did mix with Sephardis and Mizrahi Jews though.
  • +1
Reactions: CsCurry
Israel is a right-wing ethnostate? Israel is a literal crockpot of races and by no means is it right wing as far as I know, it's probably one of the most left-wing countries out there. There's Sephardi Jews, Ashkenazi, so on and so forth.
And they're all Jews, which makes it quite clearly an ethnostate.
Maybe not in the racial sense but definitely in the ethnic sense.
Ashkenazi Jews are not a mix between Levantines and Europeans. Ashkenazi are just Polish/German Jews. They probably did mix with Sephardis and Mizrahi Jews though.
They literally are.
Pca plot eurogenes k15

"A 2017 study by Xue et al. found an approximately even mixture of Middle Eastern, particularly Levantine, and European ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews, with the majority of the European ancestry being of southern European origin. The study estimated that roughly 50% of the ancestral origin of Ashkenazi Jews was Middle Eastern, 34% was southern European, and 16% varied between western and eastern European."
"A 2017 study by Xue et al. found an approximately even mixture of Middle Eastern, particularly Levantine, and European ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews, with the majority of the European ancestry being of southern European origin. The study estimated that roughly 50% of the ancestral origin of Ashkenazi Jews was Middle Eastern, 34% was southern European, and 16% varied between western and eastern European."
Those are modern Jews that mixed with one another. Sephardi Jews are South Europeans, Ashkenazi are West European, and then you have Mizrahi Jews which are Arabs basically, so yeah it makes sense.

But the ORIGINAL Ashkenazis are from Germany and Poland, before they actually mixed at all.

Anyway who gives a shit about what the Jews DNA looks like
Those are modern Jews that mixed with one another. Sephardi Jews are South Europeans, Ashkenazi are West European, and then you have Mizrahi Jews which are Arabs basically, so yeah it makes sense.

But the ORIGINAL Ashkenazis are from Germany and Poland, before they actually mixed at all.

Anyway who gives a shit about what the Jews DNA looks like
Tf are you talking about ? This study was done specifically on Ashkenazi Jews.
You really think those guys with aquiline noses are pure Germans/Poles ?
Sephardis aren't Southern Europeans either, they have a bit of European ancestry but they're mainly a mix between North Africans and Middle Easterns.
Tf are you talking about ? This study was done specifically on Ashkenazi Jews.
You really think those guys with aquiline noses are pure Germans/Poles ?
Sephardis aren't Southern Europeans either, they have a bit of European ancestry but they're mainly a mix between North Africans and Middle Easterns.
And it's a recent study no? It's made on modern Ashkenazi Jewish peoples, hence why I said they're mixed
nobody wants another muslim shithole so
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 685, Deleted member 13713, ifyouwannabemylover and 1 other person
And it's a recent study no? It's made on modern Ashkenazi Jewish peoples, hence why I said they're mixed
Doesn't change the fact that Ashkenazi Jews have never been Germans or Poles, they're a group of Levantines who intermixed with Southern Euros when they arrived through the Roman Empire and they've been nomads ever since.
Did you know that the vast majority of christian scholars accept him as a true prophet from God because he meets the requisites for it? Just the other day the head of the anglican church said it on a random interview in which he could have easily said "No" or skipped the question. And he is someone who must know powerful and knowledgeable people from several churchs (maybe all churchs). Not only that, but i think someone also said to the same youtube channel which did the interview (The owner of the channel is the typical theologic addict with tons of books behind him) that there is a decent amount of christian leaders which have secretly converted to Islam in the last years.

Not saying that everything that a Church says is truth, i just know from several debates that Muhammad (alayhi a salat wa salam/blessing and peace be upon him) meets the biblical requisites for a Prophet of God, and this is something also widely accepted by Old Testament and Jewish scholars. The fact that this Anglican church member said it is and not only that, but stated that virtually almost all of his colleagues also accepts him as a Prophet, is just outstanding and groundbreaking.

It has been done a lot throughout history. People were burned at the stakes because of blasphemy during many years for foolish matters like saying that the earth was round, or for giving their scientific opinions in the Christian world. Let alone the millions of Native Americans (and many others) which were murdered because, between other things, they didn't accept Christianity.
Does that discard now Christianity or makes it a bloody religion? Of course not, come on James, that is a logical fallacy.

If we go to raw numbers the most deaths have been most probably from christian and atheist civilizations (USSR and China especially).

Also, what kind of religion is that which promotes insulting their own God instead of respecting him and worshipping him? Of course i know the raw scriptures and the Bible doesn't promote blasphemy in almost any way, shape or form, which is the most logical behaviour.

I personally just don't understand how some (i repeat, some because there are all kind of christians and Allah says to us about them that they are not all the same) christians can accept people insulting a mighty prophet like Jesus or Abraham, while at the same time claiming the love them the most, but when someone insults someone of their family they get aggressive.

First and foremost if a muslim insults or mock God, or one of the mighty prophets like Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc etc (alayhim a salat wa salam/blessings and peace be upon them) when he is in a sound mind and completely mindful of this ruling, then he is out of the pale of Islam. He becomes a disbeliever, and he must utter the Shahada again and give sincere repentance for such an immoral act.

In regards to non muslims insulting the Prophets, we have been bombarded in the mosques and on the internet these last months because of the henious act which occurred in France by the imams constantly saying that when the Prophet was insulted he just avoided it, and he never took measures about that specifically.

Also we have prohibited to insult other religious people (Interpretation of the meaning): 'And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.'

But at the same time, we are also reminded that there is no doubt that Islam is the true religion the way of life prescribed to us, and that it must be defended and the message must be cinveyed

Only some 0,002% of muslims adheres themselves to terrorist organizations, what can we do? We have been born in this enviroment as muslims and we are the ones who suffer it the most, yet we mantain ourselves somehow steadfast to our way of life, even with all the pressure coming from all sides. They (terrorists) make a lot of noise, is the generation we have to live and we will live it and fight against it Insha Allah. It is a byproduct of abandoning the ways of our pious predecessors and instead of promoting science and logical thinking like in the Golden Era our rulers promote worship towards themselves and money.

Also, do you believe extremism promotes itself? When France killed 19 innocent malians some months ago (more than the Charlie Hebdo attack which was promoted by the media during weeks and we still hear about it till this day), or when USA killed by the thousands in both Iraq and Afghanistan etc etc etc, and when the west turns a blind eye when Israel is promoting the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes which they themselves outdate the creation of the state of Israel, or when France decided what is best for their interests before abandoning the colonies and decided to leave us with puppet leaders in almost all of North and Subsaharan Africa, the same with others on Asia, etc, of course there is going to be some kind of hatred within the population. Just the other day i was seeing this map which showed how France made train routes in Africa (and i believe they still use them) exclusively for exploiting resources, and not even one for the population sake. I mean come on, I'm not saying i don't understand their purpose, we all know it is all for pure greed and interest, i'm just saying that it is normal that some rift is generated against it.

Again, it is just some kind of logical fallacy/ies, ad hominem, fallacies of categorization, etc or something similar. I understand it to certain point, i also believe that actions and character are important for determining what teachings are the most honest and that's one of the reasons i choose Islam above any ideology. Since i became a practicing muslim i have treated my parents better than ever, i never lie even if it's against myself, i try to treat everybody with empathy including animals etc, i pray 5 times a day, i give charity, etc, and still never killed someone hahaha. (This is subjective experience and can't be used to prove something is right or wrong).

What is the point of using this against someone or something? How does this proves something is true or not? It is just a way of letting oneself to be driven by his emotions instead of objective and logical thinking.
I know a lot of people in Europe when i was in school which have criticised Christianity and rejected it because of the same biased and uncoherent logic (no friction by the way, i'm not talking about you but about that kind of rationalization of proofs and evidence): "Hey look, Christianity must be fake because the church did this to scientists, or they suppressed that, or Leopold of Belgium did that on Congo, or X, Y and Z happened, or because some churchs have high rape of kids numbers, etc etc etc", it is just not a rational way of determining nothing and at the end, i know the raw scriptures, i know what christianity promotes and what it doesn't promote. I know Islam in scriptural basis is way more merciful than Christianity (for example Islam doesn't punish for the sins of our parents and predecessors, it doesn't punish for unintentional sins, it doesn't punish people just because they were born with a malformation, etc etc), and i also know that everything that is criticised about Islam can be criticised in bigger terms and with more compelling evidence against Judaism and Christianity.

Islam objective is ultimate peace, but i kinda understand what are you trying to say

This "Islam means Peace" campaign is something that i also don't like, no doubt that Islam wants peace (definetly not by giving up all of our principles in exchange for superficial peace which will last for a few decades at best) but in real life eternal peace doesn't exist and human beings make war no matter the circumstances.

Muslim means "The one who submits to the Will of God", as simple as that, like all the prophets did even when in complete disadvantage. In the past (and still today, even thought others dislike it) we were proud of the military achievements of our pious predecessors.

This religion made a bunch of arab tribes which were disputing each other to in a matter of 80 years put one foot in Al Andalus and the other in China, while defeating in clear disadvantage of numbers and resources to the two biggest empires of the world (Roman Byzantine and Sassanid Empire), we are proud of our heritage. Also it made the entire middle east and muslim world become the peak civilization of the world for hundreds and some even say a thousand years. The advances it provided in matters like the scientific field, religious sciences, philosophy etc etc etc were almost unprecedented, the start and/or promotion of institutions which today we consider basic needs like hospitals, universities etc etc and again, we are proud of it.

Anyways, i don't care by the way if you are either pro israeli or pro palestinian, i know i can't change the world except in a small number just by the permission of God, and as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) "For you your religion and for me my religion". If you decided it, that is your choice and we both are one small fish in a aquarium (the subject on the thread started with that)

I just wanted to talk about this religious matter, and i also believe that we sometimes as human beings just focus in our side of the coin, when in reality our side does not represent even 20% of the world. Thinking that all what the west perceives is correct and the reality, is false, and thinking that all what the chinese or the muslim or the jewish ways of life perceive is also incorrect. We tend to see the world just through our blessed vision which does not represent even something close to the 50% of the world, not from the vision of a Bangladeshi kid making shoes for us, or from a Kenyan family father who doesn't have a piece of bread to provide to his children.
I see what you're saying. And no, I didn't know that the majority of Christian scholars accept him as a true prophet. It doesn't surprise me though. I believe that only maybe 5% of people who identify as Christians will make it into heaven. It's probably more like 2% actually, and that's of every Christian who ever lived. If Mohammad denied that Jesus was the only begotten son of God, then he cannot be a true prophet in Christian ideology. Scholars who knowing this would still say he was a true prophet have the Gospel watered down in their hearts.

I'm not gonna comment on everything you said, but I read it all and I get what you're saying.
did you ever eat a dog?
No, I'm pretty sure I haven't. My wife has though, when she was a kid. I eat chicken feet pretty regularly though. They're good.
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Lars
If you study the conflict for 1 hour the Israeli's are clearly right. If you study the conflict for a dozen hours the Palestinians are clearly right. If you study it any longer, you no longer know who is right.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685 and Deleted member 10524
If you study the conflict for 1 hour the Israeli's are clearly right. If you study the conflict for a dozen hours the Palestinians are clearly right. If you study it any longer, you no longer know who is right.
If you study the conflict for 5 seconds you know that both jews and arabs are abused ethnic dogs
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10524 and Gazzamogga
Need us one of the those @brbbrah based type of thread where he calls all the jewfags such as @Enfant terrible @ifyouwannabemylover @LondonVillie @Jamesothy abused dogs with size 26 font and the the rock gifs and enjoy the lampshades cocksuckers coping, sadly he roped
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13854 and ifyouwannabemylover
Need us one of the those @brbbrah based type of thread where he calls all the jewfags such as @Enfant terrible @ifyouwannabemylover @LondonVillie @Jamesothy abused dogs with size 26 font and the the rock gifs and enjoy the lampshades cocksuckers coping, sadly he roped
I support both Israel and Palestine
Most of my Jewish blood is Algerian and Tunisian. Both Israelis and Palestinians have a right to exist and I hope there will be peace
Need us one of the those @brbbrah based type of thread where he calls all the jewfags such as @Enfant terrible @ifyouwannabemylover @LondonVillie @Jamesothy abused dogs with size 26 font and the the rock gifs and enjoy the lampshades cocksuckers coping, sadly he roped
Did you know that the vast majority of christian scholars accept him as a true prophet from God because he meets the requisites for it? Just the other day the head of the anglican church said it on a random interview in which he could have easily said "No" or skipped the question. And he is someone who must know powerful and knowledgeable people from several churchs (maybe all churchs). Not only that, but i think someone also said to the same youtube channel which did the interview (The owner of the channel is the typical theologic addict with tons of books behind him) that there is a decent amount of christian leaders which have secretly converted to Islam in the last years.

Not saying that everything that a Church says is truth, i just know from several debates that Muhammad (alayhi a salat wa salam/blessing and peace be upon him) meets the biblical requisites for a Prophet of God, and this is something also widely accepted by Old Testament and Jewish scholars. The fact that this Anglican church member said it is and not only that, but stated that virtually almost all of his colleagues also accepts him as a Prophet, is just outstanding and groundbreaking.

It has been done a lot throughout history. People were burned at the stakes because of blasphemy during many years for foolish matters like saying that the earth was round, or for giving their scientific opinions in the Christian world. Let alone the millions of Native Americans (and many others) which were murdered because, between other things, they didn't accept Christianity.
Does that discard now Christianity or makes it a bloody religion? Of course not, come on James, that is a logical fallacy.

If we go to raw numbers the most deaths have been most probably from christian and atheist civilizations (USSR and China especially).

Also, what kind of religion is that which promotes insulting their own God instead of respecting him and worshipping him? Of course i know the raw scriptures and the Bible doesn't promote blasphemy in almost any way, shape or form, which is the most logical behaviour.

I personally just don't understand how some (i repeat, some because there are all kind of christians and Allah says to us about them that they are not all the same) christians can accept people insulting a mighty prophet like Jesus or Abraham, while at the same time claiming the love them the most, but when someone insults someone of their family they get aggressive.

First and foremost if a muslim insults or mock God, or one of the mighty prophets like Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc etc (alayhim a salat wa salam/blessings and peace be upon them) when he is in a sound mind and completely mindful of this ruling, then he is out of the pale of Islam. He becomes a disbeliever, and he must utter the Shahada again and give sincere repentance for such an immoral act.

In regards to non muslims insulting the Prophets, we have been bombarded in the mosques and on the internet these last months because of the henious act which occurred in France by the imams constantly saying that when the Prophet was insulted he just avoided it, and he never took measures about that specifically.

Also we have prohibited to insult other religious people (Interpretation of the meaning): 'And do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.'

But at the same time, we are also reminded that there is no doubt that Islam is the true religion the way of life prescribed to us, and that it must be defended and the message must be cinveyed

Only some 0,002% of muslims adheres themselves to terrorist organizations, what can we do? We have been born in this enviroment as muslims and we are the ones who suffer it the most, yet we mantain ourselves somehow steadfast to our way of life, even with all the pressure coming from all sides. They (terrorists) make a lot of noise, is the generation we have to live and we will live it and fight against it Insha Allah. It is a byproduct of abandoning the ways of our pious predecessors and instead of promoting science and logical thinking like in the Golden Era our rulers promote worship towards themselves and money.

Also, do you believe extremism promotes itself? When France killed 19 innocent malians some months ago (more than the Charlie Hebdo attack which was promoted by the media during weeks and we still hear about it till this day), or when USA killed by the thousands in both Iraq and Afghanistan etc etc etc, and when the west turns a blind eye when Israel is promoting the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes which they themselves outdate the creation of the state of Israel, or when France decided what is best for their interests before abandoning the colonies and decided to leave us with puppet leaders in almost all of North and Subsaharan Africa, the same with others on Asia, etc, of course there is going to be some kind of hatred within the population. Just the other day i was seeing this map which showed how France made train routes in Africa (and i believe they still use them) exclusively for exploiting resources, and not even one for the population sake. I mean come on, I'm not saying i don't understand their purpose, we all know it is all for pure greed and interest, i'm just saying that it is normal that some rift is generated against it.

Again, it is just some kind of logical fallacy/ies, ad hominem, fallacies of categorization, etc or something similar. I understand it to certain point, i also believe that actions and character are important for determining what teachings are the most honest and that's one of the reasons i choose Islam above any ideology. Since i became a practicing muslim i have treated my parents better than ever, i never lie even if it's against myself, i try to treat everybody with empathy including animals etc, i pray 5 times a day, i give charity, etc, and still never killed someone hahaha. (This is subjective experience and can't be used to prove something is right or wrong).

What is the point of using this against someone or something? How does this proves something is true or not? It is just a way of letting oneself to be driven by his emotions instead of objective and logical thinking.
I know a lot of people in Europe when i was in school which have criticised Christianity and rejected it because of the same biased and uncoherent logic (no friction by the way, i'm not talking about you but about that kind of rationalization of proofs and evidence): "Hey look, Christianity must be fake because the church did this to scientists, or they suppressed that, or Leopold of Belgium did that on Congo, or X, Y and Z happened, or because some churchs have high rape of kids numbers, etc etc etc", it is just not a rational way of determining nothing and at the end, i know the raw scriptures, i know what christianity promotes and what it doesn't promote. I know Islam in scriptural basis is way more merciful than Christianity (for example Islam doesn't punish for the sins of our parents and predecessors, it doesn't punish for unintentional sins, it doesn't punish people just because they were born with a malformation, etc etc), and i also know that everything that is criticised about Islam can be criticised in bigger terms and with more compelling evidence against Judaism and Christianity.

Islam objective is ultimate peace, but i kinda understand what are you trying to say

This "Islam means Peace" campaign is something that i also don't like, no doubt that Islam wants peace (definetly not by giving up all of our principles in exchange for superficial peace which will last for a few decades at best) but in real life eternal peace doesn't exist and human beings make war no matter the circumstances.

Muslim means "The one who submits to the Will of God", as simple as that, like all the prophets did even when in complete disadvantage. In the past (and still today, even thought others dislike it) we were proud of the military achievements of our pious predecessors.

This religion made a bunch of arab tribes which were disputing each other to in a matter of 80 years put one foot in Al Andalus and the other in China, while defeating in clear disadvantage of numbers and resources to the two biggest empires of the world (Roman Byzantine and Sassanid Empire), we are proud of our heritage. Also it made the entire middle east and muslim world become the peak civilization of the world for hundreds and some even say a thousand years. The advances it provided in matters like the scientific field, religious sciences, philosophy etc etc etc were almost unprecedented, the start and/or promotion of institutions which today we consider basic needs like hospitals, universities etc etc and again, we are proud of it.

Anyways, i don't care by the way if you are either pro israeli or pro palestinian, i know i can't change the world except in a small number just by the permission of God, and as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning) "For you your religion and for me my religion". If you decided it, that is your choice and we both are one small fish in a aquarium (the subject on the thread started with that)

I just wanted to talk about this religious matter, and i also believe that we sometimes as human beings just focus in our side of the coin, when in reality our side does not represent even 20% of the world. Thinking that all what the west perceives is correct and the reality, is false, and thinking that all what the chinese or the muslim or the jewish ways of life perceive is also incorrect. We tend to see the world just through our blessed vision which does not represent even something close to the 50% of the world, not from the vision of a Bangladeshi kid making shoes for us, or from a Kenyan family father who doesn't have a piece of bread to provide to his children.
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@Jamesothy this place is full of extremist teenagers, wouldn't waste time on them.
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Amos 1
6“For three transgressions of Gaza [in Philistia] and for four (multiplied delinquencies)I will not reverse its punishment or revoke My word concerning it,

Because [as slave traders] they took captive the entire [Jewish] population [of defenseless Judean border villages, of which none was spared]And deported them to Edom [for the slave trade].

“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction] on the wall of Gaza
And it shall consume her citadels.
There is simply no sane person who would ever support what the jews are doing in palestine.
I'm too lazy to research, historically who is right ?
Who gives a fuck, imagine fighting over a dumb piece of land that is going to inevitably be burned up by the sun just like the rest of the planet. People just like having a bullshit cause to support, it keeps them distracted from the impending doom
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