It's all about social influence you hold

i dont think you understand

even if im a rotter i get shit done

i just am alone and dont meet with anyone or have friends
yeah no i understood that, and thats a problem. i know your c suite and all that shit but thats work, you can have a lot more pleasure in your life if you work the mental part out is what im trying to tell you
being without friends for 4 years is definetly bad. come on man you can get your shit together, why the fuck would surgery suddenly make you not be a rotter lmao. Im 6'3 its not like the world is handed to me.
@DivineBeing is a permatruecel until he gets:

  • MSE : +10 mm upper intermolar
  • Teeth Alignment : fix dental crowding & mandibular dental arch broadening
  • Neurocranial Narrowization : −10 mm head width ( narrows the neurocranium only & doesn’t narrow zygomas & doesn’t narrow zygomatic processes )
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Forward Cranium : +25 mm anterior skull length (moves the maxilla with it)
  • OBO : +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygorbital Expansion : +7.5 mm PFL & +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygomatic Breadth Reduction : −25 mm bizygomatic breadth on fronts (to compensate for +30 mm bizygomatic breadth due to orbital separation & due to orbit width expansion) & −2.5 mm bizygomatic breadth on processes
  • Le Fort 1 Impaction : −5 mm face length
  • Le Fort 2 : +25 mm maxilla–midface advancement
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible : +25 mm mandibular body length
  • Sagittal Mandible Jaw Rami Thickening : +15 mm side profile view ramus bones’ width & unchanged mandible length
  • Genioplasty : +10 mm chin projection & consequently +10 mm mandibular body length
  • 15º Degrees Counter-Clockwise Double-Jaw Rotation
  • Custom Wrap-Around Jaw Implant : +7.5 mm jaw width & +10 mm chin breadth
  • Glabellar Forwardization : +12.5 mm glabellar forwardness
  • Supraorbital Forwardization : +7.5 mm brow ridge prominence
  • Medial Canthoplasty : +2.5 mm PFL
  • Lateral Canthoplasty: +2.5 mm PFL
  • Rhinoplasty : Mongoloid nose → Caucasoid nose ( +10 mm radix\nasion projection & more changes )
  • Lip Lift : −5 mm philtrum length & +5 mm chin height
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Paranasal Augmentation
  • Infraorbital Implants
  • Eyebrows Lowering, Bilateral Lengthening, Positive-Tilting, Thickening, and Densification
  • Double Leg Lengthening with Tendon Release for Maximum Extension
  • Aggressive Clavicle Lengthening
That will only fix him physically. Then he will need extensive therapy to recover from his traumatic past of being a truecel. Him and I are the only actual incels on this website. Everyone else is a bdd mentalcel.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: SOS-Sonic, Titbot and DivineBeing
@DivineBeing is a permatruecel until he gets:

  • MSE : +10 mm upper intermolar
  • Teeth Alignment : fix dental crowding & mandibular dental arch broadening
  • Neurocranial Narrowization : −10 mm head width ( narrows the neurocranium only & doesn’t narrow zygomas & doesn’t narrow zygomatic processes )
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Forward Cranium : +25 mm anterior skull length (moves the maxilla with it)
  • OBO : +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygorbital Expansion : +7.5 mm PFL & +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygomatic Breadth Reduction : −25 mm bizygomatic breadth on fronts (to compensate for +30 mm bizygomatic breadth due to orbital separation & due to orbit width expansion) & −2.5 mm bizygomatic breadth on processes
  • Le Fort 1 Impaction : −5 mm face length
  • Le Fort 2 : +25 mm maxilla–midface advancement
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible : +25 mm mandibular body length
  • Sagittal Mandible Jaw Rami Thickening : +15 mm side profile view ramus bones’ width & unchanged mandible length
  • Genioplasty : +10 mm chin projection & consequently +10 mm mandibular body length
  • 15º Degrees Counter-Clockwise Double-Jaw Rotation
  • Custom Wrap-Around Jaw Implant : +7.5 mm jaw width & +10 mm chin breadth
  • Glabellar Forwardization : +12.5 mm glabellar forwardness
  • Supraorbital Forwardization : +7.5 mm brow ridge prominence
  • Medial Canthoplasty : +2.5 mm PFL
  • Lateral Canthoplasty: +2.5 mm PFL
  • Rhinoplasty : Mongoloid nose → Caucasoid nose ( +10 mm radix\nasion projection & more changes )
  • Lip Lift : −5 mm philtrum length & +5 mm chin height
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Paranasal Augmentation
  • Infraorbital Implants
  • Eyebrows Lowering, Bilateral Lengthening, Positive-Tilting, Thickening, and Densification
  • Double Leg Lengthening with Tendon Release for Maximum Extension
  • Aggressive Clavicle Lengthening
That will only fix him physically. Then he will need extensive therapy to recover from his traumatic past of being a truecel. Him and I are the only actual incels on this website. Everyone else is a bdd mentalcel.
Btw I'm unsure whether I need the OBO and MSE anymore. I think the rest should be enough?

I also don't want to overstress the orbital area with the OBO I fear that recovery will otherwise too long.

But good summary

It's quite a laundry list going to take $200k and 3 years of my life i reckon
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7725
Either i must be blind or you guys are over exagerating, im srs when i say that i didnt see any clear flaws in his face when i saw his picture. im out of this convo though, ive said what i wanted to say.
Btw I'm unsure whether I need the OBO and MSE anymore. I think the rest should be enough?

But good summary

It's quite a laundry list going to take $200k and 3 years of my life i reckon
all that would take way more than 200 and 3 years lol
how much do you think?
Literally all those surgeries? Even though some can be combined, I'm guessing like a decade and a million bucks or something.
Literally all those surgeries? Even though some can be combined, I'm guessing like a decade and a million bucks or something.
Hm I've gotten some quotes already and it looks like I'll only pay $300k in total?

I'm not doing all of them in the US. I've found some maxfacs/ plastics that specialsie in some of these procedures

South Korea/ Japan is partiuclarly experienced in ostetomies of the midface and its cheaper than in the US
Literally all those surgeries? Even though some can be combined, I'm guessing like a decade and a million bucks or something.
it'd be sad if i paid a million bucks just to stop being incel?

but then again @Titbot paid $200k to go from incel to incel so well i gues some have it worse than others
  • JFL
Reactions: Titbot
Hm I've gotten some quotes already and it looks like I'll only pay $300k in total?

I'm not doing all of them in the US. I've found some maxfacs/ plastics that specialsie in some of these procedures

South Korea/ Japan is partiuclarly experienced in ostetomies of the midface and its cheaper than in the US
Well I'm sure you're not referring to the entire list. You're not doing shit like medial cantho and OBO and orbito-zygo expansion I'm assuming.
  • +1
Reactions: Titbot
Bro I showed you my results. I’m not an incel Jfl. You said my results were good and I only paid 18K. You are just fucking retarded you think Zach Cox looks like shit jfl
it'd be sad if i paid a million bucks just to stop being incel?

but then again @Titbot paid $200k to go from incel to incel so well i gues some have it worse than others
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Hes a retard narcy, he looks like Walmart Zach Cox
Well I'm sure you're not referring to the entire list. You're not doing shit like medial cantho and OBO and orbito-zygo expansion I'm assuming
Bro I showed you my results. I’m not an incel Jfl. You said my results were good and I only paid 18K. You are just fucking retarded you think Zach Cox looks like shit jfl
u only paid $18k?
i have to pay $300k+
what did you all get lol?

just eye area?

i think your jaw as well?

someone said you paid $100k tho were they lying?
  • JFL
Reactions: Titbot
Yeah they were lying. I got eye work, rhino and oto
what did you all get lol?

just eye area?

i think your jaw as well?

someone said you paid $100k tho were they lying?
Yeah they were lying. I got eye work, rhino and oto
who was the surgeon?

was it us?

$18k sounds sus cheap

i have $50k to blast now what should i get?

maybe just LL?
who was the surgeon?

was it us?

$18k sounds sus cheap

i have $50k to blast now what should i get?

maybe just LL?
You need to find a surgeon who will do cranioplasty on you
Your Brain is recessed

my 3d to 2d spatial transformation ability is 2 SD below average

this puts my spatial intelligence at almost 2SD below my general intelligence as well

even something about my bain is recessed too
  • JFL
Reactions: Titbot
Good Looking = Flirt
Ugly = Creep
No woman wants their stock lowered by fucking with a loser.


Women don't get wet over Bezos because he has bad/mediocre public image
guess why he had a bad public image, its because he is a bald subhuman manlet, so only way to improve his image is to looksmax or statusmax even more.
It's about perceived social ladder position. It just so happens that good looking people are usually on top of it. Best thing a person can do is to look higher on social ladder. You need to look influential, at least within your community. There is a reason why most erotic literature for women have a clear power dominance - boss/assistant, etc. There is a reason why women prefer to be dominated in bed (this one is mostly biological though, not much you can do. thankfully average guy is bigger than average girl)

Best thing you can do is moneymax, become more influential, be assertive/dominant, and not show too much interest. Then once you get a girl, let her admire you. It should almost be like mentor/student dynamic

And obviously, looks matter, but only because they back up your social status and serve as proof for it.
You don't even need Money.

Women are hard wired to want the "cool kids". Remember High School?

FaceBook is like this, or Instagram, etc. If you have a lot of people liking and commenting on the stupid retard shit you post on FaceBook and notice the same girl always jumping in to join in the retarded fun, she thinks you're a "cool kid" and you have Status.

Everyone has losers on their social media that people just make fun of, they post lame shit, are ugly, they attention seek, vaguebook, etc etc that post lifey , deep shit and get 2 likes. But I post something about literal bullshit and get 50 reactions and a thread of comments.

Have lots of friends in life? Are you popular? Do people gravitate toward you? This is attractive to women, because they want a guy that has status in the social circle that will in turn give them status. No woman wants their stock lowered by fucking with a loser. If people found out that she fucked you, she would be like "hell yeah I fucked him". If you hook up with a girl and she doesn't want you to tell anyone, than you are a loser. Like the fact that she let you finger her and she sucked your dick is something she doesn't want to get're a loser.

If you go on a date and she wants to put selfies of you both together on FB, it's because she wants to be seen with you because you're GL.

I have hooked up with weird looking girls, word "leaked" and it lowered my stock. Other girls I associate with or just know in passing are like "did you really do that shit with (so and so)" and it was awkward, like they thought less of me. Some of them kinda stopped talking to me.

Ever see questionable comments on a girls FB shit, from loser fat beardo dudes? And it turned you off to them? Like her and some dad bod uggo guy are bantering or flirting and you're like "wow ok" and you lose interest.....that's that girls social stock dropping to you. You are who you fuck with.

Girls don't brag or want to show off uggo loser guys.

Would you want to show off a subhuman girl? OK let me post a date selfie with a fat uggo chick, I'll probably get fucked with. If you don't enhance a good looking girls resume they don't wanna fuck with you. Even if you're being used as a rebound, to make other guys jealous, etc. who gives a fuck as long as it's fun. Girls don't use ugly dudes to make anyone jealous.
not wrong, but being gl is almost a pre-requisite to having status when you are young, unless you are a top-tier athlete or something else that is highly valued that others around you don't have

and also the more gl you are the easier it is to maintain and increase your status
  • +1
Reactions: DivineBeing and Deleted member 16552
It's easier to pay for some surgeries and to looksmax than to moneymax and statusmax, that's how it is.
  • +1
Reactions: DivineBeing
not wrong, but being gl is almost a pre-requisite to having status when you are young, unless you are a top-tier athlete or something else that is highly valued that others around you don't have

and also the more gl you are the easier it is to maintain and increase your status
100% , being good looking is a valuable asset. Being a GL male gives you options. Even non-sexual shit. Women will go out of their way to do shit for you even if they don't want to fuck you , are married etc. There's been scientific studies on this.

Get dressed nicely, put product in your hair. Go out shopping or whatever. If you're GL, that is. See how women in your vicinity act around you. That's the Status of being a good looking guy. If you're fit, don't look like a shitbag, have a decent face, dress the part, etc you'll be treated accordingly.

Subhuman tax is a real thing. It's like these people are invisible.

You don't even have to be Chad, just be Good Looking.

Granted you ain't gonna be every women's type. I'm far from being the handsomest guy around , I'm nowhere near a Chad or Chadlite but I'm at best a High Tier Normie. However I have blond hair, blue eyes, I'm fit with good proportions and I'm 6'4" so this is the status I get. I stay in my lane. I'll get mogged by actual legit handsome, tall , genetically gifted guys but I don't generally play at Stacy level. I know my role. I'm in solid mid to high tier Becky Status. I may dip down to low tier Becky. I don't give a fuck.

I may be nearly invisible to Stacy but I get checked out by Becky all the time , and I rarely don't at least get a date from a single one I ask out. Do I always get action? Or a 2nd date? Fuck no but my Status gets my foot in the door.

Not everyone is the Ace Starter. I know my role as a solid Middle reliever. Becky can't get Chadlite to give her the time of day......or her HTN boyfriend is being a dick or cheated? guess who's sending me a FB message "hey how are you?" Boom , call in the Right hander from the bullpen.

Guys in here getting surgeries and putting poison in their blood to have a chance at "hot" women that will probably play them or mindfuck them, when they may be a low tier Normie that can tighten their physique up , wear a nice sweater and get a spot on Becky's starting Roster. Maybe even #1 on the batting order. Shit ain't rocket science just don't be Autistic and use your Status.

Don't Simp and show strength.

We've all simped, get over it. Learn from it. Don't do it again.

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