It's been 5 days already without being able to eat properly



The forum just went down baby, down
Aug 21, 2018
I have gingivitis (a very, very big one) + stomatitis + mouth sores (big ones) + 3 of my wisdom teeth are trying to get out, all this caused by my past viral tonsilitis (except for the wisdom teeth, that's a coincidence JFL)

I have an unbearable pain in my mouth and due to pain I literally cannot eat properly (things like potatoes, MEAT, anything above mid hard is too painful to eat), I've been eat mostly liquids (and even those are painful to swallow) and soft foods (again I need to eat them very slowly because they hurt too) and I cannot do proper dieting.

I want this to fucking end already (the wisdom teeth thingy isn't going to end anytime soon sadly) because I feel like fucking shit, dieting is too legit
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But at least you don't have oneitis

I had this problem after removing my wisdom tooth. I could't sleep for 2 days cause of the pain then couldnt eat for 5 days. I only ate yogurt. Fucking yogurt. I couldn't even eat fried potatoes.
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things will be better on the other side
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JFL no comment,are you lifting atleast
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I have gingivitis (a very, very big one) + stomatitis + mouth sores (big ones) + 3 of my wisdom teeth are trying to get out, all this caused by my past viral tonsilitis (except for the wisdom teeth, that's a coincidence JFL)

I have an unbearable pain in my mouth and due to pain I literally cannot eat properly (things like potatoes, MEAT, anything above mid hard is too painful to eat), I've been eat mostly liquids (and even those are painful to swallow) and soft foods (again I need to eat them very slowly because they hurt too) and I cannot do proper dieting.

I want this to fucking end already (the wisdom teeth thingy isn't going to end anytime soon sadly) because I feel like fucking shit, dieting is too legit
Sounds like a bad immune system tbh. Take multivitamins and have good genetics bro!
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Sounds like a bad immune system tbh. Take multivitamins and have good genetics bro!
No, I've been a fucking rock for a year but the viral tonsilitis literally blew off my defenses for real (I had 40ºC of fever) and I my wisdom teeth got out at the same time so a shitload of illnesses got into me, thi has nothing to do with good genetics or vitamins because I am taking vitamin A, magnessium, vitamin D (very sunny in Spain) and 1l of orange juice (C) per day and I'm getting better but I still have this shit
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No, I've been a fucking rock for a year but the viral tonsilitis literally blew off my defenses for real (I had 40ºC of fever) and I my wisdom teeth got out at the same time so a shitload of illnesses got into me, thi has nothing to do with good genetics or vitamins because I am taking vitamin A, magnessium, vitamin D (very sunny in Spain) and 1l of orange juice (C) per day and I'm getting better but I still have this shit
Go to the hospital man jesus. You're sick as fuck
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I pray for u. It is time to realign your chakras. Correct ur vibrational frequencies n shit.
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Go to the hospital man jesus. You're sick as fuck
Already went + dentist, I'm on medication and I got an x-ray (due to wisdom teeth, looking at the x-ray I think 1 of them may need to be extratec but tomorrow I'll know for sure
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Already went + dentist, I'm on medication and I got an x-ray (due to wisdom teeth, looking at the x-ray I think 1 of them may need to be extratec but tomorrow I'll know for sure
with xray u can get cancer now
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Have you thought about FBT?
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